joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
and he's all like "wow, free music"
i haven't been paying much attention, but how is this any different than what happened with Napster and Kazaa? isn't the RIAA or whatever going to go after Limewire users too? 2/11/2007 2:17:48 PM |
Mindstorm All American 15858 Posts user info edit post |
Yes. As soon as they can make a big enough scene about it. 2/11/2007 2:18:29 PM |
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
hm. okay im kind of clueless about P2P filesharing.
are you saying that the RIAA hasnt yet come after Limewire users, but are going to?
how? does the RIAA set up "honeypots" then trace the IP addresses of anyone who DL's files from them? and that would have to require cooperation from your home ISP, wouldnt it? 2/11/2007 2:24:36 PM |
The Coz Tempus Fugitive 26360 Posts user info edit post |
LimeWire is older than KaZaA, dude. It uses the Gnutella network. 2/11/2007 2:29:43 PM |
qntmfred retired 40848 Posts user info edit post |
for seriously 2/11/2007 2:35:07 PM |
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
so why arent Limewire users being targeted? 2/11/2007 3:09:20 PM |
The Coz Tempus Fugitive 26360 Posts user info edit post |
They're fighting a losing battle and wasting a lot of money. They target whatever network has the highest profile at the time.
[Edited on February 11, 2007 at 3:18 PM. Reason : ] 2/11/2007 3:18:07 PM |
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
oh, so is there a higher profile P2P network than Limewire? 2/11/2007 3:20:34 PM |
8=======D Suspended 588 Posts user info edit post |
pretty sure its bit torrent at the moment 2/11/2007 3:27:17 PM |
RevoltNow All American 2640 Posts user info edit post |
limewire has an option where you can turn off legal sharing. it seems like a way to cover their ass without restricting actual user access. 2/11/2007 9:01:12 PM |
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
^ ok, i guess i understand that, they're keeping themselves (Limewire) from being shut down the way Napster was.
but from what i understand, Kazaa was out of reach of RIAA's legal arm, so they went after the individuals using Kazaa and filed lawsuits against them. you know, the 80 year old grandmothers and shit like that.
whats keeping them from doing the same thing to Limewire users? 2/11/2007 10:00:32 PM |
BigBlueRam All American 16852 Posts user info edit post |
so, in other words, you just found out about limewire and are wondering what your chances are to get in trouble for using it? 2/11/2007 10:40:55 PM |
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
joe tard is more like it
you're not fooling anyone woo hoo you just got lime wire.. wanna cookie?
what you need to know is there is a slim chance you'll be caught but if you do get caught it will sting pretty good.
its like the inverse lottery with a 1/300,000 chance of losing your ass. 2/11/2007 10:49:46 PM |
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
i used Kazaa briefly, a long time ago, then dropped it for all the spyware problems. after that, i heard about all the supposed lawsuits. So really never got into the the whole music collection thing.
Now my coworker doesnt think the RIAA can get him if he doesnt "share" music files back. I was trying to tell him i think they can, but i dont know enough about it
sorry if if you think im a retard. 2/11/2007 10:57:32 PM |
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
i'm just picking
actually this may be complete bull but i heard if you don't share all they can do is charge you for the songs you have if you do share they can charge you for the eleventy billion people you could have shared it with too. 2/11/2007 10:59:38 PM |
statefan24 All American 9157 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "sorry if if you think im a retard." |
2/11/2007 11:16:21 PM |
statefan24 All American 9157 Posts user info edit post |
use oink, apparently you're extreeeeeeemely unlikely to get caught because it is invite only, and no one is going to invite an RIAA person.
[Edited on February 11, 2007 at 11:17 PM. Reason : fsdfdshj] 2/11/2007 11:17:28 PM |
cyrion All American 27139 Posts user info edit post |
^ unless of course they get caught doing something else and use that as a reduced fine/sentence/etc 2/11/2007 11:26:12 PM |
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "actually this may be complete bull but i heard if you don't share all they can do is charge you for the songs you have if you do share they can charge you for the eleventy billion people you could have shared it with too." |
yeah, that's exactly what he was trying to tell me.
I thought he was wrong, only because i seem to remember hearing about all these people who got hit with lawsuits from using Kazaa even though they were basically innocent. But I never really followed it too closely. the whole ripping and burning just never was my thing.
it just became this big discussion at work recently, and everyone has an opinion, but no one seems to really know whats going on.
[Edited on February 11, 2007 at 11:30 PM. Reason : ]2/11/2007 11:29:30 PM |
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
wouldn't it be funny if oink ended up being started by the riaa/miaa 2/12/2007 2:30:23 AM |
joe17669 All American 22728 Posts user info edit post |
Somebody should give me an invitation to Oink
thx 2/12/2007 6:57:12 AM |
Perlith All American 7620 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "it just became this big discussion at work recently, and everyone has an opinion, but no one seems to really know whats going on." |
Thats because you would need a legal expert in this to get a "correct" to this and it'd cost you $200-$400/hr for an opinion. You take a risk if you drive over the speed limit, you do the same with filesharing. How you go about it, and how "smart" you think you are, how much risk you are willing to take while doing it all can be taken into consideration. Regardless, you knowingly take a risk.2/12/2007 7:38:20 AM |