aaronburro Sup, B 53197 Posts user info edit post |
Don't know how, but one of my hard drives decided to crap the bucket yesterday and is giving me tons of read errors. what are the chances that I can pull the data off successfully using MediaTools? I don't think the actual platters are damaged, so has anyone had any success taking the circuitboard off and switching it with another "identical" drive? any suggestions? freezer? 2/20/2007 10:01:27 AM |
Raige All American 4386 Posts user info edit post |
Read errors? Get it some glasses? 2/20/2007 10:14:53 AM |
gs7 All American 2354 Posts user info edit post |
what good will swapping out the circuit board be? if you're getting read errors, that's a platter issue. 2/20/2007 10:17:13 AM |
aaronburro Sup, B 53197 Posts user info edit post |
cause I don't think the platters are damaged. It had about 300 read errors in the first 700 LBA, which makes me think circuit, because a head crash just doesn't seem like the problem, since the drive isn't making any weird noises or anything like that. 2/20/2007 10:25:15 AM |
aaronburro Sup, B 53197 Posts user info edit post |
well, 2.5 hours later, 25% done "copying the data." WD's data lifeguard tools shit does a better job pulling the data off than MediaTools. Kinda surprising. Also, DLT doesn't say there is a problem w/ the drive. wtf, mate... 2/20/2007 10:16:53 PM |
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
doesn't mean that some of the sectors aren't losing data periodically now... 2/21/2007 8:55:54 AM |
aaronburro Sup, B 53197 Posts user info edit post |
hmmm. now there are no read errors when using MediaTools, but the drive still causes Windows to crash, even after a reformat of the drive. weird junk. Oh well, I gots my data off the drive, that's all I wanted. 2/23/2007 1:51:51 PM |
Prospero All American 11662 Posts user info edit post |
sounds like a bad drive possibly circuit related, but i'd also look at your cables... it sounds like you've formatted and are still having issues making me think it's not just a random occurrence.
there is a rare chance it could be chipset driver related as well, i've had read errors there have been directly related to raid chipset drivers, i'd imagine this could happen with onboard ide/sata as well, this could also explain why tools outside of windows aren't having issues reading the drive but windows does.
[Edited on February 23, 2007 at 3:51 PM. Reason : .] 2/23/2007 3:50:54 PM |
aaronburro Sup, B 53197 Posts user info edit post |
well, i initially used a different cable, thinking that might have been the problem. same results. I've been using this drive for quite a while, so I'm rather confused as to why it would be crapping out like this based on drivers. it's all weird 2/23/2007 11:22:38 PM |
bous All American 11215 Posts user info edit post |
might not be the hard drive at all! 2/24/2007 7:49:46 AM |