ModestMouse Suspended 4167 Posts user info edit post |
I guy I work with has asked me for help in selecting a personal laptop for his home. He sent me the following message in an email:
Quote : | "I hope to buy one soon. It'll be my home computer until I have the office built in the garage next year...
QUESTION: Any helpful hints on selecting one? Necessary features, Best brands, etc???" |
I think the guy just basically wants something low cost but effective. Probably a few of the "extras" (cd burner,wireless etc) but not a highly customized machine that runs 3K. Some suggestions please? I ask because I use macs and I doubt the guy will want to switch operating systems3/7/2007 7:47:58 AM |
duro982 All American 3088 Posts user info edit post |
you can run windows on a mac. plus anything new from dell or gateway will probably ship with Vista on it, though not completely new it will be different.
Why don't you just tell him that you're not familiar with PCs and that he should seek advice elsewhere instead of giving him info you can't really vouch for?
if he is just going to use at home I would ask him if he has seriously considered his need for a laptop. He'll get more from a desktop for less and it will be easier to upgrade in the future. A lot of people just want a laptop even though they don't really have the need for it nor plan to utilize their benefits. Not to say that's necessarily the case in this situation.
that being said; any standard, run of the mill gateway or dell (inspiron) would probably be fine for him.
the features you mentioned are pretty standard these days
[Edited on March 7, 2007 at 8:43 AM. Reason : .] 3/7/2007 8:24:31 AM |
SkankinMonky All American 3344 Posts user info edit post |
I like all the HP laptops that I've used/bought. I always had nightmares with reinstalling windows/drivers on the dells due to some weird shit they use. HP was always streamlined. 3/7/2007 9:55:34 AM |
sumfoo1 soup du hier 41043 Posts user info edit post |
i boycott dell due to their adware policies 3/7/2007 10:18:54 AM |
Specter All American 6575 Posts user info edit post |
Get a thinkpad t60p 3/7/2007 5:33:50 PM |
smoothcrim Universal Magnetic! 18971 Posts user info edit post |
cheap dell or thinkpad (cost or quality) 3/7/2007 5:51:46 PM |
duro982 All American 3088 Posts user info edit post |
^^2k dollar laptop
i work on both dells and gateway almost daily at work and don't have any problems with their drivers.
[Edited on March 7, 2007 at 6:03 PM. Reason : ^] 3/7/2007 5:55:00 PM |
Scuba Steve All American 6931 Posts user info edit post |
Dell Inspiron E1705
where else can you get a gaming rig for about $1k?
[Edited on March 7, 2007 at 6:00 PM. Reason : .] 3/7/2007 5:59:48 PM |
richthofen All American 15758 Posts user info edit post |
Thinkpad if you want durability. Very well built, rugged, and reliable. They're not cheap, but you can probably get out the door for a reasonable amount of money if you don't load up on extra features. 3/7/2007 7:29:29 PM |
Perlith All American 7620 Posts user info edit post |
Dell/Gateway are lowest cost and most customizable. Customer service ranges from terrible to OK. HP/Sony/etc. are mid-range cost. I don't know much about these. Thinkpad is highest cost and best quality (except for maybe the HDs). Customer service is excellent.
As with any merchandise, you get what you pay for. You pay $6 for a toaster, expect $6 of quality from a toaster. You pay $1000 for a Dell, or $1500 or an equivalent ThinkPad ... get what you pay for. 3/7/2007 7:47:03 PM |
boleeo Veteran 390 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Get a thinkpad t60p" |
I have a $6 toaster, it sucks3/7/2007 8:26:35 PM |
ComputerGuy (IN)Sensitive 5052 Posts user info edit post |
get a starter mac 3/7/2007 11:51:20 PM |
gforce All American 2107 Posts user info edit post |
Thinkpad or Mac....the rest is junk !!
[Edited on March 8, 2007 at 11:07 AM. Reason : .] 3/8/2007 11:06:21 AM |
ComputerGuy (IN)Sensitive 5052 Posts user info edit post |
^ agreed. 3/8/2007 12:25:09 PM |
rynop All American 829 Posts user info edit post |
Thinkpad but you'll pay for it. I'm not too happy with the new lenovo line however. 3/8/2007 1:32:58 PM |
ncsuapex SpaceForRent 37776 Posts user info edit post |
DON'T!!! recommend a laptop, you'll just end up getting blame if they don't like it, or you'll be doing "customer support" because you "know all about the laptop". You'll hate yourself after the 10000's time he comes to you to fix something or to explain a feature or some other bullshit. 3/8/2007 1:46:45 PM |
Scuba Steve All American 6931 Posts user info edit post |
Hey, I run BF 2142 perfectly on high settings on my Dell E1705. Its well made, durable (I've dropped it three times on its own and it rides shotgun in my backpack with books). Ive owned 5 laptops and I can honestly say this is the best quality laptop I've ever had. Dell has earned my business. 3/8/2007 4:27:28 PM |