mdpaintbal Veteran 202 Posts user info edit post |
I'm not sure if this fits under tech talk or automotive, so I am going to double post.
My truck is running 2 12" w3 subwoofers, with a Rockford amplifier. The amplifier is about 3 years old, that is why I am unsure of the model number. The subs are about 1/2-1 year old. The system use to bump loud as hell, but lately, it has been performing about 1/4 to 1/2 of the way it use to. It sounds like someone is behind me with a subwoofers as well, or that the windows are up in a small cabbed truck, having no air flow.
This happens especially in cold weather. Whenever it is around 75-80 degrees outside, I can usually turn up the volume loud enough to get the subs to "come back on." It will fluctuate for a while before it starts to hit, and will usually stay at its normal level. I've noticed this problem since about November, and have just been to lazy to check it out. However, I've messed with the wiring, and it does not seem to help any. If anyone knows what the problem is, I would appreciate to know. I just don't want to take it in to an audio place, since they would charge out the ass probably. I hooked up the system myself, so it is not too hard to explain to me what needs to be done. Thanks 4/10/2007 3:42:24 PM |
pilgrimshoes Suspended 63151 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "so I am going to double post." |
that's a bad start to a post.4/10/2007 3:52:11 PM |
mdpaintbal Veteran 202 Posts user info edit post |
lol, I know, I realize it should be in here more then automotive, so I didn't. 4/10/2007 4:37:04 PM |
Clevelander All American 4640 Posts user info edit post |
Sounds to me like it's the battery. How old is it? 4/10/2007 6:19:05 PM |
jtmartin All American 4116 Posts user info edit post |
i was gonna guess a loose ground wire, but you said you checked them 4/10/2007 6:46:43 PM |
tchenku midshipman 18594 Posts user info edit post |
mine did that when I cared enough to bump it
I just figured it was a "warm-up time" issue because it always started hitting hard after a little driving/sub usage
[Edited on April 10, 2007 at 7:07 PM. Reason : yes more prominent in the cold] 4/10/2007 7:07:00 PM |
Hurley Suspended 7284 Posts user info edit post |
are you getting any distortion? or is it just the volume level that has deteriorated? 4/10/2007 7:35:27 PM |
Russ1331 All American 1185 Posts user info edit post |
Just ask maximadriver I am pretty sure whatever the problem is even if its a random wierd problem he can help you figure it out... he is awesome 4/10/2007 8:51:02 PM |
mdpaintbal Veteran 202 Posts user info edit post |
I was thinking it was the battery. I'm not sure how old it is honestly. I bought the truck in 2005, haven't changed the battery since. It is a 2002 model, so the battery is probably 5 years old, my guess. 4/11/2007 3:16:50 AM |
Mattallica All American 6512 Posts user info edit post |
if I could look at it and mess with it I could probably help you with it
are the subs shifting while driving? are the subs wired inside the box? if so how sure are you of the connection?
Once I was going through the same thing and the subs were wired together inside the box.
i would once again check every single connection, if you have access to a multimeter you should meter it while idling 4/11/2007 6:30:39 AM |
mdpaintbal Veteran 202 Posts user info edit post |
Yea, I think whenever it gets warm again on the weekends, I'm going to go over the connections once again.
To answer Hurley, yea, the subs are distorted. Like I said, when my windows are fully down, it sounds like my windows are fully up. I'm in a single cab truck, so when the windows are fully up, the airflow is horrible, and it sounds like that now whenever the windows are down as well. Also, the loudness is low. 4/11/2007 3:28:50 PM |