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 Message Boards » » Another Gov't false flag attack may be imminent Page [1] 2 3, Next  
9434 Posts
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As you are probably aware, the Jewish establishment media hacks are putting out propaganda about how al Kida is "gaining strength" and now at a "pre-9/11 level." Dual Israeli citizen Michael Chertoff recently said he has a "gut feeling" that an attack is coming. And Senator Rick Santorum recently alluded to attacks coming in the near future.

All of this indicates that the Jewish establishment is planning another false flag attack to be blamed on muslims, "al Qaeda", or possibly Iran.,0,2190289.story

Quote :
"Homeland Security chief warns of 'increased risk’

Chertoff bases 'gut feeling' on history, Al Qaeda statements

By E.A. Torriero
Tribune staff reporter
Published July 11, 2007

Fearing complacency among the American people over possible terror threats, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said in Chicago Tuesday that the nation faces a heightened chance of an attack this summer.

"I believe we are entering a period this summer of increased risk," Chertoff told the Chicago Tribune's editorial board in an unusually blunt and frank assessment of America's terror threat level."

Quote :
"Santorum Suggests New Terror Attacks Will Change View Of War

Former Senator predicts "unfortunate events" within a year that will alter perceptions

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Saturday, July 7, 2007

In an alarming display of fearmongering, former Republican Senator Rick Santorum has suggested that a series of "unfortunate events," namely terrorist attacks, will occur within the next year and change American citizen's perception of the war.

Appearing on the Hugh Hewitt radio show, Santorum also hyped the necessity of "confronting Iran in the Middle East," and predicted that Giuliani, Romney and Tommy Thompson would be the three surviving Republican candidates who would go head to head in the race for the nomination.

Santorum went on to clearly imply that terror attacks will occur inside America which will alter the body politic and lead to a reversal of the anti-war sentiment now dominating the country.

"Between now and November, a lot of things are going to happen, and I believe that by this time next year, the American public’s going to have a very different view of this war, and it will be because, I think, of some unfortunate events, that like we’re seeing unfold in the UK. But I think the American public’s going to have a very different view," said the former senator from Pennsylvania.

Is Santorum expressing foreknowledge of some coming atrocity or is he merely using a tactic familiar to the leadership of his party - exploiting the fear of terror for the purposes of political rhetoric?

Last month, the new chairman of the Arkansas Republican Party Dennis Milligan said that there needed to be more attacks on American soil for President Bush to regain popular approval."

Quote :
"Al-Qaeda regaining strength

By Katherine Shrader and Matthew Lee
The Associated Press

Washington - U.S. intelligence analysts have concluded al-Qaeda has rebuilt its operating capability to a level not seen since just before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, The Associated Press has learned."

7/12/2007 12:36:19 PM

All American
6651 Posts
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if I shit, did the government conspire that to happen?

7/12/2007 12:40:23 PM

9434 Posts
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strawman argument!!

7/12/2007 12:42:30 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18121 Posts
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Just out of curiosity, has there ever been a real, non-government-involvement terrorist attack?

7/12/2007 12:44:23 PM

All American
6651 Posts
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fuck that, is there such thing as a government? Or is it an alien conspiracy to setup something that seems like a government?

7/12/2007 12:48:49 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Just out of curiosity, has there ever been a real, non-government-involvement terrorist attack?"

Of course. But almost all of the major attacks (eg, Oklahoma City, '93 WTC attack, 9/11, 7/7 London bombing, etc) have been government-sponsored false flag attacks.

There are some real "terrorists"...many of which are the result of U.S. intervention and bad foreign policy (eg, the debacle and illegal invasion & occupation of Iraq). But when you think about it, many of these people are not "terrorists" (ie, to be viewed in the pejorative sense) as much as they are "freedom fighters" or "patriots". As in the case of Iraqis resisting the U.S. invasion & occupation, they are legitimately resisting and fighting.

7/12/2007 12:53:22 PM

All American
6651 Posts
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so America is the terrorist?

7/12/2007 12:55:54 PM

All American
2793 Posts
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your such an idiot

7/12/2007 12:58:22 PM

Forgetful Jones
147751 Posts
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salisburyboy according to the episode of South Park I watched last night...all the 9/11 conspiracy websites are run by the govt...the govt encourages your skepticism...the 9/11 conspiracy is a govt conspiracy

7/12/2007 12:58:58 PM

All American
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^thats true actually...

my uncle bart works for the CIA...he told me

7/12/2007 1:00:59 PM

9434 Posts
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U.S. Gov't funds "Al Qaeda" group to attack Iran

Quote :
"Bush sanctions 'black ops' against Iran

By Tim Shipman in Washington, Sunday Telegraph

President George W Bush has given the CIA approval to launch covert "black" operations to achieve regime change in Iran, intelligence sources have revealed.

Mr Bush has signed an official document endorsing CIA plans for a propaganda and disinformation campaign intended to destabilise, and eventually topple, the theocratic rule of the mullahs.


However, the CIA is giving arms-length support, supplying money and weapons, to an Iranian militant group, Jundullah, which has conducted raids into Iran from bases in Pakistan.

Iranian officials say they captured 10 members of Jundullah last weekend, carrying $500,000 in cash along with "maps of sensitive areas" and "modern spy equipment"."

So just who is this "Jundullah"??

Quote :
"Jundullah (Army of God) is a militant Islamic organization that is based in Balochistan and affiliated with Al-Qaeda. It is a part of the Baloch insurgency in Pakistan and in Iran's Sistan and Baluchistan Province. The goal of the group is to form an independent and united Baluchistan. Jundallah claims that it has 1,000 fighters and has killed Iranian soldiers. The group has been identified as a terrorist organization by Iran and Pakistan."

Quote :
"U.S. Government Uses Al-Qaeda To Attack Iran

Paul Joseph Watson & Steve Watson
Prison Planet
Monday, May 28, 2007


A cruel irony exists whereby anyone and everyone who opposes military occupation is smeared as an Al-Qaeda terrorist and yet the only real Al-Qaeda terrorists are being bankrolled, armed and directed by the CIA itself, with Bush's explicit approval.


In reality, Al-Qaeda only exists within intelligence circles coordinated by the highest echelons of the U.S. government, and is being used yet again as a tool for destabilization in nations targeted for regime change by the Neo-Cons."

[Edited on July 12, 2007 at 1:11 PM. Reason : 1]

7/12/2007 1:09:46 PM

All American
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God your a moron

freakin moron

7/12/2007 1:10:54 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"so America is the terrorist?"

Criminal elements controlling the U.S. Government (ie, Jewish elites...connected to the "Israeli Lobby" and international banking) are the real terrorists.

7/12/2007 1:13:30 PM

All American
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holy cow

this blows my mind...youre such an idiot


7/12/2007 1:15:23 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"25 Rules of Disinformation


2. Become incredulous and indignant. Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues which can be used show the topic as being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct group or theme. This is also known as the "How dare you!" gambit.


5. Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary attack the messenger ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as "kooks", "right-wing", "liberal", "left-wing", "terrorists", "conspiracy buffs", "radicals", "militia", "racists", "religious fanatics", "sexual deviates", and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.


18. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad Opponents. If you can't do anything else, chide and taunt your opponents and draw them into emotional responses which will tend to make them look foolish and overly motivated, and generally render their material somewhat less coherent. Not only will you avoid discussing the issues in the first instance, but even if their emotional response addresses the issue, you can further avoid the issues by then focusing on how "sensitive they are to criticism". "

7/12/2007 1:17:47 PM

Forgetful Jones
147751 Posts
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Quote :
"Avoid discussing key issues "

uh, salisburyboy...

7/12/2007 1:19:05 PM

All American
2793 Posts
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what a freakin moron

are you people seeing this??!?!

what an idiot!!

7/12/2007 1:20:29 PM

9434 Posts
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The government could NEVER carry out a false flag attack...

Quote :
"U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba

By David Ruppe
NEW YORK, May 1, 2001

In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.

Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.

The plans were developed as ways to trick the American public and the international community into supporting a war to oust Cuba's then new leader, communist Fidel Castro. "

"Hijacking planes" and "orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities"??

Hmmmmm. That sounds familiar.

7/12/2007 1:23:24 PM

All American
2599 Posts
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Quote :
"al Kida"

Didn't Al Gore's kid get busted for speeding in a Prius?

7/12/2007 1:25:35 PM

All American
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7/12/2007 1:27:17 PM

All American
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did you just completely give up on your "European Israelites (aka Germans) being Persecuted" thread?

have you lost the ability or interest to defend your ridiculous positions?

7/12/2007 1:33:48 PM

All American
2793 Posts
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he quit on the nazi!!?!?!

OMG ....


7/12/2007 1:35:25 PM

Forgetful Jones
147751 Posts
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salisburyboy is a govt-run TWW account used to make people skeptical of conspiracy theories so that they can perpetuate other conpspiracy theories without fear of being caught

7/12/2007 1:38:42 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Dual Israeli citizen Michael Chertoff "

And that right there (among many other reasons) is why no one here in SB takes you seriuosly. First of all, Chertoff was born in the U.S. and lived here all his life. Second, there's no such thing as a dual citizenship in the U.S. When you immigrate to the U.S. and get your U.S. citizenship, you renounce all ties to any foreign governments. "But Alex", you say, "he could've hid the fact that he was a dual citizen." If he had, the Democrats would've dug it up when he got his oppointment as the head of the Department of Homeland Security.

7/12/2007 1:51:09 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"did you just completely give up on your "European Israelites (aka Germans) being Persecuted" thread?"

No. I'll be posting again in that thread.

7/12/2007 1:54:44 PM

All American
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^ Will it involve more links/copying and pasting or will you actually reply to the arguments presented against your position? I think I know the answer to that one.

7/12/2007 1:57:25 PM

All American
6651 Posts
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Kyle: So America wasn't responsible for 9/11?
Stan: No.
Kyle: Then who was?
Stan: What? Really? A bunch of pissed of Muslims.

7/12/2007 2:03:39 PM

All American
9053 Posts
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Quote :
"As you are probably aware, the Jewish establishment media hacks are putting out propaganda about how al Kida is "gaining strength" and now at a "pre-9/11 level." "

I don't understand why they would even want to propogate a rumor like that......if al qaeda was back to pre 9/11 wouldn't that mean that the war isn't working? Why would they spread a rumor of further failure to gain support.

7/12/2007 2:06:16 PM

387 Posts
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why can't anyone suspend this fag

7/12/2007 2:12:40 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"First of all, Chertoff was born in the U.S. and lived here all his life."

Chertoff's mother was an Israeli citizen, and under Israeli law, any child born to an Israeli citizen is also an Israeli citizen.

Quote :
"Chertoff was born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, the son of Rabbi Gershon Baruch Chertoff, the former leader of the B'nai Israel Congregation in Elizabeth, and El Al flight attendant Livia Chertoff"

Quote :
"Second, there's no such thing as a dual citizenship in the U.S."

False. There IS such a thing. If not, why would the USDOJ have a policy on dual citizens?

Quote :
""But Alex", you say, "he could've hid the fact that he was a dual citizen." If he had, the Democrats would've dug it up when he got his oppointment as the head of the Department of Homeland Security"

Lmao. The democrats are on the same team as the republicans. Both parties are controlled by the powers-that-be (ie, Jewish establishment), and the parties are really one big super-party masquerading as "opposition" parties in order to perpetuate the scam. This is why, for instance, the democrats are actually in favor of the Iraq war (as well as attacking Iran), and why the republicans support giving amnesty to illegals and do nothing to stop the open borders problem.

7/12/2007 2:18:01 PM

Forgetful Jones
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you do realize that basically everyone on TWW thinks 99% of your theories are complete garbage, dont you?

7/12/2007 2:20:59 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
"All of this indicates that the Jewish establishment is planning another false flag attack to be blamed on muslims, "al Qaeda", or possibly Iran."

This is the level of your lunacy. If a terrorist attack is possible say that you know about it and that its a government conspiracy. If it doesn't happen, simply explain that it would have happened if you hadn't posted about it on the internet.

Quote :
"But almost all of the major attacks (eg, Oklahoma City, '93 WTC attack, 9/11, 7/7 London bombing, etc) have been government-sponsored false flag attacks."

Let me remind you that you have never proven any of this, even after devoting long and rambling threads to them. If you're going to state something as fact, then please prove it first.

Quote :
""Hijacking planes" and "orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities"??"

Geez, the only thing that you can do when questioned is point to Operation Northwoods - a plan that was created and then roundly rejected by civilian leadership within government. If the government were actively involved in carrying out domestic terrorism, don't you think that they would have kept Northwoods secret?

It is a red herring that has nothing to do with modern terrorism.

Quote :
"The democrats are on the same team as the republicans. Both parties are controlled by the powers-that-be (ie, Jewish establishment), and the parties are really one big super-party masquerading as "opposition" parties in order to perpetuate the scam."

Not a great big super-party! Think about what you just said and then let the level of stupidity settle in. At least you didn't do the salisburyboy classic of calling them "two sides of the same coin" - which incidentally you ripped off from Alex Jones.

I just took a peak at prisonplanet and it looks like you pulled most of these links from one article. Looks like you're still incapable of independent thought. Carry on.

BTW, I didn't realize that you ripped off "al CIA-duh" from Alex Jones too.

7/12/2007 2:23:27 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"why can't anyone suspend this fag"

"To attempt to silence a man is to pay him homage, for it is an acknowledgement that his arguments are both impossible to answer and impossible to ignore. The reason men are silenced is not because they speak falsely, but because they speak the truth. This is because if men speak falsehoods, their own words can be used against them; while if they speak truly, there is nothing which can be used against them -- except force."

"Ask not if I am a conspiracy theorist, a racist, a bigot, a hater, a nazi or an anti-semite. Ask only if I am RIGHT."

--JBR Yant

7/12/2007 2:28:20 PM

4725 Posts
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Jeez, salisburyboy is still around? I go away for a couple months and this guy is still at it with the conspiracies.

Quote :
"I don't understand why they would even want to propogate a rumor like that......if al qaeda was back to pre 9/11 wouldn't that mean that the war isn't working? Why would they spread a rumor of further failure to gain support."

You know, when I read that report this morning, I first thought to myself that I am not surprised that this is happening. Then, I thought about Santorum and Chertoff (independently of this thread) as I caught an NPR clip with Bush saying we'll fight al qaeda wherever they are and it dawned on me that, this administration is so draconian, so secretive, and soooo (said in a valley girl voice for strange effect) not caring about the United States, that it wouldn't surprise me in the least little bit for them to let the news come out that al qaeda is gaining in strength again, all the way back to 9/11 levels. Think about it. They aren't going to change their strategy in Iraq, no matter how shitty their approval ratings are. Congress is too much of a pussy to pull the purse strings. So what better way to try and get your man elected to the United States throne in 08 than to go back to the old fear tactics that got them the Partriot Act and everything else they wanted in the first place. It's much easier to stick with something tried and true, paint the Democrats as the coward party and continue with the "a terrorist attack will happen if they are in power" scare tactics, especially when the American people, and the Democrats, haven't shown enough resolve or conviction regarding a troop withdrawal. This just oozes Rove. And as long as the economy stays strong through 08, this is exactly how the GOP is going to play it. They don't even need an attack to happen, just the fearmongering will do the trick.

7/12/2007 2:30:12 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"salisburyboy is a govt-run TWW account used to make people skeptical of conspiracy theories so that the govt can perpetuate other conpspiracy theories without fear of being caught"

7/12/2007 2:31:04 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Oh right, and then when anyone sticks their head in and says something about suspending slaisburyboy he gets to ignore every other argument and post the same tired mindless JBR Yant quote.

I've read JBR Yant's (or J Bryant's) writings and they're easily some of the most idiotic drivel that I have ever seen on the internet.

The opinion piece about how the city council wouldn't let him whip it out and piss in the park while feeding pigeons is my favorite, followed closely by the pigeon obituaries that he writes.

"Ask not if I am a conspiracy theorist, a racist, a bigot, a hater, a nazi or an anti-semite. Ask only if I am RIGHT."

Thats all that I ask - the answer is always no.

[Edited on July 12, 2007 at 2:38 PM. Reason : .]

7/12/2007 2:33:34 PM

All American
2793 Posts
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Quote :

"To attempt to silence a man is to pay him homage, for it is an acknowledgement that his arguments are both impossible to answer and impossible to ignore. The reason men are silenced is not because they speak falsely, but because they speak the truth. This is because if men speak falsehoods, their own words can be used against them; while if they speak truly, there is nothing which can be used against them -- except force."

"Ask not if I am a conspiracy theorist, a racist, a bigot, a hater, a nazi or an anti-semite. Ask only if I am RIGHT."

--JBR Yant




7/12/2007 2:38:05 PM

All American
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Quote :
"False. There IS such a thing. If not, why would the USDOJ have a policy on dual citizens?

I see you didn't bother to actually read the link that you posted. If you read it you would've noticed this

Quote :
"Furthermore, although U.S. policy disfavors dual citizenship, (9) it recognizes that in many cases the status of dual U.S. citizenship may be a function of the laws of another country and is not necessarily a status that an individual may control. (10) See, e.g., Von Dunser, 915 F.2d at 1073 (footnote omitted) ("[D]ual citizenship exists, largely as a result of conflicts in nations' ideas of citizenship. Following the rule that each nation is permitted to determine who its citizens are, American law reluctantly recognizes the existence of dual citizenship in certain cases, even where the party has renounced allegiance to foreign powers.")"

So, I'll admit that you're right and that the U.S. does allow for dual citizenship, but only because other countries' citizenship laws are different from ours... such as the Israeli law that you mentioned, for example. So you yourself have admitted that Chertoff is a dual Israeli citizen on a pure technicality, and his dual citizenship in no way implies that he has any allegiance to the state of Israel, let alone that he would put its interests over those of the U.S. However, when you brought up Chertoff's dual citizenship in the context of your cospiracy theories you certianly implied that it does. So, in affect, you just admitted that you're full of shit, at least on the subject of Michael Chertoff

7/12/2007 2:39:16 PM

Mr. Joshua
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I found J Bryants articles on pissing in public parks:

One of his "most inspired essays" regarding the anniversary of the death of a pigeon:

7/12/2007 2:49:48 PM

Forgetful Jones
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"By merely placing a series of words, phrases, or sentences in both quotation marks and italics, you can appear to make some type of groundbreaking statement, when in reality, you're saying nothing important. It is easy to quote people, since there are many people with many quotes. However many of them are dumb, just like you salisburyboy."

-- T.R.E. Etwista

7/12/2007 2:54:16 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Chertoff is a dual Israeli citizen on a pure technicality, and his dual citizenship in no way implies that he has any allegiance to the state of Israel, let alone that he would put its interests over those of the U.S."

So Chertoff has no allegiance to the Jewish state of Israel? We know for a fact based on other evidence that Chertoff does, in fact, have allegiance to Israel....including putting those interests over that of the U.S.

Quote :
"So, in affect, you just admitted that you're full of shit, at least on the subject of Michael Chertoff"

Not in the least. You wish.

[Edited on July 12, 2007 at 3:07 PM. Reason : 1]

7/12/2007 3:04:36 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
"We know for a fact based on other evidence that Chertoff does, in fact, have allegiance to Israel....including putting those interests over that of the U.S."

When you make statements like that it helps if you include the damning evidence, and stop calling yourself "we" - it makes you sound like a schizophrenic.

Quote :
"Not in the least. You wish."

Although refusing to admit it, you made it very obvious.

7/12/2007 3:18:18 PM

All American
4410 Posts
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Quote :
""By merely placing a series of words, phrases, or sentences in both quotation marks and italics, you can appear to make some type of groundbreaking statement, when in reality, you're saying nothing important. It is easy to quote people, since there are many people with many quotes. However many of them are dumb, just like you salisburyboy."

-- T.R.E. Etwista


Dude, I had to restrain my laughter so that my co-workers wouldn't notice that I'm not doing any work. Great job!

7/12/2007 3:25:52 PM

All American
6651 Posts
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Quote :
""By merely placing a series of words, phrases, or sentences in both quotation marks and italics, you can appear to make some type of groundbreaking statement, when in reality, you're saying nothing important. It is easy to quote people, since there are many people with many quotes. However many of them are dumb, just like you salisburyboy."

-- T.R.E. Etwista"


7/12/2007 3:52:08 PM

122 Posts
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Salisburyboy, kudos!

Don't let them get under your skin. Majority have unleashed ad hominem and strawmen attacks.

7/12/2007 4:15:30 PM

All American
6651 Posts
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^awwwwwww. salisburyboy bought an alias.

7/12/2007 4:17:16 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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^^ Actually a good number of them brought up substantive arguments...

which he immediately ignored.

7/12/2007 4:19:38 PM

122 Posts
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Quote :
""By merely placing a series of words, phrases, or sentences in both quotation marks and italics, you can appear to make some type of groundbreaking statement, when in reality, you're saying nothing important. It is easy to quote people, since there are many people with many quotes. However many of them are dumb, just like you salisburyboy."

-- T.R.E. Etwista

I just quoted you, twista, and this is what you had to say about yourself....

Quote :
"It is easy to quote people, since there are many people with many quotes. However many of them are dumb"

[Edited on July 12, 2007 at 4:21 PM. Reason : ]

7/12/2007 4:20:56 PM

Forgetful Jones
147751 Posts
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haha and here's a quote from "you" from august 06

Quote :
"Salisburyboy, don't let these Zionist sympathizers upset you. We all know that the Holocaust was used as a decisive tool to gain sympathy (as the zionist sympathizers are quite a few here in this thread)."

7/12/2007 4:23:45 PM

122 Posts
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Quote :
"^awwwwwww. salisburyboy bought an alias."

Mr French prostitute, why don't you check the IPs.

7/12/2007 4:24:37 PM

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