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 Message Boards » » cell phone activation fee question - alltel Page [1]  
All American
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i know when you get a brand new phone from alltel they charge an activation fee, but if i bought a used phone will they charge me an activation fee?

7/22/2007 8:40:23 PM

25074 Posts
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if only phone companies had phone numbers so you could call them ask them questions

7/22/2007 8:43:41 PM

All American
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how about waiting on the phone for 20-30 mins for a simple answer that someone should know and can just say it right here

[Edited on July 22, 2007 at 8:45 PM. Reason : arsf]

7/22/2007 8:45:11 PM

32613 Posts
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they've never charged me for this. with verizon I know you can change the IMEI associated with your account online and i've had ppl do it at the alltel store for me several times

7/22/2007 8:57:05 PM

All American
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If you set up a new account, then yes. If you already have their service and just want to switch phones, you can call them, give them the new ESN, and it's done in about 2 minutes. No charge.

7/22/2007 9:12:01 PM

All American
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thx guys.

one more question - can they transfer your numbers over the phone or do i need to go to the store for this?

[Edited on July 22, 2007 at 9:25 PM. Reason : s]

7/22/2007 9:17:29 PM

32613 Posts
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what do you mean transfer your number? if you're activating the phone then it will have your number..

7/22/2007 9:19:44 PM

All American
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contacts, sorry.

7/22/2007 9:25:07 PM

All American
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No, you can't do that remotely. They do that in person, and most stores will charge you a small fee for that. You can do it yourself using a data cable and the right software, but unless you plan on doing it a lot, just go to the alltel store and shell out the 5 bucks or whatever they charge.

7/23/2007 8:40:08 AM

All American
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i can't belive out of all the trouble that i have been through to find a good use moto q, i find that the moto q ph is due very soon maybe alltel will be the last to get it, like it was with the moto q, then it will not be as bad to me.

7/23/2007 3:10:14 PM

All American
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You have Java and I hate you so much. My pocketPC has only .NET, which I know nothing about dev'ing for.

7/23/2007 8:59:00 PM

All American
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from what i read wm 5.0 does not have java and if you want java you have to go though this weird process of installing some ibm websphere everyplace micro enironment, which is a TRIAL dev kit, and there doesn't seem to be a way to buy it, at least on an individual basis.

^ that phone will come with opera mini and java

however when i was at the alltel store i went to the opera mini website and it gave a download link, and it says on the opera mini website that the moto q is supported. that strange when java is not suppose to be on the phone.

[Edited on July 23, 2007 at 11:30 PM. Reason : as]

7/23/2007 11:14:28 PM

All American
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has anyone here tried google maps for mobile, or windows local for mobile? on what device? which is better? please posts pros and cons of each if you will. thx!

[Edited on July 24, 2007 at 9:03 AM. Reason : sdfg]

7/24/2007 9:01:52 AM

All American
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My mini review of the moto q. i know the phone has been out for a while, but this is my first smart phone, and i have spend about 10 hours just messing with everything on the phone and performing dry runs of its features, btw this is mostly about the software, and a few hardware issues.

First off, the alarm clock is a joke. you only have one alarm, unlike my old samsung i could set up to three different alarms. on top of this, you have to navigate AWAY from this screen to TWO different areas of the software to fully customize your one alarm, e.g., volume, ringtone. To add more fuel to the fire, you can't customize the alarm for specific time windows, like m-f for example, it just a daily alarm; so you have to hear your alarm on the weekend unless you navigate through your phone to disable it.

Next up is the sounds in general. typically you should be able to customize a sound right on the same screen where you choose it for whatever feature, e.g., ringtone, alarm, alert, error, etc, but not on the moto q. there is basically a three-step progress of navigating through your settings to accomplish this. yeah, i know ... one more thing, there should be a dedicated toggle for ringer volume, so you should in other words be able to switch from an audible ringer to vibrate or silent with 3 seconds, but not here. i think by now you can guess what you have to do.

the calendar - for this kind of device, the calendar feature is slightly more that adequate. it has monthly and weekly views, and appointment editing can be done right from the home screen. i personally like the weekly view better, since it looks pretty much like and excel sheet with your appointments 'blocked' off and is very easy to read just at an glance. the only down side to the weekly view is that is only displays m-f and not sat and sun; other than that, i like this feature a lot.

the file viewer feature is good for word, excel, and pdf. you can zoom pretty much to the full physical size of the document, and pan it. however, one gripe, is that if you view an excel sheet with multiple sheets, you will only see the first sheet. what a bummer. but this is not too bad, considering.

customization of the homescreen is fair enough. heck, you can easily make you own. its only a custom pic and xml file that you have to create for this, or you could visit for some very good and free home screen designs. i the the 'Just Black' design and i love it. btw, this phone has a lot of dedicated forums and groups.

windows live search (map) is great and is fast and accurate. nothing more to say.

phone doesn't support java progs, unless you go through some convoluted installation of ibm webshpere java examples, which i have yet to do - its a pain.

internet explorer it pretty good, and on the evdo network its fast enough. with that said, overall, the core programs work as they should, e.g., file manager.

active sync works as it should, and is a great way of pulling stuff from your device.

i am not going to talk to much about the phone's look, thats really subjective and means not to much if you are getting this phone for functionality. however, i will mention that the qwerty keyboard is easy to type on and doesn't need time for getting used too. obviously.

well, i have not really messed with the bluetooth, ir connections, trying to use it as a modem, or anything else that would fall in this category, but i soon will. also, it has no wifi, but i don't know how much that matters yet.

out of the box i would give this phone a 7/10
but with a little tweaking, customization, and a few third party apps, this phone has the potential of 8.5/10 easily.

[Edited on August 1, 2007 at 9:46 AM. Reason : daf]

8/1/2007 9:42:29 AM

All American
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i'm waiting for the htc6800...couple of forums have said it'll be in stores around mid-august

8/1/2007 11:41:42 AM

All American
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i am waiting for the moto q9. it should have a lot of things fixed or may be more 'featurish'.

8/1/2007 11:48:46 AM

All American
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using this phone as a modem works absolutely fantastic for something like this. the signal is relatively strong, and it is consistent.

this can even work thru bluetooth, and hooks up even easier than tethering via the usb cable.

[Edited on August 3, 2007 at 6:50 PM. Reason : sr]

8/3/2007 6:49:32 PM

All American
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Alltel in Cary told me it was a $50 charge. They just didn't want to deal with me. Goddamnit I'm pissed.

8/3/2007 11:09:07 PM

76471 Posts
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Quote :
"has anyone here tried google maps for mobile"

Yes. I love it. But I'm a googlewhore.

It IS pretty slick to be riding in a car, encounter traffic, and pull that location up on googlemaps and get the traffic overlay.

8/4/2007 12:08:29 AM

All American
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windows live search mobile is a better and much faster alternative to google maps mobile.

8/4/2007 10:01:31 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » cell phone activation fee question - alltel Page [1]  
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