duro982 All American 3088 Posts user info edit post |
Notice on the main page in the left column the image doesn't stretch down to the bottom with the box to the right (it's set up to do this).
It works fine on all of the "hydrogen" and "solar" pages, it also doesn't work on the "more info" page. But the html formating on the pages that don't work seems to be identical to ones which do work .
I know i can change the size of the scroll box to be smaller so it doesn't stretch the content section which will mean the picture will touch the footer. I don't want to do this because I want only the text to scroll not the question at the top.
I also know I could create another box for just the question to be in and have the content box scroll. but i don't want to go back and do this and i'm perfectly content with the image being stretched a few pixels.
And I know it can work fine because it does on some of the pages.
It's probably something simple that i'm missing, but after looking at for a while now it may help for some fresh eyes to take a look.
if for some reason you want to see the css it's style2.css on the root (but other pages work fine so it shouldn't be a problem there)
[Edited on August 2, 2007 at 1:01 AM. Reason : .] 8/2/2007 12:32:25 AM |
duro982 All American 3088 Posts user info edit post |
http://www4.ncsu.edu/~dmduross 8/2/2007 1:01:40 AM |
qntmfred retired 40848 Posts user info edit post |
<img width="150" height="223" src="belltower2.jpg"/>
<img width="150" height="233" src="belltower2.jpg"/>
[Edited on August 2, 2007 at 1:24 AM. Reason : firebug ftw] 8/2/2007 1:23:25 AM |
duro982 All American 3088 Posts user info edit post |
thanks a lot man. I knew it was something simple like that. 8/2/2007 1:31:00 AM |
Tyr Suspended 103 Posts user info edit post |
BLah blah blah 8/2/2007 9:37:41 AM |
agentlion All American 13936 Posts user info edit post |
how about you get rid of the "optimized for Firefox v.2" and make it work in all browsers 8/2/2007 11:09:55 AM |
GraniteBalls Aging fast 12262 Posts user info edit post |
Your navigation sucks balls.
the pros/cons buttons on the site-wide menu on the left are just retarded. you need to figure out a way around it.
[Edited on August 2, 2007 at 11:18 AM. Reason : kk] 8/2/2007 11:17:51 AM |
duro982 All American 3088 Posts user info edit post |
^yeah i know. I'm going to change those.
but other than that it's for a class and will suffice. the messed up pages aren't even going to be looked at.
^^ it works for the most part in IE6, a little off but generally fine. did you have any major problems with it not working?
I'll be showing in class so i'll have complete control over what i use. After that it's coming down. 8/2/2007 12:18:24 PM |
evan All American 27701 Posts user info edit post |
you did one thing right: thanks for using CSS instead of fucking tables.
your design leaves much to be desired, however. :\ 8/2/2007 1:44:47 PM |
agentlion All American 13936 Posts user info edit post |
^ if you don't use CSS properly, it's worse than tables, i say. 8/2/2007 3:06:29 PM |
duro982 All American 3088 Posts user info edit post |
ahh, bullshit assignments for bullshit classes get bullshit.
but if you're going to knock it...
"Why? Why? Why? What? Why exactly? What? Why? Be more constructive with your feedback, please. Why? Why?" 8/2/2007 3:09:22 PM |
GraniteBalls Aging fast 12262 Posts user info edit post |
Is it better to wreck a ferrari
or drive a Gremlin like a pro? 8/2/2007 3:10:55 PM |