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All American
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Post here about how far you ran today, any upcoming runs in the area, your route, and if you want a running partner, whatever.

As for me, since Sunday, August 5th, I've run 5km every single day. That means I've run 20km since last night. I've seen somewhat of an improvement in my cardiovascular endurance, no noticeable weight loss (even though I sweat horribly with this heat and humidity). Keep in mind, before this I did rarely any physical activity ever.

Oh, and I weighed 195lbs on Sunday and I am 5'10".

8/9/2007 10:42:07 AM

All American
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I was running 5k about 3 times a week but I haven't kept up with that lately. I got a cold last week, and this week it's really damn hot. I did run Monday night but it was very humid and I didn't set a good pace, so I stopped short at 2 miles.

I would like to run more often because it would be easier to get in the habit, but my legs (specifically shins and knees) can't take back-to-back runs every day.

When I started running a few years ago (I have gone through spurts where I don't for a few months) I ran at Lake Johnson. Now I live in Durham so I just run up and down the road. There is much less scenery and way less hot girls

8/9/2007 12:18:48 PM

All American
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I think you posted this already:

BTTT the original?

8/9/2007 12:52:33 PM

All American
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It's humid enough here that it doesn't cool off that much at night. You'd probably have an easier time waking up early (although getting out of bed early sucks). I went to do a set of 4X1200m repeats at 6 min/m pace and was beat after 2 And that was at 7:45... I'm gonna run inside on the treadmill the next couple days since it's so hot.

8/9/2007 12:56:07 PM

All American
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^^ no this is more of a motivational thread, catalogue of process, etc.

8/9/2007 1:14:30 PM

All American
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I run just under 5k every other day or 3-4x's a week. Running is high impact on various parts of your legs and a lot of running things recommend ever other day so your body can recover and heal... but from personal standpoint and from sports experience I know you'll get into shape a LOT faster by doing it every day... so weigh the risk and just be careful

my personal experience has showed this is the typical bring up for running...

if your in reasonable shape (not terribly overweight) after the first week you should notice your able to go further.

by the end of the second week you shouldn't have trouble completing a reasonable distance (2-3miles)

by the 3rd week if you've been running solidly you will start to notice physical effects from running. If your in reasonable shape to start with you might not actually loose weight but just firm up more.

temperature/humidity plays a tremendous ammount on endurance, for every 6 degrees over 60 it's suppose to be like 30seconds off your pace according to one of the marathon training guides... So if its hot outside like it is now, don't expect to go as far as fast as you may be used to going... I was pretty upset with my run yesterday morning b/c it was 85 and like 80% humidity and I felt like I was pretty far off my normal pace.

All this crap is personal experience after running for 6 years... results may vary

8/9/2007 2:09:17 PM

New Recruit
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It's not so much heat that plays the factor, but dehydration. You can bring up heat tolerance, but you can not increase tolerance for dehydration.

General rule: a loss of 2% bodyweight, reduced performance of up to 10%-20%

Hydrating is not a matter of water. That is poor hydration. It is a balance of electrolytes.

The solution you can tolerate is based on personal experimentation. Dilute sport drinks if necessary.

8/9/2007 3:00:35 PM

All American
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A little off-topic, but yesterday I played volleyball from around 6 PM til dark. It was very very hot and I haven't sweat like that since the days of loading boxes in the back of an oven they call trailers at UPS. It was much easier to get winded than normal. Obviously if you guys go out in this heat for exercise, drink plenty of fluids and even then be careful not to overdo it. There was a big group of guys playing basketball at the blacktop beside us and some of them actually came over to get some of our water because they didn't bring any. Idiots.

8/9/2007 3:18:00 PM

All American
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2nd Annual Magnificent Mile Races

Coming September 16, 2007.

This is a plug for my boss. His wife is one of the pioneers of this event. She used to be an adamant marathon runner, but a few years ago she came down with Primary Lateral Sclerosis (PLS) disease and these days she moves about in a wheelchair. She can't even speak anymore. It's a progressive disease. See link for more details.

8/9/2007 3:38:15 PM

All American
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Quote :
"for every 6 degrees over 60 it's suppose to be like 30seconds off your pace according to one of the marathon training guides"

haha, so... at 100 degrees that's 8x6 or 8x30 sec which means 4 minutes off my time? Wow, I didn't realize I ran 18 minute 5ks

I usually go for a 30 minute run for this 5k that I do every day, in case anyone was wondering. About to head out in a little under 2 hours. This will make the 5th day in a row that I'm running and I feel great.

8/9/2007 6:43:48 PM

All American
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And that makes 25km in 5 days

8/9/2007 9:26:27 PM

All American
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I could run 25k in a week, but then my knees and shins would explode. Also, no way in hell im running that if there is no fat loss involved.

8/9/2007 9:47:12 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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What is all this k stuff? This is America. We use miles.

That said, 3.1 miles a day is not going to kill you, and certainly doesn't justify the crack eyes.

[Edited on August 9, 2007 at 9:57 PM. Reason : ]

8/9/2007 9:56:49 PM

Duke is puke
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i ran 3 on Tuesday after swimming for an hour, 7.5 yesterday but took a lot of breaks with the heat, and just a fast mile this morning before work.

8/9/2007 10:16:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
"haha, so... at 100 degrees that's 8x6 or 8x30 sec which means 4 minutes off my time? Wow, I didn't realize I ran 18 minute 5ks"

it's not for 5k pace it's for marathon pace/long distance pace...

8/9/2007 10:24:09 PM

All American
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Quote :
"What is all this k stuff? This is America. We use miles.

That said, 3.1 miles a day is not going to kill you, and certainly doesn't justify the crack eyes."

It justifies it when previously I hadn't run in 6 years and gained 60 pounds in the last 4 years.

8/9/2007 10:36:53 PM

Zinc Saucier
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8/9/2007 10:40:22 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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^^In that case, GG.

8/9/2007 11:03:23 PM

All American
6154 Posts
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Anyone up for a poop and a run?

8/9/2007 11:13:14 PM

All American
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8/10/2007 2:06:29 PM

susie Q
All American
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It's too hot here to run, so I've pretty much dropped all my during the week runs and do only one long run. I know that's terrible.

Training for the VA Beach Half on 02 September, and the Marine Corps Marathon 10K at the end of October.

8/10/2007 4:32:20 PM

All American
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I'm training for the City of Oaks Marathon ( yes Raleigh has a marathon again!), and you can run, you just have to get up early.

Ran a 6 miler this morning at 7am. When I got back at 8 the temperature had risen 8 degrees from 73 to 81. Brings the weekly total to 16.5 miles, with my 10 mile long run tomorrow (I'll have to get out there 6, maybe earlier ), it'll be 26.5 miles for the week.

8/10/2007 5:08:35 PM

All American
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I miss running...

6 years ago (and the 5 years before that) I ran on average 30-70 miles/week depending on the season and if I was competing. In the past 6 years I ran around 15-30 miles/week. I'd usually go running with one of my 3 dogs and it was more for fun than anything else.

Someday I'll get back to it and would like to do some 5 or 10ks again just to see what splits I can do after all these years. I doubt I'll be able to do 5 or 6 min splits again but it'd be nice to try.

8/10/2007 6:34:29 PM

All American
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Yeah, i'm pretty much doing all of my running at 6am these days. Wow, I can't wait to get out of the south, I absolutely hate hot weather.

8/10/2007 7:56:57 PM

All American
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i do my running after 11pm, usually i fall asleep after work then wake up around midnight and make myself go run....use to be not this hard to do.....started running 10 years ago, seems to get harder and harder to keep up with it(body doesnt want to do it anymore). Once you stop running, it is VERY HARD to get back into it, even if you did run a zillion miles before.

I started running mainly due to the freshman 15, didnt run at all in High School(excercised induced asthma) When I started running, had to bring the inhaler....about died, but my body finally got use to

[Edited on August 11, 2007 at 6:42 AM. Reason : w]

8/11/2007 6:41:13 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Anyone up for a poop and a run?"

8/11/2007 9:55:52 AM

All American
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I took a break yesterday. I think my knees were telling me they were going to give out if I didn't rest one day. I guess if God can rest on the 7th day, I can also.

Going to go for another 5k run today.

8/11/2007 10:44:58 AM

All American
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I have been uppin' my distance to about 30 miles a week I try to swimm too and that helps a lot... it helps trim me down so I feel lighter and can carry my fat ass

8/11/2007 11:02:10 AM

All American
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I just got in from a run - it was MUCH easier now that its not so humid and the temp is actually under 80. It's hard to believe how much a difference that can make, especially since I was drinking last night and only got a few hours of sleep.

8/12/2007 10:30:51 PM

New Recruit
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Ran 4.5 miles in about 42min. It was 91 when I left at 6:30pm. Been running all summer so the heat doesn't bother me too much. I still try not to push it too much though when the temp is over 90.

8/14/2007 10:39:02 PM

All American
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ran my 6.39 miles today

8/14/2007 10:39:38 PM

All American
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anybody got any good tips on how to get a non-runner to start and maybe even enjoy running?

8/14/2007 10:52:22 PM

All American
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to get to the point where you enjoy it, you're going to have to endure many weeks or months of pain and/or apathy and/or misery. There seems to be some kind of threshhold that your body is aware of where it finally gives up and says "ok - go knock yourself out with the running, and i'll stop making it miserable for you". To get there, though, you have to just keep trying.

8/14/2007 11:47:53 PM

All American
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running, like anything else, is a function of doing something so many times that it becomes a habit/you don't mind doing it so much anymore...

that being said, running three times a week, i would start off running for 30 minutes and try to build up to running for an hour over increasing increments through 2 or 3 months or so...

also, i would do this running somewhere other than a 1/4 mile track or a small loop track, because those things SUCK

and... i bought an ironman watch to clock myself over a distance I KNEW...

and... i would do the SAME distance 3 times in a week and increase the distance the next week and so on

[Edited on August 15, 2007 at 12:02 AM. Reason : .]

8/14/2007 11:59:24 PM

All American
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Any tips on how to reduce knee pain? I think the stress on my knees of not running at all and then running 7 days a week caused me to have some knee discomfort now. I've reduced my running to once every other day now, but still doing 5km every time.

8/15/2007 4:26:20 PM

All American
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^ heh seems like SOMEBODY has said something about running every day... what was that

Quote :
"I run just under 5k every other day or 3-4x's a week. Running is high impact on various parts of your legs and a lot of running things recommend ever other day so your body can recover and heal... but from personal standpoint and from sports experience I know you'll get into shape a LOT faster by doing it every day... so weigh the risk and just be careful

Ibuprofen if you don't drink a lot will help inflamation... stretching properly and more importantly cooling down help me a lot... I used to not stretch at ALL and then go from running essentially to sitting as soon as I could... now I stretch a LITTLE and then walk around a little bit to cool off, at least long enough to stop panting before I sit down...

If you haven't already done so: go to a running store and get fitted for a pair of running shoes, mine are ugly as sin and heavier than I like, but I haven't had NEARLY as many problems with the ones I have now vs ones I picked out for myself...

8/15/2007 4:36:02 PM

All American
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where does it hurt - right under your kneecap, in your patellar tendon? if so, that's probably patellar tendinitis. if you get it cronically, not much to do to actually make it go away - just make it less painful. RICE - Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. Ice after runs. Take 2 Ibuprofin every morning (reduces swelling).
If it's really bad, or if it's a different kind of pain, maybe some Active Release from a chiro or PT would help

8/15/2007 4:39:08 PM

susie Q
All American
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sylvershadow - check out They have a couch-to-5k plan that's a run/ walk program that eases you into running. If you aren't a schedule kind of person, then just put on some running shoes and run at a comfortable pace until you don't want to anymore. Enjoy the ride.

8/19/2007 4:49:08 PM

All American
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^^^ athlete's foot over in cameron village gives a 10% discount for students. got a new pair last week.

8/19/2007 7:14:34 PM

All American
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Ran a trail at Umstead today. I'm by no means in good shape and it was killer.

8/19/2007 9:25:20 PM

All American
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Got in a solid 18 this morning. I started at like 6:15 and it was already feeling like crap outside. Can't wait to move up to the northwest. I also did about an hour of stength work and 30 mins of good stretching. pretty successful day.

on a side note, how is this thread still on page 1?

8/21/2007 10:39:10 AM

New Recruit
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because the good runners dont post on TWW

8/21/2007 11:28:23 AM

All American
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I ran a couple miles this morning. woot for me.

i swear i quit due to boredom before i'm actually really tired. i'm just going so slow i cant stand it. I thinking riding my bike a lot lately has really helped my legs. i never felt so light running before.

8/21/2007 11:36:05 AM

All American
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3.5 miles on the treadmill today at lunch. I would really rather run outside but me and 100 degrees don't really work well together.

8/21/2007 2:38:09 PM

All American
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Quote :
"where does it hurt - right under your kneecap, in your patellar tendon?"

Yeah pretty much. It's honestly not a "pain" right now as it is a nagging annoying feeling. I'd rather fix the problem before it develops into something worse. My dad, who runs like 18 miles for a 'warmup,' told me that I should only have like 100-200 miles on a set of running shoes before retiring them. The ones I have now are like 5 years old so... guess who is going shopping tomorrow?

Any recommendations on good running shoes?

8/21/2007 3:53:08 PM

All American
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no recommendations on shoes (in HS and college i was partial to Adidas trail shoes), but 100-200 is ridiculous, really. you can easily get 300-400 miles out of a pair. I mean, if your dad is a somewhat serious runner, he could easily do 50-60 miles a week, meaning he would go through a pair every 2 weeks. Even for him, could probably go 4-6 weeks between pairs

8/21/2007 5:53:51 PM

All American
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Brooks are by far my favorite. Just make sure you get the right kind for your feet.

8/21/2007 8:19:07 PM

All American
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^ I second Brooks. My last pair of running shoes was Mizuno, and they were great, but I got a pair of Brooks a month or so ago and I really like them a lot.

I got the Adrenaline GTS 7:

[Edited on August 21, 2007 at 8:37 PM. Reason : link]

8/21/2007 8:35:03 PM

All American
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i have to make an investment in sneakers too when I start back. i normally start back around this time of year anyways. considering brooks or asics.

8/21/2007 9:18:13 PM

The Cricket
All American
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Anyone still doing TWW running crew? My running partner has moved to Milwaukee, and its getting pretty boring with no one to pace with.

8/22/2007 11:51:14 AM

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