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 Message Boards » » 400 level history courses -- add slips? Page [1]  
All American
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Does anyone know if I can get an add slip for a 400-level history course on the first day of class?

I put in to switch to a BA in History recently but the first day they start looking over applications is September 15. I was recommended to wait to apply until I finished the required 2 history courses first, with the minimum grades (which I just did over the summer).
400-level history courses are restricted to History majors, so the people in the departmental office recommended I email individual professors to see if they can do a special add, or manually add me to the class.

If that doesn't work -- do they have the add slips on the first day of class? Any help would be appreciated...


8/21/2007 8:23:30 PM

All American
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imo, professors that ive had, espically in smaller size classes, are really anal about adding people to their class for various reasons and they will tell you that you are s.o.l.

8/21/2007 10:02:30 PM

All American
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Anyone else?

8/21/2007 10:11:47 PM

All American
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wtf is an add slip?

just talk to the professor, i've never had trouble getting into a small class

what class are you trying to get into?

8/21/2007 11:24:11 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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Go talk to the professor of that class you want to get into. If they approve, get them to send an e-mail to the relevent dept. secretary. Once that's done, go see that secertary and they should be able to add you to the class in question. If for some reason the dept. secretary can't add you you'll still need professor approval but you'll have to play signature tag all over campus in order to file an add class form with registration and records.

8/21/2007 11:28:03 PM

All American
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Yea most of the history prof's are pretty cool about letting you in IF YOU TALK TO THEM. Just don't fuckup and miss a bunch of classes after adding. 400 history classes are easy to fail if you don't show up enough.

8/22/2007 7:40:22 AM

All American
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Even if you aren't a history major?

8/22/2007 10:15:59 AM

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Yeah, 400 lvls aren't restricted to History majors anyway, they just have a minimum credit hour requirement. Most of the people in the 400 classes aren't history majors. Just talk/email the prof and if they can add you they will, but there is a limit to how many people they can add.

8/22/2007 10:36:12 AM

All American
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Well geez, I thought they were.
Thanks Emily.

8/22/2007 10:40:40 AM

now with sarcasm
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Yeah, most will add you in. However if the class is full and they've got a bunch of people trying to add, they'll add the history majors first.

8/23/2007 8:02:10 AM

 Message Boards » Study Hall » 400 level history courses -- add slips? Page [1]  
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