Wasn't the library used to be open 24 hours, 7 days a week? I remember a few years ago when they stopped running the library 24 hours a day (when fall semester started) there was a sit-in and then resulted in a march that ended on Chancellor Fox's front lawn. Then they reverted to a 24hr schedule.Why is it now not running 24 hrs everyday? Aside from "budget issues". Imo, the library is one facility on campus that should be opened 24hrs, 7 days a week.
9/9/2007 12:18:02 AM
9/9/2007 12:21:56 AM
http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/hours/And no, it wasn't open 24 hours a day last semester, either. It's good you took the time to notice.
9/9/2007 12:24:23 AM
The library should never close, it's the heart of ANY research institute. Closing it is just retarded. Having it open 24/7 was a godsend when I was in school. I mean, sometimes you just need to go and dig and do hardcore page flipping research that you can't do online. The cost of staffing it for an additional 6-8 hours is minimal.
9/9/2007 12:29:51 AM
Location Mon-Thurs Friday Saturday SundayD. H. Hill Library - Building / Circulation / Reserves / Learning Commons / Reference(see exceptions) 24-hour service 24-hour service until 10:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. with 24-hour service until Friday, 10:00 p.m.
9/9/2007 12:31:14 AM
^^^ he said "a few years ago"
9/9/2007 12:38:05 AM
read that more carefullyhe said a few years ago they had a sit-in when they first changed itbut it hasn't been 24 hours/day for the entirety of the years since then, so I wondered why he JUST noticed now
9/9/2007 12:57:23 AM
9/9/2007 1:00:18 AM
I was there too - I walked in to do my homework and saw a massive circle-jerk of humanities students on the second level who were "making a statement" or some other bullshit, so I turned around and did my homework in Daniels instead
9/9/2007 7:29:21 AM
heh, I remember the first time somebody came around and told me that the library would be closing in 15 minutes after I had driven all the way to it at 9:30 from cary... I was pissed... i'm pretty sure I went to danials also though
9/9/2007 11:57:01 AM
They were planning on reversing it before the march even took place.
9/9/2007 12:13:23 PM
weird, as long as I can remember the library closed at 10 on the weekends, and I was an undergrad 1998-2001, when did this happen exactly. Seems like something I'd remember, although my preference was Subway which stayed open until 2am I think, free refills and good cookies.
9/9/2007 5:13:02 PM
9/9/2007 5:41:27 PM
damn, B. that pup looks familiar.
9/9/2007 5:54:07 PM
If they would turn off all the damn lights that are left on all over campus in closed buildings at night, they probably could afford night staff. Oh wait, I forgot, that'd make sense.
9/10/2007 2:32:55 AM
I went to NCSU from 2000-2004 and I don't ever remember the library not being 24 hrs. for students. I can specifically remember pulling all-nighters in Fall 2003 and Spring 2004. Those hours saved my ass in a few classes.[Edited on September 10, 2007 at 1:26 PM. Reason : I can't type]
9/10/2007 1:25:36 PM
i was there 2003-2007. I definitely spent the night in the library both the 2003-04 and 2004-05 schoolyears, after that i was off campus and not at the library hardly
9/10/2007 1:27:26 PM
^^I believe it was the very beginning of 2004 (fall) when they tried to close the library. I know it didn't last long because of the sit in though...they really need to keep the library open 24 hours, especially those that live in the dorms, because some people probably have roommates who make it impossible to study in your room...
9/10/2007 1:34:16 PM
the march to Marye Ann Fox's house was done during the 2002-2003 school year. it was either near the beginning ofFall or Spring semester. I was there, and it was pretty cool... It's one of my more positive memories of NCSU and SG.it was the only time i recall a student-led protest to the Chancellor resulted in actual change. she actually came out of her house around 10 or 11 pm and address the huge crowd that amassed in her yard.real money was actually re-allocated and the budget adjusted to keep the library operating 24 hrs, Sunday - Friday, during the regular school year.after 2003, i dont know what happened though, since i moved. we (class 2003) set it up... if you guys fucked it up after that, it's on you.[Edited on September 10, 2007 at 1:53 PM. Reason : ]
9/10/2007 1:48:02 PM
It doesn't make sense to renovate an entire wing:i.e. spending shitload of cash on luxury items -- like PS3, 360, Wii, plasmas and those Herman-Miller furnitures, esp. chairs that MSRP for probably $500 eachAnd not being able to afford to keep the library a mere 24 hours longer (or ~15% longer operation) to meet the full 24/7 schedule.
9/10/2007 2:19:23 PM
^ Yeah. Why buy a Wii and way-too-nice chairs when you could buy more books/periodicals/computers instead?
9/10/2007 3:57:20 PM
I remember going to the library and camo girl still showered.../sarcasm
9/10/2007 4:16:20 PM
9/10/2007 6:27:16 PM
9/11/2007 7:09:59 AM
Money must be spent in order to justify getting that money for your budget the next year.And if those chairs really only cost $500, they were a steal. Most of the uncomfortable, industrial-use furniture on campus costs that much.
9/11/2007 8:35:11 AM
9/11/2007 9:01:42 AM
Currently it's open the nights before a weekday. I think it should be 24/7 too, out of principle, but I don't think it'll ever change cause there'll never be enough demand for it since libraries themselves aren't used for much anymore beyond a place to sit and work/meet... at least for 90% of people
2/19/2025 12:32:44 PM
Back in the days, I have been an overnight bum in the library a few times when I could not catch the last Wolfline and was too tired/lazy to walk. They had comfy couches.
3/22/2025 4:56:06 AM