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All American
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i guess i finally broke BBR of all his shit. ididnt start anything with this character. all he did was exchange words to me. and i never cared. i got through to him and i feel great. i mean if you want to try and break me thats fine.
You dont know how to work on anything. dont tell me how to weld, dont tell me how to fix anything and most of all you just suck at everything that has to do with the automotive industry. im not even mad. i have a smile on my face while im typing this whole thing. i can go on but i want to just see how this thread turns and what it turns into. i dont give a fuck about anything. in fact look a said picture. everything i do is always better than you or what you are doing.You are jealous of me and all the cool shit i do. its okay i would be to the only thing you know how to come back about it is to try and crack on me. but i just think its funny. GOOD LUCK TO anybody else. here is the gayest picture i could find.

10/2/2007 7:38:57 PM

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10/2/2007 7:41:46 PM

All American
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That is a pretty gay picture...........

10/2/2007 7:42:00 PM

All American
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only the gayest i could find

10/2/2007 7:43:25 PM

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I really just can't tell if he's serious about thinking bbr knows nothing or trying to call him out on welding abilities, etc.

10/2/2007 7:43:45 PM

All American
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welding and working on cars in genral. ask him how to put a clutch in......

10/2/2007 7:45:04 PM

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dude he's changed clutches on as many cars as you've changed the oil in, shut the fuck up

10/2/2007 7:46:31 PM

All American
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yeah.. are you his boyfriend sorry didnt mean to offend you too. hahadoes it make you mad when i type about him. ask him about kyles car ant the great job he did

10/2/2007 7:49:13 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i am sorry for what ever i have done to fucking deserve this. i am sorry to everyone. if i hurt anyone and they didnt tell me im sorry. that all i have to give at this point in time is just words. I have been self centered and i have treated people unfairly. i have not done anybody anything nice and have just fucking mouched off everyone. im going away to just think about things, because i need to change my lifestyle, the way i treat others, and most importantly i need to think about the people in my life i love and that love me as well. i have finally broken down. just when i thought that i was strong enough to get back on this fucking hourse that has bucked me off time and time again. im realizing that i need to find a new horse or a new sport. im fucking done. i have been nothing but an asshole and have lied to fucking everyone. i just cant do this anyfucking more. the stress has put me over the edge. i lay in bed every fucking night just thinking about when its all gonna end and hope that maybe the next day will get better. well it never does and it only gets worse.EVERYDAY this happens and i dont know what the fuck to do about it. i feel like ther eis nobody that can help me at all. maybe its just part of growing up or maybe im just that fucked up that i dont know right from fuckin wrong. who knows. i dont. im at a lose of words, it all just a bunch of thoughts going through my head and i dont know what to do right now. i do not have anyone to turn to and those i could turn to in the past i have betrayed them."


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"THEE official bash on someone and there ride"

i hope you weld better than you spell

[Edited on October 2, 2007 at 7:55 PM. Reason : .]

10/2/2007 7:53:21 PM

All American
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its all about getting the job done right. thats all i care about.

10/2/2007 7:57:32 PM

All American
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is that slowback in the picture?

10/2/2007 7:59:34 PM

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10/2/2007 8:00:59 PM

All American
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hell yeah thats my blackass at my finest gayest pose ever

[Edited on October 2, 2007 at 8:02 PM. Reason : .]

10/2/2007 8:01:48 PM

All American
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I think i have seen you on good eats and mythbusters

10/2/2007 8:02:49 PM

All American
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when i was a freshie at state and didnt know shit about cars. not like i know a lot now, but i can get around them. i paid bbr 500 bucks to put a clutch in the celica i provided the clutch. we asked him to resurface the flywheel as well.

he said he would have it done by a certain night most definitely. so i called him up that night and he said he was just putting some stuff back together and it would be ready by the time my dad drove me over to pick it up. well we got there (late even) and the car was still in pieces, i guess they got carried away with drinking while working on it, as the stench of cheap/stale beer was in the air.

we waited and they got the car back together. except it wouldn't shift outta 1st gear. the linkages on the cables were fucked up. ivan and his buddy spent the next 1-2 hours trying to figure it out. my dad let them do their own thing since he didnt want to get in the way of the job. my dad is a master mechanic at henry wurst, but is gettin' old and didn't want to put the clutch in, which i was cool with. my dad had to help them put the cables back in because they (bbr and his friend) didnt know what went where or what did what.

my dad asked him if he resurfaced the flywheel. bbr was like 'nah it looked fine'. well my flywheel/clutch chattered before and it chatters now. thanks for that.

after about 4 hours of chillin at the garage waiting/fixing the celica. we rolled out with the celica. it didnt shift right and i told bbr this, he said something to the affect of, ignore it'll be fine.

well im cruising down the road and the cv joint pops outta my car spewing transmission fluid all over high house road.

we had to get it towed back to my house and have bbr pick it up. bbr kept complaining that it was something fucked up on the cv joint. if he had told us this to begin with, we woulda bought the part and paid him to put it in since we wanted the job done right.

we went back to his 'shop' later next week and the car still shifted like shit. eventually to the point where it wouldnt get outta 3rd gear. this happened to me while i was about 50 miles from home. i limped it home and had my dad take a look. turns out bbr kinked the cables for the tranny. he tried to jerry rig them back in and my dad saw it was apparent.

i called him and told him what was up. but i didnt know shit about cars. so i obv. didnt know what i was talking about and bbr was pwning me saying 'the cables were old, the car is old shit happens'.

my dad got pissed called him up and told him what was up as well. bbr pulled the same shit on him that worked on me. well my dad knows his shit and laid out the interworkings of the lil celica's transmission and how bbr fucked it up and there is no way a cable would kink like that from age unless it was setup improperly (or something to that affect, i dont remember the exact argument as it was 4 years ago).

my dad sent bbr to a junkyard to get used cables for the celica. and bbr fixed it.

my dad and i were nice the whole time the shit went on till the end. so saying he's changed more clutches than he's done oil changes doesnt really stand for shit.

i didnt bring this up in the past bc it was between me and bbr. but now bbr goes trolling a good guy on here so i brought the story up for everyone to see.

i have more stories on bbr. but ill leave it at this unless someone pokes and prods me.

[Edited on October 2, 2007 at 8:07 PM. Reason : .]

10/2/2007 8:03:15 PM

All American
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? good eat? idk what that is

10/2/2007 8:03:25 PM

All American
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on a side note

[Edited on October 2, 2007 at 8:10 PM. Reason : pretty close]

10/2/2007 8:06:04 PM

All American
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yea that good eats show

10/2/2007 8:07:29 PM

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^^^show on food network

10/2/2007 8:11:26 PM

All American
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Quote :
"bbr kept complaining that it was something fucked up on the cv joint"

cause he didnt know the name of the part. or what he was doing

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"my dad sent bbr to a junkyard to get used cables "

but i dont know what im looking for. im sorry master i just dont

hell the kid cant work on anything. really. thats just one story.

if i dont know about shit i tell it how it is. him well not so much. im a rich hard ass i can fix it. so he fuckes it up and pays someone else to work on it.

10/2/2007 8:12:42 PM

All American
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i think this one is gayer.


dude, i don't even need to really respond to this thread. i've covered your many levels of retardation in countless other threads, and you basically owned yourself as usual with this masterpiece. i'll do it again just for kicks though.

Quote :
"i guess i finally broke BBR of all his shit"

broke me? of what? no, i'm not brokeback like you if that's what you're looking for.

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"You dont know how to work on anything"

ahaha, says the guy that works at a fucking QUICK LUBE for a living! sweet life dude. have fun getting shitted on and working for minimum wage the rest of your pathetic life.

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"dont tell me how to weld"

that bird shit you posted was a fucking JOKE. a 3 year old could weld better. how many people told you that on hpj? on here? hell, ask fucking GOOGLE it will tell you what a horrible job it is. anyone too ignorant to think that's good welding is beyond help. it would be one thing if you realized it wasn't good but ran it anyway, but the hilarious part is YOU ACTUALLY THINK IT'S GOOD! i bet you were the kid that always fucked up the coloring books but was so proud of his work, am i right?

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"You are jealous of me and all the cool shit i do."

you got me, man. i really wish i was an ugly fire crotched mother fucker who changed oil as my career and drives a multi color worn out 20 year old fox body. poor me. i bet you live in a trailer too, it all fits.

when you first started posting, i thought you were just joking or trolling. now i realize you're actually that big of an idiot, and it totally amazes me. all you do is shit up every thread you post in spewing ignorant bullshit that's almost always wrong. that's IF anyone can decipher what your illiterate ass has typed.

i'm not trolling you just for the hell of it or to "break you". i just genuinely don't like you, and seek to point out what a dumbass you are any chance i get (which is WAY too often and easy). i've always given anyone the benefit of the doubt on the internet if i've never met them in person, but you are most certainly an exception to that rule. i feel confident you are just the douchebag in real life that you are on here.

in closing, any time you need me to fix something, weld better, drag the doors off of that unit for some $$, or basically just show you how to be better at life in general you let me know.

10/2/2007 8:14:05 PM

All American
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oh okay i know what your talking bout now. i watched show but didnt know the name of it. lol pretty funny i didnt think of that

10/2/2007 8:15:25 PM

All American
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i think ive put everything out there for myself. you didnt do anything. nice try geting credit on that one.
my balls are shaved.

10/2/2007 8:19:49 PM

All American
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everyone has bad pics , u chubby lil hippy u

[Edited on October 2, 2007 at 8:40 PM. Reason : .]

10/2/2007 8:39:40 PM

All American
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dont want to get anyone off track here but im curious. did you actually go to ncsu slowblack96

10/2/2007 8:42:03 PM

All American
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kyle, if you want to bring that shit out in public now, fine we'll do it. i'll start first by saying what a first rate asshole your dad is, and what a little whiny bitch you are. now, we'll go over the FACTS of the situation.

1. i gave you a hell of a price to change a clutch in the first place, trying to help someone out.

2. you brought me a ragged out, piece of shit car. you admitted to me, and have admitted COUNTLESS times on this board what you did to that car. the pillow block for the cv shaft was sheared off the block, the braces were completely missing, it leaked oil like a siv from everywhere, and was missing numerous bellhousing bolts and various other bolts.

3. i know you didn't tell your dad the whole story of how you had treated the car, and i took some heat for you on that. i know how parents can be, and i didn't want you getting in trouble for mistreating the car.

4. anyone who knows anything about fwd cars knows it's easy to shear the bolts out of a pillow block for a cv shaft from wheelhop. YOU ADMITTED TO ME THAT YOU HAD DONE THIS NUMEROUS TIMES.

5. i took full responsibility for the cables. even though it was plainly obvious they had been stretched and fatigued from age and hard shifting, since they had been working but weren't after i put the transmission back in i took the blame. i took my time, my money, and pulled a good used set out of the junkyard and installed them. did i charge you anything extra? NO. i ate it big time on your POS car kyle, because i believe in doing the right thing and treating people right.

6. when the pillow block bolts sheared AGAIN and your cv shaft came out, what did i do? i drove to your house in cary, towed the car back, easy outed the snapped bolts, installed a new cv shaft boot, cv shaft seals, and installed new bolts FREE OF FUCKING CHARGE.

7. i took your flywheel to loop road auto parts, and they assured me it was true. i scuffed it and installed the new clutch assembly. this is common practice in ANY shop. the car was fine when it left my place.

8. i never told you to ignore it. i told you to take the car, drive it some to see how it felt, and let me know if it still wasn't to you and your dad's satisfaction. i never heard back from you after the last time i adjusted the cables, so i can only assume it was fine. did i ever charge

9. how many other times have i helped you out with stuff? taken them time to answer you pm questions in detail?

bottom line, any "real" shop would have told you and your dad to go screw yourselves, AND charged you more on top of the initial clutch job. i didn't charge you another cent for my work. i went above and beyond what i should have done to make sure the car was right. you and your dad are a prime example of why it doesn't pay to do sidework. you can't bring somone a worn out car and then try to blame them for all the worn out shit on it. i should have just told your dad the whole story, what a clusterfuck his son and previous owners had turned the car into. he even had the nerve to tell me it was a pristine car in excellent shape. please! you and i both know better.

imo, it's a real asshole move for you to bring this up after how many years, and it really shows your level of character. i've always refrained from saying anything to anyone about that situation because like you said, it was between you and me. i'm not ashamed or embarrassed for anyone to read this, what i've posted above is the real story. if you deny that, you're just a flat out liar.

i can assure you there are far more reputable people on here and irl than you two clowns that can vouch for my knowledge, attention to taking care of people, and DOING THE RIGHT THING.

i've worked on hundreds of cars over the years on the side (not even counting what i've worked on professionally), and yours is the ONLY one i've ever had any issue over.

[Edited on October 2, 2007 at 8:51 PM. Reason : .]

10/2/2007 8:45:25 PM

All American
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Quote :
"dont want to get anyone off track here but im curious. did you actually go to ncsu slowblack96"

na b

10/2/2007 8:49:16 PM

All American
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hey kyle, were you even INVITED to where you took that picture? oh, that's right... i didn't think so.

10/2/2007 8:50:00 PM

All American
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Quote :
"kyle, if you want to bring that shit out in public now, fine we'll do it. i'll start first by saying what a first rate asshole your dad is"

im not even gonna read that shit.
kyles dad just wants the best for him. luckly his dad is around to keep away the fucksticks who try and fuck him. he was just being a GOOD father. your a little bitch and that old man told you what to do.

10/2/2007 8:53:28 PM

All American
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"im not even gonna read that shit. "

how'd you do it, osmosis?

10/2/2007 9:00:09 PM

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"luckly his dad is around"

dude quit playing the sympathy card. yes, it's sad your dad died of cancer. nobody has crossed the line and made any fucked up jokes about it so quit bringing it up every chance you get.

10/2/2007 9:01:19 PM

All American
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his dad seemed like a straight up guy, but that doesn't change him being an asshole. the real problem lies with kyle being too much of a pussy bitch to tell his dad the truth. had his dad had a clue, i imagine he wouldn't have been such a know it all dick about the situation.

i understand his dad wants the best for him which is great, and a dad should always stand up for his kids, but if your kid is the cause of the problem you're not doing them any favors displacing the blame.

you're right, i did do what he asked me to do. i believe in treating people right and finishing a job like you said you would even if it costs you extra time and money. there's a place to draw the line though, and kyle and his dad went over that line.

i won't even get into how lame it is for a college age person to have daddy fight their battles.

[Edited on October 2, 2007 at 9:04 PM. Reason : .]

10/2/2007 9:02:17 PM

All American
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Quote :
"dude quit playing the sympathy card. yes, it's sad your dad died of cancer"

iwasnt even bringing that up i was just stating that his dad was there to protect him.

why didnt you do the job right the first time? i meanif your so good an all. if if something was fucked up. you call the person when it is apart to tell them. i mean thats what i do.

being 18 and 19 doesnt really mean you are master of the world

[Edited on October 2, 2007 at 9:07 PM. Reason : you know ]

10/2/2007 9:06:35 PM

All American
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1. i gave you a hell of a price to change a clutch in the first place, trying to help someone out.

u charged me 500. toyota quoted me 800 otd for the exact work that you did. and they would have done it RIGHT the first time. u werent trying to help someone out. u were trying to make a quick buck and fuck someone over

2. you brought me a ragged out, piece of shit car. you admitted to me, and have admitted COUNTLESS times on this board what you did to that car. the pillow block for the cv shaft was sheared off the block, the braces were completely missing, it leaked oil like a siv from everywhere, and was missing numerous bellhousing bolts and various other bolts.

the cv joints were leaky. that is all that leaks on this car. if the pillow block for the cv shaft was sheered off why didnt u tell me in advance so i could get u the part and pay you to do it. compared to u telling me the night of.. saying u nig rigged it and it should be ok? later, my dad and i replaced the shit that u were bitching about. it was a nice father and son project. i thank you for that. and it wasnt hard at all to do like u bitched about

3. i know you didn't tell your dad the whole story of how you had treated the car, and i took some heat for you on that. i know how parents can be, and i didn't want you getting in trouble for mistreating the car.
u didnt take any heat. my dad knows the history of the car. the clutch prior to the one u expertly put it was replaced 30k b4. it went through all 3 kids in my family learning stick on it and a high school beating every day. this does not change the fact that you kinked up cables by putting them on incorrectly. or the fact that you didnt look at work prior to the night of and telling us it would be ready on time. we told u we would give u more time, but we wanted the car asap since u promised it by a certain time.

4. anyone who knows anything about fwd cars knows it's easy to shear the bolts out of a pillow block for a cv shaft from wheelhop. YOU ADMITTED TO ME THAT YOU HAD DONE THIS NUMEROUS TIMES.
read above post this doesnt change anything

5. i took full responsibility for the cables. even though it was plainly obvious they had been stretched and fatigued from age and hard shifting, since they had been working but weren't after i put the transmission back in i took the blame. i took my time, my money, and pulled a good used set out of the junkyard and installed them. did i charge you anything extra? NO. i ate it big time on your POS car kyle, because i believe in doing the right thing and treating people right.
you only put the cables in after my dad bitched you out for not knowing shit mechanically. u blamed the cables being fucked up on a kind of them being stretched and fatigued, as any shitty mechanic would do. my dad called you out on the kink that does NOT occur from what you listed. hell he found the area u jerry rigged on them just so u could get the car off ur hands. i hardly call that doing a job right. i love how u even told me 'it's going to shift different' and u call that doing a job right?

6. when the pillow block bolts sheared AGAIN and your cv shaft came out, what did i do? i drove to your house in cary, towed the car back, easy outed the snapped bolts, installed a new cv shaft boot, cv shaft seals, and installed new bolts FREE OF FUCKING CHARGE.well u told me urself u jerry rigged in the pillow block bolts and didnt put in a new set. so no wonder they 'sheared off'. big deal u came out to my house. u did a shitty job and gave me back a fucked up car i'd expect nothing less

7. i took your flywheel to loop road auto parts, and they assured me it was true. i scuffed it and installed the new clutch assembly. this is common practice in ANY shop. the car was fine when it left my place.heresay and i dont believe it

8. i never told you to ignore it. i told you to take the car, drive it some to see how it felt, and let me know if it still wasn't to you and your dad's satisfaction. i never heard back from you after the last time i adjusted the cables, so i can only assume it was fine. did i ever charge this is after we made u replace the cables and u got called out

9. how many other times have i helped you out with stuff? taken them time to answer you pm questions in detail?yeah i tried being nice after this jerry rigged job and u turned out being a cool guy cept when u call my buddies out on tww, the most ser. site on earth

bottom line, any "real" shop would have told you and your dad to go screw yourselves, AND charged you more on top of the initial clutch job. i didn't charge you another cent for my work. i went above and beyond what i should have done to make sure the car was right. you and your dad are a prime example of why it doesn't pay to do sidework. you can't bring somone a worn out car and then try to blame them for all the worn out shit on it. i should have just told your dad the whole story, what a clusterfuck his son and previous owners had turned the car into. he even had the nerve to tell me it was a pristine car in excellent shape. please! you and i both know my dad worked for a shop and they woulda done the shit right the first time and started the job before the night of and not been drinking. i like how u said this tho, it was cute

imo, it's a real asshole move for you to bring this up after how many years, and it really shows your level of character. i've always refrained from saying anything to anyone about that situation because like you said, it was between you and me. i'm not ashamed or embarrassed for anyone to read this, what i've posted above is the real story. if you deny that, you're just a flat out liar.u posted ur side of the story. which is distorted.

i can assure you there are far more reputable people on here and irl than you two clowns that can vouch for my knowledge, attention to taking care of people, and DOING THE RIGHT THING.
hahhaa just like u fixed my gsxr right? when all i ended up paying u to do was spray some carb cleaner in there and telling me it would be fine. then when it sat in ur yard for 2 months when u told me u would get to it time and time again but u were busy with work. and then ignored my phone calls since i was just ready to take it to a damn dealership to get it fixed. so i finally had to go up there and take it away from you since u werent doing shit and i missed out on 2 months of riding time.

about my dad he's a great guy and i wish i knew half the shit he did. i didnt lie to him about the car. fuck i was telling u how the clutch only lasted 30k, him and i were joking about it.

i just turned 18 at the time and didnt know shit about the cars or anything. hell i didnt know about ppl trying to dick me over like u did. telling me the cables were fucked to begin with.. when in fact the car shifted perfectly fine when i gave it to you and the only problem that was present was it needing a new clutch and the sheared off bolts that you could have told us about.

[Edited on October 2, 2007 at 9:17 PM. Reason : .]

10/2/2007 9:11:53 PM

All American
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^^read, retard. the job was done right. it was all the other worn out/broken shit that kyle and his dad wanted to blame me for. even though i knew better, i gave them the benefit of the doubt and repaired the other stuff. it's called customer service. i wasn't obligated to do anything.

maybe you can relate to this lube boy. if you're taking a filter off, and the housing cracks, is that your fault? do you pay for the part and labor or charge the customer?

[Edited on October 2, 2007 at 9:15 PM. Reason : .]

10/2/2007 9:15:30 PM

All American
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i mean ur post is void. if u had started the job a little ahead of time and NOT the night b4 it was due u woulda been able to let us know the bolts were sheered off. i already told u i woulda supplied u with the parts to do it RIGHT. u didnt do it RIGHT.

u might have been able to put the cables back in the first time if u werent drinking? i remem my dad saying 'u didnt label them b4 takin then off/apart and u call urself a mechanic?'

[Edited on October 2, 2007 at 9:21 PM. Reason : .]

10/2/2007 9:19:10 PM

All American
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i dont even understand y bbr hates on other ppl's ragged out cars.

when he was 'restoring' a ragged out 80's vette, has a ragged out in pieces 'Big Blue Ram', a ragged out trooper, a ragged out spray bombed bus, and a whole slew of more cars i dont even know about.

toyotafj40s is a fag. i can see it coming. nice retort seriously. i just take what i read from bbr dont say shit until he brings out shit. then he tries to retort. cant, just repeats the same point over and over like it's golden and then says 'everyone in the garage likes me' blah blah go cry me a river. im sure u may have done some successful repair jobs in the past, as everyone has. but my meetings with you have left me with nothing but shit that WASNT done right the first time.

so stop trollin other fuckers like ur gods gift to earth.

[Edited on October 2, 2007 at 9:31 PM. Reason : .]

10/2/2007 9:27:54 PM

All American
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Jesus Christ, I've never read so much inane shit.

Will, Kyle...both of you just need to shut the fuck up. If there's anything Ivan didn't do properly, it was to refuse to even work on your hunk of shit. Quite frankly, I'd have told you to remove it from my driveway before I had it towed. You listed a LOT of what I call most excessive abuse. 30k clutch life is from abuse. Pure and simple.

If things were so bad, where's the small claims court? I seem to recall you calling me and trying to get me to look at said car quite a few months after the fact and then never showing up.

I'd normally keep my mouth shut when others are arguing, but this is just incredibly asinine.

10/2/2007 9:29:38 PM

All American
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Quote :
"maybe you can relate to this lube boy. if you're taking a filter off, and the housing cracks, is that your fault? do you pay for the part and labor or charge the customer?


glad you ask that. i have tought my guys that if you have to struggle with somthing to get it off. come get me. well if something does happen under the hands of god. well shit. thank god we have and make enough money to cove the repair cost. i go talk to the customer tell them what i have done. issue them a ride home or untill i fix the shit i broke. then a discount or free service. then every one is happy and they come back to spend money. because i was honest with them.

trained my guys to lookat what they are about to work on so that if something looks fucked up or looks like its about to get fucked up (based on age and mileage) to come get me and i will deal with it. it 96% of the time ends up in a happy customer and the truth comin out up front 100% of the time. the only way a small buss. works is by word of mouth and happy customers. after a service is preformed at my shop. the customer is happy and confident that there car is running the same or better when they leave my shop.

if i have missed anything im sorry

10/2/2007 9:32:20 PM

All American
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dan you are a great guy and have helped me out in the past and i understang what you are doing here.

10/2/2007 9:36:31 PM

All American
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Way to bring up some 4 yo shit retards. If you thought this was that much of a problem why wait till now to act like a pussy about it.

I have had several dealings with BBR and had no troubles. He has always been honest and straight forward with me and given good advice when I have asked for it. I had never him before I joined TWW so he owed me nothing. Stop posting every stupid ass thing that pops into your head and people might not fuck with you so much on here.

Will and Kyle what have you brought to this board? All I have seen is a bunch of faggotry and ass play from the both of you. A ragged out Mustang and a busted ass motorcycle or 6 between the both of you. Grow the fuck up or GTFO

10/2/2007 9:53:38 PM

All American
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dont know what was the deal with the celica, but just based on haging out with both of you at some point in time i am certain that BigBlue knows more about fixing cars than you will ever learn about life in general. oh and you defenitely need to pull your tongue out of will's ass, and not just in this thread. i know it is tough not having any other friends (or is there another one now for a total of two, i have been out of the loop for a while. graz?), but remember jesus still loves you no mater how ignAnt you get

10/2/2007 9:56:40 PM

All American
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you illererate homosexual fucks. get the fuck out of our garage.

10/2/2007 9:57:41 PM

All American
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Quote :
"u charged me 500. toyota quoted me 800 otd for the exact work that you did. and they would have done it RIGHT the first time. u werent trying to help someone out. u were trying to make a quick buck and fuck someone over"

no way. they may have given you a special price since your dad has done so much business with them. they also would have been charging you a lot more when they saw all the other bullshit on the car. quick buck my ass, that's a bargain for replacing a clutch and cv shafts. not to mention all the other crap.

Quote :
"the cv joints were leaky. that is all that leaks on this car."

wrong. it leaked from the trans and engine drain plugs, the trans case, and the rear main. it was like a fucking oil bath under the car, BEFORE the cv came out and coated everything.

Quote :
"if the pillow block for the cv shaft was sheered off why didnt u tell me in advance so i could get u the part and pay you to do it. compared to u telling me the night of.. saying u nig rigged it and it should be ok?"

i specifically remember telling you that day that i had fixed it as well as i could, and that it was missing the braces. you just laughed it off, said something about it being a piece of shit, and said don't worry about it. it was very clear that the bolts and braces sheared off from abuse or an inexperienced manual driver. do you deny telling me that you frequently spun tires and treated it rough in general? do i need to fill this thread with quotes of your stupid laughing/bragging about how you rag on your vehicles/motorcycles? i told you numerous times on the phone and via pm not to drive it like that anymore, that it would break again. guess what? it did, and you try to blame me.

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"later, my dad and i replaced the shit that u were bitching about. it was a nice father and son project. i thank you for that. and it wasnt hard at all to do like u"

good for you, you should have done it yourself in the first place.

Quote :
"u didnt take any heat. my dad knows the history of the car."

exactly, i kept my mouth shut and didn't tell your dad what i thought really happened to the car. you told me what a hard ass he was one you about things, and that he didn't know you'd been abusing it. i was doing you a favor, in hindsight i should have told him the whole story.

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"it went through all 3 kids in my family learning stick on it and a high school beating every day."

case in point. the car led a ROUGH life, but it's my fault the other stuff broke/wore out.

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"this does not change the fact that you kinked up cables by putting them on incorrectly."

the cables weren't kinked or put on wrong. they were dry rotted and stretched, and broke somewhere in the process in taking them off/putting them on.

Quote :
" you only put the cables in after my dad bitched you out for not knowing shit mechanically. u blamed the cables being fucked up on a kind of them being stretched and fatigued, as any shitty mechanic would do."

i blamed the cables for being worn out because they were. i could have told you and your dad to go pound sand, but i took my personal time and money and got a pair of low mileage replacements in good shape.

Quote :
"my dad called you out on the kink that does NOT occur from what you listed. hell he found the area u jerry rigged on them just so u could get the car off ur hands."

there was no kink dumbass. the sheathing had come broken loose. i might still have the cables around, do you want a picture?

Quote :
"i love how u even told me 'it's going to shift different' and u call that doing a job right?"

newer cables in GOOD shape are going to give a different feel to the shifter. you don't even have to be mechanically inclined to understand that.

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"well u told me urself u jerry rigged in the pillow block bolts and didnt put in a new set. so no wonder they 'sheared off'. big deal u came out to my house. u did a shitty job and gave me back a fucked up car i'd expect nothing less"

i asked you if you wanted it replaced. you said no, that as long as it worked you didn't care and didn't want to spend any more money. i told you not to be driving the car hard, because it would break again. you ignored me.

Quote :
"heresay and i dont believe it"

luckily for you, i kept records of any invoices/receipts i got while working on other people's cars, specifically for situations like this. if they gave me one, it'll be there. would you like a copy?

Quote :
"yeah i tried being nice after this jerry rigged job and u turned out being a cool guy cept when u call my buddies out on tww, the most ser. site on earth"

gg to you for standing up for your friend, but that doesn't change the fact that he's an idiot. it's obvious you've been hanging out with him too much and it's rubbing off on you.

Quote :
"no my dad worked for a shop and they woulda done the shit right the first time and started the job before the night of and not been drinking. i like how u said this tho, it was cute"

i don't doubt you saw some beer bottles/cans around, but i don't drink when i work on cars. even my own. not because i'm worried about screwing something up, but simply because i concentrate on doing one thing at a time. once i get into working on something, i don't usually stop for anything.

Quote :
"hahhaa just like u fixed my gsxr right? when all i ended up paying u to do was spray some carb cleaner in there and telling me it would be fine. then when it sat in ur yard for 2 months when u told me u would get to it time and time again but u were busy with work. and then ignored my phone calls since i was just ready to take it to a damn dealership to get it fixed. so i finally had to go up there and take it away from you since u werent doing shit and i missed out on 2 months of riding time. "

you bugged the shit out of me to look at it for you because you said you were a cheap ass and didn't want to pay dealer prices. i told you before i picked it up that i was busy, and it might take a while. you got impatient, bugged the shit out of me, so i told you to come and get it. big deal. 2 months is an extreme exageration. i should have let that be my warning not to do the work on your celica. i'll say it again, in my whole time working on cars you are the ONLY person i have had issue with.

Quote :
"hell i didnt know about ppl trying to dick me over like u did."

you've got a lot of learning and growing up to do if you think what happened here was you getting dicked over. i feel sorry for the day someone actually does screw you. if anyone was screwed here, it was me. i went above and beyond what most any other shop would have done to make things right. if you include all of my time, i easily lost money screwing with your shitbox.

Quote :
"telling me the cables were fucked to begin with.. when in fact the car shifted perfectly fine when i gave it to you and the only problem that was present was it needing a new clutch and the sheared off bolts that you could have told us about."

give it up kyle. i told you as soon as i started working on the car that those bolts were sheared. you're right, the car was shifting when i got it, and it wasn't when i put it back together. that doesn't change the fact that they were worn out, or mean i did anything wrong to break them. i gave you the benefit of the doubt and accepted the blame anyway, and payed for/installed replacement cables.

10/2/2007 10:00:53 PM

35217 Posts
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Quote :
"BBR and slowdumbass96 have been arguing like a married couple lately I think there needs to be a garage fight night for the two of em to go at it. -hondaguy."

Quote :
"ha ha Ive never seen anyone get beat up by a guy on crutches. We could have a Primer vs. DNL as a warm up. Its a must see event. -gk2004"

10/2/2007 10:01:44 PM

All American
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^^ w0w

10/2/2007 10:04:02 PM

All American
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in on page 01

10/2/2007 10:04:38 PM

All American
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this thread is going to be epic

10/2/2007 10:07:35 PM

All American
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in on the path to page 02

10/2/2007 10:08:32 PM

All American
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^^^^^ Ha Ha..nice find

[Edited on October 2, 2007 at 10:09 PM. Reason : ^]

10/2/2007 10:08:33 PM

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