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 Message Boards » » calling all nerdherd/geeksquad/firedog employees Page [1]  
All American
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considering applying to pick up some extra income during the holidays and what not.

B) Meh, a job's a job.
C) You're totally under qualified, dude

what is the pay like? what should i put down as starting wage? will i have to throw out all morals and ethics when it comes to ripping the end-consumer off?

any tidbits, rants, or half thoughts are welcomed.


PS: i'll search when i get back from errands. this will give ample time for flames to commence if there's a similar thread two pages back.

11/12/2007 1:20:44 PM

Burn it all down.
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can you format a computer?

if the answer is no,

do you know how to put a computer in a box and send to a third party to have it fixed?

If yes, then welcome to geeksquad.
If no, then welcome to retail!

11/12/2007 1:27:58 PM

All American
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you can get paid quite nicely for an easy no-brainer job. I was making $14/hr then $17/hour before I quit a few years back. Most there made around $10/hr.

But yeah I'm still going to go with A) on this one. It sucks working there.

11/12/2007 1:28:23 PM

Aging fast
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you're gonna have to wear the uniform.

and yeah, starting pay is about $11/hr, i think.

11/12/2007 1:31:38 PM

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GeekSquad does not hire seasonal help because it takes months to train someone up to be a good agent. They also try to avoid hiring people straight into GeekSquad. It's not just reformatting and shipping to a service center, so "I've built a computer before." might get you in to talk to them, but won't get you hired.

My husband who runs the Cary GS says that if you're looking for seasonal to not even look at Geek Squad because they can hire someone permanently, but to look to Fire Dog because they are desperate.

And $10/hr is generally where they like to start your pay, depending on qualifications.

[Edited on November 12, 2007 at 3:19 PM. Reason : more.]

11/12/2007 3:16:08 PM

Aging fast
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PM sent.

11/12/2007 3:23:06 PM

All American
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well im no "guru" but my experience background would be working tech support and doing computer repair at this local ISP from 01-03 and then again from 05-07.

seasonal isn't so much a requirement especially if the job is straight. it's more like "OMG my savings r almost gone, need 2 get off ass asap"

11/12/2007 3:42:23 PM

Aging fast
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Quote :
"I found a post online that says there are levels of "agent". Are these true, and what is the avg starting pay at a GS? Will a GS typically fall over itself to hire someone with say: 3 yrs experience/good reference, A+ cert, references at that location?

Can I go in there and confidently ask for $15-20 /hr?

I was considering applying in gville, if i move there. I just wanted info on the starting pay rate and such.

here's the post i saw:

Quote :
"I am currently working at the Geek Squd. The pay is not bad. 11 dollars and hour to new employees. I really dont know why would you want to leave in four months. Geek Squad has different positions for different certs. You start at the Precint where all you will do is install antivirus and spyware to different computer. Also some upgrading and OS installation. After some experience you can become a Cadet(12-15 an hour), where you go to house to install home networks and troubleshoot. Then you can become a Double Agen(15-22 an hour) where you get a car and is a similar job to a cop. You are driving your car until you get a call from the squad telling you someone needs you. Its pretty cool. And the coolest one is being a Super Agent. You have to be CCNA certified. You get paid 27+ per hour. And you will be doing networks for Big companies. I love the Geek Squad. They are paying for all my college tuition fees. You get a really good insurance. BBY discounts are crazy!. You wont be dissapointed with the Geek Squad. It seems you live in Miami so you may be going the the geek squad precint im in :-p. Why would you be going to S.A.? that is not a good idea. Im hispanic and I know S.A. is not the best choice for techs. Also studying in S.A. wont help much in the U.S. or other countries since you will have to study some other courses here too."

how much truth is in there?"

Quote :
"The post that you saw online is basically true -- for the Miami market. Cadets are only at certain stores and there are no Special (not Super) Agents in the North Carolina market. There are people qualified, but are simply no positions.

A+ certification demonstrates that you are willing to work for something much like a college degree, but has little bearing on your skill set because it is essentially out-dated information. (When was the last time you saw ISA?) Your qualifications do give you some leverage in the pay department, but not 15-20 as a starting pay, unless you were previously working in the field at similar pay with crazy references. With experience you can get more than $11, but in certain markets a store just cannot justify paying say $20/hr as starting pay.

As a Double Agent (who drives the bug) you move to a higher pay scale where you would make 15-20, but you'd likely have to work in the store at the counter learning the ropes before you would move to DA.

As with every job, the movement up the ladder just depends on how good you are and the kind of competition you are facing. Movement into a leadership position is measured in years, but to a DA it could be a matter of months.

And as to whether guys in the GS really know their shit, that really just depends on their boss. some demand that his agents either really know their technical stuff or they are really good with people. If you're looking to advance, you have to do both. Because if you can write your own operating system, but you're unable to communicate effectively to customers. . .you won't ever move up into leadership.

11/12/2007 4:41:21 PM

All American
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coincidentally, im living in greenville atm as well...heh

11/12/2007 5:12:43 PM

Aging fast
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11/12/2007 5:15:50 PM

All American
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I work for GS @ Crabtree right now, or well for the time being, just put in my 2 weeks notice today. If you enjoy troubleshooting PCs, it can be fun but essentially it's still retail dealing with the completely retarded public. Like the other people said, I don't think they'll do seasonal, starting pay is about $10/hr they might go up to $11 if you have experience. About the morals, yeah there was an adjustment period where I was like "man, can I really charge people this much" but once you get over that you're kinda like "well this is the price, take it or leave it, meh."

and the discount doesn't hurt

[Edited on November 12, 2007 at 6:02 PM. Reason : discount]

11/12/2007 6:02:22 PM

All American
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I didn't like trouble shooting computer shit like that even when the pay was $25 an hour when I worked for a friend. Idiots are idiots and doing the same thing over and over, answering the same questions gets to me.

11/12/2007 7:13:51 PM

Aging fast
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Best Buy in gville had a sign that said they were hiring for GS and seasonal help.

11/13/2007 8:50:52 AM

All American
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^ word thanks. I can't help but think this stupid fakeid misdemeanor from 2003 is going to bite me in the ass. It put a halt on my CC app, because I wasn't sure how to respond in a 75 character single line field.

11/13/2007 10:50:55 AM

Aging fast
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how about

"i was holding IDs for myself and a few friends that night, and the cop pwnt me."

11/13/2007 11:26:46 AM

All American
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more like making them for my friends and myself o_______O

"See, BB i have mad photoshop skillz?"

[Edited on November 13, 2007 at 12:53 PM. Reason : .]

11/13/2007 12:52:35 PM

Aging fast
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"I was testing NCDMV security techniques for lab research"

11/13/2007 1:07:01 PM

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