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 Message Boards » » Black Friday/Cyber Monday question Page [1]  
All American
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Used search, didn't see anything regarding this, hence the question. I figured one of you guys/gals may work at BB or CC and could answer my question.

I've looked at the Black Friday ads and found a few things that of are interest, but I'm curious of a couple of things. Now, I've read the respective web pages for Best Buy and Circuit City and generally they explain things pretty well, but there are always caveats or an asterisk saying that "certain items do not apply" or "certain specials do not apply".

1. If you buy something from one of these places the day/week before Black Friday and the price drastically lowers, are you eligible to get the price refund per standard BB or CC policy or is this one of those cases where "certain items/specials do not apply"?

2. Apparently, you can buy something online and have up to 8 days to pick it up (in the case of Best Buy) and if the price is lower than when you purchased it online, they only charge you the lower price. Again, since Black Friday is coming up, is this one of those times where their own policy is trumped?

Short of me calling them or going to visit and ask in person (and I will if needed) does anyone have any insight to this?

Thanks for your time.

11/13/2007 11:00:11 AM

All American
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BF deals are only good on BF.

At best buy, online and store prices are totally seperate. If you bought something online and went into the store and there was a cheaper item I imagine you'd have to return the one you bought online, and then buy the one in store as you would normally.

tl;dr you aren't going to beat the system.

11/13/2007 11:23:22 AM

All American
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^correct. Also price matching to from a in-store purchase is dealt with on a case by case basis. It is their policy not to price match their own website...but for better customer service they are doing it now. Mainly because you can just buy it online and do an in-store pick up.

11/13/2007 11:25:02 AM

All American
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Thanks for the information. I suspected as much, but it's good to hear it from someone that actually has experience with it.

11/13/2007 11:31:54 AM

All American
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i was wondering about #2 earlier. i find it hard to believe that they would charge you the online price if the in-store was lower, even on a BF deal.

b/c you aren't charged for said item until they ring you up, so you could feasibly buy it online, go in the store on BF to pick it up, ask for the lower price, and if they refuse to give you the lower price you just tell them you won't sign for it and leave.

at which point they put it back on the shelves and have to sell it at a lower price anyhow.

using this logic, #2 should work, either way they will end up selling it at the same price...

11/13/2007 5:56:59 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Apparently, you can buy something online and have up to 8 days to pick it up (in the case of Best Buy) and if the price is lower than when you purchased it online, they only charge you the lower price. Again, since Black Friday is coming up, is this one of those times where their own policy is trumped?

Since you pay for it online at the time or ordering, I don't see what incentive they'd have to actually process the return/resale. Normally the answer is good customer service, but on BF you're lucky if the employee you're dealing with hasn't been up for 5 hours already by 9 am and been screamed at by 20+ people. Hell if you said "well then I don't want it" all they would have to do is hold it up and say "we have another one" and someone else would buy it right there. While you might be able to get away with something like this and get them to adjust the price, the already-frazzled BF sales staff would probably want to punch you in the face.

11/13/2007 6:13:07 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » Black Friday/Cyber Monday question Page [1]  
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