whtmike2k All American 2504 Posts user info edit post |
i've had all of those. some with diff teachers though.
CE201 - i believe this is the first year of the new format for that class, though i could be wrong. eventually the plan is to roll CE201 and CE203 (GPS) into one 3-credit hour course, but they may not have done that yet. Anyway, 201 is easy. i didn't have rasdorf but just go to the class once a week, and don't utterly fuck up the survey labs and you'll be fine. i don't think there was even homework for the classroom section of the course, and the labs you pretty much completed during lab time.
CE261 - the first construction course in the degree plan. I had this back when Nunez was teaching it, so it may be different now but i doubt its changed much. If you've ever interned in construction you should be able to sleep your way to an A or B, especially if you worked in the office rather than the field staff. the class is basically an intro to construction. teaches you about building budget & estimates, a little bit of scheduling, cash flow, billings and touches on a few legal aspects. stay awake and you'll be fine. CE463 follows this class up.
CE324 - easy. just a lab once a week, with a final at the end. Gupta won't actually be teaching you, some grad student will. Unless you're a dunce you'll make > 90 on each lab. The easiest thing to do is get someone's old labs so you don't have to retype the procedure for each one. Then write your own results, analysis, etc. The final at the end is some crazy % of your grade, but they usually grade it pretty leniently and curve pretty well. Just go to all the labs and you'll do ok.
CE325 - Still probably the class i had the most difficulty with in CE. well, that and javascript w/Dr. Baugh. But anyway, it seems like people either do really well in there, or struggle to get through. Goddamn useless matrices. Seems like most of the structures guys get it, and the CEMs just don't care enough to do it right. Get in a good homework group. One of my problems was i'd try to sit down the night before a HW was due, get stuck, and either quit or do it wrong. So my hw average was terrible, then i didn't have anything good to study for the exams. So get in a good hw group, and make sure to leave a couple of days to work on the assignments. Study like hell for the exams and you should be OK. Matzen is very, very dry and you'll have to fight to stay awake depending on what time the class is. CE425 follows this class up (if you're doing a structures double major or something).
CE332 - i had khosla for this. he's a good guy, keeps it pretty light in the classroom and his excitement for shit like concrete mixes and asphalt seems to rub off on the class. you'll learn some pretty important stuff in here too. for example, you may never have to design a concrete mix, but if you start talking about it with someone like 5 years from now, this class will keep you from sounding like a moron. none of it is hard stuff, just pay attention. the tests were kind of long, but doable. i think i remember the final being pretty hard. since there's a lab associated with the course, khosla only gave us like 8 homeworks. the lab is easy as hell, just go to all of them and do the reports. the grad student teaching the lab won't grade your reports hard, and even if he does i think the lab is only like 10% of your 332 grade. CE327 (reinforced concrete design) follows this class up. As does roadway design (don't know the #).
CE465 - everyone's first meeting with Dr. Leming. He's, well, interesting to say the least. He's a good guy but he tries to come off as a hardass sometimes. He's been out of the industry for a while, so some things he's a little out of touch with, but he knows his shit for the purposes of this course. Its all about construction equipment. you'll spend the majority of the course dealing with earthwork equipment (dozers, loaders, scrapers, etc). then you'll do cranes, concrete pumps/equipment and other stuff. again, depending on who you go work for, you might not ever have to select a crane size, or a dozer model, but you'll need to know the ins and outs of them anyway. 12/21/2007 10:20:21 AM
3 of 11 All American 6276 Posts user info edit post |
CE201 - Rasdorf - ? CE261 - Liu -? CE324 - Gupta - Structurses lab, easy, won't have Gupta though, some grad student will teach it CE325 - Matzen - Excellent professor, but course can be challenging CE332 - Khosla - ? on prof, course medium difficult, can be boring. CE465 - Leming - ? on prof and course 12/22/2007 1:01:53 AM