Dog Chasing Virtual Ball(LOL)
4/30/2008 3:52:39 PM
They have that setup outside the Gamestop at Crabtree Valley Mall.I caught a custodian playing soccer during the downtimes. He was quite pleased in his playing ability.
4/30/2008 3:54:25 PM
That poor dog is so frustrated that he cannot get the ball
4/30/2008 3:55:02 PM
he don't look frustrated.
4/30/2008 4:00:22 PM
What is that?
4/30/2008 4:09:55 PM
if I were that dog, I would pee on my owner's bed pillow as soon as I got home
4/30/2008 5:45:53 PM
you're crazy...thats like buying your dog a Wii or PS3 or 360
4/30/2008 6:32:09 PM
i do that all the time with a laser pointer
4/30/2008 6:35:47 PM
yea its kind of like a video game for dogs
4/30/2008 6:37:05 PM
If we got the same thing only using a pen, my sister's cat would loose weight.
4/30/2008 7:12:10 PM
they've got one of those in the American Airlines Center in Dallas, it rotates through a bunch of different demos though
4/30/2008 7:28:39 PM
reminds me of my sister's 120 pound bulldog that loves to chase after the laser pointer...people have gotten hurt getting in the way of that little red dot
4/30/2008 7:30:14 PM
yeah, laser pointers are awesome!
4/30/2008 8:19:13 PM
pets + technology = funny
4/30/2008 8:26:56 PM
4/30/2008 11:01:47 PM
our dog is insane for laser pointers. we should invest in a VR soccer ball.
4/30/2008 11:04:53 PM
God I love dogs
5/1/2008 12:06:53 AM
wasting money on something you can do with sunlight and something reflective....ftwchase the dot is my cat's favorite game to play.....makes him think he can jump 5 feet up the wall
5/1/2008 4:05:19 AM
^^^^ Sweeeet Spanish remix of 'Hotel California'....
5/1/2008 5:37:58 AM
aha, this makes me think of my cats and their obsession with the chasing bright lights.
5/1/2008 6:42:45 AM