Novicane All American 15416 Posts user info edit post |
One my clients has neglected me some payments and is not communicating with me. (not answering my emails, calls, etc)
How can I temporary shut down their website without redirecting the domain? I rather just pause the hosting on it. 7/13/2008 8:49:46 PM |
DirtyMonkey All American 4270 Posts user info edit post |
do you have access to virtual host containers?
RewriteEngine On RewriteMap /.* /path/to/temp/file.html [NC,L]
^ or that, but then your client will get a bunch of 404's. this way bookmarked pages, etc. will still get a page, just not the one they want. evan's solution is easier.
[Edited on July 13, 2008 at 9:25 PM. Reason : ^] 7/13/2008 9:24:15 PM |