Chellx06 Veteran 170 Posts user info edit post |
I'm trying to fill out my plan of work, and I was just wondering if any of you guys knew some good Math courses to take for the elective portion of the major. I have 18hrs of math electives to fill and just wanted some input. Thanks  10/12/2008 11:43:44 PM
FykalJpn All American 17209 Posts user info edit post |
it might help to know what you've had already 10/13/2008 12:55:32 AM
Jrb599 All American 8846 Posts user info edit post |
If he needs 18 hours, he's probably taken none.
I took...
MA 437, 325, 408, 412, 416. 10/13/2008 7:04:50 AM
Chellx06 Veteran 170 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, I haven't taken any of my electives yet.
^Any teacher recommendations? and I'm a she not a he 10/13/2008 1:16:57 PM
Jrb599 All American 8846 Posts user info edit post |
It changes so much I would just post what classes you are interested are in and list the teachers. 10/13/2008 4:44:57 PM
mathman All American 1631 Posts user info edit post |
what is you major? Just math? If so it depends on if you like numbers or symbols. If you like numbers then I have no idea. If you like symbols then,
ma 430, ma 792ish with Kheyfets on General Relativity will broaden your education considerably, look for ma 592's on variational calculus or symmetry in differential equations.
If you are going to grad school strongly consider ma 520, or ma 521 as follow ups to your major required courses. Or even ma 515 if you like analysis.
Whatever you choose make time for ma 513 early on, it will make you stronger in many other courses. Linear algebra and complex variables should not be put off too long. They provide skills and examples which will help with many courses.
ma 501 might be a better choice than ma 401 depending what you want. Think about this, but it is a very instructor dependent question.
Last but most importantly, don't take advice from your adviser or anybody else.
Advisers are programmed to perpetuate mediocrity. Ignore. 10/13/2008 9:08:44 PM
Jrb599 All American 8846 Posts user info edit post |
Go ahead and get MA 425 out of the way. 10/14/2008 1:51:57 PM
philly4808 All American 710 Posts user info edit post |
I don't know about other majors, but this is one discipline where you can make your electives really easy or really hard. 10/14/2008 6:05:01 PM
Jrb599 All American 8846 Posts user info edit post |
^Very true. I always made sure I had a good balance of an easier class and a harder class every semester.
Also if you're looking for grad school be sure not to take all easy classes.
[Edited on October 14, 2008 at 11:16 PM. Reason : ] 10/14/2008 11:13:52 PM
1985 All American 2175 Posts user info edit post |
Go to budapest. it will be one of the best experiences of your life. And you knock out all of your math electives 10/18/2008 1:53:41 PM