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 Message Boards » » Computer performance going to s*** need help Page [1]  
All American
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After several hours of use, my computer performance goes to shit until I reboot.
Here are my specs:

Core 2 Duo 6750 running at 2.66Ghz
4GB 400Mhz DDR Ram running at 5:6 ratio to FSB
8800GT running at factory settings except for fan upped to 70%
MSI P6N Platinum SLI mb

I'm starting the think it's core temps, but using CPU-Z, I don't see the core speed dropping. I have an nvidia alert set if the CPU temp gets above 60C, and that hasn't happened. Also if it were temps, I would expect the performance issues to come back more quickly after reboot. The cores are running at around 36-38C idle, 50-53C load. I've seen the Geforce get to 90C, but that was before I cranked the fan and I've read that they're fine running that hot. Besides, chrome doesn't need GPU to run well.

I've disabled my page file. I've run perfmon, all checks on CPU, Memory, and Disk and I can't find shit. The weird part for me is that when the performance goes to shit, the CPU usage is nothing. It's not like the CPU is getting pegged so I can't run anything else. I can close all windows, check CPU, 0-2%. Then when I try to launch chrome or WoW they run like ass.

I've already rebooted. I've uninstalled my anti-virus (after finding no viruses) just to rule that out. I was having a repeated DCOM error in the event log but I cleared that up.

Any ideas would be appreciated. If I forgot to mention something or you'd like to see a log or something, please let me know.

[Edited on February 7, 2009 at 10:04 PM. Reason : .]

2/7/2009 10:03:26 PM

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2/7/2009 10:06:22 PM

All American
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You've actually paid for that?

I did the scan, I'm not convinced that it's going to make my computer run faster. Keep in mind I re-installed windows 2 weeks ago after trying to dual boot windows 7.

62 class errors
49 Missing shortcuts
18 Missing shared file errors
109 Invalid File Exception errors

I mean seriously, invalid files, missing shared files, who gives a shit?

[Edited on February 7, 2009 at 10:12 PM. Reason : .]

2/7/2009 10:11:55 PM

All American
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Vista? Win7? XP?

Are you fully patched/updated?

First: Reset ALL of your hardware to factory settings. Put everything back to stock, and see if it still happens. If it does, then two suggestions:

1) Get process viewer, so you can actually see what is going on. Watch it over time and see if there's a phantom process eating time, or leaking memory

2) Get Sisoft Sandra, or Prime95, or any other burn-in benchmarking application. Run it targeting each area (cpu, disk, memory, gpu) separately for 6-8 hours, see if anything jumps out.

2/8/2009 2:20:45 AM

All American
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Windows XP x64.

According to Windows Update, I'm missing .NET 3.5 SP1, a command pad update for my keyboard (I don't use the command pad), and something called Silicon Image's Psuedo Processor Device.

I'll install the .net update and the si thing and then benchmark like you said.

2/8/2009 7:45:35 AM

All American
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Ok, I'm fucking boggled.

Right now I'm in the state where it runs like ass. It was doing fine for a while, but the instant I tried opening WoW, it went to hell. Even after I immediately quit, now my desktop is all laggy, and the text I'm typing is lagging behind. Process viewer looks like this:

avgwdsvc.exe CPU 0 2,156k SYSTEM
chrome.exe CPU 21 30,028k Administrator
chrome.exe CPU 1 34,032k Administrator
PrcView.exe CPU 0 8,114K Administrator

When I pull up task manager there are a bunch of tasks that aren't shownig up in Process viewer, but under the performance tab, memory is 3447708K available. 3.5GB!!!! Why the fuck is my computer acting so laggy with that much open memory? Why did it start as soon as I opened WoW and why didn't it stop when I quit WoW? God this is frustrating!

2/8/2009 8:36:08 PM

All American
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^^ you dont need any of them for what we are looking for.

what AV do/did you have? also run hardware monitor, check the system temps and stuff as well. Might be something else.

Also memtest it.

2/8/2009 8:41:28 PM

All American
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I had Kaspersky at one point, then switched to AVG. I just uninstalled it without rebooting. I downloaded sandra and I'm scanning now. I'm back to decent performance (at least my typing isn't lagging) but I'm wondering how AVG would have been causing it without showing any CPU usage. I guess I'll see if the sandra report has anything to show. I'll try memtest next.

EDIT Spoke too soon, shitty performance still around.

[Edited on February 8, 2009 at 9:00 PM. Reason : cry]

2/8/2009 8:58:18 PM

22518 Posts
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Quote :
"You've actually paid for that?"


it was a joke

2/8/2009 9:01:02 PM

All American
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dunno in kaspersky, avg shouldnt be doing it.

2/8/2009 9:05:45 PM

All American
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Quote :

2/8/2009 9:19:17 PM

All American
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Finally, fast. FINALLY.

2/8/2009 9:21:48 PM

All American
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my computer is fast... finally...



2/8/2009 9:32:56 PM

All American
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Here's the fun part for me. I'm doing video encoding for a dvd for my wife's valentines day present. I just rebooted. Right now, with the CPU definitely more busy than before I rebooted, I can open as many browser windows I want and it runs fast.

That's what's blowing my mind. It runs like ass with no CPU usage, but after a reboot I can multi-task until the cows come home.

I've uninstalled AVG and disabled some services that sandra recommended. I'm doubtful that this will have any impact on my issue.

2/8/2009 9:33:55 PM

All American
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it sounds like it happens when you start gaming.

Which tells me it's either a driver issue, or a video card issue.

And, why the fuck are you still running XP 64bit? It never had much support is pretty flaky as a primary OS.

If you really want to run 64bit, I'd suggest upgrading to the Win7 Beta if you want to stay free, or going to Vista64 if you want full support. Or even Win2k8 64 (which is Vista64+server features)

2/9/2009 3:05:00 PM

All American
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It doesn't necessarily start when I start gaming. It started last night when I was in the middle of using an app that generates an avi slideshow out of pictures. It's happened when I'm browsing web pages with video. Maybe it is a driver issue, but not sure what to do since I'm on the latest.

Also, I never had the problem before I:

Upgraded my monitor.
Added 2GB of RAM

Regarding Windows 7, I've tried to install it. I believe there is a problem with MSI P6N boards and Windows 7. I can't get it to install. It just sits there for hours and hours. I put the disk in my wife's 4 year old dell and it installs with the quickness. Any ideas there would be helpful. Also, this is the only OS disk I have currently. And it's actually a legitimate copy.

Right now I have the side of the case open with a fan blowing right on it. And I'm browsing the web, creating avi movies from pictures, and posting here trying to cause the problem again. if it doesn't then I'm going to have to concede it's a heating issue, though I'd expect to see the cores clocking down or something in that case right?

[Edited on February 9, 2009 at 7:35 PM. Reason : .]

2/9/2009 7:34:04 PM

All American
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run memtest on your memory. You will need to put it on a floppy or CD and boot to it.

make sure everything is set to stock.

2/9/2009 10:04:45 PM

All American
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I was too impatient to burn the memtest ISO so I just took the other two sticks out and voila! 60+FPS in WoW. Just to be certain I put them back in. <20fps. Then put them back in. 60+FPS.

What the hell? Have you ever known bad ram to cause performance issues rather than just crap out?

2/9/2009 10:17:55 PM

All American
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^yes, especially with 64bit OS's, and server OS's because they often have ECC correction and heap checking embedded and turned on. So rather than getting crashes, when data gets corrupted, it attempts to recover and drops into full-verification "mode" to let the system remain stable until it can be diagnosed and resolved.

keep in mind XP and Vista 64bit are both forks of Windows Server, NOT of their desktop named counterparts.


It could also very easily be a compatibility issue with your motherboard, especially if you are running a heterogeneous mix of DIMMs. You should check with your motherboard manufacturer to find a list of validated memory and configurations.

[Edited on February 9, 2009 at 10:22 PM. Reason : .]

2/9/2009 10:21:21 PM

All American
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The 2nd set of sticks are the exact same model as the first set. They have different heatsinks, but that's it. I can't imagine that it's an incompatibility since it works well with just 2GB. Please help me understand why this would happen. I was a CSC major and I still don't get it. (guess I should have went computer engineering instead).

2/9/2009 10:50:30 PM

All American
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just run memtest when you get a chance

could just be "bad"

2/9/2009 10:54:28 PM

All American
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YES!!! Bad memory will affect performance. if it doesnt crash it, it will lose data which the cpu/program will detect and want to rerun for it.

2/10/2009 12:13:12 AM

All American
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After posting on ocz's board, they suggested I up the voltage from the MB's default 1.8 to 2.0.

I did this and ran memtest86+ with all 4 sticks in. No errors.

I haven't had a chance to do benchmarking since, but I'm hopeful that this was the problem.

2/12/2009 9:36:09 AM

All American
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Problem solved by BIOS update and upping the voltage. Thanks for the input guys.

2/12/2009 8:42:21 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » Computer performance going to s*** need help Page [1]  
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