wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
a downloader in my internet cache....
only happens occasionally and only when I'm on TWW, so far...
what gives? 6/16/2009 8:45:08 PM |
qntmfred retired 40818 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "WONKY
6/16/2009 9:24:29 PM |
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
yah 6/16/2009 9:30:18 PM |
abbradsh All American 2418 Posts user info edit post |
tww is a virus 6/16/2009 10:12:57 PM |
DPK All American 2390 Posts user info edit post |
6/18/2009 5:47:39 AM |
jethromoore All American 2529 Posts user info edit post |
This thread from a couple of days ago set off my symantec:
(Cliche posts that annoy you) message_topic.aspx?topic=568906
It was something like trojan found in "thread sucks.jpg" and symantec easily deleted it from the cache or whatever.
I haven't been back to that thread since to see if it was just that thread though... 6/18/2009 8:20:18 AM |
Tiberius Suspended 7607 Posts user info edit post |
JPGs and probably other formats can contain exploit code in the form of buffer overflows -- maybe the image really is a virus 6/18/2009 2:31:12 PM |
split All American 834 Posts user info edit post |
The JPEG won't do anything to you. It has some HTML/JS code appended to the end of it that won't be read by your image handler. Basically someone whose computer was infected corrupted the image and then the person posted it without knowing that it had been altered. 6/18/2009 5:50:27 PM |