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All American
9196 Posts
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thx obama

2/1/2011 7:36:57 PM

All American
33756 Posts
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thanks, Obama

2/1/2011 7:41:15 PM

All American
41128 Posts
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The Dow Jones industrial average has blown through 1,000-point milestones since hitting a 12-year low of 6,547 on March 9, 2009 (a month and a half after Obama took over). Here are the dates of those milestones and the time between each.

- First close above 7,000 after hitting the 12-year low: March 12, 2009.

- First close above 8,000: April 3, 2009. Trading days since last milestone: 16.

- First close above 9,000: July 23, 2009. Trading days since last milestone: 76.

- First close above 10,000: Oct. 14, 2009. Trading days since last milestone: 58.

- First close above 11,000: April 12, 2010. Trading days since last milestone: 122.

- First close above 12,000: Tuesday. Trading days since last milestone: 205.


Source: Dow Jones Indexes.

2/1/2011 7:50:27 PM

13178 Posts
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You guys heard wrong. When the stocks fall and crash, it's "OMFG, THE ECONOMY SUCKS, OBAMA SUCKS, AMERICA IS THE TITANTIC!!!!! WE'RE GOING DOWN." When the stocks go back up it's, "That doesn't mean anything..."

Stocks only tell you the state of the economy when the market is going down, not when it's on the up-and-up.

You people need to watch Fox Business more. That'll learn you all you need to know about Republinomics.

2/1/2011 8:01:47 PM

All American
11811 Posts
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I'm sorry, I didn't read this thread. I was too busy buying gold, seeds and food insurance.

2/1/2011 8:31:53 PM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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no no no. The proper response is that the Dow would have hit 12000 much sooner if Obama hadn't gotten in the way

2/1/2011 8:32:16 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"Stocks only tell you the state of the economy when the market is going down, not when it's on the up-and-up. the amount of money people have allocated/invested into the economy."

[Edited on February 1, 2011 at 8:36 PM. Reason : .]

2/1/2011 8:34:59 PM

4725 Posts
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More like, thank you Congress and Ben Bernanke and the rest of the FOMC.

2/1/2011 8:35:14 PM

6218 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm sorry, I didn't read this thread. I was too busy buying gold, seeds and food insurance."

2/1/2011 8:51:12 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Dow to 36,000, baby. Then we'll be prosperous as shit.

2/1/2011 9:31:45 PM

All American
12317 Posts
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Well, the Republican victory did bring an end to quite a bit of regime uncertainty. As such, Thanks Obama! The Republicans couldn't have done it without you!

2/2/2011 12:09:18 AM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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I concur. If something bad happened, its the President's fault, and if something good happened it was in-spite of him and/or the President really does have very little effect on the economy.


[Edited on February 2, 2011 at 1:08 AM. Reason : .]

2/2/2011 12:41:19 AM

All American
18758 Posts
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Quote :
"Well, the Republican victory did bring an end to quite a bit of regime uncertainty. As such, Thanks Obama! The Republicans couldn't have done it without you!"

lol, you fucking tard

[Edited on February 2, 2011 at 1:16 PM. Reason : ]

2/2/2011 1:15:33 PM

All American
8503 Posts
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I hope this thread was made in jest.

The dow is up because we're experiencing mammoth inflation, dollar destruction, and we papered over our problems to create an even bigger forthcoming problem.

Make no mistake about it the US is in MUCH worse shape than it was 2 brief years ago.

We are on the verge of chaos now.

Social security is now running permanent deficits (was supposed to be positive until 2017), the dollar is crashing and burning, our debt is exploding both on and off balance sheet.

And we are creating so much inflation we have nations crumbling across the globe.

In the meantime our govt is increasing spending and talking about flushing more money down the drain on more spending.

Unemployment isn't budging, wages aren't rising, and food and energy prices are exploding

This is the great american death spiral.

You think 2008 was bad? 2008 was fucking nothing, look what's around the corner folks

2/2/2011 3:36:11 PM

All American
12317 Posts
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Quote :
"look what's around the corner folks"

Yet another Starbucks?

2/2/2011 4:09:08 PM

Norrin Radd
All American
1356 Posts
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congrats? corporate profits are up probably has nothing to do with mass lay offs and expense cuts if this ment anythibg other than the rich getting richer then we would have seen more hiring from companies trying to further leverage these gains. also 2006 called, it wants it's milestone back

2/2/2011 4:18:25 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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the jerk store called and they're running out of you.

2/2/2011 4:20:15 PM

All American
43383 Posts
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I didn't blame Bush for the stock market crash and I don't credit Obama for it's recovery.

2/2/2011 4:27:23 PM

Norrin Radd
All American
1356 Posts
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the lemming store called they are running out of you

2/2/2011 4:27:31 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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2/2/2011 4:47:59 PM

All American
6672 Posts
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Quote :
"Yet another Starbucks?


2/2/2011 4:58:16 PM

All American
8503 Posts
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Look at what's doing well. Energy and materials because of the inflation.

Consumer staples are getting killed by the inflation driving up their costs and consumer discretionary is getting killed bc consumers are broke.

Oh the financials have recovered some? Yeah because bush and obama let them transfer all theidr bad assets onto fannie and freddies balance sheet. Beautiful!

Obama will go down in history as our worst president. In 100 years kids all over the world will have to memorize his name for tests on the fall of america

2/2/2011 5:04:43 PM

All American
12511 Posts
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face is an expert.

know this

2/2/2011 5:53:17 PM

All American
11993 Posts
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wow 12 thou!

who's going out to buy a house like i am?

2/2/2011 6:09:35 PM

All American
5523 Posts
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^ and I am gonna bet that you pay your mortgage... What could go wrong?!

2/2/2011 6:35:54 PM

All American
2695 Posts
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Quote :
"face sputtered:
Obama will go down in history as our worst president."

Nahhhh....Dubyatard has that distinction wrapped up. But good to once again know you are the nice
little far right Faux News sheeple they want you to be.

Quote :
"face once again mumbled:
In 100 years kids all over the world will have to memorize his name for tests on the fall of america"

Unlike right now where we all can tell, without memorization, that you are the worst Tdubb please facetard go
back to making macaroni paintings and let the adults continue talking.

2/2/2011 6:55:12 PM

All American
9196 Posts
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^As much as I hate Gee Dubya Bastard, I still think that the Democrats who immediately preceded and followed Lincoln, as well as that Whig turned Know-Nothing, were worse; basically the three Presidents preceding Lincoln fiddled while the nation was in danger of coming apart (Pierce was even a "doughface" with Southern sympathies), while even though Johnson had run on the "National Union" ticket with Lincoln, once he ascended following the assassination, he showed his true colors by doing everything he could to turn back the clock on civil rights, stymied only by the Radical Republicans and their veto-proof majorities and nearly-successful effort to impeach him out of office in the best example of political motivation ever (his only redeeming act was turning "Seward's Folly" into an important future strategic position and oil source known as Alaska).

P.S.: This was before the realignment of 1930-1968, when the Republicans were the liberals and the Democrats were the ones who hated freedom and the other ideals this country was founded on, while nowadays it's the other way around.

2/2/2011 7:17:15 PM

4725 Posts
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Quote :
"dollar destruction"

Quote :
"the dollar is crashing and burning"




I agree with a large bulk of your sentiments, but god fucking damnit, stop tacking on every little thing you think is fact that isn't to try and bolster your argument. Until the rest of the world stops playing beggar thy neighbor the dollar will always have a floor under it. Last June, as the world feared an imploded Europe, the dollar was as strong as it has been in over five years. As people covered those shorts, as people moved out of dollars into other assets, it has gone down. But crashing? Kill yourself if you can't read a damn chart.

Quote :
"ook what's around the corner folks"

When does it start?

2/2/2011 7:25:02 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Quote :
"When does it start?"

Quote :
"Until the rest of the world stops playing beggar thy neighbor the dollar will always have a floor under it."

You've already got your "when," but it's still a big "if." It's plausible that the United States could con the rest of the world into joining a global monetary order to correct "trade imbalances," or something equally absurd. A lot of things could potentially happen. We haven't ever seen a global, debt based system as it exists today. Hyperinflation is possible. Alternatively, interest rates could be allowed to rise and we'd see something akin to the Great Depression. It all comes down to when Bernanke wants to pull the trigger, or when our creditors realize they have more to gain by dumping the dollar and all dollar based debt.

2/2/2011 7:37:55 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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I just saw this interesting article that fits perfectly within the seriousness this thread demands:,19025/

"Republicans Vote To Repeal Obama-Backed Bill That Would Destroy Asteroid Headed For Earth"

Quote :
""We believe that the decisions of how to deal with the massive asteroid are best left to the individual," King added.

Repealing the act, which opponents have branded 'Obamastroid,' has been the cornerstone of the GOP agenda since the law's passage last August. Throughout the 2010 elections, Republican candidates claimed that the Democrats' plan to smash the space rock and shield citizens from its fragments was "a classic example of the federal government needlessly interfering in the lives of everyday Americans."

"This law is a job killer," said Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), who argued the tax increases required to save the human species from annihilation would impose unbearably high costs on businesses. "If we sit back and do nothing, Obamastroid will result in hundreds of thousands of lost jobs, which we simply can't afford in this economy."

"And consider how much money this program will add to our already bloated deficit," Foxx continued. "Is this the legacy we want to leave our children?"

Many GOP members have also criticized the legislation for what they consider pork-barrel spending, claiming the act includes billions in "giveaways" to NASA, nonperishable food manufacturers, and pharmaceutical companies contracted to produce mass volumes of vitamin D supplements in the likely event that dust from the asteroid's impact blots out the sun for a decade.

In an effort to counter Republicans' claims, Democrats have asserted that the long-term benefits of preventing the United States from being incinerated by an explosion several billion times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb would far outweigh the initial monetary outlay.

In support of their position, Democrats have pointed to estimates from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office that show repealing the law could result in a loss of up to $14 trillion in the nation's GDP.

"I will be the first to admit this is not a perfect bill, by any means," said Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), who has argued that the measure does not go far enough in deflecting the ensuing debris that will rain down on Earth once the asteroid has been destroyed. "But it is absolutely a bill that each and every American needs now if we want to move forward as a country."

According to political pundits, the showdown over whether to let the asteroid blast a 150-mile-wide, 20-mile-deep crater in the Earth's crust represents a potential turning point for the nation, and could completely reshape the American political landscape for many centuries to come.

"If efforts to destroy the asteroid are successfully overturned, then there will be major ramifications for both Obama and his Republican opposition, as well as the American populace at large," political scientist Alan Abramowitz said on Face The Nation Sunday. "This could have a huge impact come 2012."

With repeal rhetoric reaching a crescendo, the president used his weekly radio address Saturday to state his case for destroying the one-trillion-ton asteroid before it barrels into Earth at 60,000 miles per hour.

"I am more than willing to work with my Republican colleagues to improve the Asteroid Destruction Act," Obama said. "But let me be clear: Repeal is not an option."

"While I recognize that intelligent minds may disagree on this issue, I believe we have an obligation to prevent our citizens from having their flesh seared off in a global firestorm that transforms our planet into a broiling molten wasteland," Obama added. "I think Americans deserve better.""

[Edited on February 2, 2011 at 8:02 PM. Reason : .]

2/2/2011 8:01:19 PM

All American
8503 Posts
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when does it start? It's already fucking started dude.

Do you not see Europe going down? Do you not see Japan?

Do you not see the Eastern world facing massive inflation?

It's all happening RIGHT NOW.

What do you define as the start?

I would define the start as Bretton Woods in the 70s.. many would say the 80's..some would say it was Clinton in the mid 90s...some would define it as 2002-2003... others would say 2008 or 2011..

Who cares when it started?! It's HAPPENING RIGHT NOW

Historical viewpoints be damned, this is getting UGLY for the average american. Uglier by the day

[Edited on February 2, 2011 at 8:27 PM. Reason : who cares about semantics]

2/2/2011 8:26:08 PM

All American
11811 Posts
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Oh sweet! Glenn Beck posts on TWW!

2/2/2011 8:40:49 PM

All American
8503 Posts
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I cant wait until the unprepared are shitting outdoors and wondering where it all went wrong.

I love looking at the degenerate americans pumping gas one gallon at a time.

2/2/2011 8:45:25 PM

4725 Posts
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Quote :
"Do you not see Japan?"

What is there to see? Countries that stop shitting out kids eventually age and their growth slows to a crawl. They still have low unemployment and a great standard of living.

Quote :
"Do you not see Europe going down?"

Not presently, no.

Quote :
"I would define the start as Bretton Woods in the 70s"

Oh, I get it. It's like, as soon as everyone is born, they are dieing, it just takes some longer than others right?

2/2/2011 9:41:13 PM

All American
8503 Posts
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Um we have the same demographics problem japan does dude.

And the same debt problems.

And europe is in the middle of a collapse, what world do you live in?

2/3/2011 7:51:17 AM

All American
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This isn't the time to have theoretical debates. Its fucking lifeboat time. Stock up on canned goods, prepare your portfolio, and reduce your personal debt service and living expenses to the bare minimum.

Most people will be caught unaware, why be one of them though?

fiscal emergencies are no joke, have you studied history? The displacement will be of epic proportion.

Niall said we're 2-4 years away. That sounds like a fair estimate, it could be longer than that who knows...

Would you rather get on a lifeboat 10 minutes too early or 10 minutes too lae?

This is happening. Denial won't save you or your family

2/3/2011 8:57:16 AM

All American
36908 Posts
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Have you guys heard about that Y2K thing, it's going to be pretty rough, right?

Also, since when is Japan like Mad Max?

2/3/2011 10:17:54 AM

All American
18758 Posts
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face is the new salisburyboy

but less entertaining, less original, and less intelligent.

2/3/2011 10:28:32 AM

All American
8503 Posts
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Are you guys trolling?

I'm not babbling about conspiracies...

We used debt to stall the recession in 2001, we used even more debt to stall the effects of the recession in 2008

What the fuck do you think is going to happen when this thing comes unglued for the third time?

More debt? Who the hell is going to finance it?

Don't ask me for food when it happens, don't even fucking ask seriously

2/3/2011 11:15:50 AM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Because of the jews, right?

2/3/2011 12:23:00 PM

All American
2298 Posts
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seriously, you guys

2/3/2011 2:42:37 PM

All American
36908 Posts
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Quote :
"More debt? Who is going to finance it?"

Considering every time we have recessions people begin to beg to finance it, I doubt we'll have many problems. People love to invest in bonds as the economy sours.

Quote :
"Don't ask me for food when it happens"

Don't ask me not to call you stupid when it doesn't.

2/3/2011 3:02:19 PM

All American
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You are completely wrong on that point kris.

Everyone SELLS bonds when a country can't pay its bills. Look at greece, portugal, ireland, and spain as recent examples.

When the selloff occurs rates jump up and the govt is forced to refinance at rates that increse their debt service immensely and makes them insolvent seemingly overnight (tho it is actually quite a long process, but the end comes swiftly).

The us govt finances its debt with short term notes so in a recession like 2008 people flock to the bonds bc they believe (correctly) they will get paid back.

However, once that 2 year timeframe is an issue (which it soon will be) people avoid those bonds like the plague. Treasury Bond investors are very risk averse after all.

2/4/2011 12:35:58 PM

All American
36908 Posts
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Quote :
"Everyone SELLS bonds when a country can't pay its bills. Look at greece, portugal, ireland, and spain as recent examples."

I was pointing out how, during past recessions, people have rushed to US Bonds.

Quote :
"However, once that 2 year timeframe is an issue (which it soon will be) people avoid those bonds like the plague. Treasury Bond investors are very risk averse after all."

During the recessions people rushed to 10YR and 20YR as well.

2/4/2011 12:57:25 PM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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yes, because the US dollar has generally been stable. where else would you go? In general, when stocks are shitty, which tends to happen in a recession, people go to bonds. it's not a huge shock.

2/4/2011 12:59:55 PM

All American
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It may not be shocking to me or you, but it flies in the face of the argument that the US government is on the verge of collapse.

2/4/2011 1:08:27 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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And we're now hearing talk of a "century" bond.

Let's get real here, for a minute. No one in their right mind is buying 10+ year treasury bonds with the intention of holding onto them. You'd seriously need to have mental deficiencies to be doing that. People are flipping bonds like crazy, speculating, hoping to make some cash on day to day fluctuations. The only "up days" are days when things in Europe seem even worse. The difference is that in Europe, they're at least talking about solving the problem. Here, we don't even bother. Even the GOP knows that the debt can't be paid. Cutting things here and there is not going to eliminate the budget deficit.

If you look at unfunded liabilities with entitlements, it's pretty startling. Any of you can easily write off talk of a coming collapse by saying, "oh yeah, well then when exactly is it going to happen, huh? Oh, you don't know, therefore I'm right." It's idiotic. No one has enough knowledge to tell you when an economic collapse is coming or how exactly it will play out. Anyone with basic math skills should be able to look at the budget, the debt, and unfunded liabilities and tell you that someone, somewhere is going to lose big. It's just a matter of who and when.

Kris, I know you aren't interested in the facts, but you're also delusional. You could be eating cat food out of a can for breakfast, lunch and dinner and still be insisting that we're experiencing robust economic growth.

[Edited on February 4, 2011 at 2:00 PM. Reason : ]

2/4/2011 1:52:35 PM

All American
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Again you are missing the point kris.

They go to bonds only when they assume they will be paid back.

They do NOT go to bonds of nations experiencing fiscal emergencies, they SELL those bonds.

This is so basic that even an average american can understand it. You don't loan money to people you expect to not repay it.

Come on man think about these things just a little

2/4/2011 2:24:44 PM

All American
36908 Posts
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Quote :
"Let's get real here, for a minute. No one in their right mind is buying 10+ year treasury bonds with the intention of holding onto them."

how long they hold onto them is irrelevant, the fact is that anyone buying them assumes demand will either increase, stay the same, or decrease slower relative to everything else, we call that confidence.

Quote :
"Anyone with basic math skills should be able to look at the budget, the debt, and unfunded liabilities and tell you that someone, somewhere is going to lose big."

You know this yet the many investors and companies buying them somehow do not have those "basic math skills"?

Quote :
"You could be eating cat food out of a can for breakfast, lunch and dinner and still be insisting that we're experiencing robust economic growth."

I'm delusional? You were the one shouting the depression would never end, yet here we are, beginning to come out of it, just like I said.

Quote :
"They go to bonds only when they assume they will be paid back.

They do NOT go to bonds of nations experiencing fiscal emergencies, they SELL those bonds.

This is so basic that even an average american can understand it. You don't loan money to people you expect to not repay it.

Come on man think about these things just a little"

WTF are you talking about? That was implied in what I said. I was pointing out that if you were right and that the US has been in a collapse spiral, wouldn't less people have bought into our bonds?

2/4/2011 5:33:12 PM

All American
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We weren't yet in a fiscal emergency in 2008.

We are about to be in one though, you'll see the longer end of the yield curve continue to plunge (Rates rise) as people begin to price in default and inflation risk.

The short end of the curve on the other hand will not move very much until we get closer to the fiscal collapse. At that point it will happen almost overnight.

There will be unprecedent volatility as people discuss austerity plans, rescue measures, international bailouts, etc.

Ultimately, its impossible to say for sure how it will play out but the most likely scenario is more money printing creating massive inflation. Political leaders hate to default they always choose debasement.

Bottom line, if you think people will flock to the dollar or the treasury in a fiscal crisis, you are dead wrong. I'd challenge you to find ANY examples of this crazy notion throughout history.

What's more likely is that we see a parabolic spike in hard assets as people run to "real money".

2/4/2011 10:54:59 PM

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