CalliPHISH All American 10883 Posts user info edit post |
I have a column that is a lenthy sentence downloaded from software. In each unique sentence there is an account number. Each account number starts with the same 3 digits and has a hyphen.
Is there any way to pull just this from the sentence into a column? Or, pull each thing out but seperate the account number?
Right now the best I can come up with is to put each word in a column that's seperated with a space... hoping for something better than this. 2/17/2011 3:21:00 PM |
HaLo All American 14273 Posts user info edit post |
where A1 = cell which has the sentence @@@ = the first three digits of the account number # = the number of characters in the account number (including the hyphen)
this worked on a quick test case in excel 2010. you may have to fiddle with it to get it to work for you.
this works for any account number assuming that the format is ###-#####... and the account number is a standard length each time. it also assumes there are no other hyphens in the sentence.
A1 = cell which has the sentence # = the number of characters in the account number (including the hyphen)
[Edited on February 18, 2011 at 1:47 AM. Reason : .] 2/18/2011 1:42:23 AM |