Steven All American 6156 Posts user info edit post |
For work I am not allowed to have a cell phone with a camera. Something about Nuclear Warheads and camera phones that done mix? But anyone in a similar situation? A lot of people just get the old school nextel flip phones, but I dont really want something that is too old. I know blackberry has the Blackberry tour, but I also dont really want a blackberry. Any ideas??
non-zach morris-ish also. 9/3/2011 8:11:14 PM |
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |
not trying to be a dick, but have you looked at Google 9/3/2011 8:31:06 PM |
duro982 All American 3088 Posts user info edit post |
the BB tour has a camera.
I'd just walk into your nearest cell phone store for whatever carrier you have and ask. They're probably gonna have very few models without a camera. I found one on verizon's site (Samsung Haven). Maybe get a cheap prepaid phone?
Get a cheap pre-paid phone to use while in the building if absolutely necessary --- there's not much I have to use my cell phone for at work that I couldn't do over a land-line or via email or instant messenger. Then just keep your actual phone in the car.
Are they paying for this phone? Just curious.
[Edited on September 3, 2011 at 8:40 PM. Reason : ?] 9/3/2011 8:39:04 PM |
OmarBadu zidik 25074 Posts user info edit post |
can you apply a restriction to your phone to disable the camera or can it not physically have one 9/3/2011 9:27:23 PM |
bbehe Burn it all down. 18406 Posts user info edit post |
He isn't allowed to have one. I'm honestly surprised you're allowed a phone at all, any high security/no lone zone I've ever been in was strict no cell phone policy. 9/3/2011 9:50:17 PM |
AVON All American 4770 Posts user info edit post |
You can get a blackberry without a camera -- my company buys them (no camera policy as well). I have seen on the internet where folks have bought iphones and then removed the cameras which could be acceptable as well -- supposedly does the service. 9/3/2011 9:57:56 PM |
Steven All American 6156 Posts user info edit post |
@dweedle. yes. Now I came to tech talk for opinions from complete strangers.
@duro982. went into sprint store, and best buy. No luck.
When im sitting at work with absolutely nothing to do, I enjoy being able to text and facebook. sad i know.
no, they are not paying for the phone. If they were I would have a shitty nextel flip phone that I have to leave at work.
@Omar, no not where I work. It can not have, or possess the ability to have a camera. Camera phone is a great way to get dropped and arrested.
@bhehe, only in the Engineer spaces where the Engineers have to leave it at the door. 9/3/2011 10:04:19 PM |
Steven All American 6156 Posts user info edit post |
If you have Nextel, do you have to use the direct connect?
Im pretty much going to be switching back and forth between my EVO 4g and this new phone. 9/3/2011 10:11:02 PM |
Str8BacardiL ************ 41755 Posts user info edit post |
IPod touch?
I just Googled non camera android phones and there are a lot of posts looking for them but no one saying they have found one. 9/3/2011 11:28:59 PM |
theDuke866 All American 52884 Posts user info edit post |
why not just get a good, full-function smartphone, and then leave it outside like you would in any normal classified area? 9/3/2011 11:43:36 PM |
Steven All American 6156 Posts user info edit post |
because I have one of those. I want to have a phone at work to pass time with.
me too! str8. Im beginning to think they dont exist.
Its looking like a crappy flip phone or a crackberry 9/4/2011 12:30:51 AM |
duro982 All American 3088 Posts user info edit post |
The Sprint site has this:
they also have an i365.
They are nextel, but not flip.
I did see on the site that they have a few BBs without the camera like you mentioned. It looks like a BB would be a better option than just about any of the other phones that have no camera. 9/4/2011 1:54:28 PM |
Steven All American 6156 Posts user info edit post |
Yea I saw that, wasnt feeling it.
It looks like Blackberry is my best option. 9/4/2011 2:12:41 PM |
WolfAce All American 6458 Posts user info edit post |
Maybe you should just leave it in the fucking car and do, oh I dunno, work at work? 9/4/2011 6:48:44 PM |
JBaz All American 16764 Posts user info edit post |
but how else are you gonna update your twitter, facebook and other microblogs on a minute by minute basis? lol 9/4/2011 6:51:48 PM |
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |
they make (or at least used to make) a blackberry tour version without a camera 9/4/2011 6:53:46 PM |
wwwebsurfer All American 10217 Posts user info edit post |
^bold too if I remember correctly. And you DEFINITELY want the bold. 9/4/2011 11:53:22 PM |
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Maybe you should just leave it in the fucking car and do, oh I dunno, work at work?" |
but i guess what can you expect with non-combat government work?9/5/2011 9:47:51 AM |
The Coz Tempus Fugitive 26361 Posts user info edit post |
9/5/2011 10:14:13 AM |
Steven All American 6156 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "non-combat government work" |
I have done two deployments to the Gulf. I believe I have all the rights in the world to relax and enjoy my "non-combat government work"
Quote : | "Maybe you should just leave it in the fucking car and do, oh I dunno, work at work?" |
I do that now. We have a lot of downtime.9/5/2011 8:44:52 PM |
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
What do you want it to do?
I mean if you are just bored and want to screw around you could get a Nook Color and root it. Then you could either have a nice phone that you leave at the front desk (I assume) or a crappy no camera phone you can use to text.
[Edited on September 6, 2011 at 1:33 AM. Reason : ] 9/6/2011 1:32:16 AM |
Steven All American 6156 Posts user info edit post |
Root it? 9/6/2011 3:36:05 PM |
AndyMac All American 31924 Posts user info edit post |
Make it into a true android tablet instead of an e-reader with extra features. 9/6/2011 8:38:51 PM |
ncsubozo All American 541 Posts user info edit post |
I had a company provided blackberry bold when I worked in a closed environment. It worked well for calls, texts, and email. 9/7/2011 8:16:37 AM |
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post |
read a book 9/7/2011 8:36:15 AM |
Steven All American 6156 Posts user info edit post |
Im looking at the blackberry bold and tour 9/7/2011 8:34:14 PM |
EMCE balls deep 89824 Posts user info edit post |
My company used to have a strict no cameraphone policy, but they bent on that a couple of years ago. Now, you can have a cameraphone, but aren't allowed to take any pictures or do any recordings inside of the building. As for classified areas, you have to leave your cameraphone outside when you enter.
A couple of years ago, a program manager of mine confiscated an army soldier's phone when I caught him taking pictures of stuff inside. Dick. 9/7/2011 8:46:27 PM |
Arab13 Art Vandelay 45180 Posts user info edit post |
Eh, he's lucky that's all that happened. 9/9/2011 4:30:41 PM |