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 Message Boards » » PDF indexing Page [1]  
49741 Posts
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Do you know of any software which can index a group of PDF documents so as to create an index of say ten files which can be read as one large file? I'm seeking ideas for a workaround in case of worst case scenario in my next TT thread >.<

2/17/2013 7:31:16 PM

All American
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2/17/2013 9:31:45 PM

All American
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^ I think what he's actually asking for is to be able to combine 10 PDF's into a single .PDF file.

Adobe Acrobat can do this easily.

2/18/2013 2:07:09 AM

All American
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indeed, I was just trollin' based on the term "indexing"

2/18/2013 2:45:16 AM

All American
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PDF X-Change is like a bazillion times cheaper and does everything Adobe Acrobat does.

[Edited on February 18, 2013 at 4:00 PM. Reason : ]

2/18/2013 3:58:55 PM

26632 Posts
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There are free shareware that can do this too

2/25/2013 7:15:35 AM

All American
93281 Posts
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copy snapshot of each page.

post into word document.

save word document as pdf.

2/25/2013 10:46:10 AM

Bobby Light
All American
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copy snapshot of each page.

post into Powerpoint.

save current slide as JPG.

Copy each JPG into Word

Save word doc as pdf.

2/25/2013 10:51:11 AM

All American
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Quote :
"PDF X-Change is like a bazillion times cheaper and does everything Adobe Acrobat does."

I have heard great things about this. My wife has had a second job for years now where she copy-edits large publications via PDF. Her laptop is near dead so we really need to get her a new one soon. Besides it being unreliable, it is extremely slow which is still annoying for that work.

However, when we get a new computer, I'd like to get her a newer version of Acrobat Pro or similar. I can't find the disks from 5 years ago for one, but two it's probably time to get a newer version with the newer computer. PDF Xchange has me curious though because I have read great reviews and the price is much cheaper.

I don't know that her boss/correspondent for that position would require her to get Acrobat again, but would she be able to tell that my wife commented and marked up the document in PDF Xchange vs Acrobat? She just gets PDF files of the documents, comments (stickies, highlights, strikethroughs etc.) and sends it back.

2/28/2013 5:22:46 PM

All American
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d00d just get a serial and crack for Acrobat XI

2/28/2013 5:25:04 PM

All American
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^Don't talk about pirating software here.

If she needs Acrobat temporarily, she can download the trial. Or she can just sign up for Adobe Creative cloud.

Yes, they could technically tell that she marked up the documents in PDF-Xchange (it will show up in the file attributes), but I doubt anyone would ever find out.

2/28/2013 5:40:09 PM

49741 Posts
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What we had been using is proprietary software in conjunction with a Rimage CD burning system, Optimaster. Fixed the issues with the Rimage, only to discover that the software in place, in conjunction with the ever-ancient Acrobat 4.0, doesn't read the PDFs properly. For statement definitions, "Page 1 of" is read as "P/g/e/1/o/" and the initial Postscript, Dialogue, or customer data surely is long gone. Search works in Acrobat 7.0, so something to span a CD's worth of data, in this case seven to ten files fit, which I'd need to do for fourteen months' worth of data, weighing in at four discs & 700,000 images a month. After this month it's all going online, but the client wants discs from the start of 2012 until now.

PDF X-Change shall be considered, thanks!

2/28/2013 7:16:52 PM

All American
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Even if they found out, it's not like some two bit hacked up program. Wouldn't that be akin to voicing a concern when an employee edited a docx with Libre or Google Apps instead of Word?

Anyway, I just purchased a 50 user license in Jan for close to the same price as a 5 user of Acrobat X Standard. Nearly 10x cheaper and more features and it's speedier. Occasional hiccups with some billing websites and the in-browser plugins, but that's it. The free version stamps watermarks all over everything so be sure to grab a license and you're just faced with what Noen mentioned. There might even be a way to disable/flush that like jpg Exif?

2/28/2013 10:40:30 PM

All American
2314 Posts
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Works like a charm:

3/5/2013 3:04:07 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » PDF indexing Page [1]  
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