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Taking direct aim at McRory asking him to veto the Voter ID law. Stating that it will result in costly legal challenges and the problem that is supposedly solves simply does not exist.

Quote :
"Roy Cooper the politician is echoing Roy Cooper the attorney general in urging Gov. Pat McCrory to veto the elections law bill, which would require photo IDs and shorten early voting, among other provisions.

On Thursday, Cooper’s campaign emailed a call for people to sign an online petition asking for a veto of House Bill 589. Last month, wearing his attorney general hat, Cooper sent an official letter to McCrory asking him to veto the bill, saying he thought it would be challenged in court.

“It’s wrong to make it more difficult for North Carolinians to register and vote,” Cooper’s email says.

Cooper was re-elected in November without opposition, so he has a healthy campaign finance account – nearly $400,000 at the end of June.

The petition effort is likely to spark speculation that Cooper is thinking about a potential challenge to McCrory in 2016.

Read more here:"

also email.

Quote :
"Dear *****,

Thanks for signing my petition, "Governor McCrory: Stop The Assault On Voting Rights."

Can you help this petition win by asking your friends to sign too? It's easy to share with your friends on Facebook - just click here to share the petition on Facebook.

There's also a sample email below that you can forward to your friends.

Thanks again -- together we're making change happen,

Attorney General Roy Cooper


Note to forward to your friends:


I just signed the petition "Governor McCrory: Stop The Assault On Voting Rights" on

It's important. Will you sign it too? Here's the link:


8/9/2013 10:07:17 PM

All American
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Sweet! The way things are going, he'll be serving as governor right along fellow governors Berger and Tillis.

8/9/2013 11:20:28 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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I predict lots of " Hangin with Mr. Cooper" jokes.

[Edited on August 11, 2013 at 8:42 AM. Reason : Wait maybe I'm the only person that watched that show]

8/11/2013 8:42:14 AM

All American
12790 Posts
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Agree or disagree I can understand the reasoning behind requiring a photo ID to vote but I've never understood what problem limiting early voting is attempting to solve. The reason appears to be that the Republican party believes the majority of early voters are voting for the other parties. I mean, what other reason could there be?

8/11/2013 9:50:42 AM

All American
2298 Posts
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I would not be surprised if this happened in 2016

8/11/2013 9:56:27 AM

All American
1801 Posts
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^^ See the link below for more information on state-by-state voting laws:

Only 32 states allow some form of early voting, and the early voting period varies greatly amongst the states which allow early voting. Historically, I do believe you're correct, more Democrat voters turn out by percentage for early voting than Republicans. But I also believe that trend is changing as more Republican campaigns begin to push early voting as a get out the vote strategy (I haven't looked at statewide data recently to verify though).

Since you're unable to fathom a single reason why anyone would want to limit early voting, here's one - costs. The longer an early voting period, the more it costs taxpayers.

8/11/2013 10:17:42 AM

41738 Posts
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The REAL VOTER FRAUD is done using absentee ballots, something the NC GOP has not placed any restrictions on. . . . .

Quote :
"Villamaino pleaded guilty to voter fraud charges Monday. He admitted to changing the party affiliations and requesting absentee ballots of nearly 300 people in East Longmeadow, a move that could have improved his chances of winning the Republican Primary for State Representative."

Quote :
"Two days earlier, Villamaino pled guilty to 11 charges related to the voter fraud case in which the prosecution alleged he attempted to steal votes through the use of forged absentee ballots that were illegally obtained. The charges included felony counts for perjury, forgery and conspiracy."

8/11/2013 10:44:31 AM

All American
8383 Posts
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Just think of all the welfare drug tests and transvaginal probes we could administer with all that money.

8/11/2013 10:45:10 AM

41738 Posts
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Quote :
"Since you're unable to fathom a single reason why anyone would want to limit early voting, here's one - costs. The longer an early voting period, the more it costs taxpayers."

The more photo ID's they have to check, the longer the lines, and the more poll workers required, that will cost taxpayers way more so that argument is null, saving money has never been the goal. The bottom line is the GOP thinks minorities are too lazy to wait in a long line, or send in an absentee ballot, so they want to use that angle to discourage them from voting at all.

8/11/2013 10:51:55 AM

68205 Posts
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GoldieOP is hilarious

Come on man ... You really think its about costs? Really? Lolololol

8/11/2013 12:50:03 PM

All American
11811 Posts
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Just like the newly minted, Republican-led Watuaga County election board is plowing through with an effort to consolidate all of Boone down from three precincts to just one because surely it's the cost that's involved in that decision..................

Ancillary question: Do we know if the tax the parents to intimidate college students from voting was a part of that horrendous disenfranchisement bill?

8/11/2013 1:27:55 PM

All American
10165 Posts
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"Roy Cooper" is also the name of the track coach at Apex...he's a good guy.

8/11/2013 1:42:49 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Haha, I had Mr. Cooper for Social Studies in 9th or 10th grade.

8/11/2013 2:02:49 PM

All American
1801 Posts
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The commenter above indicated he was unable to fathom a single reason why the GOP controlled NCGA would seek to limit the early voting period other than to lessen the effect of Democratic votes. I simply put forth one, legitimate reason why NC's voting period could be shortened. I would challenge those of you opposed to any such limitation on the early voting period to set forth the maximum amount of time that you feel should be allowed for early voting.

I understand I'm in the ideological minority here, but pure conjecture such as,
Quote :
"Come on man ... You really think its about costs? Really? Lolololol"
should be subject to much greater ridicule if the ideological majority seeks to be persuasive in the least.

[Edited on August 11, 2013 at 2:34 PM. Reason : ....]

8/11/2013 2:33:47 PM

All American
22931 Posts
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Again, for the people who say ID's will disenfranchise people - get the same buses that take people to the polls, load up whoever you think is going to be affected, and get them their ID's. Problem solved.

I don't necessarily agree with shortening the early voting period. It lets me get in front of that Democrat that is voting for the 3rd time. Absentee ballot voting definitely needs more scrutiny, I just don't think anybody has any good ideas currently as to how that can me done. People here do, I'm sure, but not where it counts, in the legislature.

8/11/2013 4:51:45 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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what's it like to live in a bizarro world?

I imagine it must be scary, seeing as how afraid you are of problems that don't exist

8/11/2013 7:30:55 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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Quote :
"The commenter above indicated he was unable to fathom a single reason why the GOP controlled NCGA would seek to limit the early voting period other than to lessen the effect of Democratic votes. I simply put forth one, legitimate reason why NC's voting period could be shortened. I would challenge those of you opposed to any such limitation on the early voting period to set forth the maximum amount of time that you feel should be allowed for early voting."

Someone already pointed out several reasons why the money savings probably aren't all that money saving. To which I would add the inevitable (and likely successful) lawsuits will cost a pretty penny as well. Good thing the legislature gave themselves the authority to appear in court on behalf of the state.

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I don't see anything about saving money in there.

Your 'legitimate reason' is irrelevant because it's not the reason bill exists. The bill ostensibly exists to curb what Republicans claim is rampant voter fraud, but for which they can produce no evidence. So, before we talk about what is or isn't an appropriate early voting period, why don't we talk about whether or not changes to voting laws are even required?. Why don't we talk about whether the changes to voting laws will even curb the claimed voter fraud? Personally, I'm really confused as to how reducing voter registration opportunities for high school students will reduce voter fraud.

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"Again, for the people who say ID's will disenfranchise people - get the same buses that take people to the polls, load up whoever you think is going to be affected, and get them their ID's. Problem solved."

...because a short bus ride and thirty minutes during your lunch hour is all it takes to get an ID. Problem solved indeed.

8/11/2013 9:18:07 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4921 Posts
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Quote :
"I don't necessarily agree with shortening the early voting period. It lets me get in front of that Democrat that is voting for the 3rd time."

8/12/2013 12:02:20 AM

All American
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I could post this in a couple of places, but since it's being talked about in here:

Quote :
"What North Carolina's New Voter ID Law Does for the GOP

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory signed into law the toughest voter ID rules in the country on Monday, and shrunk the number of days allowed for early voting. McCrory says the new law is "common-sense." But the numbers show the law will have, as Reid Wilson explained for National Journal, "undeniable political ramifications." Democrats tend to vote early. Republicans tend to vote absentee. The law makes big changes to in-person voting while leaving rules for absentee ballots mostly the same.

Some numbers explain the political ramifications. In North Carolina, Reid noted, 1.2 million Democrats voted early, while only 800,000 Republicans did. By contrast, blacks cast only 8.7 percent of absentee ballots, while whites cast 86.4 percent of them. (Blacks are 22 percent of the North Carolina population; whites are 71.9 percent.)

The 49-page law requires that all voters have a government-issued photo ID — that means college IDs don't count. Currently it's estimated that there are between 203,352 and 318,643 registered voters in the state without a state-issued ID (like a driver's license). It is not known how many of those voters have another acceptable form of ID. The law also shortens the early voting period from 17 to 10 days. Same-day voter registration will be eliminated, along with early registration for 16 and 17-year-old voters who will be 18 on Election Day.

Meanwhile, there are smaller changes to the rules governing mail-in ballots. As WRAL explains, the new rules require that absentee voters list the number from some form of ID. But that doesn't have to be a photo ID — the last four digits of a Social Security number counts, as would a driver's license number or a special ID card number. And absentee voters can get out of that requirement, too. WRAL reports, "If the voter doesn't have any of those numbers, he or she may include documents such as bank statements, pay stubs or utility bills with the request" for an absentee ballot. A failed amendment to the bill that would have allowed people without photo ID to vote in person if they met the requirements for an absentee ballot.

Similar laws have been passed in Republican-controlled legislatures. North Carolina's has received backlash because it's the most extensive in recent years. The Justice Department indicated it will challenge the law, along with a new voter ID law in Texas.

Opponents of the law point out that these measures address a problem that may not be there — there is little evidence of voter fraud. Supporters claim that the new measures will give voters confidence in the system, eventually increasing turnout. Reactions on Twitter range from "all states should do this!" to "SMH" (shaking my head).

McCrory said in a statement on Monday, “I am proud to sign this legislation into law. Common practices like boarding an airplane and purchasing Sudafed require photo ID, and we should expect nothing less for the protection of our right to vote.” Some might point out that boarding an airplane and purchasing cold medicine aren't fundamental constitutional rights. "

still think it's about the cost, GoldieO?

[Edited on August 12, 2013 at 5:20 PM. Reason : whoops]

8/12/2013 5:19:39 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
11608 Posts
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I still don't see how these laws avoid poll tax rulings.

8/12/2013 5:38:06 PM

41738 Posts
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I am glad Pat McRory as the figurehead of the "small government" party in NC can use Sudafed and Airplane travel to add bureaucracy and headaches to our voting system.

8/12/2013 5:48:22 PM

41738 Posts
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Quote :

8/12/2013 5:54:03 PM

All American
2856 Posts
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the no straight ticket thing sucks

8/12/2013 6:39:38 PM

All American
2253 Posts
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Don't forget the part that eases campaign contributions and allows anonymous advertising. Great news for wealthy special interests and plutocrats!

8/12/2013 7:15:04 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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Quote :
"the no straight ticket thing sucks"

Yeah, I hate thinking about individual races and knowing who I'm voting for. WTF.

8/12/2013 7:16:34 PM

68205 Posts
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i hate people that vote straight ticket

fucking sheep

8/12/2013 7:27:06 PM

All American
5523 Posts
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^ i don't usually call people sheep because it seems pretentious but in this specific instance it is accurate

8/12/2013 7:35:16 PM

All American
11811 Posts
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Eliminating straight-party voting is just a mechanism to add time to the voting process. If you use a voter guide prior to showing up, then you should know whom you are voting for. I would have voted straight party, but I wanted to vote for Steve Troxler and Cherie Berry (just to keep seeing her name in the elevator).

I was glad to see the "tax the parents if their college kid votes" thing didn't get crammed into this or anything of the other garbage during the frenzy.

Oh, and for the "cost savings crowd", please tell us how spending $10.9 million in the outlawing of touch screen voting machines is fiscally prudent........

8/12/2013 7:38:56 PM

41738 Posts
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Meanwhile in Florida

8/13/2013 1:13:51 PM

2953 Posts
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We better just go ahead and order some more crowd control chains. Looks like we're gonna need 'em

8/13/2013 1:56:58 PM

Thots and Prayers
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the no straight-ticket rule is the only positive part of this bill.

but that's like seeing a penny glistening in a pile of shit.

8/13/2013 3:24:20 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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That shit covered penny must be the money savings GoldieO was talking about.

[Edited on August 13, 2013 at 3:39 PM. Reason : ]

8/13/2013 3:37:15 PM

26632 Posts
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8/13/2013 4:35:54 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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What it's really about, and everyone knows it:

8/13/2013 5:39:05 PM

41738 Posts
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Quote :
"Yesterday, despite being warned of its consequences, Gov. Pat McCrory signed HB 589 into law.

This regressive elections law restricts voting, allows more corporate money into politics and reduces public disclosure for special interests looking to influence elections. Plus it cuts short the time for early voting and stops those who go to the wrong precinct from casting provisional ballots. And on and on.

I urged the Governor to veto and more than 17,000 of you joined me in just four days.

Though I’m appalled that the bill is now law, I am encouraged by your response.

It is time to get involved. It is time to work for change. It is time to take a stand.

Join me in the effort at"

Collecting contact info for supporters, a play right out of the OFA/Dems playbook.

8/13/2013 7:22:17 PM

41738 Posts
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8/21/2013 12:58:23 PM

All American
2298 Posts
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I'd vote for a Cooper/Wood ticket.

8/21/2013 9:04:50 PM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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Quote :
"I would have voted straight party, but I wanted to vote for Steve Troxler and Cherie Berry (just to keep seeing her name in the elevator). "

Cherie Berry's name is the only reason I never voted straight party in NC. That and I think she's done a decent enough job to keep doing it.

I have no problem with straight ticket voting if you were going to individually vote for those people anyway. But if you don't know who any of them are, then fill your president, governor, and senator circles and gtfo.

Also, some people forget to look at the non-partisan voting after selecting straight ticket.

8/21/2013 9:49:20 PM

41738 Posts
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Quote :
"When neighborhood teachers say they have fewer textbooks and supplies and no assistants to help teach kids this year, believe them.

North Carolina children are going back to school full of optimism this week, but educators and parents are anxious, worrying about crowded classrooms and aging buses. Teachers are demoralized by low pay and little incentive to get more training.

This is the work of North Carolina legislators and a governor who increased class size, cut classroom supplies, and left high-mileage buses on the road. They cut public schools so they could give tax breaks for the wealthy and out-of-state corporate shareholders. Millions more will go to vouchers for private schools.

However, most North Carolinians believe our children’s education should be a priority, not an afterthought. You shouldn’t have to make up for a state budget that short changes schools. While we work to set the state right, I encourage all of us to help fill these gaps.

Ask a teacher or parent you know how to help with classroom supplies, books or athletic equipment. Help local PTAs with fundraisers. Volunteer in a school if you can, and ask if you can help out as a reading coach, a test proctor or a mentor. I and many others volunteer weekly in a local school, and educators are always grateful for help.

Thanks in advance for your help and for fighting for public schools.

Roy Cooper"

Quote :
"Authorized and Paid for by Roy Cooper for Attorney General Governer "

8/27/2013 6:37:49 PM

41738 Posts
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Quote :
"RALEIGH, N.C. — Attorney General Roy Cooper isn't saying "no" when asked if he might run for governor in 2016.

Cooper, a Democrat, has been an oft-mentioned potential contender over the last several election cycles. In his campaigns for Attorney General, he has pulled more votes than other well known Democrats like President Barack Obama and Gov. Bev Perdue.

"I am concerned about where we're headed in our state," Cooper said Thursday when asked if he might run in 2016. "I'm concerned about that direction. I want to be a part of that change. It's certainly too early to make any formal announcements, but I certainly want to be part of moving North Carolina forward and moving in the right direction."

Cooper has publicly disagreed with McCrory over high-profile pieces of legislation, including a sweeping new elections law that passed the General Assembly this year.

On Wednesday, former Raleigh mayor Charles Meeker said that he might consider a run.

So far, the only two declared Democrats are James Protzman, a businessman and Chapel Hill City Councilman best known as a blogger for the BlueNC website, and Kenneth Spaulding, a former state House member, congressional candidate and Board of Transportation member.

It will likely be a long time before the 2016 Democratic field takes shape. The 2014 election will feature a U.S. Senate campaign at the top of the ticket. "

9/5/2013 9:42:43 PM

All American
93277 Posts
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^beat me to the news, but here's a link.

9/6/2013 3:07:02 PM

All American
27142 Posts
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I would vote for Meeker or Cooper.

9/7/2013 12:01:35 PM

All American
11811 Posts
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Roy Cooper likely has the most name recognition, but I would be concerned about losing the AG post to another Emporer Pope/ALEC puppet should his bid fail.

9/7/2013 4:31:35 PM

41738 Posts
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Email Subject "An End and a Beginning"

Quote :
"September 1st marked the end of an innovative North Carolina program to encourage 16 and 17 year olds to pre-register to vote. It's demise was part of the draconian elections overhaul passed by the legislature and signed by the governor last month that makes it harder for North Carolinians to register and vote.

What's more, the new law opens the door to more corporate money into the elections system, limits disclosures of contributions, prevents people from casting a provisional ballot when they go to the wrong precinct and the list goes on.

But the end of this program can be the beginning of even greater efforts to get young people involved in democracy. Many of them are upset about ballot boxes being removed from their college campus and challenges to their residency. I've talked to numerous students and young professionals and they are ready to engage their peers.

There are committed organizations that are working hard to register young people despite these new rules. High school and college groups are taking action. Let's help them with our time, encouragement, and financial support.

The ability to change our state's course and move North Carolina forward will depend on laying the groundwork right now.

In order to stay up to date on these opportunities and others, follow me on Twitter @RoyCooperNC and like my Facebook page:

Thanks for all of your efforts."

9/9/2013 8:59:57 PM

All American
2240 Posts
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He's formed a campaign committee so I guess it's official now.

9/16/2013 7:33:32 AM

All American
1428 Posts
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Quote :
"draconian "

lol that term is used way too much. so much that it doesn't hold the same meaning it once did.

9/16/2013 9:26:40 AM

Duke is puke
20897 Posts
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I can't vote for someone that is standing behind the inept handling of the Brad Cooper trial, and his office is pushing to appeal the retrial decision.

9/16/2013 5:02:55 PM

41738 Posts
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fwiw..... Roy Cooper was the one that had the nards to publicly declare the Duke Lacrosse players innocent. Everyone else was scared to do it because the situation was so racially charged and the Durham DA was claiming to have more evidence than he had.

9/16/2013 6:10:36 PM

Johnny Swank
All American
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I'd vote for Cooper in a heartbeart over McCrory. Hell, I'd vote for a biscuit over McCrory. I think either Meeker or Cooper are gonna wipe the floor with him after this past clusterfuck of a year. This stupid over-reaching by the GOP is going to end up biting them in the ass bigtime.

9/16/2013 9:14:33 PM

Wyld Stallyn
1087 Posts
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I've been to the future, and Beth Wood is a better choice.

9/17/2013 1:14:14 PM

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