10403 Posts user info edit post |
I cut the cable and would like to get the local channels back. Is there an antenna you would recommend?
Thanks. 1/30/2014 2:28:25 PM |
Tarun almost 11687 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on January 30, 2014 at 11:50 PM. Reason : i cant type]
1/30/2014 11:50:00 PM |
NCSUMEB All American 2530 Posts user info edit post |
I couldn't find much on this as far as my issue, but I had bought a cheap RCA antenna and I was able to get ABC in downtown Raleigh (channel 11-1) but now with my antenna I am not able anymore to get ABC over the air? Wanting to know which brand of antenna I would need to secure that. 9/17/2014 11:55:03 AM |
moron All American 34183 Posts user info edit post | 9/17/2014 12:00:52 PM |
Specter All American 6575 Posts user info edit post |
^^ i've found that 11.1 is broadcasted from a different location and the only way for me to get it is by turning the antenna until it picks up (and losing some of the other channels). i dont think you can pick up all broadcast channels over the air at the same time with a static antenna
[Edited on September 17, 2014 at 1:41 PM. Reason : ] 9/17/2014 1:40:01 PM |
smoothcrim Universal Magnetic! 18968 Posts user info edit post |
those leaf antennae they have on slickdeals all the time work great 9/17/2014 2:58:13 PM |
jaZon All American 27048 Posts user info edit post |
^ this 9/17/2014 11:57:17 PM |
Agent 0 All American 5677 Posts user info edit post |
I use a Leaf Metro to get the basic broadcast networks. I live about 5 miles from all the broadcast antennas in my area, so I get them all in cable-quality HD. 9/18/2014 10:36:47 AM |
theDuke866 All American 52857 Posts user info edit post |
I use a Channel Master CM3018. They're about $100, and they're big. Mine is mounted in the rafters in the attic. It works very well, though. 9/18/2014 11:06:51 AM |
Specter All American 6575 Posts user info edit post |
Is it true that if you have TWC internet, you can get the local channels in HD just by plugging to the wall? Do you need a set-top box for this or just antenna cable straight from TV to wall jack? 9/24/2014 3:15:25 PM |
beatsunc All American 10754 Posts user info edit post |
^if they did not put in a filter. no set top box needed if tv is not really old 10/4/2014 8:20:39 AM |
smoothcrim Universal Magnetic! 18968 Posts user info edit post |
by law, they must provide clear QAM local channels, as they are subsidized by tax dollars. 10/4/2014 9:47:24 AM |