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 Message Boards » » What's the worst you've ever injured yourself? Page [1]  
play so hard
60908 Posts
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Obviously not talking about disease or similar medical issues, I'm talking about an action you took that directly led to an injury. Share your stores of you being dumb here.

7/27/2014 7:06:30 PM

oh we back
25222 Posts
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Broken arm running around the house trying to chase my brother when I was in middle school. I ran into a door frame, arm extended. But that's about it. I had just made the middle school basketball team that day...and then broke my arm and was out for all but like 2 games of the season.

My worst injury was a high ankle sprain playing basketball at Carmichael. Was on crutches for 1 or 2 months and then in a boot for another month. But that wasn't me doing anything was just an accident.

[Edited on July 27, 2014 at 7:11 PM. Reason : d]

7/27/2014 7:10:39 PM

no u
103352 Posts
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I sprained my ankle jumping off one of those two story jungle gyms when I was a kid

was the second or third time jumping off it actually

7/27/2014 7:22:55 PM

All American
22025 Posts
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fell asleep at the wheel. Broke 2 ribs, got a concussion, and had a bunch of stitches after glass was removed from my face and arms.

somewhat oddly after that is the fact that the only other injuries I can really recall are a PCL injury and a sprained ankle and that was about it. fairly low on injuries for a kid who played a lot of sports growing up.

7/27/2014 7:27:42 PM

49741 Posts
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Stood too close to fireworks last fourth of July, but made a decent "hey y'all watch this" video in the process. Coupla second degree burns later, well, it could've been worse!

7/27/2014 9:02:21 PM

324 Posts
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Rode off a curb by the new (at the time) SAS building on main campus and went over the handle bars of my bike when the fork broke. One of the front shocks was bad, but the brace across the middle between the shocks, along with the good shock was holding up the bad one so I didn't realize all this till afterwards.

When I landed, the brace broke under the strain, the bad shock collapsed, the tire went rolling off into oblivion when the axle separated, and I landed pretty much on my top lip. (don't really remember falling, just riding up to curb) Ended up needing 10 stitches and loosing about half of a front tooth. The worst pain though was the front tooth that didn't break.

7/27/2014 9:32:30 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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fell off my bicycle and was knocked out. stubbed my pinky toe on some door trim and broke it. sliced my wrist open pretty bad on a nail while i was cranking a go-kart. sliced my finger to the bone with a rusty fillet knife trying to cut up a shad for catfish bait. put a big gash on my heel on a rod holder climbing back in the boat after pushing it out of some shallow water.

pretty mild stuff, really.

7/27/2014 9:38:31 PM

18572 Posts
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put a screwdriver through my hand while holding the item to be screwed into

I don't do that anymore

7/27/2014 9:45:42 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"Stood too close to fireworks last fourth of July, but made a decent "hey y'all watch this" video in the process. Coupla second degree burns later, well, it could've been worse!"

What kind of fireworks?

7/27/2014 10:59:42 PM

49741 Posts
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I'll need to inquire with my brewmaster about that. Loud sumbitches fershure.

7/27/2014 11:04:47 PM

All American
8845 Posts
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Tore my ACL playing ultimate frisbee

7/27/2014 11:11:02 PM

All American
2991 Posts
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Fell on a sidewalk when drunk and almost ripped my ear off...seriously, my head was the first thing to impact the ground and it ripped the top part of my ear from my scalp . Not my finest moment to say the least.

7/30/2014 10:37:31 PM

All American
93277 Posts
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broke my ankle freshman year of high school. had to have surgery to repair ligaments, tendons, etc. only 3 games into football season... missed the rest of it and my first wrestling season, although i went to practice and watched to learn the sport.

7/31/2014 12:50:57 AM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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^ broke it playing football?

7/31/2014 12:52:33 AM

Sink the Flagship
9817 Posts
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broke my ankle, wrist, both big toes, and my dominant hand - all on separate occasions. the broken hand was probably the worst and annoying.

7/31/2014 1:03:01 AM

All American
42526 Posts
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Put out 3 cigarettes on my forearm on the same spot in quick succession.

7/31/2014 6:40:33 AM

All American
43383 Posts
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Broke my arm playing manhunt late night with my neighborhood friends back when I was 13. Was running, tripped over a curb and broke my arm when I fell down. That was the only time I've broken a major bone (i.e. something larger than a finger/toe).

Tore my ACL skiing @ Breckenridge. Hadn't tested the condition of the snow (was harder & heavier than I thought) and dropped about 10 feet off the ridgeline into Zoot Chute. When I went to make my first turn my skis caught and I started falling down the extremely steep slope. Tumbled around 100 ft or so down the mtn and my skis didn't pop off fast enough. Twisted my left knee pretty good, though didn't realize immediately that I had snapped my ACL. Oddly enough it didn't hurt at the time.

[Edited on July 31, 2014 at 8:37 AM. Reason : pwe]

7/31/2014 8:36:36 AM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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^^^ what were you doing to cause each injury?
^^ that makes total sense

7/31/2014 9:48:50 AM

balls deep
89698 Posts
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Slices my thumb open carving a pumpkin. I decided that the little plastic carving saw wasn't getting the job done, so I grabbed a razor. Not long after grabbing this blade did it slip on the pumpkin and into my thumb.

Once, I broke my elbow playing basketball. I dunked, and the person gaurding me fell down below me. I was hanging on the rim so he could move from underneath, and my hand slipped/the backboard started tilting. I fell, landing on my butt and wrist. The Dr. Said it didn't break my wrist, but instead travelled up my arm and broke my elbow.

7/31/2014 10:01:37 AM

All American
93277 Posts
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Quote :
"^ broke it playing football?"

no, goofing off before practice in the locker room. i decided i'd wrestle a senior... wet floor, slipped, he landed on my leg.

7/31/2014 3:33:03 PM

Sink the Flagship
9817 Posts
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Quote :
"^^^ what were you doing to cause each injury?"

I forgot to put that I've had stitches twice, also.

First time, mom took me down to a creek with a swing rope when I was like 5 and I let go too early and hit my head on a rock. I remember at Rex they pulled out this board with a picture of a tied up indian brave on it (super un-politically correct these days) and tied me to the board like the indian in said picture.

Second time, my neighbor was giving away a bike he'd outgrown but he was much older/taller than me. The bike was clearly too big for me but my parents wanted me to try to ride it anyway because it was free. I fell and hit my forehead on the wall that lined the driveway.

Ankle - playing "crack the whip" in 7th grade.

Wrist - dropping in on a half pipe in 8th grade (had just greased my bearings and it slipped out)

Big toe #1 - drunkenly horsing around with my friend in college. I kicked him and he blocked with his shin. Went to NCSU student health and it was confirmed broken but it wasn't that bad. Crutches for a couple of weeks.

Big toe #2 - Long story. This break was worse (different foot) and it was right before I went backpacking in Europe so I had to walk miles and miles on it but it wasn't that bad.

I can feel the area the bone broke and healed on both toes when it's cold out or raining.

Hand - punched a wall. lesson learned. boxer's fractures are fucking terrible to deal with. I'm still rehabbing my hand from almost five months ago.

[Edited on July 31, 2014 at 3:45 PM. Reason : .]

7/31/2014 3:44:36 PM

All American
1870 Posts
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Last summer, lots of dumb things in the span of a week:

#1: rode over gravel at a railroad crossing on my bike, one I've ridden over hundreds of times, and hooked my pedal in the wheel. Slipped on the tracks, fell over and bashed up my left shoulder, cut up my left hand pretty good and needed stitches, sprained my left wrist. All on the way to an interview at a clinic. Bonus: got stitches and treated while I interviewed! (Yes, I got the position).

#2: got stung by some angry bitch of a wasp, saw up to my right calf swell to twice its normal size. Could barely put on any shoes. Also was the sting that made me allergic to all stinging insects.

(Found this out later in January, when I got stung by a honeybee and had an anaphylactic reaction. I'd been stung hundreds of times before that by my bees and never had any issue).

#3: was picking up downed sticks in the backyard after a thunderstorm, stabbed myself right below the brow ridge into my upper eyelid from a dead bush. There was literally a hole in my eyelid and you could see my eye underneath. I'm really lucky I missed my eye.

After that, I was like "FUCK THIS NOISE, I AM NEVER LEAVING THE HOUSE AGAIN". Luckily my bad karma stopped after hiding for a week.

8/1/2014 2:36:15 PM

All American
93277 Posts
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Quote :
"Bonus: got stitches and treated while I interviewed! (Yes, I got the position). "
way to make yourself stand out in the interview!

Quote :
"#3: was picking up downed sticks in the backyard after a thunderstorm, stabbed myself right below the brow ridge into my upper eyelid from a dead bush. There was literally a hole in my eyelid and you could see my eye underneath. I'm really lucky I missed my eye."

8/1/2014 2:45:48 PM

All American
23447 Posts
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When I was about 7, broke my arm falling off of a non-slippery slide.

Sometime in middle school I broke my ankle playing soccer.

That's about it.

8/1/2014 2:48:02 PM

All American
6788 Posts
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I broke my wrist playing football but the pain from that was not as bad as when I bruised my ribs, also playing football, or when I pulled my trap muscle recently lifting weights. Both of those made it so I could barely even walk and just breathing was incredibly painful to the point where moving the wrong way would just shut me down.

Also broke my nose playing basketball that needed surgery. That sucked, the surgery was way worse than the break itself.

8/1/2014 6:16:50 PM

All American
1612 Posts
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This might be it. *******WARNING. Cringe worthy*******
Had 14-gauge sheet metal fall on my hand. 11 stitches I think. Still have nerve damage down the side of my hand and half my pinky. This happened in 2008.

8/1/2014 6:24:32 PM

429 Posts
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Broken left metacarpal from tackle American football.

Went shinguard to shinguard with a dude playing European football and the stress on the tibia was so extreme that my tibia developed a stress fracture on its back side.

Somehow managed to walk away from a car accident as a passenger that nearly killed the my neighbor the driver.

Dats about it.

8/1/2014 6:50:50 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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I got a severe concussion and a greenstick jaw fracture playing IM soccer in 2002.

I was playing keeper and there was a race for the ball just inside the area. I was diving on the ball as the guy tried to shoot and he put it full force into the side of my face.

8/1/2014 8:37:41 PM

All American
93277 Posts
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Quote :
" tackle American football."

double redundant

8/1/2014 9:53:40 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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there are tackles in soccer too mane

8/1/2014 10:59:01 PM

All American
93277 Posts
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lol "slide tackle"

8/1/2014 11:39:56 PM

330 Posts
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I lost the top third of my left index finger when I was 5. I was messing around with a scrap wood pile from one of my dad's home improvement projects and a piece fell and crushed my fingertip. When I pulled my finger out I was missing everything down to and a little bit past the knuckle. Since I was so young it partially grew back, but it's half an inch shorter than the one on my right hand

8/2/2014 9:33:49 AM

429 Posts
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fuck...I meant to say the stress on the tibia was so extreme that my fibula developed a stress fracture on the back of my leg.

think about that for a second. I can't imagine how my leg must have been bending mid shin for that to happen.

I played the rest of the game...the other guy had to limp off and didn't return.

8/2/2014 9:44:44 AM

41738 Posts
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broke ankle smashed

8/2/2014 11:44:41 AM

Byrn Stuff
19058 Posts
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Stepped on a porcelain music box and cut through two of my toes, which needed to be sewn back together.

Tore my rotator cuff and got road rash down to the white after skitching along behind a car that I'd tied a jump rope to. My hands were sweaty and I couldn't hold the plastic handle, so I looped the rope around my hand twice (genius!). The board hit a rock, and I supermanned the asphalt and came down on my right arm.

8/2/2014 3:56:06 PM

All American
93277 Posts
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ow. scar?

8/2/2014 6:31:31 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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I fell asleep on the beach and burned the backs of my legs so bad I couldnt walk for a week.

That's what comes to mind right now.

8/4/2014 10:45:11 PM

All American
9417 Posts
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Never broken anything, but I've dislocated my right shoulder twice and my hip once. The hip hurt like a bitch.

8/5/2014 4:22:24 PM

All American
27960 Posts
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I've had five sets of stitches all above my neck.

8/5/2014 4:41:53 PM

All American
1103 Posts
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Fractured my shoulder blade playing rugby

8/5/2014 8:29:25 PM

1575 Posts
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Broke my hip. Had a stress fracture in highschool that got misdiagnosed when i went to the doctor. They thought it was inflamed. Running at practice one day and 'pop'. long story short, 11 years later i had a total hip replacement.

8/5/2014 9:25:21 PM

All American
2642 Posts
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-fell off my tricycle a long long time ago and bit a hole in my lower lip, about halfway between my chin and my lip, my top teeth went all the way through from the outside
-broke my two front top teeth out (baby teeth) when I fell in front of a restaurant in Williamston, on like December 23rd or something. All I remember is that we drove back to Raleigh and had to wake the dentist up at his house to come fix my face up because everywhere was closed.
-broke the radius and ulna in my right arm riding bikes a long time ago
-broke my left wrist when I fell on my roller skates.
-broke my nose when a friend hit me with a golf club by accident.
-knocked myself cold riding my bike when my bookbag strap got tangled in the wheel and it yanked my off the bike. A neighbor found me laying in the street near my house. I'm pretty sure that's the only time I've been knocked unconscious.
-broke my left index finger wrestling in high school
-broke my left collarbone racing four wheelers with my brother. The doctor gave me a brace (no cast) that was too big to start with so the bones didn't attach back together for the first week or two. The football trainer at Millbrook recommended that I go get it refit. The bone healed back together, but the ends overlapped a little instead of aligning so I've got this thick wad of bone in the middle of my collarbone.
-broken five or six toes in various ways along the way
-broke my left wrist again after I jumped out of a second story window at Dumpster Square, junior year in college. It had like two ninety degree turns in it (once to the left, and then back up)where the bone had broken, and my skin wall all wrinkled up like the invisible man was giving me an Indian burn.

The worst was probably my right arm or my nose.

8/5/2014 9:44:17 PM

 Message Boards » The Lounge » What's the worst you've ever injured yourself? Page [1]  
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