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Sprots Talk Mod
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Guy has been invisible on this whole baseball covid debacle.

-100 credibility

6/26/2021 8:45:47 AM

oh we back
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Lol. Debbie Yow has already tweeted about it.


6/26/2021 8:48:28 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Boo clearly reads tww

6/26/2021 9:02:23 AM

All American
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Total void of leadership.

6/26/2021 9:52:44 AM

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lol the dude who takes unsolicited bathroom cock pics was like the first reply i saw to the tweet

6/26/2021 10:10:39 AM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"The university cannot require vaccines for our students, including our student athletes. "

If he specifically means "pre fda approval" then fine, otherwise this is a lie

6/26/2021 9:19:52 PM

Sup, B
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-100 for not getting our players vaccinated or isolated.
-2000 for not immediately suing the NCAA to get our boys a chance.

6/26/2021 10:08:56 PM

All American
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If Boo keeps standing off to the side like this I don't think he'll last long as AD here

6/27/2021 11:42:32 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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i saw people complaining that he didn't respond to fan emails. i loled. like that isn't remotely his job. i realize debbie yow did it, but that isn't a normal thing a power 5 AD does.

he'll stick around as long as sports remain fairly successful, he gets money rolling in and there are no big scandals on his watch. i mean look at how long lee goddamn fowler stuck around despite being a huge dope.

6/27/2021 3:15:13 PM

All American
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Of course there are some overboard loons, but it's wrong to think he isn't in at least some hot water at the moment. The communication about the issue was absolutely piss-poor. The fact that he would think it was ok given the circumstances of the moment and the emotions of the fanbase at the time to release that first statement actually makes me question his overall intelligence a bit. Communication with the fanbase (not individually of course) absolutely is part of his job.

It took 2 days before the d1baseball article came out which outlined the timeline of events. It was incredibly sensitive to individual players health and didn't throw anyone under the bus (players or the NCAA). I have absolutely no idea why Boo couldn't have drafted something similar Saturday morning outlining what actually happened throughout the week with testing and how State officials worked this way and that way behind the scenes to avoid the outcome.

Instead you have an enraged fanbase who knows nothing about anything that happened. In the vacuum, all manner of dumb conspiracies and craziness ensued.

6/28/2021 11:20:52 AM

Sup, B
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Find out who that fucker on our grounds crew that celebrated a FG from the opposing team and fire his ass yesterday. WTF

11/26/2021 10:53:29 PM

Save TWW
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"guys we won now let's get a guy fired!"

11/26/2021 10:55:30 PM

148939 Posts
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aaron "i love cancel culture" burro

11/26/2021 10:58:04 PM

Duh, Winning
62578 Posts
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he would have been cancelled for his own hate crimes back in the day

11/26/2021 11:00:28 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Why is Boo Corrigan working on the grounds crew

11/26/2021 11:03:17 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"At the Ritz-Carlton Amelia Island lobby bar, Wake Forest AD John Currie was just seen screaming at NC State AD Boo Corrigan. Clemson AD Dan Radakovich stepped in the separate the two. The ACC spring meeting is getting heated."

5/16/2023 10:28:32 AM

All American
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Wake forest getting left out of re-alignment talks? I won’t miss ‘em *shrug*

5/16/2023 11:49:18 AM

oh we back
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(I think that’s a fake account)

5/16/2023 12:21:07 PM

All American
924 Posts
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Yeah, I think you're right too...

Quote :
"This account claims to write for 2 publications that don't exist"

5/16/2023 12:34:51 PM

All American
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if we can’t trust BadBoyOfScoops, then who can we trust?

5/16/2023 12:59:01 PM

Save TWW
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Damnit I blame the grink

[Edited on May 16, 2023 at 1:16 PM. Reason : Or the fake blue check]

5/16/2023 1:15:18 PM

oh we back
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Unlike most fake accounts, the tweet was pretty funny.

5/16/2023 1:23:10 PM

Save TWW
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What I meant to say is I knew it was fake and posted it for the laughs

5/16/2023 1:28:23 PM

All American
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Andrew Carter calling out rwoody?11!?1!

5/16/2023 2:17:43 PM

Save TWW
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No no I knew it was fake, as I said. I'm smart.

5/16/2023 3:18:33 PM

oh we back
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I know a lot of our fans don’t like Boo because he doesn’t post on Twitter all the time like Yow did.

But the fact that he’s at least actively involved in the group of 7 teams that were reported to be exploring options. It’d be a bad look to not be a part of the magnificent 7

5/16/2023 6:05:45 PM

Save TWW
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First let reiterate that I am in fact not owned

But 2nd yea i don't know how ill feel about sports fandom in some new super conf, but I would feel even worse about being left behind.

5/16/2023 6:30:01 PM

3753 Posts
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Other than us being a package deal with UNC, why would either the SEC or the B1G want us?

Ideal for me would be us going to the SEC and UNC going to the B1G. I'd love to get away from those bastards.

5/17/2023 12:11:25 PM

All American
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I think it’s extremely lame to not want to be in the same conference as your number one rival

college sports are losing more than enough of their identity as it is. blood rivals are about all that’s left

5/17/2023 12:16:56 PM

oh we back
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Quote :
"Other than us being a package deal with UNC, why would either the SEC or the B1G want us?"

By ourselves, we aren’t attractive as far as I can tell.

I feel like where it’s all headed is the P5 (give or take some teams) basically breaking away and forming a 60 ish team division. And, sure, you can have geographic based divisions within that like the pro leagues do. As long as we’re included in that, I’m cool with it. Don’t want us relegated to the future subdivision of major college sports.

5/17/2023 12:21:02 PM

3753 Posts
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^^I'd agree if they weren't one of the most rotten universities in the entire country. Fuck them.

5/17/2023 2:21:47 PM

All American
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5/17/2023 2:29:56 PM

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I'm truly devastated you disagree.

5/17/2023 2:32:53 PM

All American
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“the team I don’t like the most is also a rotten university. I don’t want to play them anymore”

king loser shit

5/17/2023 2:50:38 PM

3753 Posts
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The team that cheated for 40+ years, spent millions to fight it when they got caught, and got away with it.

Go fuck yourself.

5/17/2023 3:35:39 PM

All American
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they’re all fucking rotten, man

5/17/2023 3:41:44 PM

Save TWW
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The more rotten they are the more satisfying it would be if we could ever top them.

An acc/conf basketball title that didn't include Duke/unc in that conference would be less sweet. I mean I'll take anything, but it would have less shine

[Edited on May 17, 2023 at 4:00 PM. Reason : S]

5/17/2023 3:59:33 PM

All American
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this the way

5/17/2023 4:38:45 PM

oh we back
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Fuck UNC. But also fuck not playing UNC. Its more fun to play your rivals than not play them.

5/17/2023 7:35:25 PM

All American
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but sir, can I remind you of their rottenness?

5/18/2023 1:51:18 AM

oh we back
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The rottenness is what makes playing them fun.

How boring would it be if we went to the Big 12 with VT? How fun to square off against Texas Tech and West Virginia and Houston with no history and no rivalries (ok the Houston basketball games could be fun) and minimal geographic closeness.

It’s way more fun to hitch ourselves to UNC. It’s a bitter pill to swallow realizing that they’re the bigger brand and that they’re more desirable than we are on our own. But UNC hasn’t held us back. We’ve held ourselves back by being incredibly mediocre for 35 years.

I also think a lot of this is just posturing by FSU (and Clemson too I guess). Sure, all these teams are looking into the grant of rights and doing due diligence. But if FSU had legit interest from the SEC or B1G, then they’d go. FSU is being loud because they’re broke and want more money and they know, for now, that unequal revenue distribution is their best/only path to more money.

5/18/2023 6:32:08 AM

All American
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No one in the league has any reason to agree to unequal revenue sharing. The Big XII pandered to Texas and Oklahoma for years and gave them unequal revenue, and look where it landed them... It's not gonna keep the better teams around significantly longer than not paying them more would, and it's only gonna hurt the already lesser schools. Unequal revenue sharing is a stupid fools' errand aimed at trying to please people who are gonna leave anyways.

5/18/2023 10:18:37 AM

oh we back
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I do agree with that. If fsu wants to leave (when they’re financially able), they will. A few extra million is not gonna satisfy them.

That said, is there a way that unequal revenue sharing actually pushes some of the lower teams to maybe emphasize athletics more…so they can try to get a bigger piece of the pie? Probably not, but idk. Also, unequal revenue sharing, based on on-field success, would not have helped fsu at all over the last 5+ years.

5/18/2023 10:25:42 AM

148939 Posts
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I'm sure if we ended up in a different conference than UNC, we'd find a way to schedule annual OOC bball games among other things

Also nobody is going anywhere until 2030 at the earliest. If they found a way to get out of the grant of rights, they would've already done it. FSU isn't going to voluntarily give the ACC 100% of their income for the next 7 years or whatever.

5/18/2023 10:39:28 AM

oh we back
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^ yes. Which is why fsu is posturing and angling for what would amount to a few extra million that won’t come close to truly closing the gap. They’re broke and don’t have other options.

5/18/2023 12:00:29 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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^^GOR runs through 2036 i believe. 2030 is just being thrown about because 1) is easy to say and 2) is about halfway through the remaining contract. There's nothing inherently special about 2030.

If enough teams decided they want out, the GOR won't stand in the way because they'll just vote to dissolve the conference. ESPN isn't gonna get mad because they will keep whatever teams they want in their other conferences.

5/18/2023 2:09:12 PM

oh we back
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^ those teams that vote to dissolve the conference need a landing place before they dissolve though. And sure, there would be a landing place for FSU, Clemson, UNC, maybe Miami. But I don’t expect the rest of the SEC or B1G to want to share revenues with State or GT or VT. I guess you can try to package State and UNC together. Or UVa and VT. And I think the state legislature would try to do that. But does that make it easier or harder to sell to the SEC or B1G members that need to approve it?

It won’t happen, but I think Ovies or Giglio said the teams that vote to dissolve should then just form their own smaller conference and approach ESPN and negotiate a deal that way. The old school small conference sounds fun. It would never happen though.

Also, re: the 2030 thing. Yea GOR runs till 2036. But it gets cheaper to get out of it every year is my understanding. So I guess that’s why 2030 is thrown around. If you break the GOR you pay an exit fee. And then all your media rights money from the new conference goes to the ACC through 2036, right? So the closer you get to 2036, the more feasible it might be.

[Edited on May 18, 2023 at 3:11 PM. Reason : G]

5/18/2023 3:07:51 PM

oh we back
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This is something I have not seen yet

Quote :
" But what is even thornier from a legal perspective is the second clause in the ACC’s agreement, where schools surrender their copyrights to the conference as well. If Clemson were to leave tomorrow, and play in a (hypothetical) SEC game tomorrow, then there’s an argument that it would be committing copyright infringement. Copyright law is complex, but it also has deep precedent, which means finding a loophole there may be yet another thing that is legally tricky."

5/18/2023 3:16:05 PM

All American
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^ I hadn't heard that before. That's interesting. Would a school be willing to give up not only its media rights, but also it's branding? I doubt it.

Quote :
"It won’t happen, but I think Ovies or Giglio said the teams that vote to dissolve should then just form their own smaller conference and approach ESPN and negotiate a deal that way. The old school small conference sounds fun. It would never happen though."

I've also heard this on a few podcasts/radio shows, and if the ACC had to die it's definitely the way I'd like to go. We'd keep most all the rivalries I really care about, and there'd be few enough teams that a 7 (ish)-game schedule leaves plenty of OOC opportunities to maintain rivalries with ones who didn't get invited (cough, WFU and Duke). [Whether they go the route of teams this has recently happened to, like Oklahoma State, or Texas-Texas A&M -- until recently) is another question].

The main opposition I've heard from this perspective is that the media companies may feel spited from us leaving the contracts they already had and not give a good deal, since we just ruined the good thing they had going. Personally, I say fuck em, but if teams were to burn bridges doing this it could be just as bad (or worse) in the long term.

5/18/2023 3:52:05 PM

All American
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Did the conference just negotiate a terrible tv deal compared to the others or was it just the best we could get?

5/20/2023 8:45:55 AM

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