GrumpyGOP yovo yovo bonsoir 18195 Posts user info edit post |
I know this account is not meant to be taken seriously, but yes, it's absolutely possible to rank them.
1 - USA. Without us the whole thing falls apart. Not even close. 2 - United Kingdom. Carries its weight and is powerful. 3 - Poland. Carries its weight and has absolutely no time for Russian bullshit. Surprisingly strong military. 4-6 - Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia in no particular order. Like Poland, only smaller. 7 - Greece. Spent a whopping 3.82% of GDP on defense in 2021. 8 - Canada. Doesn't meet defense spending targets, but can be counted on in a fight. 9-27 - Just rank all the remaining countries in order of defense spending, except for the bottom 3... 28 - France. Although they technically met their spending target in 2021, they're absolutely unreliable members who have pulled out of the NATO command structure for length periods in the past. I don't trust them to join in a serious conflict in any meaningful way. Maybe they'll prove me wrong, but past experience isn't reassuring. 29 - Hungary. At this point, basically run by Nazis. 30 - Turkey. Run by an absolute asshole, engaged in the occupation of Cyprus, hates and oppresses the Kurds, stalled entry of Finland and is still stalling entry of Sweden, not really a democracy at this point, too friendly with Russia too often, overall the odd man out and should get booted. 3/31/2023 9:08:35 AM |
emnsk All American 2902 Posts user info edit post |
I don't think there is any provision to do so, but if they really cared enough they could just interpret the preamble or purpose part in such a way to say that Turkey no longer fulfills their duty and thus doesn't deserve the rights given. I think some "international legal scholars" wrote some stuff on this
When it really comes down to it, nothing means much 3/31/2023 9:32:12 AM |
theDuke866 All American 52892 Posts user info edit post |
^^ Well, I mean, NATO isn't a government-run healthcare alliance.
'Murrica is probably #1 is private healthcare or outright medical care capability...and that also has nothing to do with NATO. 4/2/2023 2:10:27 AM |