Had for about 4 weeks now but store unable to return. Looking for face value but price may go up depending on what event is in the news.
10/15/2024 3:32:58 PM
Any food items?
10/15/2024 11:14:57 PM
This is clearly not a motivated seller. Won't even respond to a simple question from a prospective buyer for days. Look elsewhere.
10/20/2024 9:06:49 AM
Interested in other items too based on the potential available foods and prices. Thats a double whammy of missing sales!
10/21/2024 12:06:57 AM
I would like some paper towels to chuck at Puerto Ricans. What can you offer?
10/31/2024 8:05:45 PM
Really disappointed in this thread. There were deals to be had, if OP answered more quickly
11/4/2024 1:35:42 AM
Chill doggies. The paper towels were used to clean up messes. The food is salt pork and I sold it to a revolutionary war reinactor
11/6/2024 4:45:10 PM
as an airbnb hostd I would like to offer you pennies on the dollar
11/11/2024 5:08:28 PM
I'll go nickles on the dollar
11/15/2024 8:25:28 PM
are they something made or from somewhere else?
11/22/2024 10:45:39 AM
Nickles and pennies on the dollar, and not a dime higher. Final offer
11/24/2024 12:31:28 AM
I’ll trade you my vintage Teletubbies Tinky-Winky rookie card (slabbed PSA gem mint 10)
1/1/2025 5:05:07 PM
1/10/2025 10:40:27 PM
Accepting any trades? I have several eggs I am willing to part with...for the right price.
2/27/2025 10:57:10 PM