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26780 Posts
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so the cylon plan is now.........slavery?

3/10/2006 11:35:07 PM

All American
31058 Posts
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oh no

how's humanity going to get out of this jam?

3/10/2006 11:40:58 PM

All American
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wow. i cant believe that last 30 mins. skipping ahead a whole year on New Caprica and all was beyond bold. Kaylee havin Chiefs kid. The fleet in disarray after 9 months running on full steam.

and now baltar has taken that last step towards fullfilling his asshole prohpecy. selling out humanity not once, but twice.

i love this show. goddamn.

3/10/2006 11:52:38 PM

All American
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this was, perhaps, the worst episode of the series. the thing that i have always liked the most about this show is the deep character development. well hey, lets just leave out A WHOLE FUCKING YEAR of their lives, and just pick up next season. horrible.

3/11/2006 12:11:28 AM

68205 Posts
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i disagree smath. i like they way they jumped a year. even though i agree about what you posted about character development, i kinda think they tied everything in if you read b/w the lines. I had a feeling cheif was going to get together with kaylee after he beat the shit out of her and all that .

if they didnt move forward, next season would be a slow boring one IMO. Plus, the cylons said that they were a light year away when they detected the nuclear blast. I mean, didnt Baltar think something was up when she gave up the ass and was crying and even told him that she wasnt going to new caprica...

does anyone know how many survivors they lost from cloud 9 and the other ships blowing up?

3/11/2006 12:13:35 PM

All American
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an entire year gone is too big of a jump. we don't know these characters anymore. they just jumped farther than the entire series has covered up to that point.

Another thing... how in the hell did adama let his military fleet fall to pieces like that? yes, they settled on that planet making a new homerefugee camp, but wouldn't his military people still have responsibilities? i'd think that after a complete invasion and annihilation of the 12 colonies LESS THAN 2 YEARS AGO, they would keep the military on a higher state of alert, and people wouldn't abandon their posts so quickly.

Also, why haven't they investigated the now "abandoned" 12 colonies in order to get supplies such as antibiotics and the like?

and adama looks like a bandito with his mexi-stache.

3/11/2006 1:08:55 PM

All American
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^ Hopefully they'll cover the decline in flashbacks in the coming season.

I think they did it this way because it's a painful thing to watch a group of people worn down to nothing week by week, and it's a lot easier to just touch on key components of the year's events.

What gets me is that they settled in what looks like a plain near a river, with no trees in sight to build houses with, etc.

It's like a social commentary on our times in a way, too. The population elects leadership on dubious qualities, and then realizes the error of their ways later when the leadership turns into a dictatorship

3/11/2006 1:47:53 PM

All American
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haha agreed completely.

3/11/2006 2:05:24 PM

Burn it all down.
18389 Posts
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^^ the settled in the delta of the rivers because that was one of the only places to settle that was not that cold. They metioned that on the previous episode.

3/11/2006 2:16:19 PM

26780 Posts
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Quote :
"flashbacks "

fucking half of every ep in s3 will be a flashbacks.

i like how they ff 1 year .... not crazy about it

but they had a few nuggets in there, notice who was pregnant, and who probably knocked her up.

still, OCTOBER???????????????

thats, march, april, may, june, july, aug, sept, OCTOBER

still, the series needed a major cliffhanger, the only way to do was to ff 1 year. ron moore knows best.

[Edited on March 11, 2006 at 2:20 PM. Reason : -]

3/11/2006 2:20:03 PM

All American
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i think it was more of 'blatantly obvious' as opposed to a nugget.

I'm still pretty disappointed. this show was great because they showed "every step of the way" and the writers had to base future episodes on the previous experiences shown on camera. now if they want to throw in a plot twist here or there, they can just say "oh, it happened during that YEAR we never saw them"

and about it going to network television...
if it does go to network television, we can pretty much bet that the sexual tones of the show will be muted, along with the excessive use of "frack". and no more seeing 85% of cylon boobies

3/11/2006 2:59:00 PM

26780 Posts
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well there is no question the show COULD be ruined. its not a certainty.

if they turn this show into lost where flashbacks are the core of each episode, it will be majorly awful.

we'll find out in .75 years

[Edited on March 11, 2006 at 3:48 PM. Reason : -]

3/11/2006 3:46:53 PM

26780 Posts
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Quote :
"“The end of the season is quite a shake-up,” acknowledges Moore. “The Cylons show up and all hell breaks loose. Essentially, season three is going to deal with the Cylon occupation of the Colonials on New Caprica. The sort of archetype that we’re talking about is like Vichy France: There’s a Colonial government run by President Baltar that is collaborating with the Cylons, while the humans put together an insurgent resistance against the occupation. It’s a pretty big twist.”


None of which is to say that Battlestar Galactica should be renamed Occupation New Caprica. No, never fear, for Adama, Roslin, and the rest of the gang will eventually resume their search for Earth. But the Cylons will continue to get plenty of screen time as well.

“It’s still coming together, but [the occupation arc] will probably be three or four or five episodes… probably four episodes.


[Edited on March 11, 2006 at 3:58 PM. Reason : - ]

3/11/2006 3:55:37 PM

All American
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so humans are now going to be bajorans?

3/11/2006 3:57:35 PM

26780 Posts
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some are demanding that everything after baltar fell asleep was a dream

3/11/2006 3:58:44 PM

26780 Posts
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Quote :
"“He was the weak link that let [the Cylons] do a lot of things,” says Moore. “And then sort of the larger question [is how do] the Cylons see him in terms of their theology and their religious aspects? There’s the question of how many of the Cylons themselves actually believe that [Baltar figures in their theology]. Remember, we only have the Six in his head who’s really said directly all these things about Baltar being a special one in their eyes, that he’s the guardian of the new order, etc., etc. How much of that is his imagination, how much of that is a direct manipulation of him… and even if you assume it’s a direct manipulation, how many of the Cylons themselves believe that? One of the things [we’ve discovered] in the latter half of this season is that there are different points of view even within the Cylon world.”"


of the baltar god theory. the cylon thinks hes a god, WHY? because he created them. they said they were trying to be like humans, bc they were created by a human. notice how they are now atheistic, they dencounced god right to god's (baltar) face.

[Edited on March 11, 2006 at 4:01 PM. Reason : -]

3/11/2006 4:00:56 PM

All American
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^^well, that's what my buddy and I were discussing when we saw the episode. that would be HORRIBLY cheesy. i don't know which is worse... the missing year, etc, or it all being a bad dream, as you mentioned.

^that's not proof of anything! six in his head has been saying baltar is 'special' all along... nobody is disputing that.

3/11/2006 4:01:31 PM

26780 Posts
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they said the cylons in general see him as a religous figure. and WHY? hes not just anyone, he would have to be special for a REASON.

[Edited on March 11, 2006 at 4:06 PM. Reason : -]

3/11/2006 4:05:43 PM

All American
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Quote :
"And then sort of the larger question [is how do] the Cylons see him in terms of their theology and their religious aspects?"

3/11/2006 4:08:47 PM

All American
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and i'm not disputing that the rest of the cylons might see him as someone special. my point is that he is human and survived the nuclear blast

3/11/2006 4:11:43 PM

26780 Posts
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3/11/2006 4:15:00 PM

All American
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look, until it's canon, we are going to have to agree to disagree. i'm not going to change your mind, and you aren't going to change mine. lets just talk about other aspects of the show until there is more information presented on the subject.

3/11/2006 4:18:55 PM

26780 Posts
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thats fine. but when i see evidence in the form of words from the show's creator, ill point that out.

3/11/2006 4:30:00 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i think it was more of 'blatantly obvious' as opposed to a nugget. "

Seriously. I guess a dumb person would think they were clever for picking up on that "nugget."

Great episode. Glad they chose not to spend all of next season isolated and "earth-bound."

3/11/2006 5:24:04 PM

All American
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3/11/2006 5:34:20 PM

All American
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I liked that episode a lot, but i'm still not sure how I feel about the fast-forward a year thing.

It has the potential to really crap-ify the show. But, if they intend to drag it out for a couple more seasons yet, it had to be done (at some point). There's only so much space-drama they can have, before it gets dull.

3/11/2006 5:46:35 PM

All American
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but they didn't NEED to jump a year... they could have shown them attempting to colonize the planet, all the hardships it required, etc.

of course...

artistically, it shows that once baltar was elected president, nothing happened to advance their ultimate quest of finding earth, and therefore it wasn't shown.

3/11/2006 5:56:50 PM

All American
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Quote :
" they could have shown them attempting to colonize the planet, all the hardships it required, etc."

It's pretty clear though that things haven't been going anywhere near as well as they expected (largely, it seems, due to Baltar's craziness). This way, they can get back to the spaceships a bit faster (which, personally, I like), with some newer types of plotlines.

I'm still interested though in how they plan to end this show, and if the Cylons know about Earth, and if they would let the humans pursue Earth.

There are a lot of cool episodes they could have done WRT colonization, but what would be the point, if they are going to head back to Earth anyway? It would have dragged unnecessary plotlines out further, that are mostly irrelevant.

They also handled the character development well to me too. Adama Sr. is clearly a bit rusty, still hates Baltar, still wants to head to Earth, Roslin is pretty much the same (and is hanging out with the half-cylon baby's mother too). Adama Jr. is a bit different, the other captain with the shady wife is still the same too. The engineer has clearly changed a lot, etc., etc.. Basically, in what they showed, they covered a lot of stuff as far as the characters.

3/11/2006 6:09:16 PM

All American
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but it's as if they are reintroducing us to the characters, instead of building the characters.

3/11/2006 6:14:55 PM

All American
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But what's wrong with that?

3/11/2006 6:22:19 PM

All American
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the main strength of the show up to this point has been the excellent character building/development

3/11/2006 6:29:51 PM

All American
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my tevo quit out on me 1 hour through, right when the cylons showed up. did i miss anything?

i'm REALLY iffy about the 1 year flashforward too. i kept expecting gaius or roselyn to wake up and be like "WOAH what a bad dream! i can't let gaius do this" like last season's season primere of niptuck.

it may have been necessary though, but this is really a poor execution. i got the feeling the writers were writing themselves into a corner, but we could have used a few more episodes like Scar before they dropped this one on us.

i laughed out loud when i saw the girl dressing in gaius' bedroom while he was doing presidential stuff.

this new homeworld sucks. i'd prefer a bulkhead over this.

[Edited on March 11, 2006 at 6:31 PM. Reason : ps, good to know we can forget about Gaius' nuclear wildcard now.]

3/11/2006 6:30:55 PM

All American
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yeah my friend's DVR crapped out with like a minute left also. all that happened was that starbuck said "we're going to fight until we can't fight anymore" or something like that as the cylons walked through everyone.

3/11/2006 7:07:30 PM

All American
2218 Posts
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DC comics did it

[Edited on March 11, 2006 at 10:37 PM. Reason : 1 Year Later]

3/11/2006 10:36:47 PM

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