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yovo yovo bonsoir
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Quote :
"Seems pretty clear that Trump can't win the general at this point, and supposedly he never really wanted to win, he just wanted to shake things up a bit. I find it hard to believe Trump wants to live in the Whitehouse and spend 4 years working a job with real demands."

I still wonder if there's something to this, although I also wonder whether it's wishful thinking. He really hasn't spent that much on his campaign, and most of the $36 million he has is in the form of loans. If he gets the nomination it might not be hard to pay himself back with individual donations.

Even if that is money just down the drain...well, in spite of his own claims, Trump is pretty well known for squandering money, this wouldn't be too out of character. And even then, it wouldn't really be "squandering." His $36 million investment has gotten him billions in free airtime on the news. It's a pretty good return. His profile has skyrocketed. To what end, who can say. But I could envision a Trump News Network or website, or new reality shows, or a slate of new products.

$36 million is a lot to you and I, but it only bought 8 30-second commercial spots in the last Super Bowl.

4/23/2016 2:54:44 PM

41737 Posts
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Even Donald Trump thinks HB2 is stupid.

4/23/2016 9:14:53 PM

All American
7611 Posts
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Asian Trump

4/27/2016 2:08:53 PM

All American
22925 Posts
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Don't get me wrong, I dislike the man, a lot, but here is a clear example of anti-Trump protestors being violent.

4/29/2016 1:07:09 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Has anyone claimed that all anti-Trump protesters are well behaved?

4/29/2016 1:24:43 PM

All American
5523 Posts
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I see some conservatives on Facebook starting the process of shifting on Trump...
Quote :
"I don't always agree or like Trump, but this I like."
and post a link to an article on his gun policy which is standard Republican policy with some message board \gun article comments section additions included as policy.

5/1/2016 11:05:04 AM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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I agree with some of Trump's position, however, his other positions and his sincerity make it so I would never vote for him.

5/1/2016 12:02:04 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Which positions do you like?

5/1/2016 3:23:30 PM

All American
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I can't vote for him, but I like the fact that we have a candidate that isn't all left or all right. He's pretty moderate, even slightly left of center, when it comes to his social views. At least he was....I have a feeling that what he's saying now is just pandering to Republicans. He's been pro-choice for years, he's not anti-gay marriage, hell he doesn't even support HB2.

But on the flip side, he's crazy, pro-big government, ridiculous on foreign policy, and retarded on immigration.

5/1/2016 4:08:32 PM

All American
33747 Posts
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Looks like they were deleted, but a bunch of people with pro-Trump names were saying "how can you support miscegenation" here.

Definitely Trump's worst aspect... the people he inspires/invigorats.

5/1/2016 4:25:55 PM

50084 Posts
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Does anyone have any idea of his positions? He contradicts himself left and right on everything.

Even the praise some of the pro-Bernie people on here give him about Iraq and Libya are not true. He can claim he was against both at the time but there is audio in both cases of him giving tepid support. Specifically he only turned on Iraq after it was clear it was a mistake.

[Edited on May 1, 2016 at 5:17 PM. Reason : X]

5/1/2016 5:16:51 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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Quote :
"Which positions do you like?"

I'm going with what his current positions are on the following. I have no idea if they're what he really thinks, hence why I wouldn't vote him.

1. He thinks HB2 is stupid
2. He says he disagrees with H-1B visa program
3. Thinks the US shouldn't be the world's police man
4. Our involvement in the middle east is beyond fucked up
5. Get rid of SuperPACs and get money out of politics

5/1/2016 5:22:24 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Fair enough

5/1/2016 5:29:57 PM

All American
22925 Posts
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Hey, if I knew that he could turn around the campaign financing system we have in this country, I WOULD vote for him for that alone, and just take my lumps everywhere else for 4 years. Campaign finance in this country is horrible.

5/1/2016 8:29:05 PM

All American
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5/3/2016 3:00:56 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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"Trump supporters are uneducated idiots"
"Trump supporters are privileged white folks"

Pick one.

5/3/2016 3:51:44 PM

All American
38974 Posts
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both can be true

5/3/2016 3:57:11 PM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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^^ I'd think you can use pretty much all of those descriptors interchangeably in any combination and amount and probably be correct.

5/3/2016 4:07:19 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"Trump supporters are largely uneducated white idiots"

5/3/2016 4:46:22 PM

All American
11890 Posts
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Trump wins!

5/3/2016 8:46:14 PM

50084 Posts
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the bottom of ^^ that post and ^ that post made me lol.

5/3/2016 8:47:35 PM

All American
11890 Posts
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^Trump vs Hillary is what I want. The one person I don't want is Sanders.

5/3/2016 8:53:07 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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^^ yah pretty perfect

5/3/2016 8:54:14 PM

All American
31922 Posts
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So we know we are getting at least 4 years of Hillary, who will the Repubs try to get next time?

5/3/2016 10:38:06 PM

All American
38974 Posts
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George P. Bush

5/3/2016 11:20:29 PM

All American
8383 Posts
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the duck dynasty guy

5/3/2016 11:25:22 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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It's impressive, we will be picking from the two lowest approval major party candidates in history. Trump has the lowest positivie rating ever, Hillary has the second lowest. Tremendous.

5/3/2016 11:33:18 PM

All American
38974 Posts
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only one of them has a healthy dose of misogyny to blame for their unfavorability rating, though

5/3/2016 11:42:29 PM

All American
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Wait, which one? The one who has said a bunch of misogynistic stuff or the woman?

I mean, there are plenty of reasons to not like Hillary, she can't even excite her own base.

[Edited on May 3, 2016 at 11:45 PM. Reason : sdfsdf]

5/3/2016 11:44:15 PM

All American
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one of them is a woman who is qualified to run for the presidency

the other one thrives off of saying misogynistic things (and plenty of other awful things)

[Edited on May 3, 2016 at 11:48 PM. Reason : .]

5/3/2016 11:46:27 PM

All American
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I don't think you can blame the dislike of Clinton on misogyny. There are plenty of very popular women in politics, she has never been one of them. I'm sure it's a factor, but I don't think that's the main driver, or honestly even in the top 5 of why she is wildly unpopular.

Furthermore, the simple fact is that there are more women who can and do vote than there are men, so misogyny isn't really a viable strategy for winning an election. In fact, Trump's unfavorable rating among women is probably one of the main reasons he's going to get crushed.

5/3/2016 11:59:32 PM

All American
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I honestly don't know how you can say that misogyny isn't a big factor of why her unfavorability ratings are so high

and this is coming from someone who has never cast their vote for her in any race

[Edited on May 4, 2016 at 12:04 AM. Reason : she is undeniably the most qualified for the job, though]

5/4/2016 12:02:21 AM

All American
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It's pretty easy when she polls at pretty close unfavorable percentages among both men and women overall.

In some polls she has a higher favorable rating with men than with women. So, no I don't think you can point at those numbers and say misogyny is some giant factor in this race. If it were Trump wouldn't be so far behind. The disapproval for his behavior among the total electorate is pretty strong evidence of that.

There are certainly segments of the population that dislike her because she's a woman just as there were segments of the population that dislike Obama because he's black, but that's not the main driving factor behind her horrible image.

Quote :
"Hillary Clinton, like Trump and Cruz, is viewed more negatively than positively by both men and women, though of these two, women are far less negative. This likely reflects the basic female gender skew among Democrats and that Clinton is the only female candidate in the race. "

[Edited on May 4, 2016 at 12:20 AM. Reason : Left off a link and quote.]

5/4/2016 12:17:41 AM

All American
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when dealing with race and gender, polls aren't the most reliable metric, since a vast majority of people won't identify themselves as racists or misogynists.

a sizable group of people would never approve of President Obama no matter what he does, which is in the same universe of why a sizable group of people would never approve of Hillary Clinton, regardless of her qualifications.

that doesn't mean that you can't have legitimate reasons to not support her, but it's absurd to not admit that her gender doesn't have a lot to do with her favorability rating.

5/4/2016 12:38:40 AM

All American
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Yes, that can be the case, but they never ask why do you view this person favorably/unfavorably, just favorable or unfavorable. That's as neutral as you can get. As the gallup thing I quoted pointed out, the gap between how she is viewed by men vs. women can largely be accounted for based on Dem v. Repub numbers. More women identify as Ds, more men as Rs.

I'm curious, which do you think is a larger number?

Women who will vote for Hillary because she's a woman.


Men who won't vote for Hillary because she's a woman.

I mean, I get what you're saying but I suspect your "sizable group" is a lot smaller than you think. Outside of your opinion there's very little to support the assertion that Hillary is seen unfavorably because of misogyny.

5/4/2016 1:00:45 AM

All American
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because there are enough women, on both sides of the aisle (in America, at least), who aren't cool with a woman in a position of legitimate power

5/4/2016 1:04:18 AM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"and this is coming from someone who has never cast their vote for her in any race"

How many opportunities have you had?

Quote :
"I honestly don't know how you can say that misogyny isn't a big factor of why her unfavorability ratings are so high"

For sure, but you've got to acknowledge that there are a number of other legitimate factors as well.

5/4/2016 9:32:21 AM

All American
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2 opportunities


Quote :
"that doesn't mean that you can't have legitimate reasons to not support her, but it's absurd to not admit that her gender doesn't have a lot to do with her favorability rating."

[Edited on May 4, 2016 at 11:06 AM. Reason : .]

5/4/2016 11:04:34 AM

26632 Posts
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having anything to do with and having a lot to do with are very different things

5/4/2016 11:10:31 AM

8379 Posts
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didn't vote for Clinton, but calls people Bernie Bros on the internet

a term that manages to be sexist toward both men and women

5/4/2016 11:23:06 AM

All American
38974 Posts
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care to explain why you feel that term is sexist?

5/4/2016 11:38:35 AM

8379 Posts
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or you could think about it for 30 seconds and figure it out yourself

why might a woman (or a man) take offense to being dismissed as a "bro"?

5/4/2016 11:58:02 AM

All American
22925 Posts
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You folks are incredible, you know that?

I can't like Obama's policies because he's black.

Now you're already setting it up to where if I don't like President Hillary's policies, I'm a misogynist.

When can we go back to not liking people just because we don't think they're right for the job, and not attribute my opinion to either race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion?

After Hillary, the Democrats will have to dig up a gay person for their next excuse as to why they're unpopular.

5/4/2016 12:04:38 PM

50084 Posts
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Trump is obviously a noted misogynist.

However, I think Clintons dislike has far more to do with her name then her gender.

^ this is true on an individual level. But it gets harder for the GOP to claim this when their nominee for President of the United States was the face of the birther movement for years.

[Edited on May 4, 2016 at 12:08 PM. Reason : X]

5/4/2016 12:05:25 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"I think Clintons dislike has far more to do with her name then her gender."

Can't chalk it up to a name, as Bill was a supremely popular president, even after getting his knob slobbed. It's the baggage, the scandals, the attitude, and for many progressives, her positions, her past votes, her hawkishness. But the first two of those are unavoidable to some degree given how long she's been on stage.

5/4/2016 12:34:39 PM

All American
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You say "their" candidate like all Republicans agree with Trump. You do realize there's a lot of blue collar democrats voting for him as well.

5/4/2016 12:57:21 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"You say "their" candidate like all Republicans agree with Trump. "

Cool strawman bro.

Quote :
"But it gets harder for the GOP to claim this when their nominee for President of the United States was the face of the birther movement for years."

5/4/2016 1:06:05 PM

All American
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"how dare you call the Republican candidate for President a Republican candidate for President"

5/4/2016 1:11:39 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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he may not be an actual Republican, but all those millions of Republican voters sure did a great job voting for him

[Edited on May 4, 2016 at 1:26 PM. Reason : .]

5/4/2016 1:26:14 PM

All American
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^^How is that a strawman argument. I'm a Republican, I don't agree with the Republican nominee. And I know lots of folks just like me.

5/4/2016 1:26:37 PM

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