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All American
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^ I do. My stepdad's loser estranged son and wife totally game the system and even finds ways to go to Disney World for free. But they're horrible human beings with a combined IQ of 140, so I just pretend they don't exist because they're subhuman. Way less mental energy to expend, and I only thought of them because of your post

10/5/2018 11:33:52 PM

Forgetful Jones
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10/6/2018 12:23:16 AM

50084 Posts
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How the fuck is George Soros still a thing all over the right today. For fucks sake we are stuck in a 10-year time loop.

10/6/2018 11:40:57 AM

All American
33759 Posts
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The amount of respectable people I know who fervently believe all these protesters are paid for by Soros is unreal.

Doesn’t help that trump and his cronies are pushing this too.

10/6/2018 6:02:20 PM

All American
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I literally know no one who believes that. Even the conservatives I know. I don’t doubt you, moron but more because of the different social graphs out there.

10/6/2018 9:56:09 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Yeah apparently moron hangs his hat in weirder places than we do.

[Edited on October 7, 2018 at 12:18 AM. Reason : ]

10/7/2018 12:17:47 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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moron's observation is obviously accurate.

If people didn't believe that garbage, then Trump, the people around him, and the various pundits wouldn't keep bringing up Soros like it's a real thing.

It's an interesting worldview. The left fancies itself all academic, trying to get in the minds of Trump supporters and study them and their motivations. But the right just writes off the opposition as paid actors, like they don't even have to attempt to grapple with the mindset of someone who cares about prison reform. We're all just #fakenews.

This particular presidency has taken meanness and cruelty to another level. I mean, some observers have begun noting the humiliation aspect of these sexual allegations. The perpetrators aren't just trying to have sex...their primary aim is to humiliate their partners, like that's the fun part for them.

And it feels like that's what's happening in a much larger way, too. They don't just want to fuck us. They wanna fuck us and laugh in our faces while they do it. I suspect some people don't want to admit they're getting fucked, so they laugh along like they're in on the joke.

Anyway, the humiliation feels real. He did this in our faces. Doesn't even bother with the dog whistle. Just a criminal who openly talks shit to us while doing whatever he wants.

[Edited on October 7, 2018 at 12:28 AM. Reason : sucks]

10/7/2018 12:26:19 AM

All American
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Well, the beauty of our system, as flawed as it is, is that we only have to put up with him for at most, 5 more years.

Kavanaugh is another issue, he'll be around for a while if not impeached, but Trump will be out in 5, at the most.

10/7/2018 12:45:23 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Are you going to address your USDA home loan?

10/8/2018 4:02:43 PM

All American
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What about it? I got laid off while we were working on getting a home so we had to put it off for a few years. By the time I got another job, saved up a few years, and started looking again, we no longer qualified.

10/8/2018 4:05:18 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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You do or do not have a USDA loan?

10/8/2018 4:20:16 PM

All American
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I do not. I thought I said that earlier. I mentioned that we no longer qualify. Why is that such a big deal to you? Are you trying to point how, in some way, I'm also taking advantage of the government? I thought I was doing that just by my privilege.

10/8/2018 4:33:17 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Your post on the previous page was unclear. I (and several others) read it as you having a USDA home loan, which made asking for positive examples of using social programs odd.

I would still argue the indirect benefits you're receiving now are not insubstantial:

"The disability and assistance your shitty relatives get picks up a lot of slack so that you--the responsible one--don't have to."

I'd also point out the direct benefits you received as a child, but I assume you already know.

10/8/2018 4:46:13 PM

All American
4458 Posts
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Quote :
"How the fuck is George Soros still a thing all over the right today. For fucks sake we are stuck in a 10-year time loop."

The world ended in 2008 and we're all just experiencing the collective hallucinations of a decaying mind. Because if Soros was actually paying all these people, the right would be idolizing him for being a job creator. It's almost like these people don't actually believe in limited government and free markets, but just need these philosophies to act as a loose cover for their political desire to exert dominance over the weak.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go home and watch Magnum PI.

10/8/2018 5:28:29 PM

All American
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[Edited on October 14, 2018 at 7:58 PM. Reason : LULZ]

10/14/2018 7:51:46 PM

All American
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Trump’s going to fire mattis, based on his interview with Leslie stahl today

Probably the last person left who would oppose an outright war with Iran...

10/14/2018 8:39:43 PM

All American
27966 Posts
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apparently this is hanging in the White House

10/15/2018 11:20:04 AM

All American
22933 Posts
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I'm so damned tired of the "but Lincoln was a Republican - Republicans freed the slaves!!!!!" argument.

Those Republicans are nothing like the Republicans of today. They were most definitely the progressive part of the era.

10/15/2018 11:26:09 AM

play so hard
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So is Trumps theory that "rogue killers" broke into the Saudi Consulate and murdered Jamal Khashoggi, all without their knowledge?

10/15/2018 11:45:16 AM

26632 Posts
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i thought his theory was we don't like it but we won't risk $100 Billion in arms sales to do anything about it, is he actually pitching the rogue killers now?

remember when candidate trump was all tough on saudi arabia? lol, good times.

[Edited on October 15, 2018 at 11:54 AM. Reason : .]

10/15/2018 11:51:51 AM

play so hard
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10/15/2018 11:54:10 AM

26632 Posts
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rogue killers on saudi jets with diplomatic passports i guess

is the far left downplaying this?

[Edited on October 15, 2018 at 11:56 AM. Reason : .]

10/15/2018 11:55:10 AM

play so hard
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Quote :
"The reports about Jamal Khashoggi, the missing Saudi journalist and Washington Post contributor, whom I’ve known for more than 15 years, grow steadily more sickening.

Turkey claims to have audiotape of Saudi interrogators torturing Jamal and killing him in the Saudi Consulate. None of this is confirmed, and we still don’t know exactly what happened; we all pray that Jamal will still reappear. But increasingly it seems that the crown prince, better known as M.B.S., orchestrated the torture, assassination and dismemberment of an American-based journalist using diplomatic premises in a NATO country.

That is monstrous, and it’s compounded by the tepid response from Washington. President Trump is already rejecting the idea of responding to such a murder by cutting off weapons sales. Trump sounds as if he believes that the consequence of such an assassination should be a hiccup and then business as usual.

Frankly, it’s a disgrace that Trump administration officials and American business tycoons enabled and applauded M.B.S. as he imprisoned business executives, kidnapped Lebanon’s prime minister, rashly created a crisis with Qatar, and went to war in Yemen to create what the United Nations calls the world’s worst humanitarian crisis there. Some eight million Yemenis on the edge of starvation there don’t share this bizarre view that M.B.S. is a magnificent reformer.

Trump has expressed “great confidence” in M.B.S. and said that he and King Salman “know exactly what they are doing.” Jared Kushner wooed M.B.S. and built a close relationship with him — communicating privately without involving State Department experts — in ways that certainly assisted M.B.S. in his bid to consolidate power for himself.

The bipartisan cheers from Washington, Silicon Valley and Wall Street fed his recklessness. If he could be feted after kidnapping a Lebanese prime minister and slaughtering Yemeni children, why expect a fuss for murdering a mere journalist?

M.B.S. knows how to push Americans’ buttons, speaking about reform and playing us like a fiddle. His willingness to sound accepting of Israel may also be one reason Trump and so many Americans were willing to embrace M.B.S. even as he was out of control at home.

In the end, M.B.S. played Kushner, Trump and his other American acolytes for suckers. The White House boasted about $110 billion in arms sales, but nothing close to that came through. Saudi Arabia backed away from Trump’s Middle East peace deal. Financiers salivated over an initial public offering for Aramco, the state-owned oil company, but that keeps getting delayed.

The crackdown on corruption is an example of M.B.S.’s manipulation and hypocrisy. It sounded great, but M.B.S. himself has purchased a $300 million castle in France, and a $500 million yacht — and he didn’t buy them by scrimping on his government salary.

In fairness, he did allow women to drive. But he also imprisoned the women’s rights activists who had been campaigning for the right to drive. Saudi Arabia even orchestrated the detention abroad of a women’s rights activist, Loujain al-Hathloul, and her return in handcuffs. She turned 29 in a Saudi jail cell in July, and her marriage has ended. She, and not the prince who imprisons her, is the heroic reformer.

Just last month in London, unidentified Saudi men, one wearing an earpiece, attacked a Saudi dissident named Ghanem al-Dosari, who has mocked M.B.S. as “the tubby teddy bear.” As they punched Dosari, they cursed him for criticizing the Saudi royal family.

“M.B.S.’s message to Saudis is clear: I will shut you up no matter where you are and no matter what laws I have to break to do it,” Sarah Leah Whitson of Human Rights Watch told me.

The crown prince showed his sensitivity and unpredictability in August when Canada’s foreign ministry tweeted concern about the jailing of Saudi women’s rights activists. Saudi Arabia went nuts, canceling flights, telling 8,300 Saudi students to leave Canada, expelling the Canadian ambassador and withdrawing investments. All for a tweet.

Western companies should back out of M.B.S.’s Future Investment Initiative conference later this month. That includes you, Mastercard, McKinsey, Credit Suisse, Siemens, HSBC, BCG, EY, Bain and Deloitte, all listed on the conference website as partners of the event.

We need an international investigation, perhaps overseen by the United Nations, of what happened to Jamal. In the United States, we also must investigate whether Saudis bought influence with spending that benefited the Trump family, such as $270,000 spent as of early 2017 by a lobbying firm for Saudi Arabia at the Trump hotel in Washington. The Washington Post reported that Saudi bookings at Trump Chicago increased 169 percent from the first half of 2016 to the first half of this year, and that the general manager of a Trump hotel in New York told investors that revenues rose partly because of “a last-minute visit to New York by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia.”

If Saudi Arabia cannot show that Jamal is safe and sound, NATO countries should jointly expel Saudi ambassadors and suspend weapons sales. The United States should start an investigation under the Magnitsky Act and stand ready to impose sanctions on officials up to M.B.S.

America can also make clear to the Saudi royal family that it should find a new crown prince. A mad prince who murders a journalist, kidnaps a prime minister and starves millions of children should never be celebrated at state dinners, but instead belongs in a prison cell."

10/15/2018 12:04:47 PM

All American
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Please don't take this post as condoning what happened to this reporter, but haven't we always cozened up to dictators and other awful leaders when it benefits us? I hate to come off as unfeeling, but how does this come as a surprise to people?

10/15/2018 12:19:12 PM

play so hard
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How is this a matter of anyone's surprise?

Of course we cozy up to bad people, but historically when they do bad shit we respond. This time we aren't doing shit because 1) Trump is POTUS and 2) He and his family have business and personal relationships with SA 3) He hates the media too

10/15/2018 12:25:29 PM

50084 Posts
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^^^^ I saw Chuck Ross retweet a Glenn Greenwald story if that tells you anything..

10/15/2018 12:36:22 PM

8379 Posts
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We're helping them commit genocide in Yemen. The idea of the US holding them accountable for this is laughable.

10/15/2018 12:44:14 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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can someone tell me what the deal is with this dudes eyes? He doesn't wanna get the tanning cream that close to his eyes or something?

10/15/2018 5:47:40 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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He actually gets spray tanned. His eyes are pale because he puts his tiny hands over them during.

10/15/2018 6:17:31 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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10/15/2018 7:05:23 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Dealmaker guy paid $130k to bang a horseface apparently.

10/16/2018 1:24:15 PM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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The same artist made a portrait for each party.

Dems featured
LB Johnson
FD Roosevelt

GOP featured
GW Bush
GHW Bush
T Roosevelt

Ignoring the fact that neither Jackson nor Lincoln would be members of the same parties as they exist today, there are far fewer embarrassments in the Democrat list as there are in the Republican.

10/16/2018 2:05:21 PM

26632 Posts
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10/17/2018 1:12:25 PM

50084 Posts
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God damn, he has way more contempt for his base than the left ever could to try and say this to them.

10/18/2018 3:46:25 PM

26632 Posts
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when the media reports on his statement, none of him will point out that his administration is attacking pre-existing condition coverage and calling it unconstitutional in court along with 20 republican states

10/18/2018 3:50:37 PM

All American
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Seems pretty clear now that Trump was happy Saudi Arabia chopped up a Virginia journalist

Trump ratchets things up, he went from saying family separation wasn’t happening to arguing it’s a good policy

He’s already been calling the media evil, not hard to see that he’s hoping his supporters go after reporters.

Quote :
"Trump on Gianforte: "Any guy that can do a body slam, he is my type!" to cheers.

"I was in Rome when I heard about it, and I heard that he body slammed a reporter!" Trump said.

Trump said he was afraid it would make Gianforte lose, then he said "wait a moment, I know Montana.""

10/18/2018 9:19:41 PM

All American
22933 Posts
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Done with this. I'm out.

10/19/2018 1:43:49 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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What is this?

10/19/2018 1:59:03 PM

All American
22933 Posts
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The last 2 years, the upcoming 1.25. While I am a little suspicious about the timing of that caravan, Trump is out there saying it's a full-on Democratic conspiracy.

See, it's ok for me to raise an eyebrow at the situation, and just think to myself "that's interesting." But for the POTUS to go on national TV and say as much? Nope.

And no, this isn't surprising, so there's no need to say "it's cute to see rjrumple..." I'm just done.

10/19/2018 2:15:57 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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You know there's one more thing you have to do.

10/19/2018 2:17:15 PM

26632 Posts
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So cute

10/19/2018 2:18:10 PM

All American
22933 Posts
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Yes. I understand.

I'm putting my name in the hat for 2020. I'm the country's last hope.

10/19/2018 2:18:14 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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No. Try again.

10/19/2018 2:20:26 PM

8379 Posts
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All you need to do is say Karl Marx three times into your cell phone and you'll receive an invite to the SorosWeb.

10/19/2018 2:40:37 PM

All American
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No, I chose to say Koch three times in my phone as to join "".

[Edited on October 19, 2018 at 3:07 PM. Reason : sss]

10/19/2018 2:45:30 PM

26632 Posts
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Text "yaasqueen" to DEM-2020 for your Soros secret messages

10/19/2018 2:48:10 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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I'm not sure rjrumfel is as done as he claims to be.

10/19/2018 3:04:35 PM

All American
22933 Posts
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Why do you say that? I don't want to abandon some of my conservative principles, but God I'm done with Trump.

10/19/2018 3:08:10 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Then vote. You need to vote out his enablers if you're truly done with Trump.

10/19/2018 3:15:54 PM

26632 Posts
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Vote Democratic in the midterms and 2020 or stop pretending like you're any different than a trump supporter

[Edited on October 19, 2018 at 3:20 PM. Reason : .]

10/19/2018 3:19:40 PM

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