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 Message Boards » » The OFFICIAL Obama/Biden VS Mccain/Palin thread Page 1 ... 10 11 12 13 [14] 15 16 17 18 ... 101, Prev Next  
All American
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It's probably Washington bias, but most folks consider being a senator better experience than being the governor of a remote and sparsely populated state.

9/8/2008 1:28:33 AM

829 Posts
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palin = governor, commander of alaska national guard, mayor, city counsel member, pta volunteer
obama = senator(143 days), volunteer, good speech giver

i think the most important qualifications of each are "good speech giver" and "pta volunteer"

gg khcadwal for finding that, you're so funny. tee hee.

9/8/2008 1:33:53 AM

All American
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cs sharp, since when did being a senator since 2005 equal 143 days. I think you might have your math incorrect.

9/8/2008 1:53:00 AM

829 Posts
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yeh i'm not google for you. go look it up

wow, no wonder obama has so many votes, its ppl like this that don't bother to look anything up.

he never finished 1 full 2 yr term as senator genius. he's a wannabee with no background xcept that he's black and makes everybody else look like a racist easily. awesome combo for usa #1.

9/8/2008 1:59:45 AM

All American
46641 Posts
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ummm. The US Senate is a 6 year term. Now, being a state senator in Illinois might be a 2 year term, like North Carolina.

You are proving you have no knowledge of civics.

9/8/2008 2:02:57 AM

All American
16056 Posts
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He was a state senator from 1997 to 2004. He moved up to the real deal in 2005, as already stated. That was more than 143 days ago.

9/8/2008 2:06:47 AM

All American
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get yo facts straight sharp

9/8/2008 2:09:14 AM

829 Posts
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^wow, do you really think he's doing his job right now? no he's got somebody subbing for him on the floor at the senate. he's not a senator. and he'd be the first person to tell you that. go email him.

the guy has been on the job as a senator for Ill for 143 days.

he's been off duty ranting to the American public since then about how he should be president.

hell, you couldnt be a manager at mickydeez with 143 days on the job.


[Edited on September 8, 2008 at 2:11 AM. Reason : .]

9/8/2008 2:09:47 AM

All American
33811 Posts
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Quote :
" governor, commander of alaska national guard, mayor, city counsel member, pta volunteer"

Is commander of national guard a separate position than governor? I don't get why the right throws this in there, it just makes it look worse for Palin that they have to make stuff up to stuff her resume.

And for Obama, since when is being able to motivate people NOT been a good quality for a leader to have?

Quote :
"he's a wannabee with no background xcept that he's black and makes everybody else look like a racist easily. awesome combo for usa #1."

You're doing a pretty good job on your own of making yourself look like a racist.

9/8/2008 3:01:23 AM

All American
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And is "Small Town" America better than any other type of America?

9/8/2008 3:39:33 AM

All American
11792 Posts
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Quote :
"McCain leads Democrat Barack Obama by 50%-46% among registered voters, the Republican's biggest advantage since January and a turnaround from the USA TODAY poll taken just before the convention opened in St. Paul. Then, he lagged by 7 percentage points."

Unlike many Obama supporters a couple of months ago, I do not take this as a sign that the election is wrapped up or that the majority of Americans "support my side". If the issues decided this election, nothing should have really changed (there were no major policy revelations during the convention). But in reality, the election is (and always has been) about personalities and speech making. And that only makes me trust democracy less.

Of course, I'm sure a lot more Obama supporters will agree with me now that Barry is falling behind.

9/8/2008 6:27:43 AM

All American
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The funniest thing is how the GOP is avoiding the "celebrity" tag now that it applies to their VP.

That paris hilton "is he ready to lead?" commercial could just as easily apply to Palin.

9/8/2008 8:35:01 AM

All American
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^ Not really. Palin has yet to draw Obama-level crowds or adoring media attn. The Republican base likes her, sure. But I don't see how you can call someone that has given a single major speech and has been nothing but trashed in the media a"celebrity".

However, you are right that some of the same criticisms of Obama can be applied to Palin and that is revealing both sides to be a bunch of hypocrites. For example, just all-of-a-sudden, Obama supporters deeply care about experience!?!?!

what a bunch of bullshit.

[Edited on September 8, 2008 at 8:52 AM. Reason : ``]

9/8/2008 8:51:05 AM

All American
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Obama supporters already cared about experience. This is why Joe Biden was hailed as an awesome pick for vice president.

And I guess being on the cover of every news magazine and tabloid last week doesn't count as being a celebrity.

9/8/2008 8:55:11 AM

All American
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^ huh?!? Bullshit.

Anytime anyone questioned Obama's experience, they said it didn't matter. The most common response comming from the campaign was that "the Bush administration had some of the thickest resumes around and look at the job they did."

The reason the Biden pick was hailed was because Biden MADE UP for Obama's lack of experience.

9/8/2008 8:58:11 AM

All American
15213 Posts
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Quote :
"This is why Joe Biden was hailed as an awesome pick for vice president."

That's not the impression I got. A decent selection, yes... but I never got the sense that people, including Dems, thought it was an "awesome pick."

9/8/2008 9:00:05 AM

All American
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Hey, here is God only a few months ago. Apparently, he had a much lower opinion of experience at the time. It looks like he was also saying that Bush had plenty of experience and still wound up "fucking up the country".


Quote :
"Your only argument is experience.

If we look at the President who is currently in office, he has experience. He was governor of Texas for 5 years, and he has been President for 7 years.

Yet, he has fucked up this country more than any President in history.

So much for experience."

Hypocrisy for the win!!!111

PS* Obama doesn't pay for you to defend him on the interweb, so stop acting like he does. It's okay to find fault in your candidate. He doesn't define you. You are not your political affiliation. REMEMBER THAT.

[Edited on September 8, 2008 at 9:11 AM. Reason : ``]

9/8/2008 9:08:13 AM

829 Posts
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^america knows that the FAR left liberals thrive off lies and their ability to take power from ordinary citizens

they'll realize it more and more as obama is exposed as one of the power hungry. yeh the argument about experience coming from the left is pretty fucking moronic

either way i got 3:1 odds that God isn't even an american citizen. i bet he's french

[Edited on September 8, 2008 at 9:21 AM. Reason : .]

9/8/2008 9:17:39 AM

All American
3507 Posts
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csharp, you have the dumbest posts in soap box hands down. I can't tell if you are 14 or just on heavy medication but you amaze me with your sheer lack of anything substantive to say.

McCain has the momentum as much as it pains me to say it. Although Gallup's model affords just a 3-4 point lead (likely voters is a ridiculous measure), I still think it's a trend for right now. Palin has clearly given him easy-in on the idea of 'change' and it really shows. Jury is still out over the next couple months with her though, and the debates will add twist to the election.

I think that the republicans are behind which emboldens their ideas and aggressiveness - they are throwing stronger and more creative punches than the lazy democrats playing what is essentially prevent defense. Obama and co. need to talk about more than just 'McCain = Bush' to win this thing, they need to put forth more bold and articulate direction on the economy and energy pronto. Obama's speech the other night was a good start but they need to do more. Their ads right now do nothing but harp on that same point. Keep in mind, I don't feel like McCain is addressing the economic issues whatsoever, but what he's doing is stealing the change thunder and dissociating himself from Bush (by Palin proxy) so it's tipping the polls a bit. Plus their energy policy is more forward and frank. I think drilling is retarded but at least they are for nukes, which by god you have to be at this point.

9/8/2008 9:56:46 AM

Sup, B
52751 Posts
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Quote :
"Sarah Palin isn't talking to reporters because she would screw up. She's smart, but she's not prepared for the scrutiny that a VP candidate has to endure. She has a very short time to study McCain's platform and dozens of national issues. Could she, right now, give an informed answer if you asked her about how to strengthen the dollar in the global economy? Hell no. Up until five days ago, Palin rarely left Alaska. For now she's sticking to scripted appearances with idolatrous audiences."

Sorry britta, but I don't think "is it true your daughter is a whore" or "is this your daughter's baby" are the kind of questions a VP candidate should have to answer.

Quote :
"So the media went nuts over her? Boo fucking hoo."

Boo fucking hoo? THEY ASKED HER IF IT WAS REALLY HER FUCKING CHILD!!! Who the fuck would do something like that? HONESTLY, who would do something like that? SO yeah, Palin won't talk to people who questioned the legitimacy of HER CHILD, BOO FUCKING HOO FOR THE MEDIA is more like it, britta. Like I said, would YOU CUDDLE WITH YOUR RAPIST? That is all I am asking.

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"its really laughable if you keep telling yourself pta member = experience

Uh, she's done a little more than be a pta member. It's funny how community organizer and running a presidential campaign = experience.

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"And for Obama, since when is being able to motivate people NOT been a good quality for a leader to have?"

WHen all you have is motivation, then that doesn't bode well. Hitler was one hell of a motivator, but few here would want him in power...

Quote :
"PS* Obama doesn't pay for you to defend him on the interweb, so stop acting like he does."

Well, if Obama wins, he just might pay for him to do nothing...

9/8/2008 10:00:49 AM

All American
33811 Posts
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Quote :
"However, you are right that some of the same criticisms of Obama can be applied to Palin and that is revealing both sides to be a bunch of hypocrites. For example, just all-of-a-sudden, Obama supporters deeply care about experience!?!?!


Pointing out Palin's lack of experience is not to bash Palin, it's to bash McCain. McCAin was the one making such a big deal out of experience, yet for the person whose job is to be president if the president can't, he chose someone relatively inexperienced (hence why they're hiding her until they think she's ready to parrot their points). So it shows that he never really cared about experience, he just couldn't find something "real" to smear Obama on.

[Edited on September 8, 2008 at 10:07 AM. Reason : ]

9/8/2008 10:05:42 AM

All American
11792 Posts
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like I said. It cuts both ways. Obama is now suddenly touting his experience over Palin's (i guess he forgot that line about how the Bush admin had plenty of experience and still fucked up) and McCain is shown to believe that experience was not as important as he originally claimed.

If you can't see that the response to the Palin pick reveals both campaigns to be full of hypocritical politicians, then you need to learn to disassociate yourself from the election cycle. You are not Michelle Obama and it is not your job to defend him from every single attack.

9/8/2008 10:11:12 AM

All American
3989 Posts
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McCain: 49.7%
Obama: 45.9%

McCain: 48%
Obama: 45%

Get ready for liberals to start accusing the country of "voting its hate"

9/8/2008 10:33:27 AM

All American
15213 Posts
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Quote :
"Jury is still out over the next couple months with her though, and the debates will add twist to the election.

I think that the republicans are behind which emboldens their ideas and aggressiveness - they are throwing stronger and more creative punches than the lazy democrats playing what is essentially prevent defense. Obama and co. need to talk about more than just 'McCain = Bush' to win this thing, they need to put forth more bold and articulate direction on the economy and energy pronto. Obama's speech the other night was a good start but they need to do more. Their ads right now do nothing but harp on that same point. Keep in mind, I don't feel like McCain is addressing the economic issues whatsoever, but what he's doing is stealing the change thunder and dissociating himself from Bush (by Palin proxy) so it's tipping the polls a bit. Plus their energy policy is more forward and frank. I think drilling is retarded but at least they are for nukes, which by god you have to be at this point.

Yeah, I agree with most of this. It'll be interesting to see how much the McCain campaign confronts the media instead of Obama and how effective it will actually be.

I think the debates will be huge -- I think McCain will do better than Obama but we don't know what to expect from Palin/Biden. I think Biden is going to have a tough time either a) not coming off as the mean and belligerent man against a woman or b) not looking like he's going easy on her because he doesn't want (a) to happen, which I'm sure the Republicans will spin as sexist.

9/8/2008 10:37:39 AM

All American
16056 Posts
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Quote :
"either way i got 3:1 odds that God isn't even an american citizen. i bet he's french"

No, not even close.

9/8/2008 10:39:21 AM

All American
6194 Posts
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This might be just me, but I would like to know exactly what demographic of people are being polled for these. If they called up a bunch of people and said 'Who are you voting for?', then yeah, I could understand the results. But, are voters coming out in record numbers for McCain? Did they do so in the primaries? Are the same people, whom, when called are saying they would vote for McCain going to get out on 11/4 and actually vote? I would bet that the percentage of people who actually get off their ass and vote for their candidate will be much higher for Obama than it will for McCain.

I am not saying that McCain shouldn't be ahead in the polls, just that I don't know if the numbers are representative of people that will actually get up and vote come election day.

9/8/2008 10:41:23 AM

All American
15213 Posts
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Quote :
"But, are voters coming out in record numbers for McCain? Did they do so in the primaries?"

Why would they? It was obviously going to be McCain for a while... and not a true race like Clinton/Obama was for a little bit.

9/8/2008 10:45:16 AM

All American
6195 Posts
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aren't polls done on landlines? what person under 25 has anything other than a cell phone? and i think it's fair to assume that the majority of people <25 will vote Obama.

either way.. it's gonna be really close


Quote :
"Boo fucking hoo? THEY ASKED HER IF IT WAS REALLY HER FUCKING CHILD!!! Who the fuck would do something like that? HONESTLY, who would do something like that? SO yeah, Palin won't talk to people who questioned the legitimacy of HER CHILD, BOO FUCKING HOO FOR THE MEDIA is more like it, britta. Like I said, would YOU CUDDLE WITH YOUR RAPIST? That is all I am asking."

blogs and messageboards are not the media. i don't think anyone on a major news outlet actually asked her if it was her child... and if you honestly think that's the real reason she isn't talking to the media, you are in denial

9/8/2008 10:46:21 AM

All American
37009 Posts
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Quote :
"Sorry britta, but I don't think "is it true your daughter is a whore" or "is this your daughter's baby" are the kind of questions a VP candidate should have to answer."

lol dailykos doesn't count as the media

9/8/2008 10:49:14 AM

All American
6194 Posts
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Quote :
"Why would they? It was obviously going to be McCain for a while... and not a true race like Clinton/Obama was for a little bit."

It wasn't so certain in the beginning of the race iirc(I might be wrong), but it just seems like voter turnout for Obama is going to be huge, and in order for McCain to win he needs people to get off their asses. I mean, I just think of people that I know. My in-laws and some of my folks are very anti-Obama, but will they get up on election day and vote? Nope. However, the people that I know that probably wouldnt give two shits about voting that are pro-Obama will definitely be going outand voting.

Are Republicans worried about this at all? Or am I the only one who really thinks this?

9/8/2008 10:55:03 AM

All American
19842 Posts
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What's started to really bug me about Palin is whenever she tries to talk about how great McCain is she always uses the line "That's the kind of man I want in the White House" just sounds so cheerleader-esque that I can't imagine it's coming from a Vice Presidential candidate.

9/8/2008 12:38:46 PM

All American
30098 Posts
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9/8/2008 12:50:34 PM

All American
33811 Posts
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Quote :
"like I said. It cuts both ways. Obama is now suddenly touting his experience over Palin's (i guess he forgot that line about how the Bush admin had plenty of experience and still fucked up) and McCain is shown to believe that experience was not as important as he originally claimed.

If you can't see that the response to the Palin pick reveals both campaigns to be full of hypocritical politicians, then you need to learn to disassociate yourself from the election cycle. You are not Michelle Obama and it is not your job to defend him from every single attack."

Wow, moving the goal posts. You really are becoming a Republican, next thing you know, you'll be trying to get the teaching of evolution stopped.

I'll admit, I haven't been following what the Obama surrogates have been saying, but your initial post was about "Obama supporters" of which I assumed you meant his supporters on TWW, which is who I was talking about.

^ That USA Today/Gallup poll is really screwing things up

[Edited on September 8, 2008 at 12:54 PM. Reason : ]

9/8/2008 12:53:41 PM

All American
11792 Posts
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^ there's no moving the goal post at all. Both the Obama campaign and his supporters initially said experience wasn't that important and now apparently think otherwise. And if you thought I was talking about Tee-dubbers, well God is the perfect perfect example of that flip-flop.

One month he said experience didn't mattered, when Barry started falling in the polls, he said it did.

[Edited on September 8, 2008 at 1:40 PM. Reason : ``]

9/8/2008 1:38:59 PM

All American
28747 Posts
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Quote :
"Hey, here is God only a few months ago. Apparently, he had a much lower opinion of experience at the time. It looks like he was also saying that Bush had plenty of experience and still wound up "fucking up the country".


Quote :
"Your only argument is experience.

If we look at the President who is currently in office, he has experience. He was governor of Texas for 5 years, and he has been President for 7 years.

Yet, he has fucked up this country more than any President in history.

So much for experience."

Hypocrisy for the win!!!111

PS* Obama doesn't pay for you to defend him on the interweb, so stop acting like he does. It's okay to find fault in your candidate. He doesn't define you. You are not your political affiliation. REMEMBER THAT.

[Edited on September 8, 2008 at 9:11 AM. Reason : ``]"

Actually, if you re-read my post:

Quote :
"Obama supporters already cared about experience. This is why Joe Biden was hailed as an awesome pick for vice president."

Let me explain what I meant, since you appear to be an idiot. Obama supporters care about experience, this is why they were concerned that his lack of it would hinder his election. This is why Joe Biden, a man with a lot of experience, was hailed as an awesome pick for vice president. It's a good balance.

Quote :
"That's not the impression I got. A decent selection, yes... but I never got the sense that people, including Dems, thought it was an "awesome pick.""

He was my #1 pick. He was also the #1 pick of quite a few "insiders" that I know.

9/8/2008 1:54:39 PM

Prawn Star
All American
7643 Posts
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Quote :
"It wasn't so certain in the beginning of the race iirc(I might be wrong), but it just seems like voter turnout for Obama is going to be huge, and in order for McCain to win he needs people to get off their asses. I mean, I just think of people that I know. My in-laws and some of my folks are very anti-Obama, but will they get up on election day and vote? Nope. However, the people that I know that probably wouldnt give two shits about voting that are pro-Obama will definitely be going outand voting.

Are Republicans worried about this at all? Or am I the only one who really thinks this?

A lot of commentators have been talking about how "energized" the democratic base is, and the record numbers of people coming out to vote in the primaries.

The problem is that history shows that enthusiasm wears off, and young voters frequently shift their attention to other things before the election. Meanwhile old people all vote. There's a political joke about candidates relying on the youth vote, I forget what it is, but every election you have to take about 2 percentage points away from the Dems just because young people get lazy and don't show up at the booth like they say they will.

9/8/2008 2:23:25 PM

supple anteater
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Biden on the RNC:

9/8/2008 2:24:03 PM

Prawn Star
All American
7643 Posts
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I can't see the vid since I'm at work, but I can only guess that he is repeating the party's talking points about "failed McCain/Bush policies of the last 8 years". It's funny how many times I've heard Bush's name brought up by Dems considering that he was less than a footnote in the convention, and McCain has had considerable public disagreements with the President.

9/8/2008 2:39:37 PM

All American
11792 Posts
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Quote :
"Let me explain what I meant, since you appear to be an idiot. Obama supporters care about experience, this is why they were concerned that his lack of it would hinder his election. This is why Joe Biden, a man with a lot of experience, was hailed as an awesome pick for vice president. It's a good balance."


IOW: You don't care about experience as an indicator of competence, but only as a political consideration in terms of electability??? So critiques of Palin's experience are purely a political tactic aimed to dent her electability???

I guess you're right. You're not a hypocrite. You're just a political ass that uses whatever argument is required at the time to defend your boy, BHO? You're not really helping your case, unless you think transparent cynicism makes you look "sophisticated".

9/8/2008 2:40:43 PM

All American
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^^If the "convention" you're referring to is the RNC, I'm sure you can see why they would only make him a footnote.

^That's obfuscating what I was saying. I'll repeat myself. One of Obama's few weaknesses was his lack of experience in the Senate compared to McCain. This is why Joe Biden was chosen as Obama's running mate. Biden's experience fills in the only missing piece in that puzzle.

And now for something completely different:

Quote :
"McCain worked his way up to me and Cat and as I shook his hand, I asked, "Sir, I respect your service but, why were you against the GI bill?" Senator McCain, paused, he looked a bit surprised at the question and then he said, "Nice to meet you." I repeated the question and he repeated his non-answer. He quickly worked his way down the line. So much for straight-talk!

I have been genuinely curious as to why he wouldn't support a bill so important to veterans (McCain opposed this bill from the beginning and then skipped the vote). Also, I was surprised at myself as I as I almost involuntarily prefaced my question with, "Sir, I respect your service but..." No wonder he's gotten a free ride by the press, I think this reaction is not unique and the press must feel the same pressure that I felt. Perhaps that explains why his poor support for veteran issues isn't well known."

Quote :
"Sarah Palin was next! I couldn't resist trying for a better photo. It is still blurry, but talk about a close encounter.

Sarah first looked at Caterina said hello, and I shook her hand. I asked, "Are supporting Ted Stevens this year?" She replied, "He's under indictment you know...his trial is in September." I replied, "But are you voting for him?" She walked away without answering.

I don't think this question will be answered until after Senator Stevens' trial in September and perhaps never. After all, Ted Stevens is still running for the Senate this year and a Republican vote, corrupt or not, is still a Republican vote. I was amazed that she offered up, "He's under indictment you know." She's going to need some serious handling before they let her into the wild!"

So much for straight talk.


And Palin shows why she's out of touch regarding the housing crisis:

[Edited on September 8, 2008 at 2:51 PM. Reason : ]

9/8/2008 2:41:08 PM

All American
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IOW: Experience is not a deciding factor....unless we're talking about Sarah Palin. Back to hypocrisy?

[Edited on September 8, 2008 at 2:54 PM. Reason : ``]

9/8/2008 2:53:54 PM

All American
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It is when her boss is likely to die.

An American led by Palin is an America in flames.

9/8/2008 2:55:37 PM

All American
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^ But it isn't when deciding who the Boss is? "Experience matters for VP, not POTUS." Strange, very strange.

[Edited on September 8, 2008 at 2:57 PM. Reason : ``]

9/8/2008 2:56:34 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"when her boss is likely to die"

shit like this really just shows how weak your arguments are


9/8/2008 2:59:30 PM

All American
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I'd rather a leader with less experience be supported by a man with great experience than vice versa.

What do you think will happen when McCain is in a bind and seeks his VP for counsel?


Oh and this is just classy, fellas:

Quote :
"The widespread practice of students’ registering to vote at their college address has set off a fracas in Virginia, a battleground state in the presidential election.

Late last month, as a voter-registration drive by supporters of Senator Barack Obama was signing up thousands of students at Virginia Tech, the local registrar of elections issued two releases incorrectly suggesting a range of dire possibilities for students who registered to vote at their college.

The releases warned that such students could no longer be claimed as dependents on their parents’ tax returns, a statement the Internal Revenue Service says is incorrect, and could lose scholarships or coverage under their parents’ car and health insurance.

After some inquiries from students and parents, and more pointed questions from civil rights lawyers, the state board of elections said Friday that it was “modifying and clarifying” the state guidelines on which the county registrar had based his releases.

Student-registration controversies have been a recurring problem since 1971, when the 26st Amendment lowered the voting age to 18 from 21, and despite a 1979 ruling by the United States Supreme Court that students have the right to register at their college address.

Virginia is not the only state with murky guidelines. South Carolina’s voter-registration site, for example, says students who want to register to vote at their college address must demonstrate “a present intention to remain in the community.”

“There’s no issue for snowbirds who live in Iowa but fly to Florida for the winter,” said Sujatha Jahagirdar, program director of the Student Public Interest Research Group’s New Voters Project. “One demographic group, like students, shouldn’t have to overcome a special hurdle to vote. We impose all the responsibilities of citizenship on students, and we have to provide them with the privileges of citizenship, too.”

Ms. Jahagirdar said Virginia’s warnings were profoundly misleading. “We have been registering young voters for 25 years,” she said. “We registered 500,000 young voters in 2004, the majority on college campuses, and we’ve never heard of a single one who lost health insurance, scholarship or tax status because of where they registered to vote.”

In Virginia, the county registrar first issued an alarming release on Aug. 25, and two days later a slightly toned-down version using language taken directly from the state Board of Elections’ Web site.

That site says students can determine their legal residence, but advises them to consider certain questions. “Are you claimed as a dependent on your parents’ income tax return?” the site asks. “If you are, then their address is probably your legal residence.”

The site also tells students to check whether their coverage under their parents’ health or automobile insurance, or their scholarship, will be affected by changing their residence.

Civil rights lawyers say these guidelines are problematic and could infringe on students’ rights.

“What the state Board of Elections has on its Web site, to me, sounds like it is discouraging students from registering at their school address,” said Jon Greenbaum, director of the Voting Rights Project at the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.

Indeed, the Montgomery County registrar, E. Randall Wertz, said several students had canceled their local registration over their worry about the possible consequences. Mr. Wertz said he had issued the release to try to dispel confusion and explain what he believed to be the consequences of choosing a college address as a primary residence.

“My understanding of state law has been that by declaring you’re voting here, you’re saying this is your primary residence, your domicile, and that while you can have many abodes or residences, you can only have one domicile,” Mr. Wertz said. “And if this is your primary residence, you have to register your vehicle here, charge your driver’s license to here and so on. That’s been the interpretation at state training sessions.”

Kevin Griffis, the Obama campaign’s Virginia spokesman, said the release appeared to be a good-faith effort to convey state guidelines, not a politically motivated effort to stop voting by students.

Mr. Wertz said the initial release had been written by an intern whom he asked to summarize the guidelines. Although the second release used the state’s precise language, he said, it still left room for confusion. In other counties, registrars have refused to accept dormitory addresses as residences. But so far, the state has not set clear standards.

“Different registrars around the state interpret it differently,” he said. “We’ve asked for more guidance from the state legislature, but they haven’t wanted to deal with it.”

Mr. Greenbaum’s Voting Rights Project has been involved in other student-registration cases. Last fall, in Statesboro, Ga., in a hotly contested city council race, there were challenges to the registration of about 1,000 Georgia Southern University students who had used dormitory addresses. “We threatened suit, but the issue went away when they figured out that the challenges weren’t going to affect the results of the election,” Mr. Greenbaum said.

In 2003, in Waller County, Tex., the district attorney wrote a column in a local newspaper threatening to prosecute students at Prairie View A&M, a historically black university, for illegal voting. The project sued, and the district attorney backed down.

In the 1970s, that same county required Prairie View students who wanted to register to fill out a questionnaire asking, among other things, whether they owned property in the county, had an automobile registered there or belonged to any church, club or organization unrelated to the college. A challenge to that practice led the Supreme Court to uphold students’ rights to vote at their college address."


And Palin is part of a batshit insane church as well:

[Edited on September 8, 2008 at 3:06 PM. Reason : ]

9/8/2008 2:59:59 PM

All American
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^ hahah wow. So apparently the President only gets advice from the VP? Come on.

I really don't know what to tell you, friend. You're using whatever self-serving argument saves face and defends your candidate (oooo someone is in love ). There is really no point in discussing this any further. Have a good one!

[Edited on September 8, 2008 at 3:52 PM. Reason : ``]

9/8/2008 3:50:40 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I'd rather a leader with less experience be supported by a man with great experience than vice versa."

dumbest shit ever

9/8/2008 4:06:23 PM

All American
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Alright one down, who's next?

9/8/2008 4:19:14 PM

829 Posts
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did a nga just bring up religion?????

9/8/2008 4:27:10 PM

All American
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moving on...

McCain now leads in average of national polls by about ~3 points.

However, he is still behind in the betting markets (not always the most reliable guide, especially this far out from the election).

And behind in electoral count (though many states don't have post-convention numbers).

McCain is doing much better, but he still has a long way to go.

9/8/2008 4:28:33 PM

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