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 Message Boards » » President Obama's credibility watch Page 1 ... 139 140 141 142 [143] 144 145 146 147 ... 185, Prev Next  
All American
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Quote :
"The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders fourth edition, DSM IV-TR, a widely used manual for diagnosing mental disorders, defines narcissistic personality disorder (in Axis II Cluster B) as:

A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

1. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

3. Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

4. Requires excessive admiration

5. Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations

6. Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

7. Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others

8. Is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her

9. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes"


8/6/2013 10:08:57 PM

All American
8383 Posts
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The leader of the free world is narcissistic.

Film at 11

8/6/2013 10:51:42 PM

All American
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dbl post

[Edited on August 6, 2013 at 11:00 PM. Reason : ]

8/6/2013 10:57:09 PM

All American
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1. He graduated with a PhD, became a state senator, then a US Senator, and then President. That certainly qualifies him as an achiever who is important. Where is the lack of "commensurate achievements?"

2. What?

3. Again, what evidence?

4. See above.

5. He's the elected leader of the country. Why shouldn't he expect people to follow him?

6. Evidence?

7. Seriously? Conservatives complain too much about his empathy. See: Trayvon Martin.

8. Evidence?

9. This could go into "uppity negro" territory.

8/6/2013 11:00:34 PM

All American
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kdogg(c) is a trip. He's been posting that same post for a few years now. It seems his biggest gripe with Obama is that he's "narcissistic". As if that's any different than almost any other politician (or other person in power) in the world.

8/7/2013 10:10:19 AM

26632 Posts
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I heard that kdogg(c) was going to start a lobbying group to tell the nation how narcissistic President Obama is

... except kdogg(c) didn't think he was important enough to start it and had no fantasies that it would succeed. It also hurt his cause that no one admires him

8/7/2013 10:27:26 AM

All American
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edit post§ion=4&searchstring=Narcissistic_personality_disorder%23Diagnosis&username=kdogg%28c%29&usertype=like&sortby=date&sortorder=descending&page=

Give it a rest, B.

8/7/2013 11:57:26 AM

All American
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It's kdogg(c)'s way of saying "uppity," I think.

If we had recall elections on the federal level, I'd totally vote against Obama at this point. But why a college-educated person can't dislike a person's politics without attributing the disagreement to mental illness is beyond me.

[Edited on August 7, 2013 at 5:52 PM. Reason : ]

8/7/2013 5:51:51 PM

All American
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any friend of Larry David is a friend of mine

8/17/2013 3:14:09 PM

All American
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Starts a war to distract the public from government corruption.

8/26/2013 7:50:47 PM

All American
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^^or attributing to being racist

8/27/2013 6:19:08 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Quote :
""The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.""

- Senator Barack Obama December 20, 2007

Withdraw your support from this psychopath.

8/27/2013 3:26:49 PM

All American
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My support has been gone for awhile

8/27/2013 3:30:17 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Quote :
""I have condemned any organizer of war, regardless of his rank or nationality.""

- Martin Luther King, Jr.

8/28/2013 1:16:45 PM

All American
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Remember, King wasn't assassinated until he started vocally opposing the war in Vietnam. Plenty of Democrats were happy to see him go.

8/28/2013 11:41:28 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Quote :
"We have guided missiles but misguided men"

- Martin Luther King, Jr.

8/29/2013 2:00:50 AM

All American
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Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Has insisted military intervention in how many countries now? Has employed how many drones?

8/29/2013 4:13:35 PM

All American
42526 Posts
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this is great

US Twitter users mark historic 'I Have a Dream' speech on civil rights by sounding off on drones.

some of the tweets:

Quote :
"#IHaveADream that all of Gods children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles. Hold up, but not Muslim children, for them #IHaveADrone"

Quote :
"#ihaveadrone that one day my city will be crime free with drones always watching and monitoring everything"

Quote :
"#IHaveADrone that someday a country's sovereignty and peoples right to due process and life are things of a distant past. Let $$ reign."

9/1/2013 12:24:16 AM

All American
6571 Posts
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+100 for asking Congress's approval for Syria intervention

I really didn't see that one coming

9/1/2013 12:58:55 AM

All American
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+100 for following the Constitution? You know, that document that he swore to uphold?

9/1/2013 8:20:47 PM

All American
6571 Posts
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Well, it certainly flew in the face of most of the TWW prognasticators

9/1/2013 8:54:49 PM

All American
33772 Posts
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You know there's going to be massive pork on any congressional vote.

And what if congress approves it, not for humanitarian reasons or because a burden of proof was met, but because it means a legislator will have a bargaining chip in his pocket when he wants a new fighter jet part manufactured in his district?

Seems like putting soldiers lives and the fate of another society in the hands of overwhelmingly rich, white men wheeling and dealing to keep themselves in power isn't necessarily a better solution.

The Constituion isn't a religious document, it's a terse, vague, racist, sexist, classist document that serves as the basis of the ever growing US Code, and centuries of legal precedent.

[Edited on September 1, 2013 at 11:48 PM. Reason : ]

9/1/2013 11:46:37 PM

The Stubby
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if you want to be so blatantly racist about it, let's not leave out the race of the guy that's asking congress to start another war

look -- white, black, yellow, purple... doesn't matter what color these people are or what they consider their god to be.. we don't need another war and the president is the one running his mouth on national tv trying to get it going

9/2/2013 10:44:54 AM

All American
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Ha that's not racist...

Point is that what the Constituion says or doesn't say has exactly zero bearing on what's right or wrong thing to do, ESPECIALLY when it comes to war.

9/2/2013 11:21:15 AM

All American
43384 Posts
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Quote :
"+100 for asking Congress's approval for Syria intervention

I really didn't see that one coming"

Agreed, but -75 points since he said he would probably act without Congressional approval if they didn't approve any military action

9/3/2013 1:15:36 PM

All American
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I don't think you can take credibilty points away for what you assume congress will do and how you assume obama will respond.

[Edited on September 3, 2013 at 1:25 PM. Reason : ]

9/3/2013 1:25:36 PM

All American
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"Shit, I backed myself into a corner with my red line comment. I certainly thought they wouldn't do shit - and they called my bluff. How in the hell am I going to get out of it?"

"I know, I'll follow the rules for once and go to congress. They hate me, they won't go along with anything I want to do. They'll reject my little war, and I can blame them for it."

This president is coated with more teflon than John Gotti.

9/3/2013 2:26:36 PM

All American
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I'm not sure why you conservatives, or republicans, or obama-haters (i'm not sure what to call you) think he did such a terrible thing. As is often the case with folks like you, it seems that his biggest mistake is that he is Obama.

How would you have prefered him to handle this situation?

[Edited on September 3, 2013 at 2:32 PM. Reason : ]

9/3/2013 2:32:13 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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I listened to Rush a bit today (usually helps get me a get a good idea of what the conservative talking points du jour are), and he was mad that Obama asked Congress at all, which is ridiculous.

If Bush were in office, most of the Republicans against the strikes would be for it, and most of the Democrats for it would be against it.

9/3/2013 3:13:40 PM

All American
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^^I don't really know what you're arguing against me.

Quote :
"I don't think you can take credibilty points away for what you assume congress will do and how you assume obama will respond."

He said if Congress doesn't approve of action that he will do it anyway. If it hasn't been clear from my posts, I'm against any action, congressional approval or otherwise.

[Edited on September 3, 2013 at 3:35 PM. Reason : b]

9/3/2013 3:33:18 PM

All American
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semantics, but

Quote :
"he said he would probably act"

9/3/2013 3:42:50 PM

All American
33772 Posts
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Quote :
"I listened to Rush a bit today (usually helps get me a get a good idea of what the conservative talking points du jour are), and he was mad that Obama asked Congress at all, which is ridiculous.

Not absurd to ask congress, but it's absurd congress is trying to micromanage the operation.

SEems ridiculous that congresspeople who have no concept of how to wage a war are able to dictate things like "no ground troops... ever". If the "experts" we've hired to do the job (generals etc.) determine ground troops are needed, that should be an option.

It's naive to thing we can just do some bombs and be okay. The use of force should be authorized or not and leave it up to the people trained in creating military tactics to sort the details.

9/3/2013 5:38:27 PM

All American
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Why is it absurd for members of congress to make sure they don't send their constituency off to die?

9/3/2013 7:37:33 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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I don't think anyone is arguing that it is. Congress is supposed to authorize the war, the executive branch actually steers it.

Congress should be where most unpopular wars get shut down, at least if there were any justice.

9/3/2013 8:32:49 PM

All American
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moron is

If I were a senator or house member, I'd like to have the flexibility to say "I'll vote for your little war, but only if you don't put any of my people on the ground there."

9/3/2013 9:44:22 PM

All American
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Because they don't know anything about war, and shouldn't be running one.

Don't tell generals to drop some bombs but don't ever consider use ground troops. Tell the generals to solve a problem, and see what they propose.

It's like telling a web designer to build a site but not to use JavaScript.

Or having an engineer to design a car, but telling them they can only use a v8 engine.

It's noble, but naive.

We're going to be killing people, likely have some innocent civilian casualties, pissing off Russia and China. If we're going to do this, all options should be on the table. It's not ever, and never ever has been, as simple as blowing up a few factories. Our politicians are blind to history if they think that would work, because it has never worked.

^ it's that type of thinking why politicians are so corrupt. They have control over things they have no business controlling, and they exert this influence with sophomoric ignorance. They are the living embodiments of

The soldiers are there to fight, dying is the risk they take when they sign up. If we don't want to risk their lives, then we shouldn't be doing an offensive bombing campaign. But we shouldn't be half assing it.

[Edited on September 3, 2013 at 9:59 PM. Reason : ]

9/3/2013 9:51:39 PM

All American
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9/4/2013 9:52:00 AM

Tom Joad
72764 Posts
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the world set the red line

9/4/2013 10:18:00 AM

26632 Posts
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moron, its not like congress is deciding what to authorize on their own, general dempsey testified about all of the options to congress

9/4/2013 10:35:52 AM

All American
43384 Posts
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Quote :

bye bye credibility

moron, what gives you the impression that Obama knows how to run a war?

9/5/2013 9:58:32 AM

All American
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what gives anyone any impression on how any (non-general) president can run a war?

9/5/2013 11:44:29 AM

All American
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9/5/2013 5:34:22 PM

All American
23147 Posts
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lol dennis rodman

9/7/2013 2:45:43 AM

All American
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9/11/2013 8:23:51 PM

8379 Posts
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there's plenty to dislike about obama without latching on to stupid things like "breaking tradition".

and lol the comments on that post are insane

"What piece of garbage, I think the entire nation has had enough of this communist"

"Hopefully, he will be IN the next disaster...wherever it is."

"how many more colors does he need to show before we kick his first black president ass out of washington?" - holy shit hahaha

9/12/2013 8:21:44 AM

26632 Posts
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Seriously, so dumb. I wonder how many of those true patriots observe a moment of silence for the oklahoma city bombing, or could even tell you what day it happened without googling.

9/12/2013 8:48:39 AM

All American
15485 Posts
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Insightful analysis from Which one of those comments is yours, Smath?

9/12/2013 12:11:18 PM

All American
1882 Posts
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This thread has crickets. I expected more given the events over the last few days.

9/12/2013 2:15:28 PM

All American
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What's the point? To avenge GWB?

There's no activity here because Obama is indefensible.

9/12/2013 2:50:41 PM

All American
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Most of the current heat on Obama is over in the Syria thread.

9/12/2013 2:52:06 PM

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