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All American
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that is the cheapest blow below the belt ever

9/5/2007 1:14:18 PM

All American
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meh, the real news is revamping the entire ipod line.

9/5/2007 1:15:21 PM

All American
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i am so glad i opted not to buy an iphone as i was a hair's width of distance from buying one. it just you have to dump too much money into this thing, and ultimately you will probably have to pay to pretty much do anything with this phone.

9/5/2007 1:17:15 PM

All American
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I've done everything you can with this phone and all i've paid is my monthly ATT bill + cost of the i don't get where you are getting that idea from....ringtones is just one tiny part of the phone which wasn't even a part of it when i bought it.

9/5/2007 1:32:57 PM

All American
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paying to use a song for a ringtone - get out! hahaha thats ridiculous

9/5/2007 2:05:52 PM

All American
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every other phone i've used has had 'buy ringtones' as an option....

9/5/2007 2:07:42 PM

play so hard
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^^ i'm assuming there will be some hack or something to bypass that
^ but not the ONLY option

9/5/2007 2:09:04 PM

All American
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its still an option when it wasn't its a step in the right direction.

9/5/2007 2:11:04 PM

All American
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^ but you buy the song, then pay to use it as a ringtone. another apple success as a result of the fadism of their products, lol. but in all honesty, if i could get one thru my carrier, 3g or somthing comparable to evdo, and they implement a subscription service, i am pretty sure that i would get one almost instantly.

ringtone ability has become fundamental to cell phones, and you really think apple is 'going in the right direction' as if to say that they did not know what they were doing in the first place by not allowing ringtones on the device? i don't buy it.

[Edited on September 5, 2007 at 2:14 PM. Reason : asdfa]

9/5/2007 2:12:48 PM

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iphone update...wonder how many early adopters will be mad in a few minutes

haha $200 mad

to clarify the term "early adopters" i guess - people that buy a new technology when it first comes out...

9/5/2007 2:13:25 PM

All American
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wtf 8GB iphone for $400!!

[Edited on September 5, 2007 at 2:15 PM. Reason : .]

9/5/2007 2:14:14 PM

All American
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early adopters?

9/5/2007 2:14:27 PM

All American
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I can't believe you haven't ever heard the term. This website must have half the early adopters in america on it. It amazes me the amount of bullshit you guys will put up with just because its the new thing.

9/5/2007 2:53:17 PM

All American
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el oh el...i know what early adopters are....sigh....i was asking why would we care about an iphone update if we're an early adopter since we get all the iphone updates free......

i hadn't yet seen that it was a price drop, which i might add i could care less about.

9/5/2007 2:55:25 PM

All American
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Quote :
"ringtone ability has become fundamental to cell phones, and you really think apple is 'going in the right direction' as if to say that they did not know what they were doing in the first place by not allowing ringtones on the device? i don't buy it."

exactly. and it's not like they needed time to develop the technology to allow you to put custom ringtones on your, they just needed time to develop the business plan to extract maximum $$$ from your pockets

9/5/2007 2:56:06 PM

All American
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sounds like smart business since they aren't a non-profit organization and all...

9/5/2007 2:58:28 PM

All American
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but you have to admit that paying to use a song for a ringtone that you have already purchased is a cheap move by apple.

9/5/2007 3:00:18 PM

All American
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^ It probably has something to do with the fact that the original usage rights for the songs did not include ringtones. Sure apple's happy to get some extra money out of it, but you know the studios weren't going to just let them GIVE people extra rights for things they already purchased. That's what DRM's all about afterall, limiting your rights and making you pay for them in piece-meal.

You could blame it on apple not being forward-looking, but when the iTunes DRM structure was first created, it wasn't an unforgivable mistake to not include ringtone usage. Hell, I doubt the record companies would have been willing to include it then at the same cost anyways.

[Edited on September 5, 2007 at 3:01 PM. Reason : ]

9/5/2007 3:00:30 PM

All American
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its no different then buying a song from a online music store then buying the same song from your cell phone provider as a ring tone.

9/5/2007 3:02:03 PM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"sounds like smart business since they aren't a non-profit organization and all..."

Jesus Christ, do you have to remove Steve Job's cock from your mouth to eat or do you have some sort of Apple branded IV that gives you the nourishment required to survive?

9/5/2007 3:03:08 PM

All American
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as far as i know, you use use songs as a ringtone on just about any phone. i don't care because i use the default ringtone anyways, but this is a very cheap move.

^ hahahahahaha


^^^ i thought if you buy a song it your to do whatever you want except make a profit

[Edited on September 5, 2007 at 3:04 PM. Reason : asdf]

9/5/2007 3:03:20 PM

All American
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You do realize they are bound by contract not to just freely give people rights not included in the original agreements with studios right? I mean it is obnoxious to have to pay to use a song you already purchased, but it's a symptom of DRM more than Apple's practices in particular.

With a CD sure, but Apple signed very restrictive agreements to get as many studios on board as it is. As part of those agreements they have to try to restrict usage of the intellectual property of the studios to what the studio agrees to. To unilaterally give the consumers (fairly I might add) rights that the studios have not agreed to would result in iTunes losing all rights to sell music.

[Edited on September 5, 2007 at 3:06 PM. Reason : ]

9/5/2007 3:05:09 PM

All American
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i think we all realize that, but you apparently don't understand that how can they stop is the music is drm free?

9/5/2007 3:06:34 PM

All American
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Quote :
"its no different then buying a song from a online music store then buying the same song from your cell phone provider as a ring tone."

Actually it is different, because Apple's service is cheaper on both ends. OMG they came out with a lower priced service, with more features !>!>?!?! SO EVIL

9/5/2007 3:07:19 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Jesus Christ, do you have to remove Steve Job's cock from your mouth to eat or do you have some sort of Apple branded IV that gives you the nourishment required to survive?"

el oh el...its funny how you bitch and whine because Apple is trying to make money just like everyone else.

9/5/2007 3:07:26 PM

All American
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They probably can't in the long run, but they can't facilitate it either without upsetting the studios. With the recent loss of NBC they're already worried about losing content. Additionally, only a very small portion of their music is available as DRM free.

[Edited on September 5, 2007 at 3:08 PM. Reason : ]

9/5/2007 3:07:30 PM

All American
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i think all of yahoo (purchased) music is drm free

thats why i love them

[Edited on September 5, 2007 at 3:10 PM. Reason : asdfa]

9/5/2007 3:10:28 PM

El Nachó
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There's a difference in understanding where the fees are going and why they are in place and bragging about how you enjoy paying them.

This is at least the 2nd comment in the last hour from Golovko about how he's not only content with the way things are, but HAPPY to be giving apple his money.

It's just a bit too much to stomach.

We get it. You're an apple fanboy. You don't mind bending over for the giant cock as long as it has an Apple logo on it. It's just Jesus Christ, try and give it a rest.

The best part about today's events however is that gargs is still suspended. At least there only appears to be one rabid fanboy running around.

9/5/2007 3:11:09 PM

All American
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we get it el douchebag. you're poor and expect everything to be free.

9/5/2007 3:12:12 PM

All American
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^^^ Is it you say? Hmm...

[Edited on September 5, 2007 at 3:12 PM. Reason : ]

9/5/2007 3:12:23 PM

All American
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the point is we know why the fees are there, we expect them to be there, and we have no problems paying them.

9/5/2007 3:13:26 PM

All American
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and since you can't read....

Quote :
"update: you have to pay $0.99 in addition to the song to use it as a ring tone "

usually a (aka sad face) indicates that one is not happy. Put it together with a sentence and it will usually mean that the person is not happy by what is being said.

9/5/2007 3:15:41 PM

El Nachó
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you figured me out.

I'm really jealous that I don't have enough money to buy a song twice over in order to use it on my phone that I paid $100 a month premium on to use for 2 months before everyone else.

My secret is finally out.

9/5/2007 3:17:00 PM

All American
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we get it, you're an attention whore and 'your' dumb. [old]


9/5/2007 3:17:37 PM

El Nachó
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"Do not consecutively reply to a topic - If you are within the alloted timespan for editing a message that no one has replied to and you think of something to add, EDIT the message. DO NOT REPLY AGAIN. Constant abuse of this will not be tolerated."

9/5/2007 3:18:31 PM

play so hard
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you people are acting like fucking children

take this shit to chit chat and stop crapping all over this thread.


just because gargs is gone doesn't mean you have to carry on his tradition.

9/5/2007 3:27:16 PM

All American
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last i checked I made this thread.

9/5/2007 3:27:57 PM

El Nachó
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^^Yeah, you can take your "official" chit chat thread and shove it where the sun don't shine. If it wasn't for arguing about how this thing is overpriced and underfeatured and only Apple fanboys will want it, this thread wouldn't have made it to page 2.

9/5/2007 3:31:44 PM

All American
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Quote :
"el oh el...its funny how you bitch and whine because Apple is trying to make money just like everyone else."

i dont think anyone is faulting Apple for making as much off fanboys as they possibly can. hell, i'd do nothing less if i had a product as hyped and worshipped as they do. the only people in question here are the dumbasses who continue to buy into the hype and support Apple, not because of reason, but because as Nacho pointed out there are so many of them with Jobs' cock in their collective mouth that they can't think straight (pun intended)

9/5/2007 3:33:22 PM

All American
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Quote :
"^^Yeah, you can take your "official" chit chat thread and shove it where the sun don't shine. If it wasn't for arguing about how this thing is overpriced and underfeatured and only Apple fanboys will want it, this thread wouldn't have made it to page 2.

folks, this is an example of trolling.

^so the next time someone releases something that costs money we should boycott it? Sounds a bit communist to me.

So what exactly is the problem here? Just curious, what is it that you expect apple to give for free because clearly paying for it means you are a fan boy?

[Edited on September 5, 2007 at 3:35 PM. Reason : fda]

9/5/2007 3:33:31 PM

play so hard
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fyi, for anyone who purchased an iPhone in the last 14 days, Apple is offering a price adjustment policy. call customer service for a refund.

9/5/2007 3:36:51 PM

All American
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again, the long-term Jobs-riding has clearly fucked your ability to reason.

Quote :
"so the next time someone releases something that costs money we should boycott it?"

of course. way to stretch that example into a completely different truth. what i'm saying is that you shouldn't just gobble up their bullshit (like saying that an iPod with "Cover Flow" is a whole new product from one without; or taking an existing product (iPhone), stripping out cellular and bluetooth service and removing the camera, and calling it a new product; etc.). i see these same fanboys demolishing any ad campaign from another tech company, saying it's all smoke and mirrors, but then the same campaign if released by Apple is lauded as brilliant.

come off it (you know what im talking about)

9/5/2007 3:45:32 PM

All American
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$299.99 while supplies last.

9/5/2007 3:58:19 PM

All American
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^^wtf are you talking about...i never mentioned ipods...i'm talking ringtones and songs....sounds like you're the one with a cock in the mouth and two in the ears and a money shot in the eyes....since you clearly can't read and comprehend.

9/5/2007 4:02:45 PM

All American
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300$ hhmm

still too much

9/5/2007 7:03:29 PM

40960 Posts
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attn nacho:


Quote :
"what's the deal, man? seems all you do lately is whine"

[Edited on September 5, 2007 at 9:37 PM. Reason : sandy]

9/5/2007 9:37:11 PM

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chip has been extremely whiny the last while - i told him he reminded me of royalflush due to it

9/5/2007 9:42:41 PM

El Nachó
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oh whatever. I wasn't whining today, I was on anti-fanboy patrol.

There's a difference.

Golovko's attitude practically begged for the complete opposite extreme viewpoint.

9/5/2007 11:03:59 PM

All American
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don't you mean fanboy patrol? If you are going to be a moron at least get it right.

^more like the "I'm a dumbass and everone knows it" extreme viewpoint.

[Edited on September 5, 2007 at 11:05 PM. Reason : fda]

9/5/2007 11:05:08 PM

El Nachó
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Quote :
"don't you mean fanboy patrol? If you are going to be a moron at least get it right.

^more like the "I'm a dumbass and everone knows it" extreme viewpoint."

fine. if you insist on semantics:

I was expressing my "Golovko is a dumbass and everyone knows it" extreme viewpoint.

And I certianly wasn't on a pro-fanboy patrol.

9/5/2007 11:08:52 PM

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