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All American
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6/28/2010 3:21:55 PM

All American
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gonna do 2 miles today, the goal is to increase the speed.

I should be completely drenched as it looks like a hot one this afternoon. after that, my monday p90x workout.

6/28/2010 3:45:06 PM

All American
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what exactly do the watches do? gps? pacing? intervals? what else?

i really just want something to help me keep on pace. does the ipod program do that?

my long run this week is 10 miles (saturday). getting up there gonna go OVER (eventually, obviously) my 1/2 marathon distance while training so i can make sure i finish that sucker. also, i really wanna finish in under 3 hours.

[Edited on June 28, 2010 at 7:49 PM. Reason : .]

6/28/2010 7:49:39 PM

All American
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^ you will!!

i did all my half marathons in under 3 hours and i did my share of walking.. esp during san francisco which was so hard i wanted to die

you're good

6/28/2010 7:55:59 PM

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you can beat 3 hours no prob

6/28/2010 8:03:45 PM

All American
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^^ i can't believe you did a san fran 1/2!!!

holy HILLS. that seems soooo hard. my dad and i were talking about that the other day. i run a hill in raleigh and i'm like "ouchhhhhh" haha.

mine is at VA beach so hopefully the flatness will help me

i think i'm also taking the plunge and signing up for the city of oaks 1/2 in november. my friend is running that for her team in training race so i think it'd be nice to run w/ her since part of why she decided to sign up is cause of my mom. plus maybe if i keep signing up for shit i won't get out of shape ever again haha. and i like t-shirts. and medals.

6/28/2010 8:41:20 PM

All American
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^ I'm guessing that is the Rock n Roll in Va Beach? I seriously considered doing that one since I live in Va Beach, but damn there are a lot of people running. I think I read on that it was the 6th biggest Half-marathon in the country and it's a qualifyer for the Boston Marathon.... I may still end up doing it though, even though I missed the deadline for the cheaper entry fee.

Also, I have read that you don't want to run 13 miles until the actual day of the event. I guess because you are working up to 13 and that's where you want to peak. Not that I believe that, just what I've read....

6/29/2010 8:23:35 AM

All American
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Quote :
"what exactly do the watches do? gps? pacing? intervals? what else?

i really just want something to help me keep on pace. does the ipod program do that? "

6/29/2010 8:36:13 AM

All American
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^^ yea rock n roll. and yea people have said that. well the highest a lot of training programs go is 12.

if i run anything over it won't be more than 14. and not like the weekend before the race or anything

and yep it is a qualifier for boston. NOT what i'm in it for haha. i'm doing it with LLS Team in Training.

^ coooool. i think i'm going to get that. i have nike shoes but not nike + shoes i don't think, though. hmmm.

[Edited on June 29, 2010 at 10:18 AM. Reason : .]

6/29/2010 10:17:38 AM

All American
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^ you can buy a little holder thing for the chip & clip it on your laces. dont get tricked into thinking you need the special shoes

6/29/2010 10:26:44 AM

All American
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I always get the special shoes though. Nike always makes a + version of their shoes, most of the time. It's the same shoe but with a hole in the bottom.

6/29/2010 10:37:12 AM

All American
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^^ thanks

^ i have nike. i wonder if they are the + shoes? i shall look. if not i am just going to go the clip/laces route cause i just got these shoes!

6/29/2010 10:40:18 AM

All American
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I don't think they would have sold them to you without saying "you know these are the ones designed for the iPod, right?"

But if you have the receipt they would have just said, "Nike Blah blah blah +"

6/29/2010 10:41:28 AM

All American
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i looked on the bottom of the shoe and apparently they are the nike plus kind cause they have the symbol.


6/29/2010 3:02:35 PM

All American
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I thought the only difference in the Nike + shoes is they have the slot for the chip underneath the sole.... I use the Nike + with the shoe pocket you can put in your laces. Like I've said before even after I have calibrated it on a 400m track I still feel like it flucuates in accuracy. When I run the same route it will give me up to a .3 mile difference, which is quite a bit when you are trying to run a certain pace. I thought about trying to calibrate it on a longer run, but I'm not sure how to get an accurate distance to calibrate with (I don't trust google maps to the tenth of a mile).

6/29/2010 3:11:17 PM

All American
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I'm used to running in the beautiful Santa Monica weather, and went for a five mile run up and down Duraleigh this morning (I'm back in town this week for wedding season), and fuuuuuuuuuuu-, I'd forgotten what the humidity and heat is like here. I knew I was in trouble when I noticed that I was drenched in sweat after the first mile which was almost totally downhill. It doesn't help that I'm off my usual diet since I'm not at home, which usually means eating crap fast food more often but overall eating less and getting a lot fewer calories, so I didn't have a lot of energy to start with. But I really struggled on the home stretch. There was one moment where the hot breeze and morning atmosphere felt just like some of my morning runs with the cross country team back in high school over ten years ago in South Carolina; that was kind of neat, but then the humidity sapping my energy snapped me back to the present.

Tl;dr - Fuck your weather, and much respect to all of you keeping it up this summer in the Southeast.

6/29/2010 3:25:29 PM

Duke is puke
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Santa Monica is my favorite place to run. 70 degrees, no humidity, ocean breeze. I miss it

6/29/2010 3:26:54 PM

All American
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I got an armband for my g1. I'm going to try out a couple of android programs.

6/29/2010 4:33:07 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I thought the only difference in the Nike + shoes is they have the slot for the chip underneath the sole"

i think it is. i just recently bought new running shoes (in april or may) that happen to be nike. and i didn't really pay attention then to see if they were +. but they were so that makes me happy. even though it doesn't really matter.

i mean the thing is like what $30? i guess it will suck if it is inaccurate. but its still way way way way wayyyyyy cheaper than a garmin watch or something. i know it doesn't have all of the same magical powers, but it has enough for me

6/29/2010 5:09:58 PM

All American
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^How are your legs?

6/29/2010 5:49:33 PM

All American
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BETTER! i started running galloway style (walk run) and it has helped my shins A LOT. only one tiny bruise last time i ran and it went away after a day

hopefully the walk/run is helping my legs get used to running and i can go back to running full time again? but if not i don't mind the galloway thing. i can go just as fast doing a walk/run as i can running. for some weird reason.

6/29/2010 5:59:06 PM

Forgetful Jones
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i shaved over a minute off my mile time yesterday

i attribute it to running in 85 degree weather instead of 98 degree weather

7/2/2010 2:10:47 PM

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have my first 5k race tomorrow morning... first time i've run a 5k without it being at the end of a triathlon...

curious to see how it goes

7/3/2010 5:16:28 PM

All American
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how did it go LunaK??

i did 10.5 yesterday and holy shit. by the end my feet hurt soooooooooooooooooooo bad

i mean i got fitted to my shoes and everything. that is just the longest run i've done yet and i had a callous on one of my toes that turned into a blister on top of a callous and it was pinching so bad at like mile 9. i led my group until mile 8 and my feet (balls of my feet and ankles) just hurt so freaking bad. plus my blister was pinching.

i totally gave up mentally and went super slow the rest of the time. blahhhhhh.

has anyone else had ankle/ball of feet pain while running? today i'm (expectedly) a little sore in my quads (that is it) but i mean nothing else hurt when i was running. but my ankles KILLED while running the last 2mi and all yesterday after the run. ouch. they are still a little painful today. i talked to some other runners and they didn't really have advice. some said they had the same thing when they first started running and then after running longer it just stopped happening. do my ankles just need to get used to distance running? OUCH!

7/4/2010 2:32:31 PM

All American
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Quote :
"do my ankles just need to get used to distance running?"

Sounds like yes. That is assuming that you aren't experiencing some sort of acute pain, but more just general soreness that might come from constant pounding for longer/farther than you have ever gone before.

7/4/2010 9:09:37 PM

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Quote :
"how did it go LunaK??"

awesome actually. i should've warmed up more before actually running (took me into the second mile to feel good running) but I beat my best time by 10 minutes... (granted the only times i've gotten in a race have been in triathlons..)

but still happy about it

7/4/2010 9:26:20 PM

All American
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after reading reviews and hearing people talk about it in here i definitely don't want the nike + for ipod thing. i mean it is cheap but it sounds like it has TONS of issues.

here is another nike product - works kinda the same way though so i wonder if it would have similar problems?,pdp,ctr-inline/cid-1/pid-275944/pgid-275946

but i want something that measures milage, pace would be fantastic too. i mean can you get that in a watch that isn't one of the GPS watches?

there are these accelerator watches, but i haven't really found any definitive reviews on them

i just really don't want to spend $200+ on a GPS watch.

7/5/2010 3:56:26 PM

All American
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look on ebay / craigslist.

i got my garmin forerunner 310xt with heart rate strap for $180.

it looked like it had barely been used.

i had the nike + thing for awhile but it is not acccurate.

The gps watch is acccurate and shows you a map of where you ran. it is a big help in keeping me motivated, setting goals and shit like that.

7/5/2010 11:00:27 PM

All American
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[Edited on July 5, 2010 at 11:01 PM. Reason : ..]

7/5/2010 11:01:28 PM

All American
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omg duh. that is a great idea. i just did a quick search and found one for $75. its an older garmin but i mean, whatever.

7/5/2010 11:08:44 PM

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okay so i hadn't had this problem between my first time into running about 6 weeks ago and the 5k run that i did on sunday but my feet are going numb towards the end of my runs.

saturday am: 4.5 miles, no numbess. a little tingling in the toes of the bad foot, but that's not surprising at all - happens when i'm biking too

sunday am: 5k race - hit mile 2 and shortly after my feet went completely numb. couldn't feel them at all for the duration of the run. within about a minute of finishing the race they were fine

tonight: 3.2 mile run, towards the end (probably last half mile) starting to get the numbness again

I'm wearing mizunos that i got from a running store where they watched me walk and measured my feet. Granted, I bought them in July of 09, before I was in my accident and my foot got kinda jacked up.

One of my sisters said it's not how long I've had my shoes but how many miles I've done in them, the other sister said that they're too old and I should get new ones (one sister does marathons and the other does triathlons - so they're not complete morons)

anyone have any thoughts?

7/6/2010 9:30:05 PM

All Amurican
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I can't say I know the solution- but I am eager to hear what you find out. I have similar numbness issues in my feet not only when I run, but when I do any sort of working out really (running, spinning, actually cycling, and any serious leg workouts). I've tried so many different shoes I lost count

7/6/2010 10:21:39 PM

Duke is puke
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I would say the possible reasons you could have numbness in your feet could be the shoes are too tight, socks are too tight or there isn't enough padding/support. I've definitely had instances where my feet hurt because the socks were too tight, that's why I don't usually wear the "running" socks that are compression and what not.

7/7/2010 7:51:35 AM

All American
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not reading through 15 pages (so sue me!) but what's the consensus on this minimalist/barefoot running?

also, i'm looking to get the saucony kinvara. what's the word on those?

also, anyone else doing the outerbanks (half)marathon? i think i am.

7/23/2010 8:42:48 PM

The Cricket
All American
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The consensus is that there is on consensus. I've read science journals comparing barefoot to shod running. Results show that barefoot running puts ~30-40% less stress on the joints. But only because it forced the runner to change to a more efficient running mechanics.

It's more important that you run with good form (midfoot-forefoot running) than with a certain type of shoe.

My opinion is to do whatever works for you. If you've always run shod and have had no injuries why change? If you continually get minor injuries, looking into barefoot/minimalist type running maybe worth it.

I've had chronic knee pains on and off for years (I'm a heavy heel striker). I've switched to running flats. My form has changed and I'm injury free for eight months. It was an adjustment but I can confidently tackle a 15-18 mile run without heavily cushioned shoes.


7/24/2010 10:26:24 AM

All American
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cool. yeah i've never had injuries until the past year. my knee's been hurting bad. i can't move it some days. went to the doctor and the MRI showed nothing. doctor told me to just load up on ibuprofen. so i'm thinking about doing that and moving towards more minimalist shoes as i focus on more of a forefoot strike.

7/24/2010 10:52:46 AM

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Quote :
"also, anyone else doing the outerbanks (half)marathon? i think i am."

both of my sisters are doing it... they're trying to get me to do it - but i don't think that's gonna happen

7/24/2010 10:54:15 AM

All American
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Quote :
"not reading through 15 pages (so sue me!) but what's the consensus on this minimalist/barefoot running?

also, i'm looking to get the saucony kinvara. what's the word on those?"

Barefoot Running thread

Also, a VFF site jsut recently talked about flats:
Basically, thought the Kinvara was not all that minimalist (like a Nike Free), the Mizuna Wave Universe 3 was a viable option, the Saucony Grid Type A4 was also pretty good, but the Vivo Barefoot Evo was probably the best "flat"

7/27/2010 11:43:25 PM

All American
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i tried on the Kinvara's and they are not nearly as flex / minimal as the nike Free's. I am on my 2nd pair of Free's and i love them.

7/27/2010 11:57:19 PM

All American
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I did the Santa Cruz, Ca Wharf to Wharf 10k in a time of 37:35, a bit slower than a 6 min mile pace. Seems like the course was short. Some Kenyan won it in 27:01 which is crazy fast. I also felt like I was was running it at a pace a bit more relaxed than ~6 per mile.

7/28/2010 12:16:02 AM

All American
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I ended up ordering the Nike Frees. I've always run with shoes with huge heels and lots of support and cushion, so I'm looking forward to something different, especially since my knees have been giving me trouble.

7/29/2010 4:59:59 PM

All American
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love the Nike Frees. i wasn't used to running in lighter shoes. I ran in my old trainers the other day, and i don't know how i felt comfortable in those clunkers.

8/13/2010 4:45:30 PM

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just registered for my first 10k the marine corps one on the 31st in DC that happens to run at the same time as the marine corp marathon...

should be fun

8/25/2010 8:41:42 AM

All American
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^ that is AWESOME

in other news...i ruptured my quadratic tendon and strained another muscle in my quad (strain = tore). i'm supposed to do the VA RnR 1/2 in like 10 days (Sept 5th) butttttttttttttt that isn't looking good anymore. it was my team in training marathon too i'm really upset about it

squeezing in 2 PT appointments between now and then but that only bumps me up to a 50% chance of running :/

and i don't even know if the PT is covered by my shitty insurance policy (i wasn't banking on actually having to USE my policy for something substantial...blah) so i might not even get PT which means just rehabbing on my own but definitely no run

still signed up for the city of oaks in nov though. this just blows.

a bunch of the crazy people in my team in training group are training for the marine corps! i don't think i ever want to run a full marathon though. i'm open to tris though the nation's tri is in DC right? coming up really soon! buncha hardcore people in my training group training for that, too.

8/26/2010 12:34:45 AM

All American
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Carolina Hurricanes 5K coming up in a few weeks to benefit LLS.

8/31/2010 12:18:21 PM

All American
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Just signed up for the City of Oaks today! I am running Myrtle Beach 1/2 2 weeks before this which worries me a bit, but hopefully my muscles recover at a decent rate.

8/31/2010 3:55:56 PM

All American
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SWEET i'm signed up for the city of oaks but find out on thursday what the chances of me being able to run by then are :/ physical therapist says there's still a lot of swelling in my leg and it hasn't really gone down. and the pain hasn't changed either. i guess it has only been a weekish since the injury but still. apparently i'm supposed to go 2x a week for 4 weeks. and if i can't do any hard training in that time that leaves 1/2 of august and all of september that i won't be running. so then i'd have a month to get back in shape for city of oaks. which is probably possible, but i doubt that once i start running again they're going to say its fine for me to start out running 10 miles. ahhhh.

BUT if i can't run by then, LLS is going to roll my fundraiser over into another race which is going to be the disney world 1/2 marathon in jan so i'm kinda excited about the prospect of that if city of oaks falls through. even if i AM ready to run by city of oaks, since i was already signed up for that anyway just cause, i might just run that one with my family (as planned) and still do disney for LLS. cause i kinda wanted the LLS race to be like my own separate thing. disneyyyyyyy!!!

[Edited on August 31, 2010 at 5:26 PM. Reason : .]

8/31/2010 5:24:33 PM

All American
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^my sister ran disney as her first 1/ finish right into cinderella's castle!

Also recommend nashville to anyone who is looking for a fun marathon/or/1/2, although the beginning of the course is always hilly!

8/31/2010 5:37:48 PM

All American
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did anyone do city of oaks marathon or the 1/2 this morning?

i did city of oaks! now gotta get ready for disney in jan so i can get a good (to me) time!!

11/7/2010 12:08:01 PM

All American
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Are you doing the Disney full or half? I'm prob running that as well. We should meet up!

11/7/2010 12:10:43 PM

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