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 Message Boards » » The OFFICIAL Obama/Biden VS Mccain/Palin thread Page 1 ... 11 12 13 14 [15] 16 17 18 19 ... 101, Prev Next  
All American
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Obama now says he might not repeal the tax cuts on the rich if it looks like we are in a recession bc he doesnt want to hurt the economy.


9/8/2008 4:33:50 PM

829 Posts
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^ i brought that up earlier today eyedrb, lol.

then i think they made another 2 or 3 threads in FF to call for my suspension. lol @ when we mega-pwn these liberal scumbags.

[Edited on September 8, 2008 at 4:38 PM. Reason : .]

9/8/2008 4:37:54 PM

All American
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oh, sorry man. I didnt see it.

9/8/2008 4:51:40 PM

All American
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Hooray for obfuscating the truth again! I'll bold the important parts so you don't miss them.

Quote :
"WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrat Barack Obama says he would delay rescinding President Bush's tax cuts on wealthy Americans if he becomes the next president and the economy is in a recession, suggesting such an increase would further hurt the economy.

Nevertheless, Obama has no plans to extend the Bush tax cuts beyond their expiration date, as Republican John McCain advocates. Instead, Obama wants to push for his promised tax cuts for the middle class, he said in a broadcast interview aired Sunday.

"Even if we're still in a recession, I'm going to go through with my tax cuts," Obama said. "That's my priority."

9/8/2008 4:55:31 PM

All American
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And speaking of hypocrisy:

Quote :
"LEE'S SUMMIT, Mo. - John McCain and Sarah Palin criticized Democrat Barack Obama over the amount of money he has requested for his home state of Illinois, even though Alaska under Palin's leadership has asked Washington for 10 times more money per citizen for pet projects.

At a rally in swing state Missouri, the Republican presidential nominee and his running mate accused Obama of requesting nearly $1 billion in earmarks for his state during his time as a senator. The new line of attack came after Obama made his first direct criticism of Palin over the weekend, using the topic of earmarks, which are special projects that lawmakers try to get for their districts and constituents.

"Just the other day our opponent brought up earmarks — and frankly I was surprised that he would even raise the subject at all," Palin said. "I thought he wouldn't want to go there."

Obama hasn't asked for any earmarks this year. Last year, he asked for $311 million worth, about $25 for every Illinois resident. Alaska asked this year for earmarks totaling $198 million, about $295 for every Alaska citizen.

Palin has cut back on pork project requests, but under her administration, Alaska is still and by far the largest per-capita consumer of federal pet-project spending.

The governor did reject plans to build the notorious "Bridge to Nowhere" after Congress had cut off its financing.

McCain and Palin were presented as a maverick team in a campaign ad released Monday that played up their reputation for taking on entrenched interests. The ad credits Palin with stopping the bridge without mentioning she once appeared to support it.

President Bush, who came to Washington as a former Texas governor without national legislative experience, called the Alaska governor "an inspired pick" by McCain.

"She's had executive experience, and that's what it takes to be a capable person in here in Washington, D.C., in the executive branch," he said in a Fox News interview to be shown Tuesday. In Rome, Vice President Dick Cheney also sought to deflect Democratic criticism that Palin, a former small-town mayor with less than two years in the governor's office, lacks the gravity to be vice president.

"Each administration is different," he said. "And there's no reason why Sarah Palin can't be a successful vice president in a McCain administration." He said her convention speech was superb.

In attacking Obama on Monday, McCain said the Illinois senator's earmark total over the years amounts to "almost a million dollars for every single day he was in the United States Senate."

For his part, McCain doesn't seek pork projects and vows to do away with them as president.

While speaking to voters in Indiana over the weekend, Obama ridiculed the idea of McCain and Palin presenting themselves as reformers, and suggested Palin was distorting her own record on earmarks.

"I know the governor of Alaska has been saying she's change, and that's great," Obama said Saturday. "She's a skillful politician. But, you know, when you've been taking all these earmarks when it's convenient, and then suddenly you're the champion anti-earmark person, that's not change. Come on! I mean, words mean something, you can't just make stuff up.""

9/8/2008 5:00:23 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Democrat Barack Obama says he would delay rescinding President Bush's tax cuts on wealthy Americans if he becomes the next president and the economy is in a recession, suggesting such an increase would further hurt the economy.

No god, the important part is that he is saying an increase in tax will hurt the economy.

Of course he says he will go through with his tax cuts even if we are in a recession.. bc that is the right thing to do.

9/8/2008 5:01:57 PM

829 Posts
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mmmmmega pwned.

God like pwnage.

It's funny to watch them get in a tizzy when their own leader is flip flopping b4 their very eyes. I'd be confused as hell. At least they'd have ammo/articles to show for whatever way the wind blows that day.

my tsb God is an awesome God

9/8/2008 5:08:38 PM

All American
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YEAH YEAH GUYS, OMG!!!!11!!11oneonesix


9/8/2008 5:11:12 PM

Prawn Star
All American
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It's good to hear that Obama recognizes the potentially negative ramifications of a tax increase on businesses and the rich during a recession. This makes me much more likely to vote for him.

I would be interested in hearing more from Obama about this.

9/8/2008 5:50:40 PM

The Stubby
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recognizes != will do anything about, fwiw

9/8/2008 6:29:47 PM

All American
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Sort of like how McCain recognizes middle class American issues.

9/8/2008 7:26:29 PM

All American
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So he recognizes the danger in raising taxes during a time of economic trouble, so he won't do it....

.....until later when he will raise taxes regardless of the situation?

9/8/2008 8:34:59 PM

All American
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9/8/2008 8:54:11 PM

All American
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Good speech from Biden:

9/8/2008 8:58:18 PM

All American
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^At least you know he's in shape. Dude walked about a mile during that clip.

9/8/2008 9:06:50 PM

supple anteater
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9/8/2008 9:34:30 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Sort of like how McCain recognizes middle class American issues."

Low taxes, strong military, no national healthcare, and a government that leaves me the hell alone.

He's got me pretty good.

9/8/2008 9:34:56 PM

All American
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Why is every obama campaign video now magically unavailable?

9/8/2008 10:14:08 PM

Sup, B
52747 Posts
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Quote :
"blogs and messageboards are not the media. i don't think anyone on a major news outlet actually asked her if it was her child... and if you honestly think that's the real reason she isn't talking to the media, you are in denial"

Yes, but when the media begins swarming around the rumours and asks "what do you have to say about the rumours," then it might as well be the media outlet itself propagating the rumour. And yes, I spell it that way, so fuck off.

9/8/2008 10:15:42 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Low taxes for the rich, strong military-industrial complex, no national healthcare for the millions of uninsured Amerians, and a government that imprisons me without trial and tortures me.

He's got me pretty good."

I fixed it for you.


Good article:

Quote :
"FARMINGTON HILLS, Mich. -- A fired-up Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., took on his opponents -- "these people," he said incredulously, in a familiar refrain -- for shamelessness and dishonesty.

"I have said repeatedly that there should be no contradiction between keeping America safe and secure and respecting our Constitution," Obama said. "During the Republican convention, you remember during the Republican convention, one of them, I don’t know if it was Rudy or Palin ... they said, ‘Well, ya know, Sen. Obama is less interested in protecting you from terrorists than ... reading them their rights.’"

(It was Palin, who said "Al Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America -- he's worried that someone won't read them their rights?")

"Now, let me say this," Obama continued, "first of all, you don’t even get to read them their rights until you catch them. So, I don’t know what, they should spend more time trying to catch Osama bin Laden and we can worry about the next steps later. Hah! I mean, seriously! These folks.

"Catch ‘em first!"

Obama said his position on this "has always been clear. It has always been clear. If you’ve got a terrorist, take ‘em out. Take ‘em out. Anybody who was involved in 9/11 –- take ‘em out."

But, the former constitutional law professor argued, "What I have also said is this: that when you suspend habeas corpus -- which has been a principle, dating before even our country, it’s the foundation of Anglo-American law -- which says, very simply, if the government grabs you, then you have the right to at least ask, 'Why was I grabbed?' and say, 'Maybe you’ve got the wrong person.'

"The reason you have that safeguard," he said, "is because we don't always have the right person. We don’t always catch the right person. We may think this is Mohammed the terrorist, it might be Mohammed the cab driver. You may think it’s Barack the bomb thrower, but it might be Barack the guy running for president.

"The reason that you have this principle is not to be soft on terrorism, it’s because that’s who we are," Obama said as the crowd rose to its feet, applauding. "That’s what we’re protecting. Don’t mock the Constitution! Don’t make fun of it! Don’t suggest that it’s un-American to abide by what the founding fathers set up! It’s worked pretty well for over 200 years!

"These people!" Obama said.

Obama also mocked the new TV ad put out by the McCain campaign claiming that Gov. Sarah Palin "stopped the Bridge to Nowhere."

"I gotta admit these folks are shameless," Obama said, "because the record is indisputable," he said, describing how Palin had originally supported the project.

"I wouldn’t do that," Obama said. "I mean, I'm not perfect --"

"Yes, you are!" shouted a woman in the crowd.

"No, no, no, no," Obama said. "Talk to Michelle, she’ll tell you. But what I'm not going to do, I'm not going to describe in an ad that I did something that is opposite of what I did.""

[Edited on September 8, 2008 at 10:59 PM. Reason : ]

9/8/2008 10:44:02 PM

All American
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^The gov't wouldn't imprison and torture me. I'm white.

9/9/2008 1:34:47 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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So have TWW Republicans responded to the whole earmarks and Bridge to Nowhere thing?

I mean, I'm not really seeing how she appeals.

Republicans come in two flavors: fiscal conservatives and social conservatives (or both). Gov. Palin got tons of loot in earmarks and isn't a fine representative of family values.

So why do they dig her?

9/9/2008 7:50:52 AM

Tom Joad
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9/9/2008 8:18:07 AM

All American
2588 Posts
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Quote :
"isn't a fine representative of family values"

I'm not a social conservative, but last time I checked it was her daughter who is pregnant. Her daughter made her own choices right? Parents can do everything right (not saying Palin did or did not), and their children will still make bad choices, it happens. Good family values, in my mind, is accepting your daughters mistakes,forgiving her, and supporting her the best you can. But whatever.

9/9/2008 8:33:13 AM


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^^^ The way to show you're not sexist is to vote for the lady you'd most want to fuck.

9/9/2008 8:59:30 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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^^Sarah Palin got pregnant out-of-wedlock just like her daughter.

And there's no way we can really know what goes on at home. They may be super supportive and forgiving. The whole family might get together every night for four hours of Bible board games and group lamaze classes with Bristol. But we don't know that for sure, and Palin isn't the most honest (OMG family value!) person in the world: she lied about BtN and earmarks.

The only thing we do know is her daughter is pregnant by a "fuckin redneck" who likes to "fuckin shoot shit and chill with his boys." And that is not a picture of family values.

By the way, I know a 29 year-old virgin. She walks the fucking walk. And you can imagine she finds it really fucking hypocritical and annoying to hear the likes of Palin espousing her narrow brand of "family values."

^,^^^Makes sense, I guess. That's why I'm going Obama.

[Edited on September 9, 2008 at 9:07 AM. Reason : ]

9/9/2008 9:04:24 AM

All American
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Sarah Palin's Alaskonomics - interesting read.;_ylt=AjP1eNgrRv6MmJqDPRaqN.Ss0NUE

9/9/2008 9:23:34 AM

All American
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^ a very political read, but I didn't learn anything new from it. Apparently, Kinsley is trying to say that Palin is a bad candidate because ALL Alaskans are bad people (they are into oil and stuff!! And receive plenty of federal tax dollars!!! omg!!!).

9/9/2008 11:43:57 AM

All American
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Quote :
"And that is not a picture of family values."

And Obama lets his brother rot in a hut in Kenya - some family values.

After refusing to judge Clinton too harshly on Lewinsky, liberals should walk softly on the issue of judging a politician's family values.

With Lewinsky, we were lectured on how a president's personal life should have nothing to do with how he performs in office. So please get off your high horses on the 17 year-old pregnant daughter please.

But family issues aside, Obama is a socialist hack, spewed out by the corrupt political machine in Chicago. He hung around with America-hating pals- one of which is a unrepentent 'Weatherman' terrorist. He is no fan of capitalism, and promises the aged old class warfare mantra of taxing the rich to placate the masses.

I am no great fan of McCain...but Obama is wrong for the country- so I guess it's the 'less of two evils' time for this libertarian.

9/9/2008 12:17:40 PM

All American
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Quote :
"But family issues aside, Obama is a socialist hack, spewed out by the corrupt political machine in Chicago. He hung around with America-hating pals- one of which is a unrepentent 'Weatherman' terrorist. He is no fan of capitalism, and promises the aged old class warfare mantra of taxing the rich to placate the masses.

I am no great fan of McCain...but Obama is wrong for the country- so I guess it's the 'less of two evils' time for this libertarian.

This sums up my feelings too.

One point they kept bringing up at the DNC convention. McCain wants to GIVE the oil companies 4B dollars. First of all, he wants to cut ALL coorporate taxes. But only a socialist would consider that allowing one to keep more of what they earned or worked for is somehow the govt GIVING them money. And the crowd cheers... god help us.

9/9/2008 12:21:35 PM

All American
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Obama is out of touch with the American people:

Quote :
""I mean, you can't just make stuff up," Obama said of a new McCain ad that says Palin "stopped the Bridge to Nowhere." "You can't just recreate yourself. You can't just reinvent yourself. The American people aren't stupid.""

He doesn't realize how stupid we are. I'd say at least 50% of the public is that stupid right now.


Here is more evidence of wasteful spending by Sarah Palin. How long before people start to realize she's not the conservative and reformer she says she is?

Quote :
"ANCHORAGE, Sept. 8 -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has billed taxpayers for 312 nights spent in her own home during her first 19 months in office, charging a "per diem" allowance intended to cover meals and incidental expenses while traveling on state business.

The governor also has charged the state for travel expenses to take her children on official out-of-town missions. And her husband, Todd, has billed the state for expenses and a daily allowance for trips he makes on official business for his wife.

Palin, who earns $125,000 a year, claimed and received $16,951 as her allowance, which officials say was permitted because her official "duty station" is Juneau, according to an analysis of her travel documents by The Washington Post.

The governor's daughters and husband charged the state $43,490 to travel, and many of the trips were between their house in Wasilla and Juneau, the capital city 600 miles away, the documents show. "

So much for being fiscally conservative.

[Edited on September 9, 2008 at 1:02 PM. Reason : ]

9/9/2008 12:58:04 PM

All American
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This is a gem:,8599,1839724,00.html

Quote :
"Of the 50 states, Alaska ranks No. 1 in taxes per resident and No. 1 in spending per resident. Its tax burden per resident is 21/2 times the national average; its spending, more than double. The trick is that Alaska's government spends money on its own citizens and taxes the rest of us to pay for it. Although Palin, like McCain, talks about liberating ourselves from dependence on foreign oil, there is no evidence that being dependent on Alaskan oil would be any more pleasant to the pocketbook."

Yes, Vote Palin for lower taxes and lower spending.... right?.... right guys?

9/9/2008 1:07:37 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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Quote :
"With Lewinsky, we were lectured on how a president's personal life should have nothing to do with how he performs in office. So please get off your high horses on the 17 year-old pregnant daughter please."

And when we said a president's personal life shouldn't have anything to with how he performs in office, what did Republicans say? They said it did matter. They made a fantastic stink of it, and one could argue that Clinton's mistake and the ensuing stink led right into George Bush's presidency. I'm not on a high horse. I'm saying, hey, guys, what happened to the high horse you trotted out for Clinton?

Again, Palin fails at both fiscal and social conservatism so...where's the appeal?

9/9/2008 1:52:02 PM

All American
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The fact that Palin chose to have her child even after she knew it was going to have down's syndrome, when 80% of other parents in the situation decide to abort, shows her dedication to her beliefs.

9/9/2008 3:39:09 PM

Prawn Star
All American
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^^You are playing the tired and repetitive partisan "gotcha" game. It's stupid, and a waste of time. Not all Republicans were harping on about Lewinski, just like not all Dems said private life shouldn't matter in politics.

Actually, she doesn't fail at social conservatism. Social conservatism itself is [FAIL]. She's just one of a long line of social conservatives who have preached to 'do as I say, not as I do'.

[Edited on September 9, 2008 at 3:44 PM. Reason : 2]

9/9/2008 3:44:16 PM

All American
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Quote :
"that Democrats have airdropped a mini-army of 30 lawyers, investigators and opposition researchers into Anchorage, the state capital Juneau and Mrs. Palin's hometown of Wasilla to dig into her record and background. "

Who was whinning about smears? And begging to keep on issues?

9/9/2008 4:07:08 PM

All American
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Quote :
"These same people that elected Bush twice are now trying disavow everything to do with the guy - all the while expecting that it shouldn't affect our opinion of their judgement."

9/9/2008 4:22:30 PM

Mangy Wolf
All American
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It looks like McCain got a slight bounce in NC

9/9/2008 4:45:14 PM

All American
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9/9/2008 5:50:53 PM

Mangy Wolf
All American
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Did Obama just call Sarah Palin a pig?

9/9/2008 7:40:00 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Fuck Palin for screwing up the McCain ticket.

9/9/2008 7:47:24 PM

All American
6195 Posts
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so i'm watching o'reilly to see the Obama interview, and he is calling out NBC News for being liberally biased.. does he forget which channel he works for? i guess there's a reason i don't watch this show

9/9/2008 8:03:54 PM

Tom Joad
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"pig lipstick" to be the topic for the next 2 days?

9/9/2008 8:57:55 PM

supple anteater
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Quote :
"Last year while criticizing health proposals from the Democratic presidential candidates, he said Hillary Rodham Clinton's resembled the failed plan she offered as first lady during the 1990s. "I think they put some lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig," McCain of her proposal."

It's a reference to an idea McCain used first, and Palin has used to, being turned to suggest that despite what McCain claims his campaign wont result in much change. So it can either be viewed that way, or it can be viewed as McCain called Hillary a pig & then Obama called Palin one, which would be missing the point.

9/9/2008 9:09:41 PM

All American
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my god, the McCain camp trying to twist what Obama said about the pig/lipstick thing into a sexist attack on Palin is so god damned disingenuous and pathetic it makes me hate their campaign even more...right when i was interested in actually hearing more tactile stuff about them.

Every blog out there, from ABC to Arbinder to Ben Smith/Politico is calling McCain out on this level of bullshit. They better be careful or they will start to stink with deception, I argue they already have been but this is starting to get out of control the way they are utilizing Palin.

Quote :
"This is the kind of blatantly false charge that works even when reported skeptically. Because, frankly, it shouldn’t be reported at all.

Campaign journalists don’t need to cover two sides to every lie — especially an outlandish gender card trick like this one.

For skeptical readers, I’ll note that I filed several policy pieces about Obama today, including one from the Lebanon event. I’m now wading into the pig ploy with the minor goal of providing some context from the road.

Actual sexism still infects American culture and U.S. politics, of course. But McCain and Palin undermine the fight for equality when they falsely and cynically stage fake offenses.

McCain’s decision to put a woman on his ticket was laudable and inspiring, (as I’ve written before), and regardless of the motives, it was good for the country.

McCain’s overall conduct is more significant than that one action, however. His cynical attempt to cloak his ticket in gendered victimhood is an offense to all women and men who value equality — and to any voters who still desire a campaign devoted to a truthful debate of the issues.


9/9/2008 10:16:34 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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Quote :
"Prawn Star: ^^You are playing the tired and repetitive partisan "gotcha" game. It's stupid, and a waste of time. Not all Republicans were harping on about Lewinski, just like not all Dems said private life shouldn't matter in politics.

Actually, she doesn't fail at social conservatism. Social conservatism itself is [FAIL]. She's just one of a long line of social conservatives who have preached to 'do as I say, not as I do'."

I'm playing a game? You're actually arguing that Sarah Palin didn't fail, her beliefs did...

Obama didn't fail on his vote against the surge. His vote failed.

Did I just "getcha?"

9/9/2008 10:24:07 PM

180 Posts
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Quote :
"my god, the McCain camp trying to twist what Obama said about the pig/lipstick thing into a sexist attack on Palin is so god damned disingenuous and pathetic it makes me hate their campaign even more...right when i was interested in actually hearing more tactile stuff about them.

Every blog out there, from ABC to Arbinder to Ben Smith/Politico is calling McCain out on this level of bullshit."

Ahttp://www...lefty nuts can't take a small dose of their own medicine?

9/9/2008 11:07:14 PM

All American
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Hey TWW,

Remember to pray for the GOP. GOD has directed me into the path to which i can now serve to bring Christian Values back to America. I need your help though to keep the heathens and communists from corrupting this land. So remember Palin & McCain in 08'.

Hugs and Kisses xoxoxoxo


Sarah Palin

9/9/2008 11:19:35 PM

All American
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more on Seven top McCain Officials were Lobbyists

Quote :
"Fact Check: McCain-lobbyist connections
"John McCain says that he is going to tell all those lobbyists in Washington that their days of running Washington are over, which sounds pretty good until you discover that seven of his top campaign managers and officials are -- guess what? -- former corporate lobbyists," Obama said recently in Flint, Michigan.

It's true: Seven top McCain officials were lobbyists, though the campaign stresses that none is currently registered to lobby Congress:

• One: Campaign manager Rick Davis is a major telecommunications lobbyist.

• Two: Senior foreign policy adviser Randy Scheunemann recently faced scrutiny over his foreign lobbying on behalf of the Republic of Georgia, which has been embroiled in a military conflict with Russia.

• Three: Senior adviser Charlie Black was a foreign lobbyist for dictators in Zaire and Angola in the 1980s, fodder for the liberal group

One of the group's recent ads charged, "Charlie Black said he didn't do anything wrong. John McCain should tell Black he did. Call John McCain and tell him to fire Charlie Black." Watch the Republicans' ad calling McCain-Palin mavericks »

• Four: Frank Donatelli, the Republican National Committee's liaison to the McCain campaign, has had clients including Exxon Mobil.

• Five: Economic adviser Nancy Pfotenhauer has lobbied for corporate giants like Koch Industries.

"Both John McCain and Sarah Palin have challenged special interests, challenged their own party. That's the test of courage," Pfotenhauer has said.

• The final two lobbyists are McCain's congressional liaison, John Green, and national finance Co-chairman Wayne Berman. They both lobbied for Fannie Mae, the troubled mortgage giant.

But Obama's case could be undermined by running mate Sen. Joe Biden's close ties to lobbyists, including his son Hunter, who has worked for credit card giant MBNA.

Biden insists that his son's employment had nothing to do with his support of bankruptcy legislation backed by the bank. Watch Palin criticize Biden's change argument »

"I can look you right straight in the eye and guarantee you my son has never, ever, ever lobbied me," Biden said on CNN's "American Morning" on September 4.

The McCain camp stresses that Donatelli and Berman are technically not officials of the campaign, though they are advisers.

But the bottom line is, both sides have ties to lobbyists, meaning whomever wins will have a hard time backing up the rhetoric about change and shaking up Washington.

9/9/2008 11:40:53 PM

All American
33810 Posts
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Quote :
"the McCain camp trying to twist what Obama said about the pig/lipstick thing into a sexist attack on Palin is so god damned disingenuous and pathetic it makes me hate their campaign even more...right when i was interested in actually hearing more tactile stuff about them.

Every blog out there, from ABC to Arbinder to Ben Smith/Politico is calling McCain out on this level of bullshit. They better be careful or they will start to stink with deception, I argue they already have been but this is starting to get out of control the way they are utilizing Palin.


They finally get a little taste of success in this race, and they don't know how to handle themselves.

9/10/2008 12:12:08 AM

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