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All American
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[Edited on May 19, 2007 at 4:39 AM. Reason : 16]

5/19/2007 4:35:15 AM

All American
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i arrested a drunk tonight flying recklessly down the road, yall can thank me.

5/19/2007 4:44:42 AM

All American
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Thank you!

I blame the music for a lot of reckless driving. It's happened to me before...a good song comes on the radio, and next thing I know, I'm doing 90 in a 45 singing along to "My Pony."

[Edited on May 19, 2007 at 4:52 AM. Reason : sss]

5/19/2007 4:49:27 AM

The Stubby
7781 Posts
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^^ thanks

5/19/2007 5:02:03 AM

All American
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the music thing does increase speed. especially when I'm listening to old Public Enemy cds.

5/19/2007 5:51:09 AM

10214 Posts
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I have nothing but sympathy for duchess and her family, but this comment really gets to the crux of the issue I think, and is why so many people have been hostile towards drunk drivers in this thread.

Quote :
"Do you seriously feel the need in your heart to makes comments to the extent of someone DESERVING to be killed for one error in judgment..... go think about what you can DO about drunk driving instead of your high and mighty mouthing-off with nothing behind it."

If I were to consider doing something about drunk driving, I would probably start by refusing the temptation to play down a DUI as, "one error in judgement". That sort of label can be applied to many things, but drunk driving goes far and beyond an "error in judgement"

5/19/2007 7:28:53 AM

All American
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you guys - please stop.

5/19/2007 9:11:07 AM

All American
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here we go, now the bashing of Amy will be added to the bashing of Emily and Danielle

Even though that paragraph above was pretty derogatory towards the people who have been posting in this thread, there were plenty of good points in there, especially regarding the tact that most of the users on this site have and use when a tragic event happens. While I dont take much stuff on this website serious anymore, there should be some sort of moderating done in the serious threads where the person(s) being bashed are not around to defend themselves and where a bunch of no-life idiots feel the need to come online and have a pissing contest to see who can offend the most people.

I dont know Emily or Danielle, and I'm not saying that any of their decisions that night were good ones, but I do think that Emily should be shown a little respect in a time like this and that we shouldnt be so quick to pass Danielle off as a bad person when most people know very little facts about the case.

"ye who has not sinned, cast the first stone"

5/19/2007 9:13:21 AM

All American
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^^^ Exactly. No one is going to learn from this situation if they keep believing that "one mistake" should never, ever have grave consequences, that the pole was in a bad spot, etc. Just keep shifting responsibility folks. It was entirely preventable.

And some of you guys who think that it's possible to get so out of it that you can't tell that your friend has been drinking the entire night and that you shouldn't get in a car with her... wow, you must take drinking to a whole other level. I mean, you at least know you've been in a bar for several hours drinking, right? That alone should tell you that you shouldn't be driving or that your friend, who was with you and drinking the whole time, shouldn't be driving you home either.

The crazy thing is, this happens frequently, so it's obvious no one is learning from these tragedies. But why would anyone when everyone's got this "if I do something wrong I should get a warning the first time" mentality. Although personally, I have my doubts that this was the first time either of these girls ever drove drunk or were driven by a drunk driver, but anyway...

Quote :
""ye who has not sinned, cast the first stone""

I've never driven drunk or had a drunk drive me home, so I've got the go ahead to cast stones. Cool.

[Edited on May 19, 2007 at 9:25 AM. Reason : ...]

5/19/2007 9:24:42 AM

All American
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I can understand not having any grief for people in drunk driving accidents, or for people you don't know. However, I can not understand talking poorly of the recently passed. These girls did nothing to any of you, most of you didn't even know them, or just knew them as a screen name, so I imagine it isn't as real to you. But to the people that did/do know them, this is a hard enough situation without their names being dragged through the mud. At least show enough respect to give time to grieve for those that need it, rather than standing on your soap box screaming your politics.

As for those of us, that have made bad decisions when it comes to excessive drinking and then getting into a car, whether it be the driver or passenger, I hope this situation will make you think more clearly. I know I myself have driven many times when I shouldn't have, and this is definitely the biggest eye opener to me. (And don't pretend you have never drank and gotten behind a wheel, been a passenger, or known someone who has done this...because it is way more common then you think. Im sure many of you haven't even tried to stop your friends from doing this either.)

If you think I am a bad person for having driven drunk, I don't care. I really don't care what any of you think about me, but you are hurting friends of a friend, and that I do care about. So please try to refrain from being Mr. Internet Coolguy for a minute, and show a little respect for these girls, and their families.

5/19/2007 9:29:28 AM

All American
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how many tdubers does this make that have died?(either accident or suicide?)

5/19/2007 9:32:25 AM

All American
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^^I don't think I've ever said anything really disrespectful about the girl who died other than she should've used better judgement. I can't understand how you could say that the driver shouldn't have her name dragged through the mud... her actions were reprehensible.

And yes, driving home from the bar drunk or riding with a drunk friend is very common, but seriously, I've never, ever done either because no matter how drunk I am I can still remember that I've been in a bar for hours drinking and so have my friends. I'm sure it's a touchy subject for a lot of you because you've probably done either several times (and may continue to do so) and hate to be reminded of the fact that driving drunk isn't just a fun game with minimal consequences. The truth sucks.

[Edited on May 19, 2007 at 9:35 AM. Reason : ...]

5/19/2007 9:35:29 AM

Thots and Prayers
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oh just shut the fuck up you self righteous prick.

5/19/2007 9:39:41 AM

All American
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she probably had been drinking to, which would of clouded her judgement.

i would say most twwers have done that a time or two....

[Edited on May 19, 2007 at 9:41 AM. Reason : w]

5/19/2007 9:39:59 AM

All American
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So you feel Danielle's family and friends should be reminded constantly of her mistake? This isn't just going to make her feel bad. It is affecting her friends. They have to deal with the loss of not one but two friends. Emily will no longer be with them, and more than likely, they will not be seeing Danielle for a long time to come. Danielle has enough to worry about now without nameless people shitting on her. I'm sure herself and the Judicial System will punish her for her actions, you don't need to do it too.

5/19/2007 9:40:48 AM

43669 Posts
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what about all the wrecks with people who are not drunk?

5/19/2007 9:50:00 AM

soup du hier
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Yeah when it comes to situations like this danielle is probably going to get made an example of and not treated as if the loss of her best friend is going to teach her a lesson in its own.

Apparently people don't get the point of the judicial system it is to reform people to no do what they did again... and it does a HORRIBLE job at it. I bet danielle has already learned her lesson and its one that will last a life time... but no they're probably going to charge her with manslaughter which will make her nearly un employable and a HUGE drain to society.

5/19/2007 9:51:49 AM

All American
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Quote :
"she probably had been drinking to, which would of clouded her judgement.

i would say most twwers have done that a time or two...."

My entire point exactly. That's why I'm sure this is so touchy for a lot of "party every night" TWWers who up until now probably don't think twice about driving home drunk. I mean, you know, your judgement is clouded, so it's an understandable thing to do, right? Like I said, you guys really take drinking to another level if you can't pause for half a second as you're getting ready to leave the bar and think "being in the bar for three hours plus car equals UH OH!"

Quote :
"So you feel Danielle's family and friends should be reminded constantly of her mistake?"

Yes. It's obvious that no one would ever learn from this if they continue to just shrug off drunk driving as a simple, everyday mistake. I mean honestly, if I forgot to lock my car doors and someone proceeded to steal it, that would be a simple mistake. If I came out of a bar after being in there hours and decided to drive home, that would be a serious lapse of judgement, that, in my opinion, is more of a deliberate action than anything else.

5/19/2007 9:52:15 AM

All American
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You're an idiot. I hope a drunk driver runs you over.

5/19/2007 9:54:25 AM

All American
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Quote :
"You're an idiot. I hope a drunk driver runs you over."

If this girl had not been drinking and was hit by a drunk driver and THEN I proceeded to say the girl was stupid for driving, your insult might have a point.

I think you should have said "I hope you go to a bar and get really drunk and decide to have your drunk friend drive you home and you both get in an accident and die."

That would've made a lot more sense.

5/19/2007 9:57:56 AM

soup du hier
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You are one of those dwi nazis who has no idea what you're talking about.

You have no understanding of psychology or anything to do with the human brain you just have a boner for punishment.

DWI is not taken serious enough i do agree but if your creepy ass starts harassing people over it you're just FUCKED UP IN THE HEAD.

If you think a dead girl won't teach them a lesson, one that was pretty much part of their family... you're wrong dead wrong and apparently have never had anything tragic happen to anyone close to you..

Anyone who wishes mental or physical pain on someone else should be locked up.
because you're doing it on purpose you creepy fuck.

5/19/2007 9:58:41 AM

All American
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How bout you just meet me for a few drinks, and ill see where it takes us.

5/19/2007 9:58:57 AM

All American
16575 Posts
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ya know whats really sad about this whole matter how many times these avoidable tragedies happen....people never learn from them. there will always be asshole drunk drivers who endanger the rest of the motoring public because they are irresponsible. and for the record, drunk driving is not a minor error in judgment that should be forgiven. it is a major problem and i myself am sickened by how lax the courts are in sticking it to these assholes

5/19/2007 10:02:05 AM

All American
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^^ That make more sense.

Quote :
"You are one of those dwi nazis who has no idea what you're talking about."

That drunk driving kills? Yeah, I have no idea what I'm talking about.

Quote :
"Anyone who wishes mental or physical pain on someone else should be locked up.
because you're doing it on purpose you creepy fuck."

I didn't wish pain on anyone else. I'm just saying that you roll the dice when you drive drunk and it's really not that hard to NOT drive drunk. If you honestly can't control your thoughts and actions enough when you drink to not drive drunk or ride with a drunk, you've got some problems with drinking.

[Edited on May 19, 2007 at 10:02 AM. Reason : ...]

5/19/2007 10:02:16 AM

soup du hier
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driving kills......

when you drink and drive you have a %25 more chance of killing someone then if you were to


btw tired drivers kill more people than drunk drivers.

People die all the time in car accidents.
drunk is just a buzz word that a few people have latched on to to make the accident sound hateful and intentional.


still DWI its an unnecessary risk that shouldn't be taken and can really fuck up you life.

Stats are from a top gear episode.
sleepy driver.... now imagine if someone was IN that parking lot.

[Edited on May 19, 2007 at 10:20 AM. Reason : .]

5/19/2007 10:17:28 AM

All American
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Well you can pretty much die doing pretty much anything. We all know this.

There are some situations that result in a much, much higher than normal chance of your death.

Hence, I feel like there's less sympathy to be had for the driver here since she could have easily prevented this from happening. You guys might have a point if she hadn't been drinking, but she was.

Like I said, no one is going to learn anything from this if you just brush off drunk driving as one of those things that happens, no big deal.

5/19/2007 10:24:35 AM

All American
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didnt read the whole thread, but i would think it either was a soft top or they had the top down....however, they are high up there so I guess they can collapse a roof of a car.

5/19/2007 10:30:48 AM

All American
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did they ever say what the BAC of Danielle was? (no matter what it was, she would have gotten a DWI since she's only 20)

just curious if anyone knew and if it was under the legal limit for someone who was 21

[Edited on May 19, 2007 at 10:33 AM. Reason : ]

5/19/2007 10:32:54 AM

All American
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someone said .15....but just a rumor...

5/19/2007 10:34:33 AM

New Recruit
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Hey guys, I just got back from Danielle's house. I just wanted to let you guys know that the car in the accident was Danielle's mustang. It was not a convertible. The whole pole, camera attached fell directly on the passenger side of the car. The roof itself did not break, but it did dent it 8 inches, which is a pretty deep dent. Emily has passed, but it was Friday morning and not Thursday like some of the rumors out there lead us to believe.

PS - I just want to thank everyone who has contacted Danielle and her family as well as family and friends of Emily. This is a very hard time for us all, and you guys are helping all out a great deal.

5/19/2007 10:37:04 AM

All American
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i guess you didnt read this whole thread(you probably shouldnt)

5/19/2007 10:44:35 AM

All American
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^^^^i heard from a pretty reliable source she blew .15 at the station, which means she was even higher than that at the time of the accident, esp if they brought her to the hospital first

5/19/2007 11:06:08 AM

New Recruit
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Thank you to lambo11, DROD900 and blasphemour for, I think, at least getting the general point that I was trying to make last night in my post. I see there is a lot of uproar about me calling the decision a simple error in judgment and I regret if I made it seem like I was trying to diminish the impacts of that very life-changing decision.. My point was more that we all make bad decisions, many of us (and you don't need to repeat those of you have not) HAVE driven when we shouldn't have or ridden with someone that has been drinking and wished the next day that we had just gotten a cab or called a sober friend.. but we have been luckier than Danielle and Emily were on Wednesday night..that doesn't make us any better, just luckier. Drunk driving IS a big deal, and let me assure you that NO ONE is taking this lightly. You can say whatever you want about me..I'm just asking that you monitor yourselves a bit better when talking about one of my best friends who is dead and can't stick up for herself and another close friend who is naturally beyond devastated. Also I want to confirm the details that lambo11 just revealed about what REALLY happened so everyone will stop drawing their own conclusions and filling in the blanks. And I thank God if he didn't read this whole thread..I certainly wish I hadn't.

5/19/2007 11:12:13 AM

All American
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I really think this entire thread just needs to be locked or bucketed.

She is dead. It is tragic. We don't need to be rubber necking the situation, trying to figure out what Danielle blew so she can be furthur ostracized. We know what happened to the car and what will likely happen to Danielle. If someone wants to make a positive comment, they should move it on to facebook where the people who knew and cared about Emily are gathering instead of fighting with each other over who is the more condescending wolfwebber..This has gotten so out of hand.

My vote is for this to be locked.

5/19/2007 11:18:25 AM

All American
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Quote :

A friend of mine in high school got pulled over prom night because the cop thought he was driving drunk. However he was sober, he was just tried. That monday at school he bitched about getting a ticket for wreckless driving just cause he was sleepy.

So yes, people who drive sleepy can get in trouble too. I guess the only reason they don't go to jail is because being sleepy is something you can't really help. It's not always something that can be prevented.

5/19/2007 11:18:51 AM

New Recruit
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Two cheers for pawprint! That's all I've got. No more posts for me.

5/19/2007 11:21:19 AM

All American
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^^^I think you missed the point of why I was asking if anyone knew her BAC

I was just curious if it was .08 or less, because then the accident would only be a result of a DWI because she was underage

but I agree, this thread should be locked and trashed

5/19/2007 11:27:39 AM

All American
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My comment about knowing what she blew was not directed at you. I was more saying that people providing "insider" information should not fuel the fire. We don't need to know because no good would come from knowing it.

Lock this thread.

5/19/2007 11:30:18 AM

147487 Posts
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i wish she were still alive

5/19/2007 11:44:38 AM

All American
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I don't remember the thread(s) about Stiletto's death being locked.

Why should this be any different? Because she's a girl?

[Edited on May 19, 2007 at 11:50 AM. Reason : My condolences to friends and family. ]

5/19/2007 11:48:53 AM

41750 Posts
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Quote :
"No one deserves to die in their mid 20's before even really living life. No one deserves to wear the guilt of losing a best friend in this manner."

5/19/2007 11:51:24 AM

68205 Posts
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my god, i see xienze is still being a fucking prick about this

no, the driver shouldnt have her name drug through the mud...she will get whats coming to her for the rest of her life

i dont think she needs some internet, no picture having, POS scum bag cunt butter turd licking faggot to keep bringing it up

why dont you shut the fuck up, stop trolling this thread and go back to the hole you came from

matter of more bit of trolling about the driver will get you suspended

5/19/2007 11:57:56 AM

All American
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The people who are defending drunk driving or trying to make excuses for it in this thread are just beyond me.

If I am playing with a gun and I point it at my friend and it goes off and he dies, do I get off scot-free just because I "feel bad" about losing my friend?

When you get in the drivers seat of a car and you are drunk, you are basically pointing a loaded gun at everyone in the car. I am guessing, and I am betting that I am correct, that these girls both went out and partied constantly. They probably "chanced it" many times by drinking and then driving home. I know plenty of college students who do this. And all of them are idiots for thinking that they could just do that over and over and nothing would happen.

I sympathize with the driver here for losing a friend of hers, but if you play with fire, don't cry when you get burned. People need to be penalized to show an example to society, nay other college students, that we don't fuck around with this shit. You can't just "chance it" every night and try to drive home. People fucking DIE because of it and you have to pay the consequences. I don't care if "every TWWer has done it once" you should all go to jail for trying that stupid shit. The DUI laws, if anything, are too weak these days. Maybe if they were harsher laws than college students wouldn't do this dumb shit and get killed over it.

5/19/2007 12:05:56 PM

All American
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This is probably the only thing xienze and I share in common. I know the effects of drunk driving - my 13 year old cousin died because of a drunk driver. There is NO EXCUSE for driving drunk. I have been shitfaced drunk plenty of times in my life, and I've even been black-out drunk, and I've never, ever, EVER been drunk enough to not know I was too drunk to drive. I think it's a shitty excuse.

I do agree that this girl should have it taken into consideration that her friend is dead because of her mistake. She should still be punished, though. However, duchess also should have paid more attention. I'm not going to go around insulting the dead or the girl who made the mistake of driving, but they're both big girls and should have been able to make the right decisions. Now, as others have mentioned, if she blew a .02 or something and only got a DWI because she was underage, that changes this situation greatly. I would guess, however, that since she got a DWI after a wreck, the chances are that she was drunk. I don't know that, however, and I won't pretend to know.

My thoughts are with the friends and families of the driver and passenger, because they're never going to be the same again. I know how this is. Empty seats at family gatherings, distraught mothers crying at parties, having to hold the photo of my dead cousin during family pictures so he can "be in the picture..." it's going to be tough for all of them for several years. I'm sorry to all involed. Sincerely.

[Edited on May 19, 2007 at 12:10 PM. Reason : k]

5/19/2007 12:07:56 PM

68205 Posts
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i agree 100% that neither girls should have attempted to drive or ride or whatever

but everyone should show some class and stop trying to be that person who gets everyone

all riled up. xienze has already had one post removed b/c of how insensitive it was.

all he is doing is trolling and i put him in the same boat as Excoriator

5/19/2007 12:12:57 PM

All American
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Yeah, I understand. I'm not trying to troll. It's just something that seems just such a pointless waste of life and it's so sad.

There's SO much literature, advertising, and all around knowledge out there about the dangers of drunk driving. So much so that when something like this happens you just shake your head and think, "Wow, didn't these people KNOW what they were doing? How could they have possibly not thought about the risks? Why should I even feel sorry for this person?"

5/19/2007 12:15:31 PM

All American
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^I agree mostly.

I don't think anyone can judge Emily's decision to ride along. She could have easily been too drunk herself, too tired, distracted or any combination of the three to have noticed Danielle wasn't fit to drive.

It's an absolute tragedy that this happened.

If Danielle blew over the .08 limit, she should have the book thrown at her. I don't think having the guilt of killing her friend hanging over her for the rest of her life is punishment enough at all. I don't think any punishment will be enough, but hopefully it will serve to PREVENT someone else from doing this. She SHOULD spend the rest of her life making sure that this doesn't happen to other people.

And before everyone jumps on the "omg you hypocrit" bandwagon against George and I too, yes I have driven and had been drinking. Yes, I've been pulled for suspected DUI. Yes I passed the field sobriety tests AND blew under the legal limit. I know my limits, I have no problem calling a friend or a cab to get me home safely.

People don't just "make one error in judgement". If you have driven after drinking once, you've done it many times. It just happened that this time was the one that cost someone their lives. If you are willing to take that kind of chance, you damn well better be ready to face the consequences of your actions.

5/19/2007 12:26:57 PM

Burn it all down.
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How many people fill sorry for those with lung cancer who smoke 2 packs a day?

5/19/2007 12:32:22 PM

All American
7341 Posts
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Quote :
"my god, i see xienze is still being a fucking prick about this

no, the driver shouldnt have her name drug through the mud...she will get whats coming to her for the rest of her life

i dont think she needs some internet, no picture having, POS scum bag cunt butter turd licking faggot to keep bringing it up

why dont you shut the fuck up, stop trolling this thread and go back to the hole you came from

matter of more bit of trolling about the driver will get you suspended"

I just think it's ridiculous how you guys are defending the driver just because you know her. Let's change the situation a little bit and pretend that this girl was killed by a RANDOM drunk driver who hit her car. You'd be calling for his head, "death penalty on the spot", etc. And just imagine if the state decided to drop the vehicular manslaughter charges because "he has to live with it for the rest of his life".

But as soon as you know the driver, whoa, whoa, whoa, it was just a tiny mistake. Don't attack her! Who hasn't done this themselves? Etc.

Like I said, I had a roommate who used to drive drunk all the time. He was a friend of mine, obviously. I would never, ever defend that guy's actions if he killed one of my friends. And yet there are people on this thread doing just that. Inconceivable.

5/19/2007 12:34:20 PM

All American
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i thought there was no vehicular manslaughter anymore

5/19/2007 12:35:55 PM

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