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All American
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Yeah, that was the first event last like 30 degree weather. It did suck.

New workout schedule

tues/thurs/saturday - olympic lifting
mon, tues, thurs, fri, sat - CrossFit WOD and skill work

Yesterday morning:

Snatch - up to 145
Hang Clean Pull + Hang Clean 155x2x5
Push Press 135x2x5
Front Squat 155x3x3

starting low so I can add 10lb each week....that and I'm just getting back into really squatting 3 days a week so I'm starting conservatively

last night:

handstand walking (it's coming along)

DB Shoulder to Overhead, 40lb


10/5/2011 5:29:12 AM

All American
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Maxed out on deadlifts today, pulled 415 for a PR

My previous best before today was 385. I did absolutely no working out about 8 months before I started CrossFit, I have been doing CrossFity since July and with hardly doing WOD's with deadlifts in them I crushed my old PR. If that doesn't say something about CrossFit improving your strength I don't know what will.

10/7/2011 7:30:04 PM

All American
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Nice PR

Barbells for Boobs is this weekend at the CF I go to, but I have the CF Kettlebell Cert all weekend. I'll be doing Grace Friday night instead...hopefully I can set a PR.

10/10/2011 5:38:28 AM

All American
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For time:
Row, 20 calories
Wall Ball, 30 reps, 20/15#
Toes-to-bar, 20 reps
Box Jump, 30 reps, 24/18"
Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 20 reps, 88/53#
Burpee, 30 reps
Shoulder-to-overhead, 20 reps, 135/95#

30:06. Yep. Horrible time again. I am going to come back to do this one again in about a month and try to shave at least 4 minutes off that time.

10/11/2011 8:29:03 AM

All American
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Yesterday morning
Hang snatch
Back squats

Night session

2 on the min x 10 min @ 135


3 rounds
7 handstand pushups
14 power clean, 155
21 kb swings, 70


10/13/2011 5:44:50 AM

All American
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Complete 3 rounds for time:
Dumbbell Snatch, 21 reps, right arm, 40/25#
L Pull-up, 21 reps
Dumbbell Snatch, 21 reps, left arm, 40/25#
L Pull-up, 21 reps

Around 32:00. Pretty happy with that time, considering I was one of the few who could do all of the L Pull-ups.

Taking a rest day today. What do you all do on your rest days? Do you actually rest, or do some kind of modality WOD? Or something else?

[Edited on October 13, 2011 at 9:54 AM. Reason : 1]

10/13/2011 9:53:48 AM

All American
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That is a pretty serious WOD, I can't even think about doing that many L pull ups

I usually just rest on my off days, will do some foam rolling or stretching if I feel the need to

10/13/2011 10:13:01 AM

All American
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thats a lot of pullups

10/13/2011 2:23:44 PM

All American
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Rest day for me is usually purely rest or mobility

Prior to competition I'll work on skills (pistols, double understand, handstand holds and walking)

10/13/2011 3:55:52 PM

All American
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This guy has been working out at the box I go to this week, absolutely sick ups. Only weighs like 173 but this week I saw him deadlift 495 and split jerk 300, tons of power.

10/13/2011 7:40:57 PM

All American
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30 c&j, 135lb

2:21 (31sec PR)

10/14/2011 8:50:47 PM

All American
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This is gonna be a leg killer tonight.

run 1600meters
10 DB thrusters
run 1200meter
15 DB....
run 800meters
20 DB....
run 600 meters
25 DB....
run 400 meters(sprint speed)
30 DB....

10/17/2011 5:15:32 PM

All American
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wasnt there a Ryan Moody who played football for State?

10/17/2011 6:03:09 PM

All American
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^ It sure sounds familiar but definitely not this guy, he goes to/went to college in Utah.

Did 61 unbroken double unders today, most I have strung together in one sitting. Now I need to break 100.

10/17/2011 7:45:18 PM

All American
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From Friday:
Run 800 meters
15 Hang Snatch
Run 800 meters
15 Hang Snatch
Run 800 meters
15 Snatch

And then yesterday:
"CrossFit Total"
For max weight:
Back Squat, 1 rep - 195
Shoulder Press, 1 rep - 115
Deadlift, 1 rep - 225

Pulled a muscle in my back doing the press. Hopefully some heat compression and Advil today will help. We start the max effort program tomorrow, so I am excited to see where I am by Spring.

10/23/2011 9:28:20 AM

1919 Posts
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^With those numbers, I'd do a starting strength variant if you want to increase your strength.

10/23/2011 9:37:40 AM

All American
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21-15-9 reps for time:
Deadlift, 225/150#
Handstand Push-up

Felt really good. HSPUs were assisted with bands.

10/24/2011 11:43:17 PM

All American
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10/25/2011 11:41:10 AM

All American
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That's horrible.

10 sets for max weight:
Front Squat, 2 reps
Then, Tabata (20 sec on, 10 sec off x 8 sets) for max reps:


10/25/2011 8:36:29 PM

All American
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box jumps(18")
front squats(65)
double unders

No time. Focused on form.

DUs took the longest time haha. I can only string 3 to 5 at a time, before I start looking like I came out of an S&M session :x

10/26/2011 11:23:58 PM

All American
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AMRAP x 30 minutes:
Run, 400 meters
L Pull-up, 10 reps
Back Extension, 15 reps, 25/15# plate
Sit-up, 20 reps, 25/15# plate

4rounds+400 meters. The runs kill me. We have a pretty steep hill within the first 100 meters that completely chews me up. It would be nice to have a flat course to run on one day.

10/27/2011 8:31:20 AM

All American
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Did Grace for the first time today in 3:10

I think I can definitely get a sub 3 minute time next time, I paced it a little too slow during the middle 10 reps

10/29/2011 11:29:32 AM

19447 Posts
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Is it odd that we do crab walks sometimes? I feel like that is not a move in the standard Crossfit repertoire. But I like it.

After 5x 20 KB swings + 10 med ball v-ups and 3x 5, 4, 3 your choice squats (I did OH until the last 2 sets of 3, which were front) ...

Buy in with 60m walking lunges
3x 20m Spiderman pushup walks, 20m crab walks, 20 MB catch-n-throw, 20m crab walks, 20m Spiderman pushup walks
Cash out with 60m walking lunges
Took me about 20 minutes. I always feel disappointed with my times afterward. But usually I finish pretty on par with others, so guess I don't suck too bad.

10/29/2011 1:30:33 PM

All American
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I was about to say that crab walks in a warmup has probably occurred...and then saw that it was part of your WOD...def a new one on me.

60 double unders
40 abmat sit-ups
20 pull ups

Post injury PRs on cleans last night:

High hang: 175
Below knee: 195
Full: 205

10/29/2011 5:04:14 PM

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They throw stuff like that in on Saturday sometimes. Tomorrow we are having a costume contest. I'm kind of excited.

10/30/2011 10:08:08 AM

All American
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Hit another PR today on front squats, got 300. I think I could probably get 315 but I didn't want to try today since I took a lot of attempts to get up to 300, I was pretty much done.

11/1/2011 8:51:51 PM

Duke is puke
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I've started thinking about joining a Crossfit gym here in Charlotte, wanted to get everyone's though on this article:

Despite the name of the link, I don't think it's trying to paint Crossfit in a negative light. I'm more interested in the problems brought up such as high rep without focus on form, qualifications of instructors and so on.

11/2/2011 9:01:54 AM

All American
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I think the only high rep stuff I would worry about would be the oly lifts...just self regulate on those wods and focus on form. Qualifications are easy enough to check...which gym?

11/2/2011 3:13:26 PM

All American
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I train at Crossfit Steele Creek. I love it.

It is totally a cult, but not a kill-your-parents kind, more like a workout constantly kind of cult.

I dropped 30 pounds and gained a ton of strength in the last 5 months going 4x a week.

I also train and teach Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and I get constant compliments on my new appearance and suddenly ri-god-damn-diculous stamina during sparring.

[Edited on November 2, 2011 at 4:18 PM. Reason : a]

11/2/2011 4:08:20 PM

All American
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how often do you guys work each major muscle group/perform the same types of exercises within your WOD's?

for example, do you do work in pullups every other day? how often do you do heavy deadlifts - twice a week? thrusters? OH squats?

11/2/2011 11:54:59 PM

All American
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Its fairly random. This kind of work isn't optimal for sport-specific training (although I'd argue it is very good for grappling from personal experience), but in a given week you might do pull-up work 4 times, or 0 times. You might be doing heavy squats and bodyweight squats daily in a given week.

One given is that there are virtually no isolation lifts. You always recruit groups of muscles, whether its squatting, olympic lifting, running, whatever.

It depends on who is doing the programming and what their philosophies are. Ultimately you get a little bit of everything, but a heavy dose of intensity regardless.

11/3/2011 9:24:27 AM

All American
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^^It is pretty random. It's not like, today will be legs and back, tomorrow will be arms and shoulders. Its more of a total body workout. Though, I do remember reading that there is a rhyme and a reason to the workouts on the main age. If you are really interested, this has a pretty good overview of crossfit's methods.

@wadhead: Most gyms will give you a free week trial, so you can get an idea of what you will be getting into. I wouldn't describe our gym as a cult, but more like a team. It's obvious who the best crossfitters are, but everyone is very helpful and encouraging. Our instructors have all of the required "crossfit" training, but more importantly, they have a lot of experience, which I think is more important than some silly certification that any schlub at a Gold's can get.

11/3/2011 12:06:35 PM

1919 Posts
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^Like the ones where you pay $1000 and go to a weekend seminar?

11/3/2011 12:09:21 PM

All American
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The same way you prepare for rote memorization for your Globo-gym training certificate right?

11/3/2011 12:11:17 PM

All American
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Started Max-Effort on Monday. Yesterday we did clean and jerk

Clean & Jerk:
1 x 5 reps, 75% - 110
1 x 5 reps, 80% - 120
1 x 5 reps, 85% - 125
4 x 10 reps, 60% - 95lbs

11/3/2011 12:16:24 PM

1919 Posts
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That would depend on the certification.

The current one I am preparing for requires a college degree and undergraduate level understanding of bioenergetics, biomechanics, exercise technique, nutrition and has video based technique testing. I'd compare it to 3-4 credit hours of college level science.

I'd say it's a bit more comprehensive then paying $1000 and attending a weekend seminar on how to olympic lift with medicine balls and PVC pipes.

[Edited on November 3, 2011 at 3:08 PM. Reason : sometimes I captilize unneccessarily. ]

11/3/2011 3:04:14 PM

All American
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Are you referring to the CSCS?

I bought the book and studied for the test, but decided it wasn't necessary for what I wanted to do.

11/3/2011 3:23:16 PM

1919 Posts
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Yes I am.

You are right that its probably overkill for someone who wants to train the day to day average folk.

I want it because its pretty much the industry standard for anyone worth a damn. And, if I don't end up going the gym owner route, its practically required for any high level coaching position.

[Edited on November 3, 2011 at 4:23 PM. Reason : ;]

11/3/2011 4:23:15 PM

All American
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AMRAP in 40 minutes

Run 200 meters
Run 200 meters
20 Pullups
Run 200 meters
20 Situps
Run 200 meters
20 squats

4 rounds and 20 push ups. This sucked hard. My legs were killing me from all of the heavy squats I had been doing all week. But I am really proud that I went hard the entire 40 minutes.

11/4/2011 3:01:55 PM

All American
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Continuing the max-effort program:

Bench press
5X 75% - 165
5X 80% - 175
5X 85% - 185
5 sets of 10 at 65% - 125

11/6/2011 10:08:32 AM

All American
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warm up

Deadlift, 225
Burpee to Deadhang Pullup


Only the second time doing heavier deads in the past 4 knee is bugging me again (patella tracking issue), so I need to take a rest from squats Could be the perfect time to bring up my deadlift though

11/7/2011 3:45:14 PM

All American
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Did some deadlift strength work today:


Was real surprised how easy 405 went up for all three considering that about a month ago I maxed at 415, could definitely hit at least 425 now for one.

After did "DT":

Deadlift, 12 reps
Hang power clean, 9 reps
Push jerk, 6 reps

Started with 135 but had to drop down to 115, I just got over a cold and gassed real quick because of that. Ended up with a time of 13:23, I think if I was 100% I could have at least hit that time with 135 the whole time.

11/7/2011 8:01:50 PM

All American
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Have this ongoing debate with a friend about the Games athletes' physique. He seems to think that they can't get that way just through Crossfit alone and that all of them probably hit the static machines at the local gyms to hit(isolate) the muscle group.

My defense was....yes you can get that way through a clean diet and going heavy of strength days from Crossfit.

Any thoughts?

For example: Jason Khalipa

5 rounds for time:
12 squat cleans (75)
9 ring pushups
400 meter run with 14lb medicine ball

11/10/2011 12:01:34 AM

1919 Posts
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Do you think all of those competitors are steroid and PED free?

Do you think this physique is natural through clean eating and occasional strength days in a program with a large portion dedicated to endurance?

[Edited on November 10, 2011 at 7:26 AM. Reason : moar]

11/10/2011 7:11:42 AM

All American
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Yeah, drugs didn't cross my mind. That doesn't look natural at all. This is probably a better example though:

11/10/2011 11:47:55 AM

1919 Posts
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That is an absolutely reasonable physique to expect to achieve with a decent diet and almost any athletic activity.

11/10/2011 1:39:41 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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I like that chick behind her.

11/10/2011 1:45:10 PM

All American
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Matt...trying to stir shit up?

They actually test for steroids at the games now and screening will only increase as CrossFit becomes more mainstream via Reebok.

10 cleans, 135
100m run
10 jerks, 135
100m run
10 clean and jerk, 135
100m run
10 jerks, 135
100m run
10 cleans, 135


AMRAP 2 min double unders: 100 reps

11/10/2011 1:51:32 PM

1919 Posts
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Not really, just trying to keep it real.

Steroid use is prevalent in all athletic competitive spheres, tested and untested. I get annoyed when I hear Glassman talk about how Crossfit is a superior way to train for size and aesthetics, or any other modality, when some of the top competitors are juicing or became very strong while training another style.

Don't get me wrong, Crossfit is a great way to train to get fit. It just gets annoying when people are dogmatic about it and think any other style is inferior. Or when they ignore the fact that Crossfit practically adopts any style of training that is useful; then calls it Crossfit.

[Edited on November 10, 2011 at 2:18 PM. Reason : moar words]

11/10/2011 2:15:46 PM

All American
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Maybe there's something to be said for thievery though. If it works, use it.]

Also, Annie has looked like that for years and years. She might be juicing, but as mentioned they are testing the athletes at the games now.


25 DU
15 Push Press @ 75
Sprint 100m
10 Chest to Bar
Sprint 100m

5 Rounds

Sucked it up on this one, but also getting over a cold. I think in a week my times will be much better.

[Edited on November 10, 2011 at 2:50 PM. Reason : a]

11/10/2011 2:49:43 PM

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