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All American
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Maybe I'm a liberal hack but trump took it to the highest level. Classic trump.

12/22/2016 8:43:52 AM

All American
18474 Posts
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I thought the general hope was that Trump wouldnt do anything he said during his campaign... shouldnt most people be happy other than his die hard supporters who have no clue anyways?

12/22/2016 8:46:00 AM

26632 Posts
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serious question: does trump have contempt for the office, or has this just been trump actually trying?

12/22/2016 8:58:46 AM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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This is Trump not giving a shit, appointing his buddies that want the job under the stipulation that they'll collectively be running the country while he continues to be involved in things like The Apprentice, building his business empire, and doing victory tours.

12/22/2016 9:07:33 AM

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12/22/2016 10:22:49 AM

50084 Posts
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^^^^ this was one of the few things that was appealing about his campaign to me.

Of course, because I'm not an idiot I wasn't conned in to believing he gave a shit about it.

12/22/2016 10:36:49 AM

All American
33768 Posts
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Between the general and Boeing him cucking him on the F35 program and AF1 (did trump really think no one sat down with these guys to talk costs before???) I'm not sure where Trump's going to go when his "tough guy negotiator" persona falls through.

He's either going to let himself be the puppet for the GOP and Breitbart that he appears to be, or he'll try to step up his hawkishness to compensate. This all remains to be seen.

12/22/2016 11:34:13 AM

All American
31922 Posts
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^^ yeah not everything trump said he would do is bad, it's just that all the things he said he would do that he will actually be able to do are bad.

Trump said he was going to introduce term limits on congress. For that to happen Congress would have to vote for it. If anyone thinks that will happen maybe I can interest you in a fantastic university Trump is running!

12/22/2016 11:45:16 AM

23634 Posts
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McConnell already said he wouldn't vote on term limits

12/22/2016 12:09:44 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"Wasn't it JCE2011 that kept whining during the election that Hillary had admitted to having both a public and private position on issues and how damning that was. Does Trump deserve similar scrutiny or..........."

Telling bank execs that you believe one thing but have to tell the public another seems slightly worse than retiring campaign slogans after the campaign is over.

Also, lol @ this thread. GUYS, I just read an article from a leftist news site that said Trump is bad! GUYS, I just read ANOTHER article from a leftist source that says Trump is even WORSE. WHITE SUPREMACIST CLIMATE CHANGE HEATHENS!!

[Edited on December 22, 2016 at 1:28 PM. Reason : Lol]

[Edited on December 22, 2016 at 1:30 PM. Reason : .]

12/22/2016 1:28:01 PM

26632 Posts
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i bet trump is really starting to regret letting msnbc run his twitter account

12/22/2016 1:40:45 PM

All American
9594 Posts
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Remember a couple pages ago when I pointed out that Trump voters have been the prime beneficiaries of Obamacare thus far? Well, that trend has continued,

Quote :
"But the 6.4 million signing up on through Monday could undermine the argument that the law is in free fall. The five states with the most people enrolling for coverage on the site through Monday were Florida, with 1.3 million plan selections, Texas (776,000), North Carolina (369,000), Georgia (352,000) and Pennsylvania (291,000). Mr. Trump carried all those states."

The cognitive dissonance is really breathtaking. Let's vote against this thing which my life depends on!

12/22/2016 2:21:07 PM

All American
6571 Posts
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Quote :
" retiring campaign slogans after the campaign is over. "

Oh is that all that was? A useless slogan?

Whatever you need to tell yourself so you can sleep at night, I guess. The reality is you were/are wrong about Trump and you are just beginning to accept that. It'll take more time and Trump constantly shitting into your open baby bird mouth before you fully accept just how monumentally wrong you are, but that moment is not far off.

12/22/2016 2:34:16 PM

All American
4458 Posts
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I wonder what JCE is going to say when Trump tweets something antagonizing about a specific journalist or political adversary, and then one of his jack booted trumpite followers goes out and kills said journalist or adversary.

12/22/2016 3:28:44 PM

50084 Posts
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Quote :
"Telling bank execs that you believe one thing but have to tell the public another seems slightly worse than retiring campaign slogans after the campaign is over. "

I know I shouldn't reply but.... really? Trump literally told the public he wanted to do one thing while having absolutely no intention of actually doing it. All politicians do it so it's not like it's a huge deal but come the fuck on...

12/22/2016 3:38:56 PM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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Nevermind folks, we're walking it back! Credibility Restored. Just look at his cabinet, you know? The proof is in the pudding!

12/22/2016 3:53:17 PM

All American
42526 Posts
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This jerk is already breaking laws

12/23/2016 6:40:49 AM

50084 Posts
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Quote :
"Let it be an arms race. We will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all."

Guys, I'm beginning to think Trump is a bit more hawkish than he led on during the campaign.

12/23/2016 9:07:34 AM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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12/23/2016 9:08:59 AM

All American
9974 Posts
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So instead of infrastructure and saving manufacturing jobs were going to spend all the money on building nuclear weapons.

Seems like a solid plan.

12/23/2016 9:29:32 AM

Sup, B
52739 Posts
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Quote :
"Whatever you need to tell yourself so you can sleep at night, I guess. The reality is you were/are wrong about Trump and you are just beginning to accept that. It'll take more time and Trump constantly shitting into your open baby bird mouth before you fully accept just how monumentally wrong you are, but that moment is not far off."

I'm afraid the R voters won't ever realize it, to be honest. We don't really know who Trump is at this point, but I can bet it's probably not good whoever he is.

12/23/2016 10:49:14 AM

All American
33768 Posts
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Quote :
"Carl Paladino, a former Republican nominee for governor of New York and an adviser to president-elect Trump, included the death of President Obama and “return” of first lady Michelle Obama to Africa on his list of things he wanted for 2017."

12/23/2016 4:24:33 PM

All American
6571 Posts
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^^Agreed,Im afraid of that too.

12/23/2016 6:10:33 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"I wonder what JCE is going to say when Trump tweets something antagonizing about a specific journalist or political adversary, and then one of his jack booted trumpite followers goes out and kills said journalist or adversary."

Yea, because The Narrative

Don't mention the DNC contracted Scott Foval's "bird dogging", or the endless examples of Trump supporters being attacked, or useful idiot SJWs/Paid-by-Soros Protestors rioting after the election, or the kid that grabbed a cops gun at a Trump rally to "kill Trump", or the SJW that rushed Trump on stage and was rewarded with air time by CNN.

The Trump supporters are the violent ones! Because HOAXES, and the NARRATIVE

Dont insult MUH NARRATIVE!!!

12/28/2016 1:32:19 AM

All American
9974 Posts
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I've been enjoying the "narrative" narrative.

12/28/2016 7:04:38 AM

All American
9974 Posts
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which narrative is this?

Quote :
"In retail, where margins are slim, overseas manufacturers are crucial to profits. Most of the clothing Americans buy at Walmart, Macy’s and Target are made abroad, including 97 percent of apparel and 98 percent of shoes, according to the American Apparel and Footwear Association."

12/28/2016 1:40:27 PM

26632 Posts
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^^ nice narrative narrative narrative

12/28/2016 2:39:20 PM

All American
38992 Posts
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12/28/2016 2:44:13 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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my narrative about narratives was out narratived by your narrative.

12/28/2016 3:12:28 PM

50084 Posts
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This is so bizarre to hold a press conference for every job created... not to mention he isn't even president yet.

Obama would have done nothing else his entire eight years if he did this. But maybe his simpletons will fall for this publicity nonsense.

12/28/2016 5:41:50 PM

All American
31922 Posts
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^ Not only that, these are jobs that he has already bragged about once. Sprint is owned by Softbank, and he's already had a gloating session about Softbank bringing jobs to America. These are those jobs, he just put a different name on them so people would think it's another big jobs deal he created.

12/28/2016 10:44:03 PM

All American
33768 Posts
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^^ i saw about 1/50th the posts about it on social media. People are already at the point of not caring or not viewing the assertions as credible after all the details of the carrier and softbank deal were released and they weren't even remotely as glamorous as Trump made it seem.

Trump's campaign tactics that made him popular aren't translating well to presidency... he hasn't taken office yet and already losing credibility.

Will be interesting (as i've said before...) to see how he adapts to the loss of celebrity status and people actually expect him to lead. Will be go more extreme and bombastic, will he flounder like a lame duck, will he buckle down and try to grasp the issues (this seems unlikely based on his recent comments regarding hacking).

12/29/2016 2:17:36 PM

All American
22933 Posts
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One of Trump's big problems right now is conservative talk radio. I'm going to turn JCE's words around on him. While liberals indeed are in their own echo chamber, as evidenced by reasonable, smart people thinking that it's ok for California to leave the union, so too are conservatives in their own echo chamber. And conservative talk helps construct the walls in which the sound echos. Trump is in that wall. He listens to what people like Hannity has to say.

I think he honestly believes that Russia hacked the Democrats, not the election. He's looking at it that way. Talk radio says that all this hacking mumbo jumbo is being said to de-legitamize Trump, and he believes it.

He needs to stop listening to just the folks that got him elected.

12/29/2016 3:38:43 PM

50084 Posts
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For what it's worth I am obviously no fan of Trump or the GOP and I do think Russia wanted to have Trump win.

But I don't view him as illegitimate -- he is our President and he won the election.

(I know that wasn't your point but just wanted to give some clarity to those who think the only reason to talk about Russia is to try and undermine Trump)

[Edited on December 29, 2016 at 3:47 PM. Reason : Br city]

12/29/2016 3:46:52 PM

All American
3111 Posts
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Quote :
"People are already at the point of not caring or not viewing the assertions as credible "

I'm just not seeing why anyone who supported him for election would all of a sudden able to see that he's lying now. Any details that come out proving his claims wrong re: these jobs are just going to be dismissed as liberal propaganda, just like all the far worse evidence against him before he was elected

12/29/2016 3:48:11 PM

All American
10682 Posts
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Quote :
I'm just not seeing why anyone who supported him for election would all of a sudden able to see that he's lying now"

i think a significant number of trump voters knew he has been lying the whole time they just didnt like hillary, think trump would make better supreme court picks or whatever reason

12/29/2016 4:32:05 PM

All American
38992 Posts
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Quote :
"Asked by reporters if the United States should sanction Russia, Trump replied: “I think we ought to get on with our lives. I think that computers have complicated lives very greatly. The whole age of computer has made it where nobody knows exactly what’s going on. We have speed. We have a lot of other things but I’m not sure you have the kind of security that you need. But I have not spoken with the senators and I certainly will be over a period of time"

[Edited on December 30, 2016 at 2:44 PM. Reason : full quote]

12/30/2016 2:37:58 PM

All American
18474 Posts
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This is where Skynet really gets us! lol

12/30/2016 2:44:52 PM

All American
31922 Posts
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The modern Republican policy flow chart

12/30/2016 11:04:26 PM

All American
33768 Posts
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He thinks a courier is inherently more secure than a digital system.

[Edited on January 1, 2017 at 10:25 PM. Reason : ]

1/1/2017 10:23:24 PM

All American
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The clearest description of how businessmen are going to try to capitalize on Trump's propensity for cronyism.

1/1/2017 11:39:16 PM

All American
10682 Posts
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^behind a paywall but i'll say that since all presidents are product of the crony capitalist system i think its great that trump is bad at hiding how they exploit their power.

1/2/2017 7:14:52 AM

50084 Posts
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It's really annoying for me that he keeps tweeting about individual companies and seeing the idiot public respond to his nonsense by selling off those names.

Weren't Republicans shitting bricks over Obama "choosing winners and losers" for years?

1/2/2017 7:47:09 AM

All American
10682 Posts
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^those stock price dips make people who know how to trade a lot of monies at the big dummies expense tho

1/2/2017 9:11:28 AM

All American
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+1 for calling out republicans and possibly stopping the destruction of the house ethics office

1/3/2017 7:24:34 PM

All American
33768 Posts
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-10 for antagonizing the intelligence agencies. He mocked them today, forcing senior officials to go public with statements that they always intended to brief on Friday.

I can't imagine this is good for the country when the spys are afraid to be more open with the president.

Trump is definitely not hitting the ground running as POTUS

Going to be a bumpy ride...

[Edited on January 3, 2017 at 11:13 PM. Reason : ]

1/3/2017 10:48:42 PM

All American
22933 Posts
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but jobs

1/4/2017 8:27:10 AM

All American
33768 Posts
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Trump treats a Fox News interview with Assange as gospel but absolutely refusing to believe intelligence agencies right now.

Will be scarier when he starts putting prison planet and breitbart above federal agencies.

1/4/2017 9:22:59 AM

50084 Posts
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Didn't see it but I'll guess it was Hannity?

He actually said he had information about the hacking that Obama and intelligence didn't. I'm guessing it was actually just an advance on what Assange was going to say.

[Edited on January 4, 2017 at 10:16 AM. Reason : X]

1/4/2017 10:15:27 AM

All American
2174 Posts
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-10 credibility for not understanding technology:

Quote :
"Somebody hacked the DNC but why did they not have "hacking defense" like the RNC has"

1/4/2017 1:57:21 PM

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