Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
shut the fuck up n00b 11/22/2003 10:28:19 PM |
Defenestrate All American 2158 Posts user info edit post |
winning and being poor sports are not related... they were being poor sports before the game 11/22/2003 10:29:32 PM |
yo All American 587 Posts user info edit post |
oh that's right....maybe i should have 9328473294739 posts for mine to mean anything....sorry for commenting on bad 11/22/2003 10:30:23 PM |
ToiletPaper All American 11225 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "if we weren't throwing em, they wouldnt have had shit to throw back" |
did you see TA get hit way after the game was called, that's why we threw shit. That was well deserved.
Quote : | "It's sad to see that that BULLSHIT had to take place on Philip River's last home game. Fucking Rednecks. Way to make NCSU look good." |
^Yeah dude, give me your name and address, I wanna find where you live you fuckin pussy and kick the shit outta you. We threw things because they ran on the feild while the play was still going, they disrespected us in pregame, and they cheapshotted us alot. Call me a fuckin redneck and tell me that's fuckin bullshit to my face, don't be a man on tww, cause the way your talkin your obviously a little bitch.
[Edited on November 22, 2003 at 10:34 PM. Reason : Commenting is one thing, commenting like a bitch is another]11/22/2003 10:32:33 PM |
timswar All American 41050 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "so the fans should throw things on the field....i guess that just makes everything better doesn't it??? I agree, Maryland did a little excessive celebrating," |
what fans do does not equal what players do
fans and players are held to different levels of accountability... and it's not like maryland fans are the most innocent in this league, ,anyone remember a few years ago when they pelted our players with oranges?
also... a little excessive celebrating does NOT EVER include shoving the opposing team, taunting the opposing team, refusing to get out of the opposing teams's path so that they can conclude their normal home-game ritual, refusing to leave the field in general, THROWING THINGS AT THE FANS (like i said, different levels of accountability), and that's not even getting into what happened at the start of the game11/22/2003 10:33:29 PM |
wlfpckhottie All American 1124 Posts user info edit post |
what about the maryland player trying to jump in the stands and the ones throwing bottles back?? do you think they are right what they did?? wouldn't it have been better for them to just walk of the field, win gracefully and make a good name for their school once... 11/22/2003 10:33:53 PM |
JCTarheel All American 2430 Posts user info edit post |
Here's the deal.......... BOTH teams and fans acted like asses. That statement coming from a 3rd party. 11/22/2003 10:35:25 PM |
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
haha hardly a neutral 3rd party. 11/22/2003 10:37:16 PM |
yo All American 587 Posts user info edit post |
wow ......too tufffffff for me there "ToiletwhateverthefuckthatwasPaper"...sorry
[Edited on November 22, 2003 at 10:38 PM. Reason : commenting like a bitch?? or being a bitch??? hmmmmm]
[Edited on November 22, 2003 at 10:38 PM. Reason : ha] 11/22/2003 10:37:25 PM |
JCTarheel All American 2430 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "haha hardly a neutral 3rd party. " |
Do you see the word "neutral" in my statement????? You lose.11/22/2003 10:39:08 PM |
ToiletPaper All American 11225 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | ""Toiletwhateverthefuck"...sorry" |
Dude, when I read that, I locked my room door and the windows. You're a scary guy.11/22/2003 10:40:11 PM |
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Do you see the word "neutral" in my statement????? You lose." | that is implied when you say "3rd party"
so i think it is YOU who lose. 11/22/2003 10:52:30 PM |
ToiletPaper All American 11225 Posts user info edit post |
Why does the third party have to be neutral? In this situation, everybodies biased 11/22/2003 10:54:48 PM |
Smath74 All American 93281 Posts user info edit post |
when one says "coming from a third party" he implies that his view is unbiased. this is obviously not the case. 11/22/2003 10:58:37 PM |
JCTarheel All American 2430 Posts user info edit post |
Why do people say "neutral third party" then? That would just be redundant.
Maryland started shit and State responded in a poor manner. Both teams were at fault, man. 11/22/2003 11:01:09 PM |
Woodfoot All American 60354 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Maryland did a little excessive celebrating" |
they got downright asstastic after they "won"
heelfan All American 3274 Posts user info edit post |
two wrongs equal a right
[Edited on November 22, 2003 at 11:04 PM. Reason : ] 11/22/2003 11:03:50 PM |
BDubLS1 All American 10406 Posts user info edit post |
did anyone see the maryland dude dancing in the end zone near the old field house? he was just back there dancing for like a minute by himself.. i can't believe one of their coaches didn't tell him to quit. they all just ran past him into the fieldhouse. 11/22/2003 11:05:09 PM |
MsWuf All American 3258 Posts user info edit post |
i was in front of the endzone about about 10 yards from the dancing queen.
here's the worst part, after the game, fridge says something to the effect of "our players were just trying to shake hands with the other team and they came after us." here's my logic. remember what a big deal it was to unc that we supposedly purposely jumped on their logo after we won there four years ago? looked to me like maryland was going to try and do the same thing to ours...and that's why our team proceded to walk to midfield 'as if' in pursuit of the freakin twerps.
and regarding the pregame band incident...i dunno the complete truth to this, because i didn't look at the clock. fridge says he and the team came off of the field at 20:15 and the band was supposed to come on at the 20-minute mark. regardless, it was stupid on his part to allow his coaches to push people, and even more stupid of fuller and garcia to send the band on the field. they were asking for trouble, as if maryland needed any more of a reason to get psyched and pumped in a rowdy and hostile territory. 11/22/2003 11:12:06 PM |
timswar All American 41050 Posts user info edit post |
^... but they ALWAYS go towards the center of the field anyway... it's a well known ritual that many schools do after a home game...
i fail to see how a team going through it's normal motions at the end of a game consitutes some kind of aggressive threat 11/22/2003 11:15:40 PM |
BDubLS1 All American 10406 Posts user info edit post |
i heard that the band was supposed to take the field at the 23:00 mark..
[Edited on November 22, 2003 at 11:39 PM. Reason : yea] 11/22/2003 11:18:44 PM |
ApostleNC All American 3862 Posts user info edit post |
That guy in the end zone looked like one of those Africans that dance around the fire on National Geographic. I'm glad our guys general don't do stupid shit like that.
[Edited on November 22, 2003 at 11:39 PM. Reason : .] 11/22/2003 11:38:37 PM |
Big D NCSU New Recruit 24 Posts user info edit post |
That pregame band thing was ridiculous. Maryland was off the field by 17:00 to go(i think). I know it was not that 20:00 to go mess. I distinctly remeber seeing a 1_:00. SO it was definitely less than 20 minutes. Liar. There players have no class. I mean none. 11/22/2003 11:40:41 PM |
ToiletPaper All American 11225 Posts user info edit post |
i wanted to run on the field and spear him but i thought "my grandma will see me do that on TV and I'll never get the gratuitous money offering again". 11/22/2003 11:44:30 PM |
chargercrazy All American 2695 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "This same shit happened last year when they beat us in basketball and people were throwing stuff at a Steve Blake because he was happy his team won. " |
I remember this because I was in the second row when it happened. . . Steve Blake gave the finger to the student wolfpack club after the win and then the stuff started flying at him.
But I agree that our fans didn't show any class by throwing stuff onto the field.11/23/2003 2:15:10 AM |
Jn13Y All American 3575 Posts user info edit post |
ok, this is fact: the band WAS supposed to march on at 21:00, and we ended up stepping off at 19:08-- I know because I looked up as we stepped off. We tried to get in position as the clock neared the 21 mark, but waited patiently for another minute, before getting yelled at by the directors and the media coordinator to GET ON THE FIELD. The twerps never moved, and continued to run plays knowing we were right behind them. So the QB or whoever snaps it, and they purposefully ran into the drum corps. We had been behind them for a good minute before they hit them-- it was that blatant. 11/23/2003 2:42:35 AM |
Punter16 All American 2021 Posts user info edit post |
I was sitting on the visitors side, about 45 yard line two rows up, in other words about 5 feet behind the Maryland players, they ran their mouths at our fans the ENTIRE game
Even worse one of their coaches was talking junk to our fans the entire game, calling us rednecks and cussing at us, this is a grown man who is supposed to be a leader of the team.....and then towards the end of the game he leaned up into the stands and started doing the wolfpack hand thing to everyone in the stands while laughing and mocking them 11/23/2003 3:01:24 AM |
Woodfoot All American 60354 Posts user info edit post |
thats it... maryland is up there with the bucs now for my most hated teams...
and i don't even go to state... 11/23/2003 3:04:33 AM |
J_Hova All American 30984 Posts user info edit post |
hey hey hey
get off my teams (Bucs) case
and yea....the fans yesterday were the rednecks of the north....I just hate we started throwing shit
Phil, Jerricho...even Kiker (for the haters) deserved a better sendoff than this 11/23/2003 3:09:11 AM |
gatorfan Starting Lineup 61 Posts user info edit post |
Ya'll are a bunch sore loser assholes 11/23/2003 10:30:50 AM |
El Pidio All American 3096 Posts user info edit post | 11/23/2003 11:00:33 AM |
mSm All American 566 Posts user info edit post |
You know, even if you forget all that the players did, the band proved that Maryland has no class. If you stayed to cheer on Philip Rivers, after he walked off the field, not many people were leaving yet, so the video of Rivers accomplishments was played, during which many people continued to cheer. More than ten to fifteen minutes after the game was over, the Maryland band had not left and was still in their seats. Fine, that doesn't bother me, but immediantly after the video of Rivers was done, they played the Maryland fight song to further mock the crowd that was still there. Now this is not a small group of band members doing this - this was the whole band. Someone organized it, and obvioulsy the band director didn't care. Maryland has no class, and they repeatedly proved it tonight.
I admit, throwing stuff onto the field was not the best move by our fans, but generally NCSU fans are people of class. After the Gator Bowl last year, I was told by several people from the Jacksonville area how much class they thought we had as fans. I hope we don't do anything to change that perception. And I don't think Maryand can ever do anything to gain any class either. 11/23/2003 11:10:20 AM |
gatorfan Starting Lineup 61 Posts user info edit post |
Hey They won the game quit being assholes 11/23/2003 11:39:18 AM |
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "gatorfan New Recruit 4 Posts user info edit post Ya'll are a bunch sore loser assholes
" |
just a fucking n00b little cunt...are you just sad b/c you didnt get into Florida......fucking cum dumpster11/23/2003 11:42:50 AM |
phantasm Veteran 258 Posts user info edit post |
Since nobody has mentioned it, maybe you guys weren't in the position to see what I saw. When the Maryland team ran onto the field right as the clock hit zero, two of their players proceeded to TACKLE (not push) one of our players in the middle of the field, then ran on to tackle another closer to our bench. That was what caused our players to retaliate. I have never seen any players act in a more hostile and classless manner than the players on the Maryland team. It pissed me off two years ago when the Maryland fans threw oranges onto our field throughout the game. Now I have a deep set hate for the Maryland players and coaching staff that probably will never go away. I don't hold the fans particularly responsible. There is a mob mentality that sadly causes people to act in a way that they shouldn't. That goes for our fans as well as Maryland's, and any others. But a team and its coaching staff should be held responsible for their actions. I have never gone to College Park to see how our fans and team act when we are at their stadium, but I guarantee you our team did not taunt and attack them as they did us. 11/23/2003 12:41:47 PM |
timswar All American 41050 Posts user info edit post |
as of this moment i have never wanted ncsu to beat a team more than maryland...
next year, i want to see them torn to shreds... 11/23/2003 12:44:54 PM |
gatorfan Starting Lineup 61 Posts user info edit post |
just a fucking n00b little cunt...are you just sad b/c you didnt get into Florida......fucking cum dumpster[quote]
I'm sorry poor baby............... Fucking Hick ass ag major Cry me a river......... 11/23/2003 12:46:11 PM |
timswar All American 41050 Posts user info edit post |
assuming he's even in Ag, then it's Hick ass ag ALUMNUS to you little missy
[Edited on November 23, 2003 at 12:51 PM. Reason : .] 11/23/2003 12:51:37 PM |
gunzz IS NÚMERO UNO 68205 Posts user info edit post |
come on baby girl, you can do better than a little more creative and read profiles hun
i am the director of sales for the firm Kross, Lieberman and Stone 11/23/2003 1:05:13 PM |
timswar All American 41050 Posts user info edit post |
i think it's funny she even went with the "hick" insult... because northern florida has the largest concentration of pure rednecks anywhere outside of alabama 11/23/2003 1:06:35 PM |
nutsmackr All American 46641 Posts user info edit post |
I go to state...I must be an agmajor. 11/23/2003 1:08:21 PM |
uNC SUcks All American 6270 Posts user info edit post |
For all of you who actually witnessed the unsportsmanlike acts from the Maryland players and coaches, EMAIL SWOFFORD. If he gets enough emails, maybe he'll get the hint. 11/23/2003 2:16:11 PM |
ToiletPaper All American 11225 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Ya'll are a bunch sore loser assholes" |
Why dont you put your name on your profile so I can burn your house down11/23/2003 2:18:27 PM |
Houston All American 2269 Posts user info edit post |
now lets prove that we are losers.... 11/23/2003 2:20:47 PM |
ToiletPaper All American 11225 Posts user info edit post |
I just wanna burn something cause I like fire 11/23/2003 2:25:32 PM |
uNC SUcks All American 6270 Posts user info edit post |
nevermind, stupid bitches like gatorslut aren't worth my time.
[Edited on November 23, 2003 at 2:28 PM. Reason : .] 11/23/2003 2:27:17 PM |
ToiletPaper All American 11225 Posts user info edit post |
We need to do some shit about Maryland, I'm up to ride up there and burn some busses. HAHAHA 11/23/2003 2:53:41 PM |
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |
whats funny is we did this exact same shit to carolina like four years ago, and they got in an uproar about how we had no class tryin to dance on their logo and shit
now maryland does it to us and everyones tryin to play all classy 11/23/2003 3:20:05 PM |
gatorfan Starting Lineup 61 Posts user info edit post |
Thank you saps! NC State has the most obnoxious fan almost makes me wish I had gone to Clemson you stuck up sons of bitches! 11/23/2003 3:47:22 PM |
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |
domeplz 11/23/2003 3:49:30 PM |