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Jews in their own words

THE AMERICAN HEBREW, leading Jewish newspaper in the United States, September
10, 1920: "The Bolshevist Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish
dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a New Order in the world. What
was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of
Jewish dissatisfaction and by Jewish planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental
and physical forces, become a reality all over the world."

"We will establish ourselves in Palestine whether you like it or not...You can hasten our
arrival or you can equally retard it. It is however better for you to help us so as to avoid
our constructive powers being turned into a destructive power which will overthrow the
world." (Chaim Weizmann, Published in "Judische Rundschau," No. 4, 1920)

"I vow that if I was just an Israeli civilian and I met a Palestinian I would burn him and I
would make him suffer before killing him. With one hit I've killed 750 Palestinians
(in Rafah in 1956). I wanted to encourage my soldiers by raping Arabic girls as the
Palestinian women is a slave for Jews, and we do whatever we want to her and nobody
tells us what we shall do but we tell others what they shall do." (Ariel Sharon, In an
interview with General Ouze Merham, 1956)

[Edited on December 10, 2004 at 5:06 PM. Reason : `]

12/10/2004 4:39:46 PM

9434 Posts
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The Jews have been expelled from nearly every nation in Europe at some point in history
( and have been opposed in nearly every nation
they have settled. Coincidence? Are all non-Jews just a bunch of "anti-Semites"? Or
could it be that there is a good reason?

What World-famous Men have said About the Jews

[Edited on December 10, 2004 at 8:27 PM. Reason : `]

12/10/2004 8:26:27 PM

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Quote :
"Israel Doesn't Need 'Gas Chambers' To Commit Genocide


Israeli genocide against the Palestinians is paid for with our money and now Our blood.

Why would someone hate us so much, that they would kill themselves to kill us?

Because our government gives billions of dollars in cash and military supplies for Israel to support the following:

Israel practices strict racial segregation against all non-Jews, while Jewish groups and the Jewish media in the US demand forced racial integration in America.

Israeli courts have reaffirmed the use of torture against all non-Jews, while Jewish groups and the Jewish media demand special rights for minorities in America.

Israel uses collective punishment against all non-Jews, while Jewish groups and the Jewish media call any use of race in America "racism" and "racial profiling."

Israel uses mass deportations against all non-Jews, and shoots anyone crossing it's borders, while Jewish groups and the Jewish media demand open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens in America.

Israel practices ethnic cleansing of all non-Jews in Israel, while Jewish groups and the Jewish media in America demand sanctions, bombings and the UN invasion of Serbia and Iraq.

Israel invades its neighbors in violation of numerous UN Resolutions, while no "Smart Bombs" fall on Israeli cities to "restore democracy."

Israel denies even the most basic human rights to non-Jews, and is responsible for the mass murder of tens of thousands of Palestinians, while Jewish groups and the Jewish media in America call the systematic extermination of a people, "Genocide."

Israel doesn't need "gas chambers" to commit Genocide.


[Edited on December 11, 2004 at 2:59 PM. Reason : `]

12/11/2004 2:49:53 PM

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Was there Really a Holocaust?

Quote :
"Numbers of Victims Don't Add Up

The World Almanac for 1947 states that back in 1939 the world Jewish population was 15,688,259. The Almanac's figures were supplied by the American Jewish Committee. Next the Jewish-owned New York Times of February 22, 1948 stated the world Jewish population for that year amounted "to 15,600,000 to 18,700,000 in addition to the 600,000 to 700,000 living in Palestine." How could the Jewish population increase so rapidly over the war years if they had lost 6,000,000 people?

Following the rise of Hitler there were no more than 4 million Jews at most living in areas occupied by the Third Reich at the height of its power. Yet on June 30, 1965, the West German government announced that some 3,375,000 Jewish holocaust "survivors" had applied for reparations money. The International Red Cross had already reported in 1946 that of registered Jewish camp inmates no more than 300,000 could have died, and their audit to December 31, 1984 records a total 282,077 registered deaths of all internees in all German Concentration Camps from all causes.

It is interesting to note that in the Jews' real "bible", The Talmud, it is claimed that 800,000 Jews were slaughtered by the Romans in Hadrian's era. Yet there is no historical evidence to support this claim either. The Jewish-owned New York Times, in 1945 carried an article by the well known Jewish writer C.L. Sulzberger. It openly stated that Soviet Russia had supplied the figure of 4 million Jews having been put to death "in the gas chambers of Auschwitz." Thus it was the Judaeo-Communists and the Jews who initially originated these figures which today are accepted as "gospel truth"."

12/14/2004 11:16:55 AM

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The Babylonian Talmud exposed:

"The Talmud Unmasked" by I. B. Pranaitis:

The Babylonian Talmud ("Soncino edition"):

- supposedly the only complete English translation of the Talmud
- note that important sections are highlighted in light blue

[Edited on December 14, 2004 at 1:27 PM. Reason : `]

12/14/2004 1:25:19 PM

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Harold Rosenthal was the Jewish administrative assistant to Senator Jacob K. Javits of New York. In a shocking 1976 interview, Rosenthal admitted the Jewish Conspiracy for world domination and control. In the revealing interview, Rosenthal discusses Jewish domination of the U.S. government and media, Jewish manipulation of the U.S. public through propaganda, Jewish manipulation of U.S. Christian Churches, Jewish control of the banking and monetary system, the true mindset and religion of Jews, and much more. Rosenthal was killed under suspicious circumstances shortly after this interview was conducted (in what was officially called a "hijacking" attempt). It appears most likely that Rosenthal was killed for revealing this information, and the "hijacking" was a cover for the murder.

Harold Rosenthal interview:

The following is an excellent article from the webiste "Jews Against Zionism" which argues that Zionism instigates "anti-Semitism" and has caused much of the Jewish suffering in Palestine and the rest of the world. The article shows that Zionism was allied with the Nazis in forcing Jews to go to Palestine and discusses how Zionism thrives and depends on anti-Semitism in countries around the world to motivate Jews to move to Palestine. Zionists manufacture and sponser hatred against Jews to further their goals.


The Hidden History of Zionism by Ralph Schoenman (book is presented online)

[Edited on December 14, 2004 at 7:33 PM. Reason : `]

12/14/2004 7:15:52 PM

All American
2715 Posts
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holocaust is a hoax????

so the records, the photographs, and the memories from WWII vets (INCLUDING German) and actual victims are all falsified?

12/14/2004 7:36:47 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"holocaust is a hoax????

so the records, the photographs, and the memories from WWII vets (INCLUDING German) and actual victims are all falsified?"

Yes. A very profitable hoax. The evidence proves it.

First of all, you must have an open mind on the issue. If the Holocaust is true, then no one should be afraid of people asking questions and investigating what really happened. But the Jews and others are hostile to anyone who asks questions or seeks to investigate the evidence. Why is that? It is because they are afraid that the truth will come to light.

The stories of gas chambers are lies and the 6 million number is a gross exaggeration. Even Jews have admitted that the 6 million number is too high. David Irving, one of the most respected historians in the world, is of the opinion that the Holocaust was a hoax. After meticulous research, Irving has failed to find an order by Hitler or any German authority to "exterminate the Jews" (even though the Germans are noted for extensive record keeping). No such order exists. He also has found that the stories of the gas chambers are outright lies.

To the contrary, orders have been found to lower the death rate at the camps. The supposed "death camps" were in reality slave labor camps. The Germans used these prisoners to manufacure war-time products. Furthermore, it was not only Jews in the camps, but Germans, non-Jewish Poles, and many others. The photographs of emaciated bodies at the end of the war were of prisoners who died of disease and starvation due to the cutting off of the supply lines into Germany by the Allies. Many of the prisoners at the camps were still alive when they were liberated by the Allies. That alone is evidence that the camps were not "extermination" camps.

One of the main pieces of "evidence" of the gas chambers is a "confession" signed by Rudolf Hoess. It has come to light that this "confession" was extracted by torture. This "confession" has no validity whatsoever. Furthermore, absolutely no evidence of the supposed gas chambers has been found. Many former prisoners in the camps and German officers have come forth and testified that there were no gas chambers.

The Zionists were allied with the Nazis. Powerful Zionist bankers funded the Nazis. The World Zionist Organization refused an offer to rescue Jews in Nazi occupied territories saying that they need Jewish blood spilled in order to having an powerful position at the bargaining table when arguing for a "Jewish homeland" in Palestine.

The Allies and the Zionists have a continuing interest in perpetuating the Holocaust lie. The Zionists in order to: 1) continue the billions of dollars in aid to Israel; 2) reap billions of dollars in "reparations" for the "gassings" (which did not occur); 3) instill guilt in the Christian world; and 4) act as a cover for crimes by Jews against the Palestinians. The Allies had the incentive of villifying the Nazis and the German people as further justification for the costs of the war.

You probably don't take my word for the above (as you shouldn't). If you really want to know the truth, you need to investigate the facts on your own. Here are some good articles I have come accross on the subject:

1. (short article)
2. (long, but excellent information, including the research of historian David Irving)
4. (Auschwitz Museum Director
Reveals 'Gas Chamber' Hoax)

[Edited on December 14, 2004 at 8:13 PM. Reason : `]

12/14/2004 8:03:37 PM

9434 Posts
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Good article on the ADL:

12/30/2004 1:34:26 PM

All American
8345 Posts
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is this thread not about wrestling?

12/30/2004 2:05:53 PM

All American
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when yer nwo
yer nwo 4 life

12/30/2004 2:10:39 PM

All American
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Quote :
"First of all, you must have an open mind on the issue. If the Holocaust is true, then no one should be afraid of people asking questions and investigating what really happened. But the Jews and others are hostile to anyone who asks questions or seeks to investigate the evidence. Why is that? It is because they are afraid that the truth will come to light."

I can understand why Jews would not want to discuss it. I dont think discussing my family being burned in incinerators and persecuted would be very pleasing. Also, that comment indicates that EVERY JEW knows that there is a conspiracy. if this were so, wouldnt SOMEONE have leaked even a little bit so that this topic would not be so unfamiliar to most of us?

got a relative who went to vietnam? ask him about it and see how much he wants to discuss.

Regardless of what is exaggerated or not, many millions of Jews met their fate at the hands of the Holocaust. I do not know of a link, but the sheer numbers of Jews the were unaccounted for after the war proves this fact. Data has even shown that many of those unaccounted for were the very young and the elderly. Going by this and the memories from the Allies, the victims, and even those who performed these acts, there is no reason to beleive that many Jews did not die in the Holocaust.

not everything has an underlying conspiracy. go study the JFK assasination or something.

[Edited on December 30, 2004 at 4:57 PM. Reason : .]

12/30/2004 4:56:11 PM

All American
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JLCayton, for goodness sakes! Please do not encourage him. He is beyond reason, you might as well argue with a water fountain or a Personal Computer. All it can do is regurgitate what it has.

[Edited on December 30, 2004 at 5:51 PM. Reason : a]

12/30/2004 5:50:53 PM

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Jewish writer Joel Stein's article in the L.A. Times gloats over Jewish Control of Hollywood and the media.,1,4621281.column?coll=la-sunday-commentary&ctrack=1&cset=true

here's the entire article...

Quote :
"Why Hot, WASPy Chicks Love Jews

Joel Stien
January 9, 2005

This is embarrassing to admit, but we thought you didn't like us. So while we Jews were controlling the media, we tried to avoid putting actual Jewish characters in front of you. Seinfield, sure. But we made George Costanza Italian. We gave Craig Kilborn a talk show.

But now that you've spent about $200 million to laugh at Ben Stiller's mega-Jewish parents dealing with his WASPy soon-to-be-in-laws in "Meet the Fockers," we feel comfortable showing you our big Jewish selves. Philosemetism, which is so new we had to invent a word for it, has led to a whole new genre: Jewsploitation.

In addition to "Fockers," there's the movie "The Hebrew Hammer," Heeb magazine, Jewcy clothing, Adam Sandler's "Hanukkah Song" and his animated film "Eight Crazy Nights," and an upcoming collection of bar mitzvah stories called "Bar Mitzvah Disco."

The fact that young Jews in Hollywood feel comfortable creating Jewy characters isn't surprising. That's what happens when you forget to stop scaring us. You let us into your country clubs, gave us your women and encouraged our most annoyingly self-righteous member to run for president. So now that we've assimilated to the point where we're completely the same as white people, we're trying to re-create a community by shoving our culture down your throats. The bizarre part is that the same masses who saw "The Passion of the Christ" are into it.

With "Meet the Fockers," otherwise sane people in red states were willing to fork over $6 — or however much they pay for movies in their Third World economy — to hang out with my parents for two hours. The success of "Meet the Fockers" shows that America is familiar and comfortable enough with Judaism to get the jokes. Al Jazeera may be right.

The stereotype in Jewsploitation isn't the neurotic, nervous Jews of Woody Allen films, which you guys never seemed to like much. The Jews in "The Fockers" are loud, inappropriate, obsessed with sex and bodily functions, overly affectionate, liberal, earthy and smothering.

These traits seem to amuse people who don't get two helpings of it a day from parents who can't seem to understand that this is precisely why we moved 3,000 miles away to Los Angeles.

But they are also the traits that eventually teach the WASP parents in "Fockers" to loosen up and enjoy life. It's the same function black people perform when they are forced to be in movies with Steve Martin. Blacks do voodoo; Jews do therapy. We both are portrayed as clownish people who eat too much, talk loudly, rebel against authority, use colorful slang, over-emote, are too in touch with our bodies and are clannish. We happen to be the only two groups of people in the world who don't just pretend but actually enjoy jazz.

Josh Neuman, the editor of the Jewsploitation magazine Heeb, is concerned about this new role. Then again, like most Jews, he's concerned about everything.

"It's a kind of a fetishization of the Jew," he said. "In the middle-American mind, Jews are beloved people. They're a special kind of Christian. They're like babies. They haven't yet matured into full-fledged humans. I don't think it's 'Meet the Fockers' today, Kristallnacht tomorrow. But I don't think kabbalah is a good thing."

Neuman has a point about this fetishization thing. Like the assimilated Ben Stiller character who marries Teri Polo in "Meet the Fockers," super-WASPy women seem to be into us. Suzanne Somers once told me that Jews make good husbands because we have good relationships with our mothers.

Good relationship, suffocation, what's the difference? The point is Suzanne Somers likes us.

And I love Jewsploitation. It's what we were doing already anyway. When you belong to a people who can completely pass as white, you have the luxury of exploiting your difference when it's to your advantage and hiding it when it's not. It's why we crafted this clever but adorably harmless image. We've infantilized ourselves. Because hot WASPy chicks love babies. "

1/12/2005 12:37:49 PM

9434 Posts
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Good article on the Holocaust Hoax:

Holocaust Math - Many Unanswered Questions:

1/12/2005 12:48:24 PM

9434 Posts
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How many really died?...

Auschwitz Dead: The Numbers Decline, The Controversy Increases

Auschwitz - The Final Count

1/21/2005 11:57:02 AM

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Good article by Henry Makow (a Canadian Jew)

Protocols Offer Key to Our Exasperation

(Referring to the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion")

[Edited on January 24, 2005 at 10:34 AM. Reason : `]

1/24/2005 10:33:13 AM

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Lets stop with the Auschwitz lies

Many photos of the camp, showing that it was a work camp (not a death camp).

[Edited on January 25, 2005 at 11:14 PM. Reason : `]

1/25/2005 11:14:37 PM

Mr. Joshua
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The photos are mostly of pre-war facilities that existed when the area was a Polish military base. All that this page does is show pictures of buildings and then provide creative descriptions of them. It never proves that the buildings shown were for prisoners, as opposed to being for the recreation of the large German garrison there.

What about the stories from Holocaust survivors? Did all of the Jews in Europe get together in 1945 and decide to create an elaborate hoax? I've met survivors and I've talked to veterans who liberated those camps, are they all lying? Once again, you've provided crackpot theories without a shred of credible evidence.

If you respond to this, respond to all of it, not just the easiest part.

Keep on keepin' on buddy.

1/26/2005 12:36:01 AM

All American
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Karl Marx, and communist country ever in existance not only denounced judism, but every other religion as well. In fact Marx has been, on several occasions called an anti-semite (refering to him being anti jewish).

"The bill of exchange(money) is the real god of the Jews." - Karl Marx from his work "The Jewish Question"

I agree that the original books of the Jewish religion are racist and murderous, but then so are the Christian and Muslim books.

Although many jews-by-blood may have contributed to communism and bolshevism, communism is not in even the least way jewish

1/26/2005 1:43:14 AM

Shivan Bird
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Will you guys quit responding? I want to see how many he'll post in a row.

I mean, I don't want you assholes to interupt him telling me how the jews have everyone fooled except for people with racist geocities sites.

1/26/2005 10:34:49 AM

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Excellent article...

Lies Of The Holocaust Industry

archived by rense:

1/27/2005 12:29:24 PM

Mr. Joshua
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The Tehran Times? Could you please find an unbiased source like I asked?

1/27/2005 12:33:44 PM

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Jewish population losses in the German sphere of influence during the World War II

Quote :
"In 1983, Walter Sanning, an American of German descent, published a book which, despite certain shortcomings, is still far and away the most serious study of Jewish population losses during the Second World War.


Sanning concludes that about one and a half million Jews lost their lives during the Second World War, but that most of them were killed as soldiers on the battlefield or or perished in the Soviet territories which were never occupied by the Germans. According to his calculations, only some hundreds of thousands of Jews disappeared in German-controlled Europe."

[Edited on January 28, 2005 at 11:16 AM. Reason : `]

1/28/2005 11:14:58 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"In the summer of 1941, after the German preventive attack against the USSR"

Quote :
"the victorious Wehrmacht liberated Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia from the Bolshevist yoke"

Quote :
"Benz, who is heading a pro-Zionist propaganda institute in Berlin, is not Jewish. He is a particulary nasty specimen of the political prostitutes who have been flourishing in occupied Germany ever since 1945 "

This guy sounds convinced that the Nazis were pretty good guys and that anyone who says otherwise is a whore to the Jews.

His argument is asinine as well. Its all based on erroneous assumptions with little to no factual evidence.

1/28/2005 11:51:10 AM

All American
7551 Posts
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salisburyboy sounds a lot like a skinhead.

my grandfather liberated some holocaust camps in europe. i assure you, they were not hoaxes.

1/28/2005 3:17:38 PM

All American
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Quote :
"To begin with, I do not hate the Jewish people or their race."

Two things:

1) Judaism isn't a race, it's a religious belief system. When I converted to Judaism, I didn't magically change my race. I adopted a belief system.

2) You're full of shit.

1/28/2005 9:54:06 PM

All American
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1. The term jew can correctly refer to someone of hebrew decent OR someone of that native religion.

2. If you converted to judaism and you are not of hebrew decent, you are a retard. 'Your' god only has one people and it's the hebrews. Basically 'your' god doesnt like you, read the Torah.

1/28/2005 10:16:38 PM

All American
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who the hell converts to judaism

1/28/2005 10:19:13 PM

All American
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1/28/2005 10:20:29 PM

All American
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1/28/2005 10:24:04 PM

181 Posts
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Quote :
" who the hell converts to judaism "

Awesome people, because Jews are hot!

1/29/2005 12:14:27 AM

All American
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for about 5 minutes, then they blow up

[Edited on January 29, 2005 at 12:33 AM. Reason : sdf]

1/29/2005 12:32:33 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Awesome people, because Jews are hot!"

hot out of the oven the oven that is!

see the holocaust can be funny

1/29/2005 1:04:09 AM

Shivan Bird
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I'd pay Salisburyboy to give me a tour of the Holocaust museum in Washington.

"Those videos of people looking like skeletons? That's just outtakes from a Marilyn Manson video."

"Anne Frank! Ha! She never existed. Why do you think everyone in the attic 'died' at the end?"

1/29/2005 1:40:13 PM

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Excellent article:

Auschwitz: Myths and Facts

Quote :
"Four Million Victims?

At the postwar Nuremberg Tribunal, the Allies charged that the Germans exterminated four million people at Auschwitz. This figure, which was invented by the Soviets, was uncritically accepted for many years. It often appeared in major American newspapers and magazines, for example. [1]

Today no reputable historian, not even those who generally accept the extermination story, believes this figure. Israeli Holocaust historian Yehuda Bauer said in 1989 that it is time to finally acknowledge the familiar four million figure is a deliberate myth. In July 1990 the Auschwitz State Museum in Poland, along with Israel's Yad Vashem Holocaust Center, suddenly announced that altogether perhaps one million people (both Jews and non-Jews) died there. Neither institution would say how many of these people were killed, nor were any estimates given of the numbers of those supposedly gassed. [2] One prominent Holocaust historian, Gerald Reitlinger, has estimated that perhaps 700,000 or so Jews perished at Auschwitz. More recently, Holocaust historian Jean-Claude Pressac has estimated that about 800,000 persons -- of whom 630,000 were Jewish -- perished at Auschwitz. While even such lower figures are incorrect, they show how the Auschwitz story has changed drastically over the years. [3]


Survivor Testimony

Former inmates have confirmed that they saw no evidence of extermination at Auschwitz.

An Austrian woman, Maria Vanherwaarden, testified about her camp experiences in a Toronto District Court in March 1988. She was interned in Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1942 for having sexual relations with a Polish forced laborer. On the train trip to the camp, a Gypsy woman told her and the others that they would all be gassed at Auschwitz.

Upon arrival, Maria and the other women were ordered to undress and go into a large concrete room without windows to take a shower. The terrified women were sure that they were about to die. But then, instead of gas, water came out of the shower heads.

Auschwitz was no vacation center, Maria confirmed. She witnessed the death of many fellow inmates by disease, particularly typhus, and quite a few committed suicide. But she saw no evidence at all of mass killings, gassings, or of any extermination program. [13]

A Jewish woman named Marika Frank arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau from Hungary in July 1944, when 25,000 Jews were supposedly gassed and cremated daily. She likewise testified after the war that she heard and saw nothing of "gas chambers" during the time she was interned there. She heard the gassing stories only later. [14]"

1/29/2005 5:00:11 PM

Shivan Bird
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Seriously, will you give me a tour of the holocaust museum?

1/29/2005 5:18:22 PM

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The Liberation Of The Camps - Facts To Consider

Quote :
"When American and British forces overran western and central Germany in the spring of 1945, they were followed by troops charged with discovering and securing any evidence of German war crimes.

Among them was Dr. Charles Larson, one of America's leading forensic pathologists, who was assigned to the US Army's Judge Advocate General's Department. As part of a US War Crimes Investigation Team, Dr. Larson performed autopsies at Dachau and some twenty other German camps, examining on some days more than 100 corpses. After his grim work at Dachau, he was questioned for three days by US Army prosecutors. [1]

Dr. Larson's findings? In an 1980 newspaper interview he said: "What we've heard is that six million Jews were exterminated. Part of that is a hoax." [2] And what part was the hoax? Dr. Larson, who told his biographer that to his knowledge he "was the only forensic pathologist on duty in the entire European Theater" of Allied military operations, [3] confirmed that "never was a case of poison gas uncovered." [4]


As Dr. Larson and other Allied medical men discovered, the chief cause of death at Dachau, Belsen and the other camps was disease, above all typhus, an old and terrible scourge of mankind that until recently flourished in places where populations were crowded together in circumstances where public health measures were unknown or had broken down. Such was the case in the overcrowded internment camps in Germany at war's end, where, despite such measures as systematic delousing, quarantine of the sick and cremation of the dead, the virtual collapse of Germany's food, transport, and public health systems led to catastrophe.


Dr. Gordon's findings are corroborated by Dr. Russell Barton, today a psychiatrist of international repute, who entered Bergen-Belsen with British forces as a young medical student in 1945. Barton, who volunteered to care for the diseased survivors, testified under sworn oath in a Toronto courtroom in 1985 that "Thousands of prisoners who died at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp during World War II weren't deliberately starved to death but died from a rash of diseases." [6]

Dr. Barton further testified that on entering the camp he had credited stories of deliberate starvation but decided such stories were untrue after inspecting the well equipped kitchens and the meticulously maintained ledgers, dating back to 1942, of food cooked and dispensed each day.

Despite noisily publicized claims and widespread popular notions to the contrary, no researcher has been able to document a German policy of extermination through starvation in the German camps.

[Edited on January 29, 2005 at 5:24 PM. Reason : `]

1/29/2005 5:21:02 PM

Shivan Bird
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1/29/2005 5:25:38 PM

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How Not To Be Interviewed By CNN About The Holocaust

Quote :
"One of them asked if I believed in the Holocaust. "Do I believe Jews died or do I believe 6,000,000 Jews were gassed and cremated?" I responded. The latter, she said. "No - that's complete rubbish, as a little logic will demonstrate," I replied. "Here, let me explain."

"Consider why Germany, fighting a war on two fronts, desperate for fuel and materiel of every sort, would bother to load millions of Jews on railroad cars and transport them hundreds, even thousands, of miles to concentration camps. Camps built specifically to house them, where they would be fed, clothed, even tattooed so they could be inventoried...just to kill them."

"Look," I continued, "it doesn't even begin to make sense. If they wanted Jews dead, they would have done it the same way that Russian Jews had been doing it to millions and millions (20 to 80 million, depending upon to whom you talk) of White Christians for the past thirty years at the time: with a bullet to the base of the skull, wherever they might be found."

There was a long pause. I used it to add: "As my buddy Al likes to say, 'In all of German-occupied Europe, there were 2.4 million Jews. After the war, 3.8 million Jews applied for Holocaust reparations. Tragically, the remaining 6 million were lost.'"

More silence. (I imagined her feverishly taking notes.) "Did you know that WWII wasn't the first time that Jews claimed 6,000,000 of their number were eradicated in a genocidal frenzy?" I asked. "No - no, I didn't," came the tentative response. "WWI," I said. "They made the exact, same claim, but they would like us to forget about that now. And that wasn't the first time either. You might ask what is so magic about the 6 million figure - well, it derives from their Talmud, which teaches that their Messiah will not come until 6 million Jews are slaughtered." I resisted the almost-overwhelming urge to point out that Israel's current Jewish population is just about 6 million and then ask if she believed in religious prophecy.

"How do you know this is true?" she asked.

"Well, the Talmud is there for anybody to read. Besides, they keep changing the plaques at Auschwitz. First it was 4 million killed there, said the memorial plaque, which now has been replaced with a plaque that claims 1.5 million. Even so, the 6 million figure never got knocked down by the 2.5 million Auschwitz reduction."

1/29/2005 5:51:39 PM

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A Prominent False Witness: Elie Wiesel

Quote :
"But in what respect is Elie Wiesel a witness to the alleged gas chambers? By what right does he ask us to believe in that means of extermination? In an autobiographical book that supposedly describes his experiences at Auschwitz and Buchenwald, he nowhere mentions the gas chambers. [2] He does indeed say that the Germans executed Jews, but ... by fire; by throwing them alive into flaming ditches, before the very eyes of the deportees! No less than that!

Here Wiesel the false witness had some bad luck. Forced to choose from among several Allied war propaganda lies, he chose to defend the fire lie instead of the boiling water, gassing, or electrocution lies. In 1956, when he published his testimony in Yiddish, the fire lie was still alive in certain circles. This lie is the origin of the term Holocaust. Today there is no longer a single historian who believes that Jews were burned alive. The myths of the boiling water and of electrocution have also disappeared. Only the gas remains.

The gassing lie was spread by the Americans. [3] The lie that Jews were killed by boiling water or steam (specifically at Treblinka) was spread by the Poles. [4] The electrocution lie was spread by the Soviets. [5]

The fire lie is of undetermined origin. It is in a sense as old as war propaganda or hate propaganda.

1/29/2005 6:24:32 PM

3 of 11
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1/29/2005 6:42:18 PM

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How clever! The "Nazi" smear campaign. Why not throw in accusations of "racist" and "bigot" as well?

The Zionists were allied with the Nazis, and Zionism promotes and thrives on 'anti-Semitism.' The Zionists fund and create 'anti-Semitism' to achive their goals. In the two articles below, Jewish authors admit this:

Zionists Made A Deal With The Devil

Zionism Promotes Anti-Semitism

[Edited on January 29, 2005 at 7:13 PM. Reason : `]

1/29/2005 7:09:10 PM

Shivan Bird
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1/29/2005 7:44:49 PM

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That picture sure proves a lot. Who are the dead? Are they Jews? Or are they Poles and non-Jewish Germans? Little can be said of how they died from the picture alone (although we now know that most died from disease in the camps).

1/29/2005 8:18:37 PM

Mr. Joshua
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^In a letter from SS-Sturmbannfuehrer Jahrling to SS-General Kammler, the cremating
capacity of the five Auschwitz crematoriums is specified as 4,756 per 24 working hours.
^note man in SS uniform firing pistol at wounded woman

^exexcution of Jew in Nazi occupied Ukraine

This all Zionist propoganda.

[Edited on January 29, 2005 at 11:00 PM. Reason : .]

1/29/2005 10:57:08 PM

Shivan Bird
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Quote :
"Jewish survivors stand in an opened mass grave among the exhumed bodies of the victims of a mass shooting in Biala Podlaska."

[Edited on January 29, 2005 at 10:59 PM. Reason : 66]

1/29/2005 10:59:15 PM

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Germany Charges Ernst Zundel With Hate Crimes

Quote :
"German prosecutors accuse Mr. Zundel of decades of anti-Semitic activities, including repeated denials of the Holocaust - a crime in Germany.

Prosecutors obtained an arrest warrant for him in 2003. Because Mr. Zundel's Holocaust-denying Web site is available in Germany, he is considered to be spreading his message to Germans.

Canadian authorities deported Mr. Zundel, 65, after a federal judge ruled that his activities were a threat to national and international security. "

This man has committed no crime. He has done nothing more than exercise his right to freedom of speech. So-called "hate crime" laws are an attack on freedom of speech. Why are these people afraid of free speech? What are they hiding? Think about it.

Letters in response to Ernst Zundel deportation

[Edited on March 2, 2005 at 1:39 PM. Reason : `]

3/2/2005 1:26:07 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"This man has committed no crime. He has done nothing more than exercise his right to freedom of speech. So-called "hate crime" laws are an attack on freedom of speech."

Actually, he has committed a crime. Nazi memorabilia and Nazi hate speech are illegal in Germany. Ernst Zundel is a German citizen, despite his having lived in Canada for a number of years. By making a website sympathetic to Nazis available in Germany he broke German law.

German courts stated:
Quote :
"The prohibited utterance, that there was no persecution of the Jews during the Third Reich, is a factual assertion that has been proven untrue according to innumerable eyewitness accounts and documents, to court findings in numerous criminal cases, and to historians' conclusions. Taken on its own, therefore, a statement having this content does not enjoy the protection of freedom of expression"

So, yes, he can be prosecuted for violating German law.

Quote :
"Why are these people afraid of free speech? What are they hiding? Think about it."

They fear a revival of the Nazi party. That should be obvious to everyone.

Why didn't you ever address the numerous Holocaust pictures in this thread? Did you ignore them for a month hoping they would go away?

3/2/2005 2:25:25 PM

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Exercising your right to freedom of speech cannot be made a crime. For example, if the U.S. Congress, or any state, passed laws criminalizing certain political views and speech, those laws would be unconstitutional. Even if people were arrested and convicted under those "laws", they still would have not commited a crime because the laws they were convicted under violate the Constitution and are void.

It does not matter that Zundel is a Canadian citizen. The Declaration of Independence makes clear that our rights are given to us by our Creator. Rights are NOT granted by the government. The government only exists to secure those rights. Every human being has inherent rights (that cannot be taken away by any man-made government). Among those rights is freedom of speech.

[Edited on March 3, 2005 at 10:39 PM. Reason : `]

3/3/2005 10:15:22 PM

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