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 Message Boards » » Mods, suspend 30thAnnZ, abonorio, and other trolls Page 1 [2] 3, Prev Next  
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isnt salisburyboy one of those hardcore, the government is out to get you type of people?

5/18/2006 7:02:05 PM

All American
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SB: i want links from your threads that will prove your case that you do support your arguments

as of now, you haven't proven anything to me

[Edited on May 18, 2006 at 7:05 PM. Reason : ]

5/18/2006 7:05:28 PM

9434 Posts
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abonorio's back at it again

suspend this whining, bitching troll

5/23/2006 8:01:04 AM

All American
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5/23/2006 9:10:20 AM

All American
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This is very classic. You try to silence those you don't agree with. Why don't you refute my points. All I try to do is have a decent dicussion and EVERYONE can see that I do rebut everything you say and give legitimate links to legitimate MSM websites and all you do is troll me and try to get me suspended. Are you really that afraid of what I have to say?

5/23/2006 9:35:23 AM

Thots and Prayers
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I was going to suspend all of these trolls, but I got notice from the Zionists that I should not do so.

5/23/2006 9:41:17 AM

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Quote :
"This is very classic. You try to silence those you don't agree with."

I'm not arguing that you should be silenced. Rather, just merely suspended temporarily and sent a message that your trolling, bitching, and whining won't be tolerated.

You guys, on the other hand, are trying to get me permanently suspended or banned from the SB. All when I'm doing absolutely nothing wrong or breaking any rules to let alone warrant a temporary suspension. This is because you want to silence my viewpoint.

5/23/2006 10:02:41 AM

Thots and Prayers
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It's pretty much like wanting the screaming child on the airplane three rows away to be silenced.

5/23/2006 10:07:51 AM

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Quote :
"It's pretty much like wanting the screaming child on the airplane three rows away to be silenced."

The "screaming children" are Woodfoot, abonorio, 30thAnnz, JonHGuth, and a few other trolls who spam the SB with cheese threads and other silly nonsense, troll and spam my threads in order to harass me, curse and insult me like obnoxious 3rd graders, and even tell me they wish I was dead.

I'm doing nothing of that sort. I try to be respectful, serious, and discuss important topics. Some of my opinions may be minority viewpoints, but that is hardly a reason to silence, censor, or suspend anyone.

[Edited on May 23, 2006 at 10:30 AM. Reason : ```]

5/23/2006 10:26:51 AM

31803 Posts
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who's the crying bitch now, asshat?

5/23/2006 10:29:59 AM

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Bitching is when you are complaining for no good reason--such as trolls like you constantly calling for my suspension when it's blatantly obvious that I'm doing nothing wrong...other than hold viewpoints you wish to silence.

I, on the other hand, have a damn good reason to call for your suspension--given your constant trolling, spamming, harassment, and bitching and whining.

5/23/2006 10:32:29 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I try to be respectful"
except to jews and blacks and probably latinos

5/23/2006 10:50:46 AM

31803 Posts
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who's the crying bitch now, asshat?


5/23/2006 10:56:46 AM

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The point is that I don't generally harass others users and behave like an obnoxious child insulting people, calling them names, harassing them, spamming their threads with crap in the deliberate attempt to mess up their threads, and even saying I wish they were dead. The only times I "call people names" are instances like this where I call a spade a spade and point out that you guys are "whining bitching trolls"...which is the truth. I don't begin argements or make it the central point of my "argument" to insult people and call them names--like you and the other members of the SB troll brigade do.

5/23/2006 11:01:56 AM

All American
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or calling jews edomites

and other fun stuff like that

5/23/2006 11:04:26 AM

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How about calling them Semites?

Edomite is just as legitimate as Semite. Both are legitimate terms referring to specific races of people.

5/23/2006 11:07:04 AM

All American
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or saying they're trying to eliminate white people

how bout that one

5/23/2006 11:07:50 AM

All American
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or when you blatantly titled a thread calling them the sons of satan?

5/23/2006 11:11:01 AM

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I didn't say all Jews were trying to exterminate white people. By no means. Even the title of the thread makes that clear. It is a cabal--ie, small group or faction--of powerful Jewish Zionists who have control over our government (and the other Western governments), and are doing this.

But please. Let's continue to make this a thread where I have to defend myself against constant lies and misrepresentations.

5/23/2006 11:11:19 AM

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Quote :
"or when you blatantly titled a thread calling them the sons of satan?"

Well, whatever accusation you want to make against me for that, you can make against the Bible. I didn't base that statement on something I dreamed up...

Revelation 2:9: "I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

5/23/2006 11:14:05 AM

All American
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or you could keep making it one where you keep repeating constant lies

and proving why we want you suspended

5/23/2006 11:14:14 AM

All American
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Quote :
"or when you blatantly titled a thread calling them the sons of satan?"

he's got you there.

Dude, we're not trying to silence your point of view. Quite the opposite. If you want to believe insane batshit conspiracy theory, go ahead, be a scientologist for all I care. What I do care about is the fact that you are the master spammer. We ask simple and direct questions which you only answer in the form of a copied and pasted article. That is what we have a problem with. If you were a constructive member of the SB community, you could post this shit all you wanted and we'd actually entertain it while calling absolutely insane. But it gets rather annoying when we say, "hey how do you answer this" and we get

Quote :
"batshittheory batshittheory batshittheory batshittheory batshittheory batshittheory batshittheory batshittheory batshittheory batshittheory batshittheory batshittheory batshittheory"

Remember how annoying those cheese posts got? Yeah, that's how annoyed we are everytime we see something following the pattern a few lines up. Shape up and we'll accept you.

[Edited on May 23, 2006 at 11:16 AM. Reason : .]

5/23/2006 11:15:41 AM

All American
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Quote :
"or you could keep making it one where you keep repeating constant lies"

5/23/2006 11:15:48 AM

All American
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nowhere in that verse do i see the phrase "sons of satan"

5/23/2006 11:16:19 AM

All American
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oh silly, don't listen to the edomites. son of satan is the real translation

[Edited on May 23, 2006 at 11:18 AM. Reason : .]

5/23/2006 11:17:58 AM

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Quote :
"and proving why we want you suspended"

We already know why you want me suspended. BECAUSE YOU STRONGLY DISAGREE WITH MY VIEWPOINTS. That's it. That's why you're bringing up my views on the Jews, etc.

You can't cite one good rule I've broken or anything I'm doing wrong that warrants anything approaching a suspension.

TO THE CONTRARY, this thread is proving why you and the other SB trolls need to be suspended--ie, your constant bitching trying to silence me when I'm doing nothing wrong, and brining to attention your trolling and spamming in the SB.

5/23/2006 11:18:27 AM

All American
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Quote :
"You can't cite one good rule I've broken or anything I'm doing wrong that warrants anything approaching a suspension"

spam. Read my post above or just ignore it like you ignore all the other questions we ask you.

5/23/2006 11:19:13 AM

All American
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whats funny is

the verse is probably more accurate describing the aryan anti-semites like salisburyboy who claim big burly norse vikings are the real Israelites

5/23/2006 11:19:47 AM

All American
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5/23/2006 11:20:06 AM

31803 Posts
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who's the crying bitch now, asshat?


5/23/2006 11:20:30 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Go light with the insults - It is welcomed to attack someone's ideas but please refrain attacking character.
Watch the language - it would be ridiculous to ask a bunch of college students to eliminate the use of foul language in their discussion, that is not what I am asking. Just keep the 4 letter words out of the subjects of the message. The idea is for any new user to have to click 3-4 times before he/she gets offended
Don't incriminate yourself - There is always the chance that a member of law enforcement could browse this board. Do not post anything that will incriminate you or someone else.
Post new threads in the right section - Save us the trouble of having to move your topic to the correct section. Post in the right section to begin with. Additionally, if you post the same topic in multiple sections or post a dummy topic pointing to a topic in another section, this is grounds for immediate suspension. Nothing pisses us off more than seeing "I posted this in <insert right section> but no one looks there so now I am posting it in <insert wrong section> to get more attention". The Wolf Web does provide free advertising and attention, in the CORRECT places.
Stay On-Topic - Try to stick with the topic. If you have something important to say that doesn't relate to the topic, then start a new topic. If you have something useless to say, keep it to yourself.
Be thoughtful/humorous - Hundreds of people browse the message board each day. Before you post something, think to yourself, "would the majority of the users want to read this?". If the answer is "no", then don't post it.
No threads directed personally - Do you think the other thousand people on this site want to read some personal shit between you and your buddy? - NO. Use mail instead.
Do not consecutively reply to a topic - If you are within the alloted timespan for editing a message that no one has replied to and you think of something to add, EDIT the message. DO NOT REPLY AGAIN. Constant abuse of this will not be tolerated.
Do not fuck with the moderators - Not really a requirement, but more of a suggestion. A key suggestion: If they contact you in private about an issue, reply back in private. There is nothing that pisses them off more than you publicly broadcasting information meant for just you.
since you want to play mr. legalism now

show me "trolling" or "bitching" on there



If you have something useless to say, keep it to yourself.
show me one useful thing your threads have
show me why the edomites being sons of satan is fucking useful to the soapbox

Hundreds of people browse the message board each day. Before you post something, think to yourself, "would the majority of the users want to read this?". If the answer is "no", then don't post it.

so go fuck yourself

[Edited on May 23, 2006 at 11:24 AM. Reason : mr. legalism]

5/23/2006 11:22:12 AM

All American
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Quote :
"We already know why you want me suspended. BECAUSE YOU STRONGLY DISAGREE WITH MY VIEWPOINTS."

wait wait,....who am i??........."STRAWMAN MUCH?"

5/23/2006 11:22:17 AM

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Quote :
"you ignore all the other questions we ask you"

That's complete bullshit. I don't ignore all questions. I respond to MANY, MANY questions posed by other useers. Anyone who's seen my threads knows that. And I'm doing it right here in this very thread. But yet, idiots like you will have us believe that I "ignore ALL questions." What a joke.

And even if I do ignore some of the questions of a more trolling nature (eg, Mr. Joshua's "questions"), how is that wrong?....let alone a suspendable "offense"? It's not. It's not a rule that you must respond to every single question someone poses.

Now deal with it troll.

5/23/2006 11:23:05 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Anyone who's seen my threads knows that."

...oh really??

anyone who has seen your threads knows all you do is ignore questions. anytime someone starts calling you out on your bullcrap you just post some crappy article from

i dont care if you respond or not....but dont act like you do

[Edited on May 23, 2006 at 11:25 AM. Reason : 666]

5/23/2006 11:24:25 AM

All American
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ok, how about you keep ignoring the questions I presented. You replied to my reply to you to stop ignoring my questions.

So you're still ignoring.

You know you're the biggest bitchass troll out of everyone here. You spam more, insult more, and troll more than anyone else. You're whining is quite unbecoming. But what can I expect of a jew hating aryan with a complex of inferiority?

5/23/2006 11:25:01 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Anyone who's seen my threads knows that."

Can you give me five people dude? Can you give me just FIVE people? Please? That's three questions go find them.

5/23/2006 11:25:45 AM

31803 Posts
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who's the crying bitch now, asshat?


5/23/2006 11:26:00 AM

All American
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Quote :

If you have something useless to say, keep it to yourself.
show me one useful thing your threads have
show me why the edomites being sons of satan is fucking useful to the soapbox

Hundreds of people browse the message board each day. Before you post something, think to yourself, "would the majority of the users want to read this?". If the answer is "no", then don't post it.

so go fuck yourself

5/23/2006 11:26:18 AM

All American
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haha, gg there buddy, gg

5/23/2006 11:27:02 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"You know you're the biggest bitchass troll out of everyone here. You spam more, insult more, and troll more than anyone else. You're whining is quite unbecoming. But what can I expect of a jew hating aryan with a complex of inferiority?

Am I sensing some desperation?

Quote :
"would the majority of the users want to read this?". If the answer is "no", then don't post it"

Wait. So you're telling me this is a rigid rule saying that if 51% of tww users would not want to read (or don't agree with) something, then you can't post it? I guess that would mean anyone supporting George W. Bush can't post then, right? Don't you see that if that was a hard rule, it would prevent the posting of minority viewpoints? It's not a hard rule. It's a posting guideline.

5/23/2006 11:36:36 AM

All American
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Yeah, but when not 1% of tdub wants to read it, maybe you should reconsider.

5/23/2006 11:44:03 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Can you give me five people dude? Can you give me just FIVE people? Please? That's three questions go find them."

Since you won't answer that.

Go find one fucking perosn. Just one.

5/23/2006 11:44:33 AM

31803 Posts
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who's the crying bitch now, asshat?


5/23/2006 11:55:09 AM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Go find one fucking perosn. Just one.

One person that what?

5/23/2006 12:02:49 PM

All American
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you dont know the question??...he asked it like five posts ago..

geez dont even read the questions people ask wonder you dont ever answer them

5/23/2006 12:04:03 PM

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Find someone who knows I respond to questions? Wow, those should be SO hard to find.

Oh, what am I doing right here in this thread? Responding to questions and points made by other users.


5/23/2006 12:07:36 PM

All American
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I'll ask one more time.

Quote :
"Anyone who's seen my threads knows that."

Quote :
"find one."

5/23/2006 12:11:40 PM

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Quote :
"Oh, what am I doing right here in this thread? Responding to questions and points made by other users.


5/23/2006 12:15:12 PM

31803 Posts
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who's the crying bitch now, asshat?


5/23/2006 12:15:37 PM

All American
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haha... still doesn't answer a question. and you wonder why we hate you

[Edited on May 23, 2006 at 12:21 PM. Reason : .]

5/23/2006 12:21:23 PM

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