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All American
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and it sucked

12/19/2006 2:02:59 AM

All American
8094 Posts
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meh...went by quickly

12/19/2006 2:19:29 AM

All American
11177 Posts
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Early part of the year: .8 - I was still jobless, months after making a permanent move from New Orleans following HK. Still dealing with that made it that much worse; I've gone longer without a job. I'd never been so long without a job OR a stable support system.

I finally got a job before the tax deadline, and I'm still there which rocks. It's in no way what I want to be doing, but (especially now) I actually feel needed and credited for what I bring to the table, unlike previous jobs. I'm now at least able to help out around the house some. I'd rate this part of the year about a 6.

The summer sucked because my gf had gone to St. Louis and I was in our new apartment alone for the first three months, but I was still working and making friendships of acquaintances. I got to see a lot of Chicago and the nearby 'burbs. This part of the year ranges from 5 to 7.

From September since, it's been up and down and up and down. I had to pay off some medical bills, which has left me behind on my money to this day. I'm now in full health, my relationship has made it past the two-year mark, my Saints are winning I've been to four new states, and things are looking up for me and the people around me. I'd rate now a 7.

Overall I'd rate this year a 5.5, not my best showing but better than 2005 (all the positive things that happened were negated by HK) and 2003 (which just flat-out sucked from start to finish, except for that summer which was the best ever).

12/19/2006 3:20:39 AM

197 Posts
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12/19/2006 3:28:57 AM

All American
39626 Posts
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first part was good, second part hasn't been bad, but it's not been great...realized i've made a shitty career choice and that i have no desire on ever going to law school; i'm looking to remedy that. but i'm taking the upside of that as at least i'm 23 and i'm figuring this out now instead of later...

12/19/2006 8:42:20 AM

All American
47925 Posts
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pretty pretty pretty pretty good

12/19/2006 9:31:01 AM

All American
17913 Posts
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Just about the worst year ever.

For the first time in my life, I'm actually looking forward to New Year's more than Christmas.

In conclusion:

The Suck (1) > [ x . . . . . . . . . ] < Awesome (10)

12/19/2006 9:34:32 AM

All American
4160 Posts
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9/10 (and I only say that because I know next year will be even better.)

-Everybody is healthy in my family!
-Got a new car... a 2006 Chevy Cobalt in Jan 2006.
-I met the perfect guy after a few duds in mid-Feb and he's the one I am going to end up w/.
-Started Duke in Feb 2006 and completed my paralegal post-baccalaureate at the end of July...
-Started looking for jobs in September and landed my dream job at the beginning of November... Huge raise and huge move UP in so many ways.
-AND CHRISTMAS IS ON THE WAY (and New Years too!) Yay!

12/19/2006 9:47:01 AM

Art Vandelay
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year got better from the start, peaking around graduation, nose dive, then back up some at the start of decent job, steady/even since i suppose

from a 6 to a 9 to a 3 to a 7, so like a 6.5 overall I suppose?

12/19/2006 9:48:30 AM

All American
10141 Posts
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^^ nice!

Mine was about 8/10

- Graduated State in June
- Got a nice job (but it's WV, hence not 10/10)
- Got married in August
- Went to Hawaii for 2 weeks
- Went to King's Island
- Went to NYC
- Applied for NC State's MBA program
- My family is all alive & healthy

If I get accepted to the MBA program (got the interview today, actually) and/or I land a job in Raleigh & can get back to where I wanna be, it'll be 12/10.

[Edited on December 19, 2006 at 9:51 AM. Reason : .]

12/19/2006 9:51:09 AM

All American
4160 Posts
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Good luck.

12/19/2006 10:02:12 AM

All American
77386 Posts
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12/19/2006 10:06:34 AM

All American
39626 Posts
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i'm glad someone enjoys being a paralegal

12/19/2006 10:07:11 AM

All American
11252 Posts
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Pretty good for the most part

New Years started in Vegas
3 weeks in South America in Jan
Great Aunt unexpectedly died in April
Got my MBA in May
Started first corporate job in June
Moved to a great Part of atlanta (well, it's a push, because it's still Atlanta)
Working my ass off, but at a job that is exactly what I wanted
Dog passed away this fall
Took ownership of the mountain home near Boone that my Great Aunt left to me
I've dated a few girls this year, but nothing lasted
Will ring in the New Year back in Vegas (full circle baby)

8 out of 10...would have been 9 out of 10 without the two deaths

12/19/2006 1:05:33 PM

All American
2838 Posts
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-After some trial and error, I finally learned my way around a gym, how to maintain a healthy diet, and cut fat/build muscle when necessary.
-I was able to take an entire year away from NC State by doing cooperative education. This enabled me to do the shit I wanted to do after work (see above) and meet some new people in a new area. The pay wasn't bad at all, either.
-I went to another college (Georgia Tech) to see how things are run @ another engineering school. I liked it a lot there, and was able to establish a good rapport with a well known chemical engineering instructor. More than likely I will be pursuing graduate studies at GT. Also met more cool folks.
-Being on my own away from Raleigh for a while helped me to discover more of myself. More experience, more personal growth.
-Got hired into the career field I'll probably go into after all my schooling is done (petrochemical) by ExxonMobil for the summer of 2007. I'm excited; a little persistence pays off.

Hopefully I can apply what I learned from 2006 to 2007 when it comes to school, friendship building/continuation, professional development, and personal maintenance.

12/19/2006 4:32:14 PM

All American
3129 Posts
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About the only thing that really comes to mind about this past year is that my 2nd son was born Sep 15th
Other than that, this year just seemed to drag on and on with nothing too eventful happening.
So I guess I would say this year was a 6

12/19/2006 4:48:27 PM

All American
11770 Posts
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a series of highs and lows, ending on the lowest of lows.


12/19/2006 5:55:42 PM

All American
10141 Posts
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^ I can think of one thing lower.

At least you're posting something

12/19/2006 6:09:36 PM

All American
7049 Posts
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Jan:Broke up w/ my bf of 3 yrs
Feb:Met a super awesome guy at work
April:Got a new job working normal hours, making slightly more and doing stuff that will look good on a resume
May:Went on a cruise
June:Bought a house
Aug:Got a roommate (extra $$ = +.5, roommate -1 --hopefully she'll be gone SOON)
Roommate lose my cat -1
Sept:Started dating my super awesome ex-coworker

So, I had a pretty good year. I hope this year will be ok-- I'm gonna be broke unless I find a roommate or get a 2nd job. I'll also need to start applying to grad schools this fall, or at least figure out what I want to do with my life, career wise. So I hope for continuing good luck!!

[Edited on December 19, 2006 at 7:22 PM. Reason : lj]

12/19/2006 7:20:40 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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To add to my list on page 1... I am being considered for manager at the vet clinic I work at. I wont know until early next year... but just being strongly considered is a plus for this year.

12/19/2006 9:47:21 PM

185 Posts
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Jan: can't remember
Feb: was living out of my truck
Mar: finished my thesis
Apr: got engaged
May: graduated grad school and got a job
Jun: bought a 360 and a huge ass tv
Jul: did nothing, played some golf
Aug: got a new apt.
Sept: my sister had an illegitimate child and I had my bachelor party
Oct: work was busy, went to the gym a lot
Nov: bought a Wii and got married and had a honeymoon and got lots of presents
Dec: my bird died, my cat had surgery, I got a maxillofacial infection, shot my first handgun...

overall: somewhere between 0 and 10, closer to 10 mostly

12/21/2006 10:09:20 AM

All American
6733 Posts
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^ Damn, sounds like quite a year...

12/21/2006 9:37:20 PM

All American
10141 Posts
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^^ awesome

12/21/2006 9:51:45 PM

All American
22435 Posts
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Rosska wins.

12/21/2006 9:53:39 PM

All American
4462 Posts
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Jan: Crazy work hours
Feb: Crazy work hours
Mar: Crazy work hours
Apr: Crazy work hours, Traveled to NYC for the first time (sad I know - 3 days)
May: Crazy work hours, traveled to Las Vegas for 5 days
Jun: Best friends (who I introduced) got married, in the wedding
Jul: Traveled to Atlanta to run the Peachtree, traveled to Alaska for the first time (10 days)
August: My grandma died
Oct: Ran my first marathon, took the GREs, moved back to NC
Nov: Back to Las Vegas for 6 days, Applied to graduate school

Other months were relatively uneventful... work sucked the first 5 months of the year, but it was a pretty eventful year too. I'd say an 8.

[Edited on December 22, 2006 at 1:39 PM. Reason : .]

12/22/2006 1:37:53 PM

All American
6733 Posts
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2006 is almost over. w00t!

12/27/2006 8:03:56 PM

All American
6733 Posts
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w00t for this fucking year being over.

12/31/2006 10:36:22 AM

All American
507 Posts
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This year's been pretty damn good for the most part

-Got into UF's Law School
-Saw UF win two football games/the team's playing for the National Championship
-Studied my ass off for the LSAT
-great uncle died
-rediscovered my love for fishing

8 or 9 out of 10 probably

12/31/2006 11:07:00 AM

Zinc Saucier
18944 Posts
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This was a bittersweet year. I finally have a good idea of who I am and where my life is headed, but I went through a lot of BS with my family. In any case, I have more hope for the future than ever, so I'm going to be OK.

12/31/2006 11:09:08 AM

All American
1707 Posts
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I'd say a 3. Overall, it was a pretty awful year for me. I've had a lot of loss over the past 2 years (2005 was awful, too) and it's been hard to take.

But I will say I'm still lucky to have great family, friends, sisters (Pi Phi's), and we saved a few puppies this year. I also bought a house. Seriously though, those were the only good parts.

Looking FORWARD to 2007!

12/31/2006 5:29:47 PM

All American
1171 Posts
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This year I moved to California, finished my Phd, and got a pretty good postdoc. Also on the upside is that I've spent a great many of my weekends rock climbing in Yosemite--something I've always dreamed
about doing. The downside, I suppose, is that the area I live in pretty much sucks if you're single and twenty-something. So despite the good things I still feel like my life has stalled for the time being.

12/31/2006 7:13:01 PM

All American
11175 Posts
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If not for the last two months of the year, this would be a 9. With November and December being as lackluster as they were, I'm going to go with about an 8.

12/31/2006 7:51:02 PM

All American
2928 Posts
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1 2

Jan: Ehh, wasn't bad, wasn't great. Very meh.

Feb: Relationship foundering

Mar: Broke up with the gf

April: Played doormat

May: Played doormat, but moved into an apt (that was good)

June: More doormat, then no longer on real speaking terms with the ex, got most of my arsenal of the time confiscated (by the mother) by trusting the mother too much

July: Generally shitty month, though relatively nondescript. Got to see an old friend (another -ex, actually) who I'd managed to drop off speaking terms with years ago...probably the high point of my summer, although the evening was cut short by a migraine. (gah)

August: Quit shitty job which I'd only stayed in to fund visits to the now-ex, started job at Cup (good)

September: Surprisingly good month, actually; did well in classes, enjoying the new job as coffeebitch, etc.

October: Massive family infighting, breakdown, depression, yada yada yada (so from mid-Oct on, I was pretty much nonfunctional)

November: Pulled out a little bit, still depressed, but started getting my ass in gear because I was failing college and stuff

December: Survived the semester with a 2.7 semester GPA , got "home" to a speeding ticket and more family infighting. I no longer have a car to call my own, and I'm considering severing ties with the family for the sake of a little mental space.

[Edited on December 31, 2006 at 8:01 PM. Reason : blarg angst]

12/31/2006 7:52:44 PM

Zinc Saucier
18944 Posts
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damn that's a fucked up year

1/1/2007 3:15:05 AM

All American
9877 Posts
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It was a series of extreme highs and lows for me

But things are looking optimistic for 07

1/1/2007 3:51:05 AM

All American
1914 Posts
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2007 is gonna be so much better

1/1/2007 4:20:52 AM


18617 Posts
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1/1/2007 4:28:59 AM

All American
4428 Posts
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shitty, then okay, then great, then incredibly horrible, then okay, ended wonderfully.

overall things balanced out, but I hope for a great '07

1/1/2007 6:46:33 PM

246 Posts
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1. Broke up with girlfriend of 4 years which in retrospect the relationship sucked.
2. Failed classes in spring, took out entire summer to retake them.
3. Still don't get good grades.
4. damn

1/2/2007 2:01:43 AM

All American
31922 Posts
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Somewhat boring, but it ended in graduation, so pretty good overall.

1/2/2007 2:17:21 AM

All American
6237 Posts
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Lost My job of 10 years

1/2/2007 1:10:01 PM

76471 Posts
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The Suck (1) > [ . . . . . . . . x . ] < Awesome (10)

I say 9, instead of 10, just out of a 'things could always get better, and skew my scale' mentality.

The good:
- the usual, with family and boyfriend
   - several visits, some unexpected, with family I hadn't seen in a while
- got a driver's license and bought a car
- school went well
- stress - it's all been short-term stress
- several vacations

The bad:
Nothing comes to mind. The day-to-day stuff, of course, but nothing terribly dreadful. The worst news in our family came on the 1st of this year

[Edited on January 3, 2007 at 6:25 PM. Reason : dsdf]

1/3/2007 6:24:49 PM

21952 Posts
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My year started off as pretty crappy, but ended up awesome (other than spending New Years Even in the ER).

Early in the year, I couldn't find a job in my field. Once I found a job in my field, I worked my ass off and still got the boot. I spent several months in jobless depression, but it ended up freeing up my time to finalize my wedding plans, get married, go on a wonderful honeymoon, and pack up then move into an apartment twice a large as where we were before. It wasn't long until I found a job slightly different from my field of study, but I love it so much that I decided that perhaps I should pursue this avenue. So, I started my own business and it is going well. My husband also got a kick ass promotion. At the end of the year we finalized our plans to buy a house and start a family. So, I would give this year an 8 because of the shitty start, but the end of the year was a flat out 10.

[Edited on January 3, 2007 at 6:40 PM. Reason : .]

1/3/2007 6:39:26 PM

All American
2812 Posts
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jan: got "engaged" to a guy who didn't want to admit it, didn't want to tell anyone or acknowledge it in any way, and is generally a big pile of douche
feb: started feeling uneasy about moving in june, having 2nd thoughts
march-april: same, add to that puking every morning, not being able to drink and losing weight due to stress
may: graduated
june: broke up with said douchebag, moved to clt (after almost, like a ride to the airport almost, moving to NYC)
july: nothing
aug: merger annoucement, future at company up in the air
sept: started settling into clt, found out ex was moving to toronto (after he refused to move 2 hrs east to london, i told you, douchebag)
oct: birthday, met my current boyfriend
nov: yay thanksgiving!
dec: started dating current boyfriend, moved to matthews

overall.... 5. as many good points as bad, coming in 3-month spans. goods were 10's, bads were 1's.

thank god it's 2007.

1/3/2007 11:26:56 PM

New Recruit
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I think my 2006 was about realizing fucking reality. In June, after a miserable 4 1/2 year relationship, I dumped my self-centered asshole bf after realizing it wasn't my fault. Too bad my college experience is down the drain with it. I quit my co-op job and went across the country with this other guy to escape from the whole situation for a while (extreme I know, but you go with your instinct). Came back to finish my engineering degree. Went through a few relationships and finally realized with this new guy on 12/31 that I could be myself with someone, like before all this mess started in 2001. So one day bumped it up to 2 for the whole year. I really like him since he's not insane like the others, but however it works out, I know 2007 will be a better year because I won't be as much of an egotistical ass. I wish all you other guys luck.

1/5/2007 1:14:09 AM

49741 Posts
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Decent. I started off with high hopes of landing a new job, which materialized six weeks into the year, and of not totally fucking up classes again, which well, I did again, no surprise. Enjoyed an awesome concert schedule, a few southbound adventures between Tampa, Atlanta, and completed the majority of a bicycle tour between Rockingham and Myrtle Beach for an MS benefit after getting in decent enough shape to do so... maybe in '07 I'll complete the whole thing! No health issues between myself and my family, 5 friends' weddings, no funerals, and I completed a round of 200 beers @ Charlotte's Flying Saucer. Kickass. Annnnnd there was Dead Rising.
But no hoes since I've become antisocial working all the time, bummer.

I'll give it a 7½

1/5/2007 1:29:40 AM

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