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All American
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page 2 for stories of broken 360s!

7/30/2007 5:16:36 PM

All American
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Quote :
"false claims and misinformation like "gaming capabe PCs are prohibitively expensive" and "all PC games are crappy console ports"."

PCs will rule like 2 years from now, but consoles took a huge leap this cycle, and keeping up with their performance this cycle really isn't cost-effective.

7/30/2007 6:33:17 PM

All American
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in the entertainment section's ps3 thread, we've had our first case of a dead ps3. looks like it was hit during a thuder storm.

8/1/2007 10:46:33 AM

All American
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I've heard reports of PS3's not being able to play certain games (Halo 3, Bioshock, Mass Effect, among others)

Is there any truth to these rumors? I can't imagine a company releasing a system with such obvious flaws.

8/1/2007 11:23:17 AM

All American
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Yeah, cuz Halo 3 is so critically acclaimed, right? OH wait, that's right, it's not even out yet...

BioShock is the only game that looks remotely interesting out of those 3.

8/1/2007 12:13:39 PM

All American
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ignore the asshole sony fanboy.

Halo3 looks like the absolute shit (plus 4 player online a dick), Bioshock will be the shit, and how the fuck can you say Mass Effect looks 'not even remotely interesting' you have a freaking pulse? You're just trolling dude, give it up.

8/1/2007 12:16:15 PM

All American
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Too be fair, they added 4 player co-op because Haze (a PS3 exclusive) was announced to have it months ago. Even most fan boys will admit there was nothing terribly exciting about Halo 3 other than updated graphics before the announcement yesterday.

8/1/2007 12:25:43 PM

All American
19842 Posts
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Quote :
"in the entertainment section's ps3 thread, we've had our first case of a dead ps3. looks like it was hit during a thuder storm."

That's like a 12.5% failure rate already

8/1/2007 1:27:01 PM

All American
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rofl rofl

8/1/2007 2:01:47 PM

All American
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The way my place is designed, the entertainment system has it's own a/c vent.

Plus I've got independently powered case fans in case the airflow isn't enough.

I doubt I'll have any issues related to heat.

[Edited on August 1, 2007 at 2:17 PM. Reason : i'll still send it in anyway.]

8/1/2007 2:17:39 PM

All American
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Quote :
"ignore the asshole sony fanboy.

Halo3 looks like the absolute shit (plus 4 player online a dick), Bioshock will be the shit, and how the fuck can you say Mass Effect looks 'not even remotely interesting' you have a freaking pulse? You're just trolling dude, give it up."

hard to believe someone can get this worked up over a bunch of videogames...

8/1/2007 3:22:45 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Xbox 360 65nm chips out there, 45nm chips in the future
Posted Aug 1st 2007 3:34PM by Joshua Topolsky
Filed under: Gaming

According to reports, contract chipmaker Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing has begun work on a 45-nanometer CPU designed specifically for a video game console, and the word on the street is that Microsoft is the company placing the order. The Singapore-based chip company, which produces the current Xbox 360 CPU, is set to begin work on the new design in late 2008 or early 2009. The smaller chip would mean lowered production costs, smaller power requirements, and a cooler operating temperature -- which would address a handful of problems the current Xbox design has. The newer 65nm chip which the company produces for Microsoft went into production over the last two quarters, and Chia Song Hwee, Chartered's president and CEO, said that "you would expect 45nm to come on stream about 18 months from that timeframe." So, expect to pass some time before any major changes beyond the 65nm come... perhaps Halo 3 will make the wait more bearable?"

Think that's why they decided on a 3 year warranty? I think this was what some people were hinting at earlier with the code name "Falcon" unit that would be cheaper.

8/1/2007 4:50:09 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Too be fair, they added 4 player co-op because Haze (a PS3 exclusive) was announced to have it months ago. Even most fan boys will admit there was nothing terribly exciting about Halo 3 other than updated graphics before the announcement yesterday."

Come on, are you serious.

I dont even play games and I can play through Halo.

8/1/2007 6:36:34 PM

All American
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warcraft 3 got no one excited cuz it was just war2 with updated graphics and heroes.

8/1/2007 7:21:29 PM

All American
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From what I've read, the difference between Halo 3 and Halo 2 is greater than between Halo 2 and Halo.

And what are you smoking, anyway? Warcraft 3 was the 14th best-selling PC game of all time:

8/1/2007 11:44:29 PM

15126 Posts
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i haven't had a broken 360, got mine christmas 05

*knock on wood*

8/2/2007 12:01:15 AM

All American
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as far as PC vs consoles go. I sure like to be able to pop in the disk without installing, downloading updates, troubleshooting, and then not being able to play at max graphics like the screenshots on the box because my PC isn't up to par.

however i cannot live without my gaming PC...too many games on the PC that aren't on consoles that i enjoy playing. (WoW is not one of them )

8/2/2007 2:12:08 AM

All American
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Quote :
"warcraft 3 got no one excited cuz it was just war2 with updated graphics and heroes."

Uhhhhh, Warcraft 2 to Warcraft 3 was a massive leap. You're talking about an RTS, with only 2 sides, who's only differences were the sprites used to display them. Warcraft 3 had 4 completely unique races and a totally overhauled multiplayer system using Honestly comparing the hype generated by Halo 3 to any Blizzard game is a joke. Blizzard has managed to get people to shell out $100 and buy plane tickets to California on the mere hope that they might be able get a Starcraft II beta key. Microsoft couldn't generate that kind of fanaticism if each Halo 3 box came with free sex with Jessica Alba.

Look, Halo 3 losing a little bit of it's thunder is not something I made up. Since E3, people have been talking about Bioschock and Mass Effect a lot more than Halo 3. This recent announcement about 4 player co-op was Bungie's way of saying "hey, we're still here!!!".

8/2/2007 7:07:07 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Blizzard has managed to get people to shell out $100 and buy plane tickets to California on the mere hope that they might be able get a Starcraft II beta key. Microsoft couldn't generate that kind of fanaticism if each Halo 3 box came with free sex with Jessica Alba.

whoa now, hold on.

I'd pay $100 and fly to Cali to fuck the shit out of Jessica and enjoy shooting aliens with a needler, to boot.

8/2/2007 7:22:01 AM

All American
19842 Posts
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Quote :
"Blizzard has managed to get people to shell out $100 and buy plane tickets to California on the mere hope that they might be able get a Starcraft II beta key. leave their homes"

8/2/2007 8:03:41 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Blizzard has managed to get people to shell out $100 and buy plane tickets to California on the mere hope that they might be able get a Starcraft II beta key. Microsoft couldn't generate that kind of fanaticism if each Halo 3 box came with free sex with Jessica Alba."


8/2/2007 8:16:01 AM

All American
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^ he has a point. basically 60 for a beta key, because crackdown was a bs title.

8/2/2007 8:18:24 AM

All American
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^^Seriously dude, you've shown across like 8 different threads you know nothing about quality games (RE4 sucks? seriously come on).

Yeah, 83%, what a shit game And you wanna compare $60 to buy a game at your local store to $100 for a ticket to Blizzcon, at least $300 for a plane ticket, and god knows how much more for lodging and food? On top of that, they don't even know for sure what beta key they are getting, or when the beta will even start. Just stop.

[Edited on August 2, 2007 at 8:52 AM. Reason : :]

8/2/2007 8:42:59 AM

All American
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RE4 Rocks. Played it through on a pc though, with a wireless 360 controller.

8/2/2007 8:47:01 AM

All American
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back on topic

my #2 xbox is on it's way home! let's see how long this one lasts

8/2/2007 9:20:14 AM

All American
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What would you guys recommend for cooling? I know there are plenty of ways. There would be a register blowing right on it, and it's pretty cold. Should that be sufficient?

8/2/2007 9:23:39 AM

All American
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Dude, no console should require any sort of external cooling. Just keep your house air conditioned and don't run the damn thing in a confined space, like behind the doors of an entertainment center. If you do that, and the thing still overheats and breaks down, then there was probably nothing you could have done to avoid it anyway.

8/2/2007 9:28:16 AM

All American
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Oh yeah I only meant a register like an hvac vent pointed in the general direction so it's a little cooler in that region. Won't have it in any confined entertainment station either, or on top of an amp or anything. So hopefully i should be good.

8/2/2007 9:31:51 AM

All American
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^^keyword in that first sentence is should. If I owned a 360, I would probably set it up in my fridge and drill some holes for the wires.

8/2/2007 9:35:22 AM

All American
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^Dude, I'm pretty sure no one in this thread gives a crap.

Go play Motorstorm.

8/2/2007 9:51:08 AM

All American
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well, until they fix the problems internally, there's only so much you can do.

as it was said, just don't put it in a closed space, and hope for the best. I know mine was beside my tv, and i'm wondering if that sped the decay of mine (i have a 39" lcd that gets pretty warm when it's been on a while)

8/2/2007 11:17:01 AM

All American
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Quote :
"^Dude, I'm pretty sure no one in this thread gives a crap.

Go play Motorstorm."

Quote :
"What would you guys recommend for cooling?"

silly me for discussing possible solutions to THE reason why so many 360s fail in the "RIP Xbox 360 #2" trhead.

and I'm playing Mario Strikers right now, FYI. dumbass.

[Edited on August 2, 2007 at 12:46 PM. Reason : d]

8/2/2007 12:44:56 PM

All American
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^Yeah i asked about cooling and got a good answer. I don't own a 360 yet, but play them all the time at friends. Was just planning for when i do get one in the next month or so. Should i wait for the new chipsets to come out?

8/2/2007 12:47:49 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Yeah, 83%, what a shit game "

You have obviously never played crackdown, lol

8/2/2007 12:59:31 PM

All American
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but is sticking your 360 in a freezer a serious answer, or a smartass comment by someone that feels they are better than the population that owns a 360?

I don't understand your point for even being in this thread since you don't have one. No one is arguing that there aren't overheating issues, and no one in the thread is on any type of microsoft design team

Who exactly are you trying to impress? Who are you trying to humiliate? Does it really give you jollies to make fun of people that made a hardware purchase and are now having trouble?

8/2/2007 1:19:52 PM

All American
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I am just trying to help spread awareness that this console is a half-baked POS. I would hate for someone to buy one and find that out later (after they've had to exchange it a few times).

Should people not bring up the problems? Just lie down and take it? I guess that's how MS figures they can get away with it.

It should've been fixed a long time ago. The more I bitch about it on message boards, the faster they'll get around to it (riiighhhtt????). I really want to own one.

8/2/2007 2:26:42 PM

All American
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Help me Fanatik! Save me from all these kick-ass games!

And the lower price!

And the free 3-year warranty!


[Edited on August 2, 2007 at 2:39 PM. Reason : .]

8/2/2007 2:37:28 PM

All American
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I think everyone knows there is a problem

you don't need to "spread awareness" in a broken xbox 360 thread.

Obviously no one is "lying down and taking it", because of the level of complaints microsoft had, they extended their warranty. That may have been then thousands of units they got back, or maybe they clicked on the "Xbox 360 games" thread and saw that you've mentioned in there about 12 times that they overheat...who knows which one it is

but I agree, it should have been fixed, it's something they need to now fix, let's move on

8/2/2007 2:47:22 PM

All American
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i got mine at launch and no problemos.


all i got to say is that i am super happy with my 360 and if it breaks, so what, i just get another one.

8/2/2007 4:51:02 PM

All American
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Quote :
"all i got to say is that i am super happy with my 360 and if it breaks, so what, i just get another one."

Yeah i mean who cares if it breaks. There isnt anything to play until lair and heavenly sword come out anyways....oh wait

8/2/2007 6:02:03 PM

All American
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we all know that both systems are great, so i don't get it when fanboys speak up just to put one of them down.

8/2/2007 7:59:06 PM

All American
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if lair goes the way of every other dragonf ighting game, im not too worried.

8/2/2007 10:05:51 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The game is huge and is pushing the hardware platforms to their absolute limits."

from the GTA website.

makes me afraid to play it in my 360 which hasn't had any problems yet.....

8/3/2007 3:56:26 AM

All American
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That's not what they mean by pushing it to the limits...

8/3/2007 7:01:39 AM

Zinc Saucier
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I'm thinking of getting 360 once this price drop goes into effect. Haven't read anything saying the Elites have a high failure rate, so I might drop the cash for one of those.

Side note: I have, at the most, a marginal interest in any of the retail releases on the 360. I pretty much intend to download the Xbox Live Arcade games. I'm weird like that.

8/3/2007 11:05:08 AM

All American
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Some guy took the thing apart to try and analyze the root of the problem. Seems like it's nothing more complex than a severely flawed cooling design, which would explain why some people are having problems and others aren't.

The most damning part of the whole thing is the end of the article.

Quote :
"To our surprise, the composition of the repaired Xbox 360 looked completely the same as that of the Xbox 360 purchased in late 2005. It turned out that Microsoft provided repair without changing the Xbox 360's thermo design at least until May 2007."

[Edited on August 6, 2007 at 2:02 PM. Reason : :]

8/6/2007 1:58:34 PM

New Recruit
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360 has geometry wars. That's $400 of entertainment alone.

8/6/2007 3:03:52 PM

35217 Posts
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So when is this supposed price drop? I've seen a lot of rumors of as soon as Aug 8th prior to the release of halo 3 to a price drop for Christmas. Some people from Microsoft have also denied the rumors though.

8/6/2007 5:55:10 PM

All American
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so...I just started played crackdown and it broke my box within 2 hours. What the fuck am I supposed to do? I've had the thing for maybe a year.

8/8/2007 3:05:09 AM

All American
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1. call microsoft
2. they will send coffin
3. send off xbox
4. about 4-5 weeks later, you will receive it back
5. play for another 6 months before this one breaks

On that note, mine is being delivered tonight, time to see what Xbox #2 is made of!

8/9/2007 8:14:14 AM

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