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 Message Boards » » It's a boy! And it's John Edwards' kid! Page 1 [2] 3, Prev Next  
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Page 2 has nothing to say about this

8/20/2009 3:39:26 PM

All American
21806 Posts
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"Edwards Promised Mistress Rooftop Wedding With Dave Matthews Band"

9/19/2009 7:28:46 PM

All American
16500 Posts
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What would you say.

9/21/2009 7:08:26 AM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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Just when I thought this fucker couldn't be any slimier.

I'm really glad he waves the UNC flag and never mentions that he is also an NCSU alum. Kind of fitting actually.

9/21/2009 10:15:40 AM

10008 Posts
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I would like to hear from all of the people who thought Edwards could do no wrong during the 2004 presidential campaign.

How's his feminist image doing now, eh?

He's twenty times worse than Newt Gingrich or Bob Livingston.

9/22/2009 3:25:07 AM

All American
8006 Posts
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I had 2 professors while at State who were absolutely in love with him.

9/22/2009 8:17:31 AM

All American
15213 Posts
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Yep, one of my accounting professors mentioned how great of a man he was one time.

9/22/2009 8:20:45 AM

23634 Posts
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Quote :
" 1. Don't have an affair while you're running for president. Especially not if your wife is a beloved cancer survivor.
2. If you do have an affair, for God's sake, use protection.
3. If you don't use protection, and your mistress gets pregnant, do not ask a friend of yours to take the fall and claim the baby is his. Friend or not, he will write a book someday.
4. If you do ask a friend of yours to take the fall, do not also enlist campaign supporters to pay off your mistress so that she'll stay quiet. She won't.
5. If you do convince supporters to pay hush money, do not go visit your mistress (who you have publicly denied you were involved with) and your child (who you have publicly denied is yours) at a hotel in Los Angeles.
6. And if you ignore all of this and do make that visit and get caught by the National Enquirer and decide to finally confess the affair, do not take your cue from 1980s pop songs and continue to insist that the "kid is not my [daughter]." That will only seriously piss off your mistress. Not to mention your wife, when you eventually have to admit the truth to her, because this is the 21st century and we have tests that can establish paternity and even though your magical silver tongue made you rich and famous, you will not be able to talk your way out of that. Plus, the kid looks exactly like you."

too funny

9/23/2009 12:43:12 PM

Forgetful Jones
147799 Posts
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i thought the joke about his dead son was the funniest thing in this thread, until i saw he promised the whore a rooftop wedding with DMB

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"LOL out loud"

9/23/2009 1:28:52 PM

23634 Posts
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awesomely disastrous article:

9/30/2009 4:17:51 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Wow. That makes everybody look.....worse.....somehow.

I'm also amazed that the publishing industry hands out so many book deals.

9/30/2009 4:41:21 PM

23634 Posts
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Yea, it really does.

Not just John and Andrew either, the whole bunch of em look worse

9/30/2009 4:49:57 PM

All American
41050 Posts
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Nobody looks good in this, not even Mrs. Edwards who has aggressively managed to squander the good public will she had.

Not that she cares, she's a wife who's been humiliated publicly and wants revenge without concern to what the general public cares about.

9/30/2009 4:54:47 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Lordy, are they trying to salvage their reputations?

Quote :
"Elizabeth Edwards: Marriage is a 'great love story'

Despite John Edwards' extramarital affair that rocked his marriage, his wife described their union as a "love story," albeit an unconventional one.

Elizabeth Edwards told WJLA-TV in Washington late last week that she wants her marriage to work, and that her husband has been supportive as she continues to battle breast cancer.

"John said, 'Perhaps not the great love story that we hoped, but maybe a great love story nonetheless," she said.

Edwards added: "'Til death do you part, because that's what I want."

Though Elizabeth promised to soldier on, she acknowledged the grim reality of trying to overcome terminal cancer.

"Cancer will probably win," she said. "Why would I give it any more days than it may already take? That's the choice I make.""

10/26/2009 6:34:58 PM

23634 Posts
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i had missed where the paternity test was confirmed - but shit

these two are a mess.

i have to admit when i was around them, they seemed like a regular married couple and when i was around them was after she found out about the affair....

ehh well c'est la vie

10/26/2009 8:35:20 PM

All American
47007 Posts
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still think it's a hoax to paint him as a "predatory heterosexual" that worked so good for clinton

10/27/2009 4:16:02 AM

All American
13916 Posts
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Quote :
"Former presidential candidate John Edwards has admitted fathering his former campaign videographer's child.

In a statement released to NBC News, Edwards said, "I am Quinn’s father. ... It was wrong for me ever to deny she was my daughter and hopefully one day, when she understands, she will forgive me."

Friends of the family said that Edwards and wife, Elizabeth, have separated, NBC reported.

The admission comes after months of denials from Edwards that he fathered former mistress Rielle Hunter's daughter, Frances Quinn. The revelation also comes a week before his former campaign aide, Andrew Young, is set to appear in an ABC News interview saying he posed as the father when the scandal first broke as a favor to Edwards."

1/21/2010 9:46:25 AM

Sup, B
52741 Posts
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thank you, John, for admitting what everyone else knew. Next up, Pete Rose will admit to gambling on baseball and Bob Marley will finally admit to smoking weed

[Edited on January 21, 2010 at 8:14 PM. Reason : ]

1/21/2010 8:14:03 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"hopefully one day, when she understands, she will forgive me."

Understand what? Daddy is a d-bag?

1/21/2010 8:26:41 PM

3 of 11
All American
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1/22/2010 12:53:31 AM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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Quote :
"yeah, McCain pulled off something close to that like 25 years ago."

Time heals all things, and people forget past behavior, even if the person doesn't deserve to be forgiven.

It was like when Will Quick ran for Student Body President after stealing student football tickets and giving them to his fraternity brothers and lost to a fucking pirate. He ran again the next year and no one bothered to even try calling him out on his past fuck ups, and he won pretty easily.

1/22/2010 10:34:26 AM

23634 Posts
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if anyone wants to know what went down on edwards....

you cannot make this shit up

(and i can vouch for some of it )

1/22/2010 4:45:40 PM

Mr. Joshua
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BTW, your link goes to page 2.
Page 1:

1/22/2010 9:42:15 PM

All American
30098 Posts
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1/26/2010 11:49:25 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
"The tape, say both our sources, is explicit and reveals that Edwards "is physically very striking, in a certain area. Everyone who sees it says 'whoa'. She's behind the camera at first.""

1/26/2010 11:58:35 PM

23634 Posts
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I can tell you I know for a fact it exists.....

1/27/2010 12:04:55 AM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"Former VP nominee splits from spouse
Posted: January 27th, 2010 03:01 PM ET

The 2004 Democratic vice presidential nominee, John Edwards, is legally separated from his wife, a source close to the family tells CNN.

Edwards, a former North Carolina senator who unsuccessfully sought his party's presidential nomination in 2004 and 2008, just last week acknowledged being the father of a baby born to his mistress Rielle Hunter. Edwards previously admitted to the affair, but denied paternity.

The source, who would not speak on the record because of the sensitivity of the situation, had spoken to Elizabeth Edwards in recent days.
News of the separation comes a week before a tell-all book by Andrew Young, a close confidante of John Edwards, is set to hit bookstores.

People Magazine, a CNN sister organization, first reported the story. Elizabeth Edwards' sister, Nancy Anania, told People magazine in an article dated Wednesday that Elizabeth told her, "I've had it. I can't do this. I want my life back."

The sister told the magazine, "She's got cancer and has young children and totally believes in marriage ... but she can only do so much.""

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I ran into him chasing tail on Glenwood this weekend. Good luck convincing the guy with the hot dog cart that you were "almost president" so he owes you one.

1/27/2010 3:16:41 PM

All American
7436 Posts
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Honestly....he's got no political career...oh right, he was a lawyer. Surely that profession won't shun him. He'll be fine.

1/27/2010 3:22:52 PM

All American
18758 Posts
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John Edwards and babymomma sex tape.... exposed???

Quote :

The ex-mistress of two-time presidential candidate John Edwards wants a "very private and personal" videotape back from a campaign aide who wrote a book about the politician, according to court documents.

Rielle Hunter was granted a temporary restraining order against former Edwards loyalist Andrew Young in a North Carolina court. It seeks the return of photos and videos, including one she says she made in 2006 while working for Edwards.

"In or about September 2006, using my video camera, I authored a personal video recording that depicted matters of a very private and personal nature," Hunter wrote in an affidavit filed Thursday. "In 2006, I was also having an intimate relationship with Edwards."

"The decision was made that the Video be destroyed" in December 2006, Hunter wrote. She said she pulled out the tape from the cassette and stored it in a box with personal belongings.

In his book, Young describes viewing a sex tape that showed Edwards and a woman he assumed was Hunter. Young says some videotapes were inside a "box of trash" that Hunter left behind at a home he rented for her. He says that the tape had been pulled out of its cassette casing, but that he was able to fix it.

It's not entirely clear whether it's the same tape that Hunter is seeking; Young said in his book that the naked woman depicted in the video was pregnant. Hunter had her child with Edwards in 2008, more than a year after she says her "private" video was made.

The Web site of ABC News was first to report on Hunter's bid for a restraining order Thursday. The network has several interviews with Young scheduled to air in the coming days as he promotes "The Politician," which is set to go on sale Saturday.

Attorneys for Edwards said in a statement Friday that they have not had an opportunity to read the book but urged "extreme caution" about it. The lawyers, Wade Smith and James Cooney III, said it's obvious from media reports that "there are many allegations which are simply false."

"It appears that Andrew Young is primarily motivated by financial gain and media attention," they said.

Edwards only recently admitted paternity of Hunter's daughter, who is now nearly 2. He and wife, Elizabeth, are now separated.

Deputies in Orange County said in court documents filed Friday that they went to Young's home to try and recover the tapes and personal photographs of Hunter. After some discussion, Young's attorney told authorities that he could not immediately turn over the tape.

Along with winning the restraining order, Hunter has filed a lawsuit against Young and his wife, seeking a jury trial and damages for invasion of privacy. Young's attorney did not immediately return a call seeking comment.


Young's book is a cringe-inducing chronicle of Edwards' affair, the lengths he went to cover it up and the marital mess it brought. But it also includes a detailed discussion of hundreds of thousands of dollars that changed hands privately, money that was used to hide Hunter from the press and Elizabeth Edwards.

The former Edwards confidant says federal prosecutors in North Carolina questioned him for hours about money. However, he says he believed many of the gifts were proper and outside the scope of campaign law. A lawyer for Edwards, in a statement sent Friday to The Associated Press, seemed to agree.

"We are confident that Senator Edwards neither violated campaign laws nor asked anyone to do so," Cooney said.

Edwards' political action committee paid Hunter's production company $100,000 in 2006 for her to work as a videographer following the candidate as he prepared for his second quest for the White House. Months afterward, in April 2007, the PAC received $14,000 from Edwards' presidential campaign and then paid a similar amount to Hunter's production company.


i was going to make this it's own thread but changed my mind. this story wont get much traction because... well... she's just not that hot.

[Edited on January 29, 2010 at 5:45 PM. Reason : ]

1/29/2010 5:45:32 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"Ex-Edwards' aide tells of politician's affair

• Despite Edwards' carefully crafted image as a champion for everyday people, he was "irritated by ordinary events. He especially hated making appearances at state fairs, where 'fat rednecks try to shove food down my face. I know I'm the people's senator, but do I have to hang out with them?'"

• Edwards understood his audience and before appearing at a Service Employees International Union health care event in Las Vegas, Nevada, he instructed Young to take his Italian suit coat to a tailor to remove the label indicating it was Italian-made. In its place, Edwards had the tailor sew in a "Made in the USA" label that had been on Young's jacket."

This is going to be such an entertaining movie one day.

1/30/2010 7:17:17 PM

23634 Posts
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i'm actually reading it now.

nobody looks good in this book...... nobody

1/30/2010 7:28:12 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"'My wife is my moral leader?'" Hunter says, mimicking Edwards. "We're all going to hell.""

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"Young said Elizabeth Edwards has threatened to file an "alienation of affection" lawsuit against him for contributing to the downfall of their marriage. [b]North Carolina is among about a half-dozen states that allow a person to sue a third party for contributing to the breakup of a marriage. Jilted spouses typically use the remedy to seek money from their partner's lover.[b/] The Edwardses are multimillionaires."

Hmph. I just learned something. So much for my fantasy of being the pool boy.

2/12/2010 11:00:17 AM

Sup, B
52741 Posts
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John Edwards is going down.

Why aren't you standing by your boy now, Supplanter?

3/8/2010 8:30:58 PM

23634 Posts
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Quote :
"Washington (CNN) - In the ongoing political drama involving sex, lies, videotape and John Edwards – a judge in North Carolina added a new level of suspense: a threat of jail time.

Former Edwards aide Andrew Young could soon be sent to jail, along with his wife, for contempt of court. State Superior Court Judge Abraham Penn Jones said he wants a full explanation of how the couple handled items sought by Edwards mistress Rielle Hunter, including a purported sex tape between her and the two-time presidential candidate, according to CNN affiliate WTVD in Raleigh-Durham.

On the stand, Young pleaded he'd turned over all the items being sought, telling the judge, "I swear I'm trying to tell you the truth." He added, "It's been a long time ago."

The purported sex tape between Edwards and Hunter is among the bombshells Young makes in his book, "The Politician." Edwards previously admitted having an affair with Hunter and, later, admitted being the father of Hunter's daughter. "


3/10/2010 1:51:29 PM

23634 Posts
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[Edited on March 15, 2010 at 8:40 AM. Reason : .]

3/15/2010 8:39:03 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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He would NEVER lie to ME!!

3/15/2010 9:37:50 AM

23634 Posts
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rielle on oprah

holy moly

4/29/2010 4:27:18 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"Report: Edwards' ex-aide sells rights to movie

Andrew Young, the former aide to two-time Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, has sold the movie rights to his tell-all book about the politician's affair with a campaign staffer.

Young wrote in an e-mail to WRAL News that he has "come to terms with Aaron Sorkin on the movie." Sorkin is a writer and producer whose works include "The West Wing" and "The American President."

The New York Times reported that Sorkin has bought the rights to "The Politician," the best-selling book that chronicles the cover-up of Edwards' affair with videographer Rielle Hunter.

To protect Edwards' 2008 presidential campaign, Young claimed responsibility for the affair and paternity of Hunter's daughter. In August 2008, after dropping out of the race, Edwards admitted to his affair and then later acknowledged paternity.

A Superior Court judge ruled Wednesday that Hunter isn't entitled to any profits from the book or movie.

Hunter has sued Young and his wife over the ownership of a videotape showing Edwards having sex and some photos of Edwards with his and Hunter's daughter. Judge Carl Fox denied her attempt to amend the suit so she could seek profits from Young's book – and now the movie.

In April, Yong announced that he had hired Hollywood super-agent Ari Emanuel to secure a deal for the film rights to "The Politician." Emanuel, the brother of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, also represents Sorkin."

This keeps getting better.

7/15/2010 12:44:45 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Quote :
"Attorney: Edwards is deposed in sex tape lawsuit

Two-time presidential candidate John Edwards has testified under oath in a lawsuit over a videotape that purportedly depicts him in a sexual encounter, an attorney for a former Edwards aide said.

Robert Elliot said Edwards was deposed last week as part of a dispute between former Edwards aide Andrew Young and Edwards mistress Rielle Hunter. Elliot declined to discuss the content of the testimony. A judge said last year he didn't want the details discussed publicly and warned both sides that he could hold people in contempt if the deposition material is talked about outside of the case.

Hunter has sued Young to reclaim materials, including a video that Young has said depicts a sexual encounter involving Edwards and a woman he assumes to be Hunter. Young has said he helped cover up the affair and contends the tape was found amid trash Hunter left behind in a home he was renting.

Meanwhile, a separate federal criminal investigation in Raleigh has drawn several people in recent months to testify before a grand jury. People familiar with the case have said investigators are examining how much Edwards knew about money used to cover up his affair and whether he violated campaign finance laws. The investigation is particularly focused on whether money given to Hunter and Young should have been considered campaign donations.

Hunter worked in 2006 as a videographer for Edwards' political action committee, shooting behind-the-scenes footage as the Democrat prepared to launch his second White House campaign. Edwards acknowledged a year ago that he fathered a child with Hunter, though Young had initially claimed paternity so Edwards could continue his campaign.

Attorneys for Edwards have said they are confident he did not violate campaign finance laws."

2/14/2011 3:22:15 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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What a despicable human being.

2/14/2011 3:26:06 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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It's still nauseating.

2/15/2011 3:09:40 AM

23634 Posts
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Report: John Edwards Set To Be Indicted

[Edited on May 25, 2011 at 11:12 AM. Reason : .]

5/25/2011 11:12:28 AM

All American
9828 Posts
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hope he gets everything coming to him and more....

5/25/2011 11:45:52 AM


18617 Posts
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^^ Good.

5/25/2011 11:47:47 AM

All American
1955 Posts
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i still think his two americas rhetoric was on the mark

5/25/2011 12:41:41 PM

Sup, B
52741 Posts
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yep. there are two americas. Those who work for a living and those who live off of the work of those who work for a living

5/25/2011 3:18:32 PM

All American
15446 Posts
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Hahahahaha awesome

5/25/2011 7:08:15 PM

All American
1955 Posts
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^^from what i've noticed, the world isn't that simple a place

5/25/2011 7:19:49 PM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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naw i agree.

It's one thing that robber bankers have in common with welfare recipients.

The money just flows through different pipes.

5/26/2011 9:48:45 AM

Mr. Joshua
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6/3/2011 1:22:16 PM

 Message Boards » The Soap Box » It's a boy! And it's John Edwards' kid! Page 1 [2] 3, Prev Next  
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