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All American
10217 Posts
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^^^^! (swidt?)

8/15/2010 2:04:37 AM

All American
22728 Posts
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in Windows 7 you can middle-click a running program in the taskbar to open a new window of it

you can also wait for the preview windows for a program to appear, and then middle click the preview windows to close that window

more here:

8/15/2010 11:02:24 AM

40796 Posts
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well shit. that is useful

8/15/2010 1:13:47 PM

4833 Posts
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Thanks for that link, I just learned a few useful shortcuts.

8/15/2010 1:17:09 PM

All American
14271 Posts
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awesome link

Quote :
"Win+Up maximizes. Win+Down restores, Win+Down again minimizes. Win+Right pins the window to the right side of the screen. Win+Left pins to the left."

8/16/2010 12:08:37 AM

15126 Posts
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Quote :
"in Windows 7 you can middle-click a running program in the taskbar to open a new window of it"

haha i just did this like 8 times to a program because the animation was sweet.

but that is a sweet shortcut.

8/16/2010 1:57:06 AM

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pushd + popd

9/1/2010 4:58:49 PM

El Nachó
special helper
16370 Posts
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Today I learned how to auto-mount a network drive on startup on a Mac. Now I will still be able to remotely get to all my music on Orb even if my computer has rebooted recently.

9/2/2010 2:07:44 AM

All American
51913 Posts
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Move syscall number into EAX, call the kernel with interrupt 80h, OH SNAP.

9/2/2010 7:19:10 AM

All American
19842 Posts
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Quote :
"in Windows 7 you can middle-click a running program in the taskbar to open a new window of it"

There's also a nice plugin you can get that allows middle-click window closing from the taskbar:

9/2/2010 9:08:43 AM

40796 Posts
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maybe i'm misunderstanding something

isn't that the same as the other half of joe#s post?

Quote :
"you can also wait for the preview windows for a program to appear, and then middle click the preview windows to close that window"

and isn't that part of win7 and not a plugin?

so confused...

[Edited on September 2, 2010 at 9:59 AM. Reason : oic now. the taskbar shuffle app link i like that]

9/2/2010 9:47:38 AM

Aging fast
12262 Posts
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With Exchange 2010 SP1, you no longer have to have outlook installed to export mailboxes to PST.

9/3/2010 8:19:41 AM

All American
19842 Posts
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^^ It seems to be, but I'm 99% sure I had to get a "plugin" (or more like a third party thing to turn on a registry setting that was buried somewhere) in order to get it working.

Either way, it's awesome.

9/3/2010 10:07:46 AM

40796 Posts
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in Windows, you can drag a file to an open command prompt window and it'll paste the path to the file

9/8/2010 5:09:26 PM

All American
51913 Posts
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After missing one too many phone calls because I couldn't feel my phone vibrating, I figured out how to use Tasker to pass the phone number calling me to my laptop's Web server via an HTTP request then use a Bash script to alert me via notify-send.

9/8/2010 9:22:19 PM

11687 Posts
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sounds cool

9/9/2010 11:40:22 AM

All American
2110 Posts
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^That sounds overly complicated. There are apps that do that sort of thing:

9/9/2010 11:40:34 AM

All American
11662 Posts
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Easier yet:

9/9/2010 11:48:49 AM

11687 Posts
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but i dont have android

[Edited on September 9, 2010 at 12:03 PM. Reason : ddd]

9/9/2010 12:02:58 PM

All American
10217 Posts
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i learnt today that CTRL+Click in firefox identifies table cells.

Easier than opening up Firebug.

9/9/2010 12:38:19 PM

All American
51913 Posts
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Yeah, that's easier.

Except I don't run OS X on my laptop.

And I didn't want to install another fucking app when I had all the resources I needed to satisfy the need already.

I mean...?



plus look at that dude's debian package

it's fucking 4.5 MB for the one i'd have used

on top of another goddamn app running on the phone

all i had to do was write the friggin' cgi script (less than 10 lines)

and set up a new task on tasker

[Edited on September 9, 2010 at 1:07 PM. Reason : jesus]

9/9/2010 1:00:11 PM

All American
11662 Posts
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wait, didn't you have to install Tasker to be able to do that? so you did install an app....

FWIW, i do like your method better, and I do hate redundancy

9/9/2010 1:23:22 PM

All American
51913 Posts
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I had Tasker installed anyway, just like I had Apache installed anyway.

9/9/2010 2:40:07 PM

40796 Posts
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TIL I can back up MSSQL tables individually using bcp. I knew how to back up entire databases, but never had a way to backup specific tables and was always told it wasn't supported

and not only that, i can give it a query, and back up just a portion of a table.
and not only that, it's command line, so i can automate it

[Edited on September 28, 2010 at 1:49 PM. Reason : WORD]

9/28/2010 1:49:30 PM

40796 Posts
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never really done a lot with active directory

today i figured out

net group /domain Developers
will list all the domain users in the Developers group

net user /domain kwarner
will list all the domain groups i'm part of

[Edited on October 5, 2010 at 4:39 PM. Reason : basically using tww as a blog to bookmark these commands]

10/5/2010 4:39:33 PM

40796 Posts
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on the win7 taskbar, you can left click + hold down on a application icon and drag away and you'll get the context menu

10/7/2010 4:58:18 PM

All American
2354 Posts
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Something new I learned about Python and how it handles default argument values...

I had a setup like this, and I took out a ton of code that was unnecessary for this example:

class Project:
def __init__(self, tasks={})
self.tasks = tasks

def add_task(self, id, name)
self.tasks[id] = name

class Main:
def __init__(self):
self.projects = {}

def add_project(self, id)
self.projects[id] = Project()

p = Main()
p.projects[1].add_task(1, 'first')
print p.projects[1].tasks[1]
OUTPUT> first
print p.projects[2].tasks[1]
OUTPUT> first

So I found myself pulling out my hair and asking how both dictionary objects got the same value. This really had me stumped.

Fast forward to figuring it out: It is because I set an empty dictionary (mutable object!) as the default attribute value in the function, and Python efficiently reuses the same memory address (for the dictionary it created) each time that function is called; in other words, new Class objects will all reference that memory address when they initialize their own same function. The correct implementation is to set it to "None", which is an immutable object. The same is true of lists [], but strings and numbers are immutable so the problem does not exist with those. The reason is because Python will re-use a mutable object's memory address, but will trash an immutable object's address and create a fresh replacement at some new address.

To fix the problem, I just needed to not use a mutable object on init, and then create a blank dictionary object (with a unique memory address!) afterward. So I re-wrote the Project class like this:

class Project:
def __init__(self, tasks=None)
if tasks:
self.tasks = tasks
self.tasks = {}

This had me going for a few days while trying to figure out how all my dictionary objects were being granted the values of the others when I was -explicitly- adding the value to only one at a time.

Class dismissed. Hope you learned something new.

[Edited on October 27, 2010 at 1:23 PM. Reason : .]

10/27/2010 1:19:24 PM

All American
4790 Posts
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what rainbow tables are (not what I had thought and not what I had read earlier in multiple places)

10/27/2010 1:52:58 PM

7062 Posts
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Quote :
"on the win7 taskbar, you can left click + hold down on a application icon and drag away and you'll get the context menu"

that may have just change my world a little bit for the better.

10/27/2010 2:00:32 PM

All American
5697 Posts
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that has free RCs of full programs...

11/1/2010 11:39:28 PM

Aging fast
12262 Posts
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TIL that with very little social engineering, you can get almost any information from an ISP regarding one of their customers.

12/29/2010 9:26:54 PM

All American
11433 Posts
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*VS2008, .net 3.5...YMMV w/ 2010 & .net 4.0...haven't used that yet.

12/30/2010 3:03:24 PM

I'm Randy
4694 Posts
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Quote :
TIL that with very little social engineering, you can get almost any information from an ISP regarding one of their customers.

I learned this recently while subletting an apartment and having comcast problems. I talked to maybe 3 reps before I had billing address, phone number, and emails all tied to an account. By this time I had enough info to finish what I needed so I didn't continue. But it sketched me out at their willingness to expose information.

12/30/2010 6:00:30 PM

All American
10505 Posts
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I had my regular expression incorrect.

I had this:


but what I really needed to do was this:


the whole time I thought it was something else, but it was my expression that needed to be fixed. d'oh!

1/3/2011 10:54:36 AM

40796 Posts
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Today I learned

I know absolutely nothing about netsh.exe

1/4/2011 3:55:08 PM

11687 Posts
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i learned that i need to learn something new this year

1/4/2011 4:02:12 PM

All American
15416 Posts
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today i learned when Koreans go back to their country and then come back here they some how download every virus on the internet.

1/4/2011 4:22:51 PM

All American
9196 Posts
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Just in case you ever wanted to find your own 0-day:

1/4/2011 7:44:11 PM

All American
10505 Posts
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1/4/2011 7:47:55 PM

All American
3626 Posts
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^x3 Story Time!

1/4/2011 8:50:47 PM

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Visual Studio 2010 has an extension that gives you Launchy-style searching. I've been wanting this FOREVER and apparently I've had it installed for months and didn't even realize it. I'm so happy

1/7/2011 12:07:42 AM

All American
15416 Posts
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Quote :
"^x3 Story Time!"

upon return from korea I get the usual "nothing works" call, so i go check it out.

Some how all the mapped drives on about 5 laptops got erased. (this just reinforced my goal to use loginscripts). I guess their IT dept. there thought it would be funny to erase them.

Illegal operation on boot up of our accounting software. Had to reinstall that.

And one korean had a virus that was just sending requests to random websites bringing our internet to a crawl. Had to run combofix to get that one out.

1/7/2011 8:13:40 AM

All American
9196 Posts
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The number of ways in which malicious Javascript can hide itself and evade code emulation and other forms of detection is mind-boggling:

1/12/2011 11:11:19 PM

All American
9196 Posts
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This lists nearly every public and not-so-public DNS server out there:

1/23/2011 7:37:43 PM

Aging fast
12262 Posts
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This site has emulators for email clients, web browsers, and operating systems.

Great tool for walking grandma through the clicks.

2/8/2011 11:27:08 PM

All American
9196 Posts
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the evolution of exploit packs...when Eleonore is one of the "early" ones you know it's been happening fast

2/24/2011 3:19:16 AM

All American
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Now you can see what today's Web looks like in IE6, without digging up IE6 itself:

3/17/2011 8:35:17 PM

All American
5697 Posts
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today i learned that lenovo and ibm do not share U.S. factories...i don't know why i thought they did but I've held that belief for years so now i'm upset that my new laptop won't get here anytime soon even though i ordered it last week because it's coming from China...

3/18/2011 11:00:20 AM

45912 Posts
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excel camera. freaking awesome. how have i never heard of this??

4/1/2011 7:25:40 AM

All American
3666 Posts
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Today I learned that Natali Morris (Cnet video host) has ginormous sweater puppies

Also looking forward to using mobile phone like a credit card in this country.

4/1/2011 1:40:18 PM

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