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All American
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i would love to have a wood stove, but there's not really anywhere to put it

no fireplace, either

11/3/2010 8:15:53 AM

All American
31140 Posts
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Quote :
"I guess you need that if you are burning pine. All I use is newspaper and a match."

Nah...We split hardwoods every year. No pine.

11/3/2010 9:04:03 AM

All American
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pine is too smoky to be much use

i have boatloads of white oak that someone was giving away on CL a couple of years ago...i filled up my saturn 4 times

i really only use it in the chimenea or firepit, though

11/3/2010 9:09:03 AM

All American
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I am so happy we have a fireplace again.

Where's a good place to get firewood in the area? I'm tired of buying those crappy bags of wood from Lowe's.

11/3/2010 9:46:43 AM

All American
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^ when i was looking, there were almost always "free wood" offers on just had to pick it up, and it usually wasn't split

11/3/2010 9:47:56 AM

All American
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I've loved having one the last year or so...we normally get cedar logs, which smell awesome if you keep any inside, although they're tough to get started in the fire.

11/3/2010 9:48:34 AM

All American
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Quote :
"We cut down whole trees about 2 years in advance."

if you coppice or pollard, you don't have to kill the tree

11/3/2010 9:55:09 AM

All American
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Quote :
"^ when i was looking, there were almost always "free wood" offers on just had to pick it up, and it usually wasn't split

Yeah I just saw a guy in Chapel Hill that has some free wood. Going to try and give him a call during my lunch break.

11/3/2010 9:58:35 AM

All American
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Quote :
"to keep everything from freezing up when we're not here to tend the fire."

Its a metal box... What the hell are you worried about freezing up?

11/3/2010 11:01:45 AM

All American
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The pipes full of water that run throughout the house.

11/3/2010 12:08:00 PM

37709 Posts
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Wish I could do this. We have a completely fake fireplace, Styrofoam logs and everything.

11/3/2010 12:12:12 PM

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^I like how you said "we"

Our fireplace is a little embarrassing.

11/3/2010 12:29:07 PM

All American
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Quote :
"just curious to see who else heats with wood"

We do, and it is AWESOME.

11/3/2010 1:17:53 PM

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Apparently the dog did not think it was awesome

11/3/2010 1:20:31 PM

Garage Mod
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i grew up with my parents heating the house with wood. i love it!! wood heat just seems so much more comforting then a heat pump or gas heat. unfortunately I have a Heatilator that's bricked into the fireplace so I can't replace it with a furnace insert. its only good for an aesthetic fire

11/3/2010 1:25:21 PM

All American
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Our cats love when we have a fire

11/3/2010 1:26:55 PM

All American
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^^^She likes to lay in that chair when the doors are closed and the twin fans are on.

[Edited on November 3, 2010 at 1:29 PM. Reason : carats]

11/3/2010 1:28:25 PM

All American
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djeternal: your stove is possibly even more badass than mine, but I like how ours doesnt take up the whole den. I will go ahead and tell you though that while having all that wood stacked up is nice, you dont want more than a seasons worth of wood sitting around.

11/3/2010 2:04:41 PM

All American
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If it's free wood you can always sell off the excess to pay for your log splitter, gas, and other expenses. You're not going to get rich off it, but I like breaking even or making a few bucks on the things I need to buy for myself anyway.

11/3/2010 2:29:22 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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i gots me a little fire burning tonight

11/3/2010 9:18:40 PM

All American
15485 Posts
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This winter is going to be on fire

11/3/2010 9:23:04 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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11/3/2010 9:23:43 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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I am getting ready to fire up the stove right now.

11/4/2010 5:40:17 PM

Bee Hugger
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11/4/2010 6:39:14 PM

Potty Mouth
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Wood is only really economical if you get it for free or if you get it as part of some other task you'd do anyway (say on a farm clearing fallen timber).

That said, I most definitely was looking to install some sort of wood heating in my home because I rather enjoy doing the cutting/splitting (ie, the time value component of the calculation is 0 for me).

11/4/2010 6:54:33 PM

Bee Hugger
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why would you have a wood stove if you didn't have steady access to free wood?

if you have to pay for the wood, then you might as well have gas or electric heating

11/4/2010 6:55:54 PM

Potty Mouth
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You'd rather heat your home without having to pay "the man"?

11/4/2010 7:05:12 PM

Bee Hugger
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money is money imo, regardless of who I write the check to

11/4/2010 7:10:04 PM

Bee Hugger
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yeah, it's 80 in here. time to open the windows

11/4/2010 8:14:05 PM

All American
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better crank down those draft knobs too.....our old "Craft Stove" with it's fan will have our house at 85 when its 20 outside if we don't crank down the knobs.....your wood lasts a lot longer that way too

11/4/2010 8:43:34 PM

All American
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I have been burning a 50 foot tree for about 4 nights, looks like I will have to cut down another before the weekend

BUT for green wood, it burns really well. It is easily 95 degrees in the room where the fire is downstairs.

11/5/2010 4:03:25 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
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Quote :
"if you have to pay for the wood, then you might as well have gas or electric heating"

it'd be cheaper for me to buy wood (a guy up here does $115 for a large dump trailer of kiln-seasoned oak) than to buy fucking propane for the gas pack on the house i rent. i bought a load to get me started and hold me over until my buddy from work and i can get a few dead trees we blocked up split.

11/5/2010 10:47:29 PM

All American
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Heating with Elijah Wood.

11/6/2010 1:19:45 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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Quote :
"if you have to pay for the wood, then you might as well have gas or electric heating"

I don't really get this. If I can buy a whole cord of wood for less than $150, and that will last me the entire season, that is definitely cheaper than if I heated with electricity.

11/8/2010 9:59:52 AM

All American
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11/8/2010 2:15:09 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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^^i don't agree with his statement either, but it would take much more than a cord of wood for an entire season

It's all about efficiency and BTU/$

For me, buying wood would be cheaper bc I have an old propane gas pack. A high efficiency heat pump would almost always be cheaper than buying wood. Wood is certainly most attractive to those who can get free wood

11/8/2010 3:20:09 PM

All American
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For us we'd only need a cord. We've got a small apartment

11/8/2010 3:25:11 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35386 Posts
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You've obviously never heated solely with wood

11/8/2010 3:33:12 PM

All American
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Yes, I have, and yes, it only takes a cord. We tend not to bother heating the place until we can see our breath indoors which in NC isn't often.

11/8/2010 3:45:43 PM

Bee Hugger
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I've had a fire going for 3 days now.

11/8/2010 3:53:23 PM

All American
628 Posts
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built the first fire of the season saturday

11/10/2010 4:12:35 PM

All American
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I have got a real nice one going now, I could shut it down right now and it would still be burning tomorrow morning I bet.

[Edited on November 28, 2010 at 6:12 PM. Reason : burning wood I cut down in my own backyard too]

11/28/2010 6:11:49 PM

All American
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Fire in the fireplace now

12/1/2010 8:57:34 PM

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We put in a high efficency wood stove insert into our fireplace earlier this year. I knew we would do it for some time now, so I had been stock piling wood for about 2 years, removing some bugged and disseased oaks off our land. Our house is set up great for it, the stove is in the living room which has a high ceiling leading to an open hallway/loft area with the upstairs bedrooms. I can load the stove about 10-10:30 before bed and when I get up the next morning for work the house is still warm and the stove still has plenty of hot coals to stoke up another fire for the Mrs.

12/1/2010 9:55:14 PM

Bee Hugger
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^ NICE. Well done. I pile ours full around that same time at night then all I need to do is throw some on when I wake up and it rages back up again.

Mine is roaring right now

33 degrees outside
78 degrees in the living room

I am in shorts and a t-shirt

[Edited on December 1, 2010 at 9:59 PM. Reason : a]

12/1/2010 9:58:38 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
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wish i had a larger firebox like that. mine is pretty much the most inefficient way to heat with wood, except for a regular fireplace/chimney. mine will burn a slam packed firebox full in a couple hours.

i try to stoke it hard and get it up in the low 70s before we go to bed and it's still only about 55 in here when we get up in the morning, which is fine with me.

12/1/2010 11:28:31 PM

Doc Rambo IV
All American
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We had an awesome wood burning stove in CT when I was growing up. It would heat up that whole side of the house. We also had a ton of woods so fire wood was abundant.

12/2/2010 12:20:08 AM

hates 4 lokos
4694 Posts
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so can I heat with wood if I have a chimney and fireplace. I really don't know much about this. But I have access to alot of wood.

12/2/2010 12:49:24 AM

All American
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old buck stove here
how old is your home? typical of the 60s I found no insulation in the walls. after insulating walls and attic it doesnt take nearly as much wood to keep the house warmer for longer

12/2/2010 7:30:48 AM

Bee Hugger
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set em up

12/2/2010 10:16:28 AM

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