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All American
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5/23/2012 1:28:44 PM


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5/23/2012 1:28:56 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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Quote :
"especially since christians, those who take the bible literally or as a set of guidelines, should care about the earth as they were directed by god to be stewards of it

yay hypocrisy!


wait a minute now the religious are anti environment? i think youre confused

5/23/2012 1:31:08 PM

All American
25609 Posts
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^^ yes, MinkaGrl01, this has been covered

5/23/2012 1:32:15 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Quote :
"No storms in Raleigh last night- they keep crying wolf- notice they dont give us probabilities (chances of rain) anymore- they've converted weather information into "breaking news" to entice you to believe you MUST watch- "Thanks to WRAL and God for saving my life" this ad is in poor taste. WRAL's thinking is look at me I'm grand ! Its why accweather radar on your phone of more use !"

5/23/2012 1:43:17 PM


21814 Posts
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^^ lol

5/23/2012 1:50:32 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Quote :
"HA... is anyone suprised at this? this type of stuff has been going on forever. Men cheating on their wives, trying to cover it up with money, then getting caught. It happens in Government and with a lot of regular day citizens. This routine will only stop or atleast lessen if their wives took better care of thier husbands "needs" at home. Until then happy cheating."

Quote :
"well when you have leadership like Clinton and presidents like Obama that either do perverted things sitting in the oval office, or call sodomy and lesbian actions Love/Marriage ... what do you expect their followers to do? go home and pray?"

Quote :
"James Bond does this all the time. The British can pay for his antics. I'm not paying for our Gov.Paid Employees to do the same with MY TAX MONEY. Maybe this is the way Washington Bureaucrats operate all the time and we don't know it. Throw the bums out, all of them."

5/23/2012 1:58:01 PM

All American
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In response to Duke doctors drop 'smart bomb' on breast cancer

Quote :
"I was diagnosed with colon rectal cancer in 2007. I had surgery and began chemo using Xeloda pills. I did not lose my hair, my nails grew stronger and my skin has never been as smooth.I am now cancer free and reasonably healthy for an overweight, 74 year old woman."

Xeloda for all!

Quote :
"Which Government agency developed this again? I seem to have missed it's name. Same goes for GSK's new find!! Wait'll you see what Obamacare does to innovation and experimentation. You'll be dreaming about the old days!!!!"

Obamacare is somehow to blame for something!

Quote :
"That's OK, yankee1, we can rely on Europe to develop new drugs and bring them to market without the obstacles presented by the FDA. And we'll slip further down the slope in the global economy."

Let's throw the FDA in for good measure!

6/4/2012 2:23:20 PM

4549 Posts
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6/4/2012 2:26:46 PM

All American
27701 Posts
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Quote :
"golo doesn't just do: 2+2 = 5

golo does: lugnut+banana = horseradish blanket"

best quote

6/4/2012 2:37:36 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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From story about Durham DA Tracy Cline wanting the state to pay for her appeal.

Quote :
"Typical politician: She is a taker and not an earner so she does not appreciate the value of money. She thinks it is okay for taxpayers, earners, to pay for her problems. Takers waste money because they did not work to obtain money and also do not think money is limited."

She may be batty, but there's nothing to say she's never worked hard in her life.

Quote :
"Stay thirsty Tracy and don't let the man hold you back from your mission!

Her mission of being crazy?

6/11/2012 2:34:06 PM

All American
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Of course there would be 150+ comments about global warming on this article with a bunny in a pool.

6/29/2012 2:39:28 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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freaking wackos

6/29/2012 2:45:10 PM

All American
2695 Posts
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^ This guy wins in the first 10 posts:

Quote :
"Just because each year it gets warmer and warmer doesn't mean there is global warming. The bible doesn't say anything about it.
June 29, 2012 8:26 a.m.
[abuse] Report abuse"

6/29/2012 3:27:20 PM

All American
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That one made me laugh, too.

6/29/2012 5:05:41 PM

All American
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Some great comments on the "Obama sets sights on winning NC in November" article:

Quote :
"Come on, is the color of his skin the ONLY reason people are voting for him? Is it THAT important?? If you voted for him the last time to PROVE that you are not a racist, please vote AGAINST him this time, to prove to your fellow Americans that you are not a complete Dummy ( the real word, starts with an I is a NO-NO word!!--computer trainer
July 9, 2012 7:40 p.m."

Quote :
"Yeah, good luck with that Obama. Pretty sure enough people have opened their eyes and registered to vote you out. Not that Romney is any kind of prize. But, at least he's not a commy.--kjones026
July 9, 2012 7:48 p.m."

Quote :
"Folks... got a real bad feeling about this. Did you guys know that tomorrow the us senate will be voting on the UN treaty? You realize that that treaty will effectively make owning handguns illegal? Guess what... treaties... do NOT ned congressional approval. So... senate will decide... then Obama will sign...into law... then guess what happens next... Yep... the next US revolution will begin...--iprep4life
July 9, 2012 7:54 p.m."

Quote :
"Negative Ghostrider, I will do everything legally possible to prevent this.

we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our State, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender (or vote for Obama)--The Rebel Alliance
July 10, 2012 8:03 a.m"

Quote :
"Is WRAL associated with MSNBC?
July 10, 2012 8:21 a.m"

Quote :
"Liberals out there, what's in it for you if PBO gets back in? More taxes, denial of health care coverage in the coming years, debt to your children for borrowing money for student loans to give him MORE money to spend, empower the muslim brotherhood to destroy Israel and then REALLY see gas prices go up and not just because of a weak dollar, put more, yes MORE people on food stamps and SSDI, shut down ft Bragg and allow Islamic extremists to come here and take over? Democratic politicians I know why they want him in but the ordinary person why? So you can become a free loader and loaf all day on other people's dime?
July 10, 2012 9:14 a.m."

Quote :
"Obama carried about 97% of the Black women voters and will do so again,the only difference this time may turn out to be the loss of those White women voters who had cast their ballot for him last time,like it or not race is heavily involved in this race,loyal to race are they Blacks that just want to keep him in office,along with the Hispanics who will benefit also from his re election,it will not really matter on issues it's a race war.
July 10, 2012 10:01 a.m"

Quote :
"We all know his votes will come from the same 95% as last election,the black vote will be the same no matter how bad a job he has done in office and if he can he will buy the Mexican votes also.As a business owner I will remember that when I hire and fire...
July 10, 2012 10:42 a.m"

Nice to the racist retards out there still have a voice on GOLO...

7/10/2012 10:50:03 AM

45208 Posts
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Quote :
"As a business owner I will remember that when I hire and fire..."


7/10/2012 10:53:36 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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Quote :
" Did you guys know that tomorrow the us senate will be voting on the UN treaty? You realize that that treaty will effectively make owning handguns illegal?"

Lol, I wonder which moron he got that from. My guess is Rush.

7/10/2012 10:54:18 AM

All American
44225 Posts
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these comments are hilariously sad

7/10/2012 10:59:01 AM

All American
4080 Posts
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^^Actually, it looks like it's from Forbes:

[Edited on July 10, 2012 at 11:03 AM. Reason : and has been going around facebook for some bit, so maybe that's where they saw it?]

7/10/2012 11:02:24 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Create an international gun registry, clearly setting the stage for full-scale gun confiscation."

Clearly in paranoia land Since when do we ever abide by UN treaties that don't fit our wants anyway lol.

7/10/2012 11:28:55 AM

All American
2695 Posts
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The Golo Tards are foaming at the mouth about the TTA Bus option of
using the shoulder of I40 in Durham:

Quote :
"There's no way people won't start following the bus. This is just asking for trouble and for accidents to happen. I see a major lawsuit agains the bus and the city within 3 months. I travel 40 every day and have NEVER seen a bus stuck in traffic.----JAT"

Quote :
"What about exit ramps? The bus will have to merge in and out whenever they come to one. I'll bet/hope this experiment doesn't last through the summer.--The Oracle"

Quote :
"I feel that this is setting a bad precedent because you know people will be following that bus down the shoulder. I think there is a potential for problems if there is a disabled car on the shoulder. Let's hope no one gets hurt.---justtryingtosurvive"

Quote :
"We pay for the roads too...why can't we do this?---packfan1752"

Quote :
"This is a bad idea. The shoulders were not designed for use as a travel lane; it would be unsafe for a car much less a bus."

Quote :
"Basic safe travel flow dictates that you pass on the left and travel on the right. Passing on the right is dangerous.---dcatz"

Quote :
"I can see it now.... 1) what about a car that is broken down, or a policeman that has a car pulled over, and the bus driver is not paying attention. Can you say rear end?? 2) A bus goes a little too far to the right and catches a tire on the grass lip, pulling it into the ditch.

Shall we go on? Who the heck thinks up this stuff???--NCPictures"

Quote :
"Anyone wanna place a bet on when the first bus rollover will be?--Obamanation"

Quote :
"What happens when there is a disabled vehicle in the parking lane changing a tire or waiting for a tow truck and traffic is backed up.

The bus is then stuck in traffic with nowhere to go.

Another half witted scheme by our incompetent DOT.---ConservativeVoter"

Quote :
"They mean the same lane that law enforcement and fire & rescue uses to get to people involved in wrecks? Let's see how long this lasts when the buses hinder rescue units. Isn't that what normally causes traffic jams?--fatchanceimwrong"

Quote :
"Need to make the school bus to do the same, or not be on the Interstate at all!!!!---taskmaster27858"

Quote :
"To keep there schedules? what about the thousands of people sitting in traffic, what about there schedules? what about all the fuel that's burning while the cars are sitting in idle. Why not open the lane to all cars. (I know emergency vehicles use it), see what the government is trying to do? make it appealing so you'll ride there cattle transports. So if i don't like the buses then don't ride them you say. I don't, but what i am mad about is that i'm forced to subsidize it. Those that use it should pay for it.---ups1158"

Quote :
"Then we should all be able to ride on the shoulder. We all have schedules to keep and need to avoid delays and bypass problems!!!---not my real name"

Quote :
"Very dangerous. Flat tire, cop pulled over....boom bus hits ya. Dead! Lawsuit---cdtech20059"

Quote :
"I-40 is a joke, this just adds more reason for many to not want to travel on it. Here's a big idea DOT....Orange County needs to be taken off the map because entering it from Durham County on 40 is the biggest mess anyone has ever seen. I'm ashamed to say I'm from here and this is the way we enter the county that offers nothing, traffic, traffic and more traffic. Buses are just going to make this a bigger problem. Thanks for NOTHING!---trutarblu"

Quote :
"map1agmachining, School buses have ZERO business being on 440,540,40 or any other interstate highway. Neighborhood schools would eliminate that foolishness and use far less fuel.---chrisnrali"

Godalmighty...I am a little nervous to drive home this afternoon after seeing comments like the above ones from the would think by the above comments that all TTA buses are ONLY going to use the shoulder and all TTA bus drivers will be driving blindfolded...

7/16/2012 1:00:26 PM

All American
16807 Posts
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This isn't GOLO, but had to share it.

Quote :
"The hot weather makes them chimp out more than they normally do. Anytime you have a bunch of them gathered together they are going to chimp out."

7/16/2012 1:16:54 PM


21814 Posts
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this article has 465 comments

7/19/2012 3:23:17 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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^ You got to at least share some gems

Quote :
"To keep there schedules? what about the thousands of people sitting in traffic, what about there schedules? what about all the fuel that's burning while the cars are sitting in idle. Why not open the lane to all cars. (I know emergency vehicles use it), see what the government is trying to do? make it appealing so you'll ride there cattle transports. So if i don't like the buses then don't ride them you say. I don't, but what i am mad about is that i'm forced to subsidize it. Those that use it should pay for it.---ups1158"

7/19/2012 4:25:36 PM

45208 Posts
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wtf article are you reading?

the one she posted is about Dunn hating black people that sag their pants

7/19/2012 4:32:19 PM

All American
2298 Posts
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7/19/2012 4:34:42 PM

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7/19/2012 4:41:15 PM

All American
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^^^ Quoting what KE4ZNR wrote.

Disability advocates file complaint against Wake schools

I'm loving some of the comments in this one.

Quote :
"Kids with mental disabilities (and/or behavior issues) do nothing but drag down the rest of the class! If they need individualized attention to learn, they have no business being in a regular classroom. It may not be a politically correct viewpoint, but it is valid. Teachers are already overworked.... special needs students require special classrooms. By law these kids must be educated... but not at the expense of the other students education pace. This is yet another example of our failing public education system. Lets not forget the costly Title IX (sports should not be at the taxpayers expense) and bi-lingual requirements. (learn English for crying out loud) What a mess!"

Quote :
"mep, your opinion is not politically correct but it is 100%correct as far as what should happen! as far as the english goes, those kids knew exaclty what it said. had that letter said they were getting some more free lunch or pta was buying them something, gauranteed they would have found a way to get it translated to them...actually they probably understand the words: free and hand out"

Quote :
""Letters sent home in English" I am sorry, but is that not the language we use in this country? Could you imagine threatening the Govt. of Mexico for sending letters home to english speaking parents in Mexican? "

I learned Mexican in high school, y'all!

[Edited on July 19, 2012 at 4:44 PM. Reason : a]

7/19/2012 4:44:03 PM

45908 Posts
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carot fail then

7/19/2012 4:48:02 PM

All American
2695 Posts
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Always good to see the Golotards foaming at the mouth when it comes to
Gay marriage:

Quote :
"Or-one party that supports morality and one does not!!!

Chick-fil-a should be great on Wednesday!!

Quote :
"With the serious problems this country faces and Democrats want to play a game of distraction on this issue. We need jobs, we need the economy turned around, we need an energy policy. They don't have a clue!

Quote :
"How are Gay people not equal? They have equal access to housing, jobs, services and, yes even marriage because just like heterosexuals they are limited to marrying only ONE person of the OPPOSITE sex that is at or beyond the legal AGE.

Quote :
"Just the next step in the democrat parties destruction of the family. They have destroyed the black family in this country. Now they are trying to destroy the rest.

Quote :
"Glad to be a republican, an American and have my right to believe in God - guess the liberal democrates have to back into this position of gay marrage

If this ever passes this whole country will pay dearly, this is the last moral fiber holding the country together, once that boundery has been penetrated there will be no turning back

Quote :
"You don't know your Bible. It does in Romans and Galations and specifically says in Jude "there are those that defile themselves like the animals in the field." It might not say it in the exact terms "between a man and a woman", but it does say it.

Quote :
"Yep, gays probably will overcome. God's word tells us it will this way along with all the other in the last days. But, gays and other wrong doings will not overcome God!!! He will have the final say and there is nothing ANYONE can do about that!!! Amen

Quote :
"Well now there is a shocker. Downfall of the US is the tree hugger welfare giver and now gay marriage backing dems. Sad. ncouterbanks69"

Quote :
"nfortunately gays will NEVER be able to be married. Yes, they can have a wedding and all but marriage is more than a "love" thing. It is a spiritual, emotional and lastly a PHYSICAL union of 2 people. Those that practice homosexuality will never be able to share the natural physical marriage of two people. Thats it. There is no more that can be said, they will never ever have a natural physical marriage and thats what gets them so upset. They have tried, through the legal process, to be considered "equal" or "normal" but they never will be. It's not possible.

Quote :
""Then explain what gay marriage was legal in the Roman Empire for many hundreds of years" This ain't Rome, it's the United States of America and the majority of folks here are heterosexual not homosexual. Ever heard the quote, when in Rome, do as the Romans? If you like it so good, go there and don't come back. Take the rest of the gays and lesbians with you. gnewsome1"

Quote :
"Exactly why I am a proud republican. They are pro life and live by the good book. Democrats need to wake up and smell the coffee.

Quote :
"the democrats will do anything to get a vote!!! I will never vote for a democrat for various reasons but this is sure as hake is one of the reasons now.

And my friends & family wonder why I am agnostic...compassionate conservationism in full effect (as long as you are christian, white and straight!)

7/31/2012 8:34:46 AM

45908 Posts
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I need a new political party... but one that actually has a chance. I'm tired of Ds and Rs.

7/31/2012 8:37:20 AM

All American
4030 Posts
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7/31/2012 8:40:07 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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Ugh biggots annoy the shit out of me.

Quote :
"If this ever passes this whole country will pay dearly, this is the last moral fiber holding the country together, once that boundery has been penetrated there will be no turning back"

Really? Gay marriage is the last thing holding this country together? What a sad world to live in if you actually believe that

Quote :
"Those that practice homosexuality will never be able to share the natural physical marriage of two people. Thats it. There is no more that can be said, they will never ever have a natural physical marriage and thats what gets them so upset."

Yes, I'm sure the gays are upset because they have zero interest in having sex with the opposite sex. That's it.

7/31/2012 8:56:10 AM


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7/31/2012 9:14:23 AM

All American
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Article on the Wisconsin shooting brings out all the nut jobs.

Quote :
"Way to go WRAL. So quick to make sure you claim a murderer was stationed at Ft Bragg. You know that we, as Carolinians, want so bad to be forever connected to this scum."

It's not WRAL's fault the guy had been stationed at Ft. Bragg.

Quote :
"A lot of information about this person in 24 hrs? Yeah, more like here is the Propaganda, I mean News, I mean Lies. Another government stooge to be blamed.

This so-called "lone" gunman, was trained at Bragg in the PsyOps company, this is Neuroscience, he was funded and trained by the same government that gave $26000 to a student in Colorado so he can buy weapons not readily available to the public. Yeah, more like cover story for trained assasin. Keep posting the lies, I mean Propaganda, I mean News, we'll keep posting the Real Truth.

This is only the beginning, more revelations are coming people. Can't wait to see how the spin gets laughed at."

Quote :
"3 stories on front page, 3 deaths, 2 injured over the weekend in nc by guns.

Not one shooter is white, no outrage, no calling people stupid, or racist or anything..

Why is that? Are their deaths ok but the 6 in wisconsin not?

I know this sounds horrible, but unfortunately I think we have become numb to black crime because it happens on a daily basis, every single day on our news is yet another black male who commits a horrible crime. Something serious needs to be done in the black community to stop this. "

Quote :
"Smbiz - it has been reported that he was a white supremacist / neo-nazi. Those people hate just about everybody

Buying the corp/media/govt line--hook--line & sinker....more than likely an "useful tool" groomed by one of DC's "alphabet agenices" to prepare the "people" for whatever they have in mind."

I don't know why I'm surprised at the conspiracy theorists but I am

8/8/2012 9:49:04 AM

All American
27947 Posts
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Yeah, I can only imagine the stupid this is bringing out on GOLO. We're surrounded by uneducated rednecks and other trash.

8/8/2012 9:51:08 AM

50084 Posts
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Boy does GOLO hate the blacks and the gays. Being in the triangle you forget the collective stupid the rural south brings.

8/8/2012 9:57:38 AM

All American
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Not Golo but with their EweeNCW article has sadly brought their
homophobic hate to their spot of the interwebs...

Quote :
"Kevlar Wrote: Aug 07, 2012 1:08 AM
Mike Adams admits; "the moral case for expelling Brice Horton has nothing to do with his
beliefs about same-sex marriage. It has everything to do with his lack of emotional maturity"

The statement is redundant. 'Emotional immaturity' is what causes male homosexuality.
They're one and the same. Mosy men with homosexuality can't even recognize immaturity.
It's all they know.
So asking Brice Horton to behave as an adult is like asking a bird to swim or a fish to fly.
Dr. Adams, in the future I insist you be more understanding of the symptoms of disorders.
Don't demand leg amputees run fast and don't demand male homosexuals act grown up."

Quote :
"ranma2 Wrote: Aug 07, 2012 4:32 AM
To clarify, you think that people (or st least some) are born gay.
Adams think people are not born gay. They choose to be gay later in life.

Hence, your question about being "alone" is irrelevant to Adam's position.
to Adams, being alone or whatever else is just the consequences of one's choice.

Also, Adams never said that gay's should not be allowed to service each others bunghole.
He just said that they should not be allowed to change the definition of marriage.
That should clarify some things.

Now, if you think that gayness is genetic, fell free to give some explanation.
Imo, evolution and mother nature abhors gayness... hence according to evolution theory, most gays are not based on genetics but more on psychological issues. "

Quote :
"Hussein Likes Red Wrote: Aug 07, 2012 9:11 AM
Homosexuals -- keep your deadly sado-masochistic perversion to yourselves, stay away from children and marriage, and we can all get along."

Quote :
"Hussein Likes Red Wrote: Aug 07, 2012 9:50 AM
Pathetic, homosexuals believe that they will be perceived as less homosexual (and therefore more normal) if they can "marry" other other. Where is all that "gay pride" grotesquely displayed at homosexual shame parades? "

Quote :
"tuttletacoma Wrote: Aug 07, 2012 10:09 AM
buck o

we are witnessing a pendulum swing to the left

mainly because the party of comrade hussein has made no secret of the fact they fully promote an assault on and the destruction of everything that doesn't agree with their agenda

the homo's fully knew who comrade hussein was and where his sympathies lay and it wasn't in maintaining the value system that has long defined out society

plus he learned how many millions the homo's were more then willing to bribe him with when he started publicly supporting their radical agenda that all things homo are good for America

which as we have seen is a minute portion of society assaulting the value system of the overwhelming majority of American's"

Quote :
"DwightMann Wrote: Aug 07, 2012 11:05 AM
Homosexual perverts are often times pedophiles also,and therein lies the threat."

Quote :
"gsw Wrote: Aug 07, 2012 12:17 PM
Thomas 2124's claim of a right to life liberty etc is absurd. All perverts desire the same. The fact is that the Sodomites are demanding that those who are not sodomistically challenged eschew the virtue and rightness of a heterosexual lifestyle and glorify sodomistic behavior.. It is not religion that drives the revulsion of the sodomicalable practices, but nature. There is no "natural" value to the sodomist lifestyle. That is a sodomagorical fact."

Quote :
"OriginalDevilDog Wrote: 23 hours ago (12:51 PM)
well lets see.

is this about paranoia? NOPE

is this about fear? NOPE

what it IS about is SPECIAL PRIVILEDGES. why do they make a loud and noisy nuisance? they have the same rights as everyone else but DEMAND special rights and priviledges.

when was the last hetero pride parade?


and why are homos more dangerous to their felow homos?

you TRIED in your statemnent to say that heteros are paranoid, delusional and go out of their way to HARM homos.
where is your proof?

what you have done is the homo agenda of false accusations "

Quote :
"Richard19 Wrote: 22 hours ago (1:41 PM)
I say rescind all gay rights because they are not worth the trouble that they cause. Doesn't everyone know that they are the opposite of what they say they are. And why were they banned/outlawed everywhere on earth for many centuries or millenia ? The wisdom of all societies all determined that gays should be banned. Doesn't that tell us something? And God has made it clear that homosexuality is disapproved strongly by Him. Gays are now showing why they have been outlawed everywhere."

Very very sad...

8/8/2012 12:38:13 PM

All American
63306 Posts
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shit dude

I didn't know I lived in Taliban country

8/8/2012 2:05:36 PM

All American
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Once again the AaronBurro-esqe Conservatards over at GOLO are
bringing the lulz...
Some selected nuggets from the "GOP Chairman says party needs to 'prosecute' Obama" article:

Quote :
"When Obama instructed his AT Holder to no longer defend DOMA.... a law passed by both houses of Congress and signed by a President... this is a clear violation of the Presidential oath to uphold the laws of this nation. Holder should have refused... but then again, Holder is part of the Obama agenda machine... and is little more than a tool. One Obama is protecting from the GOP F&F investigation. Truth is, Obama has never let the Constitution stand in his way of getting what he wants.--mep"

Quote :
"Obama should be prosecuted for intentionally giving stimulus money as campaign paybacks, classified war leaks, trampling the constitution, bullying the SCOTUS, and bullying Homeland Security ICE agents for beginners. After that, we can prosecute him for purgery for being the counterfeit unknown person he is.--sillywabbitthepatriot"

Quote :
"You can't destroy this country any more than Obama has.....unless That was his plan al along. Impossible tp do any worse.....Vote for Romney. Get rid of the failure in chief, Obama.--lessismore"

8/28/2012 12:48:38 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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Quote :
"After that, we can prosecute him for purgery for being the counterfeit unknown person he is."


8/28/2012 1:29:22 PM

41737 Posts
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Quote :
"Increasingly, we have witnessed the not-so-pleasant side of un-moderated and anonymous Internet communities. Some visitors were bent on stirring up trouble. They made personal attacks or posted content not appropriate for a media website.

We now find that most of our available resources are being devoted to removing inappropriate content and trying to settle squabbles between users rather than cultivating meaningful dialog and interesting user-generated content."

8/28/2012 1:31:51 PM

Byrn Stuff
19058 Posts
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Quote :
""Kevlar Wrote: Aug 07, 2012 1:08 AM
Mike Adams admits; "the moral case for expelling Brice Horton has nothing to do with his
beliefs about same-sex marriage. It has everything to do with his lack of emotional maturity"

The statement is redundant. 'Emotional immaturity' is what causes male homosexuality.
They're one and the same. Mosy men with homosexuality can't even recognize immaturity.
It's all they know.
So asking Brice Horton to behave as an adult is like asking a bird to swim or a fish to fly.
Dr. Adams, in the future I insist you be more understanding of the symptoms of disorders.
Don't demand leg amputees run fast and don't demand male homosexuals act grown up.""

Penguins. Flying fish. Oscar Pistorius.

8/28/2012 2:38:24 PM

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Strap in. Gonna be a bumpy ride the next few days..

Already a few birthers and racists rolling in.

9/5/2012 8:30:24 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Admit it or not we are on the brink of some type rebellion, Obama has managed to seperate us and will do much more damage if re elected, we as a race should stick together, unfortunately we won't, and that is what he depends on.
September 5, 2012 8:16 a.m"

9/5/2012 8:48:47 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Sorry Michelle... but you're wrong. Unlike your husband, I'm an American and have a legitimate birth certificate to prove it. Additionally, I would never sign legislation into law that infringes of teh freedoms and liberties this country was founded on... i.e. the patriot act, ndaa, hr648, hr347, giving DHS, ICE, TSA, etc... excessive powers to violate individual rights....and literally dozens of pieces of legislation, again, designed to strip American's freedoms, liberties, and rights. So, again... NO... your Kenyan born husband is NOT like me... or any other American for that matter... BTW.. YOUR husbands attempt to work with the UN in ramming their gun controls on American... will NOT work...
September 5, 2012 8:05 a.m"

9/5/2012 8:53:18 AM

All American
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I didn't realize Obama was president in 2001 to sign the Patriot Act.

9/5/2012 9:14:42 AM

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He did extend it to be fair. But, there are a shocking amount of birthers and Obama is a Muslim in NC. It makes me sad that my fellow North Carolinians are so ignorant. It's not the dislike of Obama, it's just the awful reason.

Muggs is my hero, though. God damn this story has 200 comments already.

9/5/2012 9:19:59 AM

All American
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Yeah there's plenty of reasons to not like Obama's presidency without having to resort to crackpot conspiracy theories. But some people are okay with sounding batshit crazy I suppose.

9/5/2012 9:22:01 AM

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