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 Message Boards » » Let's Discuss Rick Perry Page 1 [2], Prev  
All American
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Quote :
"Consider the Texas that Perry holds up to the rest of the nation for admiration. It has the fourth-highest poverty rate of any state. It tied with Mississippi last year for the highest percentage of workers in minimum-wage jobs. It ranks first in adults without high school diplomas. Twenty-six percent of Texans have no health insurance — the highest percentage of medically uninsured residents of any state. It leads the nation in the percentage of children who lack medical insurance. Texas has an inordinate number of employers who provide no insurance to their workers, partly because insurance rates are high, thanks to an absence of regulations."

Quote :
"Consider his indifference toward education: In 2008, the state comptroller found that 12 percent of Texans lacked high school diplomas and that the level would rise to 30 percent by 2040 unless the state’s commitment to education was considerably increased. This year, though, when confronted with a $27?billion budget deficit, Perry did not raise taxes but instead slashed $4?billion from K-12 schools. "

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"What Perry either ignores or doesn’t know is how greatly Texas has benefited from the investments and regulations of the federal government he despises. He grew up, he tells all who will listen, on a small, hardscrabble Texas farm. But it was Franklin Roosevelt’s Rural Electrification Administration that brought electricity to those farms, which, left to the mercies of the market, would have remained dark for decades. The New Deal threw money at Texas, bringing it dams, highways and schoolhouses. The cumulative effect of policies such as the federal minimum wage has been to diminish the disparity that long existed between the industrialized North and the more poverty-stricken South."

9/9/2011 5:49:15 PM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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^ looks like you can't read, either

Quote :
"too bad a large amount of that is due to illegal immigration. given that every attempt by a state to deal with it has been thrown out by the courts and the courts have said that we have to give food stamps and welfare to illegal aliens, that's about as disingenuous a statistic as there ever was. The problem there is exclusively created by a failure of the federal government, yet you put it squarely on the states who have specifically been prevented from fixing it. what's your point again?"

9/9/2011 6:28:39 PM

All American
1380 Posts
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I agree that illegal immigration places a massive strain on Texas, but blaming all the problems on Mexicans is ridiculous. The post simply highlights that Rick Perry is not the superman he claims to be.

9/9/2011 6:41:14 PM

Sup, B
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all of those problems would be DIRECTLY related to immigration:

bad HS diploma rate: how many illegal immigrants were in TX to go to HS? exactly
poverty: how many illegal immigrants are filthy rich? exactly
health-insurance: how many illegal immigrants are in jobs w/ health insurance, much less ones that aren't under the table anyway? exactly
children without medical insurance: same as before
minimum-wage jobs: how many illiegal immigrants are qualified for much more than that? exactly
many jobs that don't offer health insurance: illegal immigrants tend to take lower paying jobs, as we would expect, so why are we surprised that they aren't offering health insurance? exactly

and the last complaint is spurious. we should be encouraging employers to pay workers more so they can afford their own insurance as opposed to asking employers to foot the insurance bill. And I seriously doubt the "insurance rates are high because of low regulation," considering that studies tend to show the opposite: regulation and mandates increases insurance rates. The more likely cause is that insurance sucks anyway

9/9/2011 6:57:12 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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we don't really ask employers to pay for health insurance. it's a problem with the tax code--it's advantageous for companies to offer benefits.

9/9/2011 7:04:55 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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I'd wager that if you allowed employers to provide home insurance for their employees on a tax-free basis, you'd see the same market behavior.

9/9/2011 7:08:50 PM

13178 Posts
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^^^ I could replace the words "immigrant" and "illegal immigrant" in your post with "black people" and make the same case you're trying in regard to Mexicans with black people, you fucking racist.

9/9/2011 8:19:29 PM

All American
3288 Posts
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Yes, you could, and it wouldn't be racist. There is an achievement gap between Hispanics, Blacks, Whites, and Asians.

It is not racist to say that, given the achievement gap, the demographics matter when you're looking at average educational outcome in an area.

The relevant statistic to determine how Texas is doing is not to rank it against other states. The more significant data would be how blacks in Texas do vs. blacks elsewhere, how their whites do vs. whites elsewhere, and the same with Hispanics and Asians.

It is perfectly conceivable, for example, that a state could be 50th out of 50 educational performance, and yet outperform the U.S. average in every demographic at the same time.

Likewise, a state could be ranked #1 in overall performance, while falling under the national average performance for every single demographic.

[Edited on September 9, 2011 at 8:49 PM. Reason : a]

9/9/2011 8:45:41 PM

All American
18835 Posts
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Quote :
"It is perfectly conceivable, for example, that a state could be 50th out of 50 educational performance, and yet outperform the U.S. average in every demographic at the same time."

In every demographic in what?

9/9/2011 9:38:02 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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he's saying that with respect to performance within the educational system, Texas's illegal mexicans could outperform illegal mexicans in every other state, poor black Texans could outperform poor blacks in every other state, poor white dirty Texan trailer trash could outperform every other state's poor white dirty trailer trash, kids of rich, white Texan oil barons could outperform kids of rich white Pennsylvanian steel barons or Silicon Valley tech nerds or NYC lawyers. Texan kids from every race, socioeconomic background, height, big toe length, whatever could outperform their counterparts from all 49 other states...

but if the low-performing groups are very numerous within Texas (i.e., lots of illegal mexicans, first-generation ESL immigrants, south-Texas rednecks, west-Texas ranchers, gulf-coast roughnecks, etc, then Texas collectively as a state could conceivably STILL be dead last in educational performance.

Also, that's not racism. That's statistics. Racism is saying "He's Mexican and probably illegal, I'm not gonna hire him", or "watch your stuff when that black kid is around, Junior...You can't trust him not to steal it."

9/9/2011 10:16:04 PM

All American
3288 Posts
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^Thank you for saving me the time and trouble.

9/9/2011 10:18:22 PM

All American
18835 Posts
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Thanks, that was clear. I just wasn't clear what the claim was

9/9/2011 10:29:54 PM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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Quote :
"^^^ I could replace the words "immigrant" and "illegal immigrant" in your post with "black people" and make the same case you're trying in regard to Mexicans with black people, you fucking racist."

aaahhh, the old "if you don't agree with a liberal, you're a racist" argument. sounds soooooooo intelligent when it is made. Do you disagree that illegal immigrants usually don't have a HS diploma from the US? Do you disagree that illegal immigrants usually work shitty paying jobs? Do you disagree that illegal immigrants tend to be poorer than other Americans? I fail to see how saying the obvious makes me a "racist." If I said they were all of that only because they were illegal immigrants and because they are inferior, then that'd go towards your accusation. But nowhere did I do so. Rather, I pointed out accepted fucking facts that even YOU would agree with. So please, put down the fucking race card and make a point without it./

9/9/2011 11:49:26 PM

All American
3186 Posts
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Does anybody else feel like mainstream Republicans have gone insane?

It really hit me the other day when I was watching some speech Newt Gingrich gave a few months ago. Six years ago, I thought Gingrich was some ultra far-right nutjob. Compared to some of the Republicans now in the spotlight (Bachmann, Perry, Palin) he now sounds....dare I say.....reasonable????? What the fuck happened here?!?!?

9/15/2011 6:57:01 AM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"What the fuck happened here?!?!?"


9/15/2011 10:44:31 AM

All American
1508 Posts
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lets also not forget that close to 5 or 6 of the 10 fattest cities in America are in Texas...fat people, am I right?

9/15/2011 11:02:48 AM

434 Posts
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^^ I dont like Obama, but I would vote for Cain. Am I still racist?

9/15/2011 1:13:29 PM

All American
9053 Posts
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Quote :
"What the fuck happened here"

when it's constituents openly cheer at the mention of the fact that one of it's candidates has put a lot of people to death, that tells you something.

I don't even oppose the death penalty, but damn thats crazy

[Edited on September 15, 2011 at 4:35 PM. Reason : .]

9/15/2011 4:34:27 PM

All American
7863 Posts
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fuck this idiot.

i fucking hate rick perry.

9/15/2011 6:20:12 PM

26647 Posts
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9/16/2011 12:12:20 AM

All American
3186 Posts
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Part of me thinks Perry will win the GOP nomination for president, but he doesn't appear to be any less crazy than his other GOP counterparts.

This leads me to believe he doesn't have a chance in hell to win the election but you can never underestimate the power of stupid white people.

9/16/2011 3:22:41 PM

All American
4852 Posts
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Quote :
"I dont like Obama, but I would vote for Cain. Am I still racist?"

If Cain was white he'd just be regarded as a Mitt Romney clone who's more eccentric and less successful. The only reason conservatives tout him is because he's the political version of the "I'm not racist, I have a black friend!" syndrome.

9/16/2011 3:28:46 PM

All American
4852 Posts
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Like really, if you're a conservative talking about Cain as though he's at all remarkable, you're clearly compensating for something.

9/16/2011 3:29:40 PM

All American
4458 Posts
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^wasn't Michael Steele supposed to scratch that itch?

9/16/2011 11:11:39 PM

All American
5237 Posts
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I'm considering donating to Perry's campaign.

9/16/2011 11:36:29 PM

All American
4852 Posts
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Quote :
"^wasn't Michael Steele supposed to scratch that itch?"

He was but completely flopped, now Cain is the one. Black Republicans are basically Highlander.

9/19/2011 1:20:07 PM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"AUSTIN - At a time when state budget reductions were used to help offset a multibillion-dollar revenue shortfall, taxpayers were billed in excess of $294,000 in security detail expenses for out-of-state trips by Gov. Rick Perry or his wife, according to records released by the Department of Public Safety.

Destinations included the Bahamas in January for a family vacation and trips to Amsterdam, Madrid and New York by Anita Perry alone - visits that Perry spokeswoman Allison Castle said were for economic development. "

Quote :
"The tab is paid mainly by the state highway fund, which is fueled by the state gasoline tax and vehicle registration fees, with some from state general revenue.

9/20/2011 11:42:48 AM

All American
9594 Posts
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I agree with the more reasonable Republican strategists that when push comes to shove, Republicans will vote for the only candidate that has a snowballs chance in hell of beating Obama (Romney), than vote for GWB II. Did any of you watch his speech this morning. It was fucking eery how similar he was to good ole' Dubya.

9/20/2011 12:07:31 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Ron Paul actually has the best chance of beating Obama in a general election.

9/20/2011 12:45:42 PM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
Dear American,

For the last few weeks I’ve been under constant attack. My opponents would have you believe that if I’m elected, you’ll be stripped of your Social Security benefits and will be scrounging for food in dumpsters with all the desperation of a feral cat.

Of course, that’s true. But what they don’t tell you is what I’d replace Social Security with: an amazing new program I like to call PerryCare™.

Under PerryCare™, you’ll receive all the food, clothing and shelter you need, and it won’t cost a dime in taxes. How is that possible? Simple: you’ll be praying for all those things.

As a PerryCare™ recipient, each week you’ll receive in your email box a PerryCare™ PrayerMail™, giving you an easy-to-recite prayer for the bread, milk, cat food or whatever else you need to survive. It’s like a Groupon from God.

PerryCare™ is more than a replacement for that infernal Ponzi scheme that has bamboozled Americans with regular monthly checks for 75 years. It is part of my larger plan to return prayer to its rightful place in American life. I get down on my knees every night and I promise you, if I am elected your President, I will bring this entire country to its knees.

I expect that some of my opponents will laugh at my plan, especially that lawn gnome Ron Paul and Michele “Crazy Eyes” Bachmann. Fine, let them laugh! Laughter is the best medicine. And if I am elected, there will be no other medicine.

That brings me to my PerryCare™ medical plan, which will replace Medicare once I consign that Ponzi scheme to the electric chair of history. I don’t have enough time to go into the whole plan right now, but here it is in two words: single prayer.

Your next President....PLEASE !!

Gov. Rick Perry"

9/22/2011 1:33:25 PM

All American
3494 Posts
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$17M since he started running (49 days)

At least his fund-raising is impressive.

10/5/2011 8:26:43 AM

play so hard
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10/31/2011 12:40:51 PM

All American
14181 Posts
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Quote :
"Does anybody else feel like mainstream Republicans have gone insane?

It really hit me the other day when I was watching some speech Newt Gingrich gave a few months ago. Six years ago, I thought Gingrich was some ultra far-right nutjob. Compared to some of the Republicans now in the spotlight (Bachmann, Perry, Palin) he now sounds....dare I say.....reasonable????? What the fuck happened here?!?!?"

it's also starting to split among north/south lines too with the south again being reactionary about everything, let's hope we don't have another civil war in 50-100 yrs

11/14/2011 9:01:27 PM

All American
27962 Posts
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I think I'm ok with this bill, although it's weird that it's even needed:

6/14/2013 12:28:30 PM

All American
10849 Posts
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it's a bullshit bill intended to make it seem like a person's right to say "merry christmas" to another person was ever under attack.

6/14/2013 12:46:50 PM

All American
5057 Posts
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^When I worked for Wal-Mart 10 years ago, we were informed by management that it was against company policy to say "Merry Christmas" while in the store wearing your employee uniform. The punishment was possible termination even if we were responding to a customer who said it first. As an added bit of amusement, I worked in the Christmas section that sold trees, ornaments, dancing santas, etc. It did not matter.

I wouldn't be surprised if teachers in public schools have been given similar warnings, though I'd bet no action would come from it unless someone with a stick up their rear complained.

6/19/2013 10:49:21 AM

All American
7436 Posts
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Your anecdote about how a private company handles their affairs aside, I find it depressing that you characterize people who wish the Constitution to be enforced in public schools as "having a stick up their rear."

A teacher is a representative of the State. They have no business supporting any religion to the exclusion of all others. If they were saying "Happy Ramadan" or "Allahu Akbar" instead of "Merry Christmas" I bet Rick Perry et al would have a stick up their rear.

6/19/2013 11:12:05 AM

All American
17605 Posts
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Quote :
"If they were saying "Happy Ramadan" or "Allahu Akbar" instead of "Merry Christmas" I bet Rick Perry et al would have a stick up their rear."

pretty much this

6/19/2013 12:07:23 PM

All American
5057 Posts
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^^Saying "people who wish the Constitution to be enforced in public schools" is one heck of an euphemism if I ever heard of one. We all know at least one person like this. Mention anything vaguely religious at any time and they pitch a fit due to "the stick up their rear". And don't get me wrong, the other side has just as many people (if not more) who are just as crazy.

I am talking about people who want to purge even mentioning the word "Christmas" in school. People who overreact because a teacher put on a sweater with an image of a Christmas tree.

And I do believe in enforcing the Constitution. I believe it also has a passage about free speech somewhere that should handle the ancillary (if not altogether innocuous) expression "Merry Christmas".

6/19/2013 4:47:47 PM

All American
7436 Posts
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The problem isn't Christianity. It's the state endorsing any particular religion to the exclusion of others. I'm not sure how else to explain this.

6/20/2013 8:29:39 AM

45908 Posts
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I don't have problem with an individual, teacher, admin, or state wishing their religion's best on others; however, if such is to be done, the adults must be receptive to other wishes - non-religious and otherwise and allow those sayings, decorations, etc. to be display as well, should a student wish to display such items (of course, the teacher should present this option to the students).

6/20/2013 9:06:25 AM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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Quote :
" It's the state endorsing any particular religion to the exclusion of others."

As if Christmas, as celebrated in America, has anything more than a loose historical association with Christianity.

The only thing the phrase "Merry Christmas" endorses in the vernacular is consumerism, which Americans adhere to far more religiously than Christianity.

6/22/2013 5:16:46 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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To be fair, Jesus does like his dollars.

6/22/2013 5:33:50 PM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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I'm sure there's a Jew joke in there

6/22/2013 6:06:19 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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No, Paula Deen. There is no Jew joke in there.

6/22/2013 7:21:49 PM

All American
9221 Posts
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Is there an exclusion for British-themed pubs?

6/22/2013 7:25:17 PM

All American
28747 Posts
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Rick Perry is a murderer.

6/24/2013 11:02:11 AM

All American
7863 Posts
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Why are you back?

6/24/2013 1:18:29 PM

 Message Boards » The Soap Box » Let's Discuss Rick Perry Page 1 [2], Prev  
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